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Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Friday, February 18, 2011
Michael Vick Cancels Interview With Oprah For 'Personal Reasons'

"Michael Vick was scheduled to be a guest on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' for an episode airing next Thursday, February 24," a press release from Winfrey's Harpo Productions explained. "Mr. Vick's representatives called last night to cancel his appearance for personal reasons."
News of the decision by the Philadelphia Eagles quarterback was first widely reported by CNBC's Darren Rovell, who Tweeted the news about 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16.
Winfrey's plan to broadcast a one-on-one interview with Vick was not welcomed by some of her fans.
"I too am horrified that an animal-lover like Oprah would allow her show to be used to generate more PR for a sociopath like Vick," wrote a viewer identified as Amywuk on a message board. "Oprah has always been about people who are living examples of doing good, who use their fame & fortune to make things better … Give the PR to those who deserve it, who use their celebrity for good, not evil."
The television interview was expected to include discussions about Vick's conviction on federal dogfighting charges.
Vick has renounced dogfighting since his release from prison in 2009.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
3 Years In Prison For Dogfighting.......Is It Long Enough?
Do some reading on dogfighting. Find out how horrible it is for an animal that can not defend itself to exist in the world of this type of man. Read for yourself what they feed them, how they train them........from innocent puppies on. Find out how what they are fed causes them to go crazy, their organs to never develop and how they allow the small and weak dogs be horribly mauled to death by the stronger ones just to get rid of it.
This is real. And this is horrible. Not to mention a true nightmare for the innocent dog that never asked for anything except a little food, and alot of love. If this is the way men show their love to live creatures my guess is there are some abused humans in the mix too.
Throw this jerk and coward of a man in a pen with a crazed pitbull and let that dog chew on him. Let's see what tune this a__ sings to us then.

A Richmond man described by defense witnesses as an animal lover will serve three years in prison for a dogfighting conviction.
Substitute Judge Thomas N. Nance yesterday sentenced Deano A. Jones, 47, to five years in prison, with two of those years suspended, on a dogfighting charge.
The judge sentenced Jones to five years on each of two counts of animal cruelty but suspended all of that time. The hearing was held in Richmond Circuit Court.
Jones had entered an Alford plea to the dogfighting charge, meaning he does not admit guilt but acknowledges prosecutors have enough evidence to convict him. He pleaded guilty to the two counts of animal cruelty.
Authorities seized 21 pit bulls from Jones' home in the 1700 block of North 23rd Street. Eighteen of the animals needed emergency care, according to testimony yesterday. Seventeen had to be euthanized.
Authorities also recovered a treadmill, steroids and other materials associated with dogfighting, said Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney Michael N. Herring.
Jones testified yesterday that he was not engaged in dogfighting. "I love my dogs," he said during the hearing. "I love just dogs in general."
Defense attorney Robert E. Walker Jr. suggested that Jones' dogs injured one another in scuffles when they escaped from their pens.
Walker characterized his client as an animal lover who fell on hard times when he lost his job and a previous home. The setbacks left Jones unable to afford to take his pets to the veterinarian, Walker said.

Defense witness Candace Foxx said Jones treated his dogs like children. "He should have been a veterinarian," Foxx said.
Later, the judge declared, "He is not an animal lover."

Herring acknowledged that the defendant was articulate and did not seem like a predator but added, "one has to conclude that Mr. Jones has been cruel to his animals."
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Cruelty Charges Filed In Death of Dog

A summons has been issued charging Cathryn Cordyack Washington, 67, of Fairmont, W.Va., with two cruelty charges for failing to provide adequate food, water and shelter and infliction of unnecessary suffering and pain, documents state.
Harold Domer, director of Frederick County Animal Control, said the investigation by Sgt. David Luckenbaugh found that Washington arrived at the Frederick Costco parking lot about 9:30 a.m. and found that the store did not open until 10 a.m.
Once the store opened, she left her 14-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, Delta, in the car and shopped until about 11:15 a.m.
When Washington returned to her car, she found Delta in distress and the dog died, Domer said.
Washington then went back into the store and returned dog products she had purchased, he said.
An Aug. 31 court date has been set for Washington in District Court.
A car interior on a sunny day can reach a temperature of 130 degrees within minutes, officials said.
Leaving animals unattended in vehicles in conditions that endanger their health and safety is a violation of state law, authorities said.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Man Shoots Neighbor's Puppy

Mack Donald Hudson, 79, of the 8600 block of Osborne Turnpike told police he was afraid for his life Friday when he saw Grace, an 11-month-old Australian shepherd, on his property with another dog.
But Grace's owners say their dog simply went outside to wander the wooded area around their unfenced property and use the bathroom.
Hudson's property is near Sheffield's, though neighbors' lots buffer between the two.

Hudson told police he went inside his house, got a 12-gauge shotgun, and went outside to find the dog. When he couldn't find it, he got in his truck and found the dog on the rear of his property, Henrico police Lt. Eric Owens said.
He told police, "I was in fear ofmy life and I shot it," Owens said.
A woman at Hudson's home yesterday said the family had no comment.
Grace remains under observation at the Veterinary Emergency Center in Carytown, where she is expected to recover.
Dr. Robert Fulton, who admitted Grace to the clinic, said she had been shot in multiple places, with two pellets or bullet fragments in her body.
Even worse than the gunshot wounds was the blunt-force trauma to her skull, caused perhaps by a garden tool, that gave her a concussive injury, he said.
The wounds all were consistent with one attack, Fulton said.
Sheffield said Grace would not have been aggressive toward Hudson.
"She's an Australian shepherd. They don't go up to strangers. She's barely 20 pounds," she said. "Her favorite thing to do is play Frisbee.
Mack Donald Hudson was charged Saturday with misdemeanor cruelty to animals, according to - Online Court Records" He is scheduled to appear in court in August.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Horses And Cows Seized From Farm

WOODBINE, Md. (WUSA)--A horrific case of animal abuse and neglect unfolded in an evening raid in rural Oakland, Maryland.
Authorities in Garrett County seized two dozen emaciated horses and about 20 starving cows, and brought them to Days End Farm Horse Rescue in Woodbine for rehabilitation.
One by one, emaciated horses took their first tentative steps toward a better life, leaving behind deplorable conditions in an Oakland, Maryland pasture without food or water, littered with horse and cow carcasses.
"This is as bad as it gets. It doesn't get any worse than this," said Brenda Curry, the President of the Board of Directors at Days End.
"Carcasses on a property," added Sue Mitchell of Days End. "And horses that are literally skin stretched over a skeleton. We'd call that horrific. It's despicable."
The weak, neglected horses are recovering at Days End Farm, where they face a long journey of rehabilitation. Many need to overcome fear, parasites, skin fungus and hooves that are overgrown and chipped. They are the lucky ones.
"What you see is the extreme. We have horses with hips protruding. Spines showing. No measurable body fat," said Mitchell.
The cows that survived are just down the road at James Ferguson's farm.
"They're not put on this earth to be punished or to starve, and these poor animals are starving to death," said Curry.
Healing these horses comes at a high price, more than $2,000 a horse, in just the first month.
Authorities are calling this one of the worst and largest animal abuse cases in state history. Criminal charges are now pending against the owner of the farm in Oakland, Maryland, a man who has been under scrutiny by animal control for the last four years.Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Va. Man Who Skinned A Guinea Pig Convicted
What kind of a hat can be made from a guinea pig hide? Well, here's a person that calls himself the "village idiot" and claims to suffer from a brain injury resulting from being hit by a truck some 15 years ago.
Funny how the brain works. It's odd that the disability in Charles Woodson's brain would allow him to remember what he learned in biology class in graduate school ten years ago...... which is how to humanely kill an animal. But yet the same brain did not tell him that if you make a hat out of the hide with the head attached it WILL most times scare the hell out of small children and raise the blood pressure in the parents.
Now I realise that in some countries guinea pigs are eaten just as we eat chicken or beef in this country. My question is WHAT were you going to do with the rest of that furry creature that you went to the PET STORE to purchase?
Below is the story about his hearing and sentencing. After you have read about this miserable human being, AKA Village Idiot, please read the post below it to see how these creatures deserve to be treated and how much they can be loved.

FRONT ROYAL, Va. (AP) -- A man who skinned a guinea pig and wore the skin as headgear has been convicted on an animal cruelty charge.
Charles Woodson was convicted Tuesday in Warren County General District Court.
The 41-year-old Woodson was arrested in March after neighbors saw him wearing the guinea pig hat, which included the animal's head.
Woodson has said the animal was killed humanely. He had purchased the animal from a pet store.
Judge W. Dale Houff sentenced Woodson to six months in jail, but suspended four months from the term. Woodson also was ordered to serve one year of unsupervised probation.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Cockfighting Ring Busted By Accomack County Sheriff's Dept.

Upon their arrival, deputies discovered evidence of recent cockfighting activity to include numerous roosters as well as a variety of fighting paraphernalia. During the investigation into this incident a variety of evidence was seized including 27 live roosters. The roosters are being held at the Eastern Shore Regional Animal Control Facility in Melfa.
On April 19, 2010, a General District Court judge ordered the roosters to be turned over to the Accomack County Sheriffs Office for final disposition.
On April 21, 2010, Belarimino Bedoya Alvarez (photo above) was arrested and charged with promoting, preparing for, engaging in or being employed in, the fighting of animals for amusements, sport or gain. Alvarez is currently incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail in lieu of a $10,000 bond.