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Thursday, June 28, 2018
Vintage Coca Cola Ad Restored In Parksley
Read about it here:
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Relay For Life BINGO Tonight In Parksley

Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the last game will be at 9:00 p.m.
Spaghetti Supper To Benefit The Eastern Shore Railway Museum
Thursday, January 20, 2011
UPDATE: Criminal Investigation Into Parksley House Fire

There was one fatality-45 year old Dana Rodriquez of Estate Lane in Parksley. At this time an arrest of a juvenile has been made.
There will be more details on a future report.
House Fire Claims Life Of Accomack County Mother

The owner of the residence identified the victim as Dana Rodriguez, 45, of Estate Lane, off Country Court. Police could not be reached to confirm the identification of the victim.
Units and personnel from Parksley, Bloxom, Tasley and Onancock responded to the 2 a.m. fire, which flattened the single-wide mobile home where Rodriguez's body was found.
Rodriguez did not work, said neighbor Willie Tumblin. He said the victim's 14-year-old daughter escaped from the fire.
Tumblin said there had been no fire when he arrived home from his job at the Perdue Farms Inc. plant at about 1:20 a.m.
Before the blaze, he said, there had been a family argument in which one of the members threatened the others.
A state police fire detective is investigating the incident. A police spokesperson did not immediately return a phone call for comment.
Rodriguez is survived by her children and an estranged husband.
The house was owned by Henry and Wanda Johnson of Bloxom. Rodriguez and her family had lived there for about eight years, said Wanda Johnson. They were in the process of purchasing the home.
"She's always been nice to me," she said. "Isn't it horrible?"
Friday, December 24, 2010

They already received one of the greatest gifts possible -- the chance to celebrate the holiday together -- after a Dec. 13 return to Virginia's Eastern Shore by their older daughter, Courtney, 19, who has been a patient at several hospitals after being seriously injured in a May 23 car accident.
After Bloxom's husband, William, gets home from his shift at Perdue Farms, the couple and their other two children will open gifts together at their Hallwood home on Christmas morning.
Then they will take Courtney's presents to Shore LifeCare at Parksley, where she is staying in a room filled with the typical trappings of a teenage girl's life -- her senior portrait and prom pictures, a menagerie of stuffed animals, music coming from a small CD player and a small glittering, rotating Christmas tree.
It is all crowded in a strange juxtaposition to the medical equipment more commonplace in a nursing home.
They might watch William's favorite Christmas movie, "A Christmas Story," and maybe have dinner later -- but the details don't matter.
"It's not important. Just being together, that's what's important," Bloxom said.
That night
On the night of May 23, Becky Bloxom had spoken on the telephone with her daughter not long before she received a second call, this one from Courtney's boyfriend.
It was the phone call no parent wants to get, saying Courtney had been in a bad accident while driving home from her boyfriend's house.
The Arcadia High School senior, whose activities included cheerleading, chorus and an after-school job at St. Paul's on the Shore day care, had attended Arcadia's prom the week before and was preparing for her high school graduation.
The only visible signs of injury from the crash were a cut on her pinkie and a black eye, but she was seriously wounded internally.
But Courtney suffered a severe brain injury in the single-vehicle accident and has since been treated at four facilities: Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Retreat Doctors' Hospital in Richmond, Cumberland Children's Hospital in New Kent, Va., and most recently, Shore LifeCare.

"It was a bittersweet day. Before the accident, we were preparing for graduation. The cap and gown were hanging up at our house," said her mother.
A move home
In the days since the accident, milestones are measured in very different ways, such as the ability to focus her eyes on an object or to make a sound.
"We were never told it would be short," Bloxom said of her daughter's progress. "The doctor's exact words were, 'It's going to take a long time.'At Shore LifeCare, Courtney receives three hours daily of speech, occupational and physical therapy in an effort to recover skills. The move to the facility, although welcomed because it is close to home, did not come easily for her mother.
"It was a little scary because no one ever wants to put their child in a nursing home," she said, adding that the staff there have been "wonderful; they love her."Bloxom went on, reflecting on another benefit of the move: "Traumatic brain injury is a long journey. I'm excited about bringing her home and letting the community be a part of it."
Bloxom took leave from her job with First Med to care for Courtney and has remained by her bedside six to eight hours a day in the seven months since the accident. Her husband has held down the fort at home, working at his job while trying to maintain a normal home life for Ashlin and the couple's 12-year-old son, Josh.After emerging from the coma into what is considered a minimally conscious state, Courtney continues to show some signs of progress.
"We know she is seeing; we know she is hearing," said her mother.
The family is thankful for the hundreds of Shore residents who have helped since the accident."Our heartfelt thanks to the community for everything they've done," Bloxom said.
Courtney's classmates, friends and others have spearheaded many charity events -- including haircut-a-thons, car washes, a dance, a motorcycle poker run and the sale of bumper stickers and bracelets -- to help alleviate the financial strain that comes with long-term medical needs.Churches around the Shore continue to pray for Courtney's recovery and more than 3,600 people have joined the Facebook site "Prayers for Courtney Bloxom," where her mother posts regular updates on her progress.
Becky Bloxom's greatest fear is that as time goes by the community will move on, even while Courtney continues her slow struggle for recovery.
"Our family's fear is she'll be forgotten. So come by and visit her; tell her to keep fighting," Bloxom said to all who have shown their support to the family.And turning to Courtney, she says with a hug, "My dream of you walking across that stage -- I don't know what stage it is, but it's going to happen. You've got a lot to offer, a lot to share.
So many of us have watched and read about the daily sactifices this Mother and this family has made. Courtney's road to recovery has not been an easy one for her nor her family and friends. I wish all of you in the Bloxom family a very Merry Christmas. Courtney is proof that wonderful things do happen with prayer and with the attitude to never give up.
Keep up the good work Courtney. A Merry Christmas to you. jmmb
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Parksley's 2010 Olde Fashion Christmas Celebration

The events will start when Santa arrives on the train around 3:15. The Great Parksley Association will be selling hot chocolate and
homemade cookies for all that are waiting for Santa and Mrs. Claus to arrive. Dunne Ave will be closed around 5:00. Santa then will arrive around 5:30 at his Santa House next to the Club Car. Let Santa's elves take your children's picture with Santa for a small donation.
Local merchants will be open late for your shopping pleasure. Carolers and bell ringers will be present for your enjoyment. Local craft vendors will be set up in the Town Council Chambers. Warm yourself by the street bonfire and make your own smores. Free hayrides to view the decorated homes. Again this year hay riders will get to judge the best decorated homes.

Homeowners are encourage to decorate to win a cash prize!!(call 757-665-6655 to register your house)
1st prize $100
2nd prize $75
3rd prize $50
Don't miss this special annual event Saturday December 4th, 2010 from 5 p.m. - 8p.m.
For more information about this event call 665-6655
Suspects Charged In B&E At Runninger's Pharmacy

According to Major Todd Godwin of the Accomack County Sheriff's Office, on October 2, 2010 at approximately 5:29 A.M., deputies responded to a report of an alarm activation at Runninger's Pharmacy in Parksley, Virginia. Parksley Policeman Tommy Carpenter was the first on the scene, reponding while driving home after his shift had ended.
Upon arrival on the scene, deputies found that a breaking and entering had occurred and that various items had been taken from the business.
"The back window had been busted out," said Pharmacist Emory Hurst, Jr. "The alarm was triggered and they were scared off before they could steal too much."
Billy Brandice Kilmon and Walter Hunter Wharton III are currently incarcerated in the Wicomico County Jail in Salisbury, Maryland on unrelated charges.
The investigation into this incident is continuing and additional arrests are expected.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
One Arrest In Breaking and Entering Of Runninger's Pharmacy

Upon arrival on the scene, deputies found that a breaking and entering had occurred and that various items had been taken from the business.
A joint investigation into this incident between the Accomack County Sheriff's Office and the Parksley Police Department, with assistance from the Virginia State Police, has resulted in warrants being obtained against Billy Brandice Kilmon, age 27, of Parksley, Virginia and Walter Hunter Wharton III, age 30, address unknown, charging each subject with one count of breaking and entering and one count of grand larceny.
According to Runninger's pharmicist Emory Hurst, Jr., approximately $8,000 worth of drugs were stolen with a street value of approximately $100,000.
Billy Brandice Kilmon is currently incarcerated in the Wicomico County Jail in Salisbury, Maryland on unrelated charges.
Walter Hunter Wharton III has not been apprehended and anyone with information as to his whereabouts is asked to contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office at 757-787-1131 or 757-824-5666.
The investigation into this incident is continuing and additional arrests are expected.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Drowned Body At Johnson's Wharf Has Been Identified

Elias Espitia, 41, of Neblett Street, apparently went for a walk at 10 a.m., said his sister, Macrina Guzman of Parksley. Someone called 911 at 1:22 p.m. to report a man’s motionless body overboard.
Guzman said Espitia was prone to seizures that prohibited him from driving. She said Espitia may have had a seizure and fallen overboard — family members said he could swim.
Accomack Sheriff’s Office Major Todd Godwin said the preliminary cause of death is drowning, a medical examiner has determined.
Espitia was a handyman who performed carpentry jobs. His family didn’t immediately know he was missing, figuring he was working.
“We didn’t hear anything else from him,” Guzman said on Tuesday. “We knew nothing else until yesterday.”
She said her mother began looking for Espitia on Monday and contacted the sheriff’s department.
Espitia was unmarried and had no children. He is survived by seven siblings and his mother, who lives locally. His father lives in Mexico.
“He was a really good guy — he was always helpful to everybody,” said Guzman.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Delaware Man Found Dead At Virginia Accident Scene

The accident occurred at 7:14 a.m. June 24, southeast of Parksley, Accomack County, Va., said police spokeswoman Sgt. Michelle Cotten.
The dead man was identified as Anthony Wayne Wilson, 46, of the 500 block of Blaine Drive, Felton, Cotten said.
Their initial investigation, which still was under way as of 4 p.m., indicated the 1994 Chevy ran off the highway, overcorrected, hit an embankment and crashed.
Wilson’s body was discovered next to the truck, she said. He was identified through his driver’s license.
“It is not known if he was the driver or the passenger,” Cotten said. Wilson’s family has been notified of the accident, she added.
Virginia authorities have requested warrants in order to search the truck, she said.
Cotten discounted initial reports in the local press that Wilson had sustained a gunshot wound.
“He was dirty and disheveled, and we have to wait until he is examined by the medical examiner,” she said.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Cub Scouts Honor Veterans
PARKSLEY -- The members of local Cub Scout Pack 300 honored nearly 300 veterans graves in the Parksley area this Memorial Day. The graves were located in the Liberty Cemetery and the Parksley Town Cemetery
Typically during Memorial Day and Veterans Day, local VFW and American Legion posts will honor fallen soldiers and veterans by placing a small U.S. flag at the headstone of each grave.

Thanks to generous donations by the Parksley Volunteer Fire Company, the Town of Parksley, Jaxon's, Darcy's Sport Shop, St. Francis Thrift Store, Visual Changes, What's Your Fancy and Russell's Formal and Bridal, the pack was able to purchase flags for the graves. Each marked grave was visited, a flag placed and a salute was given.
With the recent vandalism in the Parksley Cemetery, the pack leaders thought it fitting to teach the Scouts that a cemetery is a reverent and honored place.

It is the hope of Pack 300 to make this a tradition within the pack and local community for years to come. The pack intends to return for Veterans Day in September.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spaghetti Supper To Benefit The Eastern Shore Railway Museum

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Railway Museum Spaghetti Dinner
"Spaghetti Dinner"
Friday April 23, 2010
Dinner will be served from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM
$7.00 for adults $4.00 for children under the age of 12
Menu: spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and cake for dessert
Carry-out dinners will be available.
For more information call: 665-5060 or 665-5905
All monies raised will benefit the Eastern Shore Railway Museum.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
~Spaghetti Dinner~
Parksley, Virginia

Friday, March 19, 2010 at the Parksley Firehouse Social Hall
Dinner served from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM.
Menu includes: Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and dessert
Cost: $7.00 adults $4.00 children under the age of 12
Carry out dinners will also be available.
All money raised will benefit the Eastern Shore Railway Museum
For more info call: 665-5060 or 665-5905
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thanksgiving Pies

The Grace United Methodist Women will be having a Thanksgiving Pie Sale. The pies being sold are pumpkin, sweet potato and chocolate peca pie. The homemade pies will be $8 each, and can be ordered November 9th through November 20th. The pies can be picked up on Wednesday, November 25th from noon until 5:00 PM and will be available for delivery in Parksley.
Call Elizabeth Mars (757) 665-5273 or Grace Church in Parksley (757) 665-4783 for more information or to order a pie. Proceeds benefit local UMW mission projects.