The owner of the residence identified the victim as Dana Rodriguez, 45, of Estate Lane, off Country Court. Police could not be reached to confirm the identification of the victim.
Units and personnel from Parksley, Bloxom, Tasley and Onancock responded to the 2 a.m. fire, which flattened the single-wide mobile home where Rodriguez's body was found.
Rodriguez did not work, said neighbor Willie Tumblin. He said the victim's 14-year-old daughter escaped from the fire.
Tumblin said there had been no fire when he arrived home from his job at the Perdue Farms Inc. plant at about 1:20 a.m.
Before the blaze, he said, there had been a family argument in which one of the members threatened the others.
A state police fire detective is investigating the incident. A police spokesperson did not immediately return a phone call for comment.
Rodriguez is survived by her children and an estranged husband.
The house was owned by Henry and Wanda Johnson of Bloxom. Rodriguez and her family had lived there for about eight years, said Wanda Johnson. They were in the process of purchasing the home.
"She's always been nice to me," she said. "Isn't it horrible?"
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