Pocomoke City Police Department Dedication
and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Friday ~ June 22, 2012
Congratulations to the Pocomoke City Police Department! Those congratulations include everyone and anyone linked to the department or had a role in bringing this beautiful facility to a reality for the people of Pocomoke City.

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison was Master of Ceremonies and Councilman/Rev. George Tasker gave the invocation. But is was the remarks given by the guest speakers that touched our hearts when commenting on the men and women in uniform that protect and serve the citizens of Pocomoke. They are the best and they deserve the the best.
This isn't the first generation of police officers for Pocomoke City and Chief Sewell stated that. In fact he named many of them and went on to say how proud the newest generation of Pocomoke City Police Officers were to walk in the footsteps of those before them.

In the program handed out before the ceremony Chief Sewell stated: " All of us in the Pocomoke City Police Department are very excited about our new police building. This move has already resulted in greatly improved morale within the ranks of the officers and our civilian employees. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Mayor and City Council, the City's Public Works Department, Beauchamp Construction, and everyone else who was in this project. We look forward to serving the community from this location for many years."

What wonderful words came from Delegate Mike McDermott as he spoke about the Pocomoke Police Department. To be honest I had to hold back my tears as he spoke. These brave men and women do leave their homes and the arms of their loved ones to become the protectors of society. They are the brave warriors who put their lives on the line for the people. They are the ones who patrol the dark streets on foot, bike or car. And we can not forget those back at the police department manning the radios and working in capacities that keep the Pocomoke Police Department running....nor should the loved ones waiting at home ever go unnoticed.

Worcester County Commissioner Merle Lockfaw
expressed the same sentiments as the others. Being a citizen of Pocomoke and Pocomoke City Volunteer fireman he knows the determination and dedication that is required to be successful.
Above- Jack Tarburton, State Director, U.S.D.A. - It has been through the U.S.D.A -According to the Ceremony Program -"The total cost of the project including purchase of the property will be approximately $1 million. Permanent financing of the project is being provided by the U.S.D.A."
Senator Jim Mathias - A long time friend to Pocomoke City and also had some great words to share with those present.
Two of my dear old friends....John McDaniel and Patrol Officer Ralph Corbin. Other officer's last name is Craven (I believe, help me on this one). If I am not mistaken this officer is the same one that tried to get me to give him my thumb print- to see if I was a fugitive!

This young lady seems to be the back bone to the police department. Angel D. Thornes, Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke Police Department. That's a pretty large title to hold for such a petite person. But in the course of the past few months I've seen her dig her heels in and work hard just like the others. On one occasion I saw her busy with the new furniture that had been delivered to the new department; and dealing with the headaches that you get when your goods are damaged. The last occasion I ran into her was on the second floor of the old police headquarters on a really hot day. She was in a file closet moving paper files. That's not easy work.
I also think I am correct when I tell you that it was Angel that did the excellant selection of furnishings in the new police department. Each and everyone that holds a position in the police department of Pocomoke City deserve our thanks. They have all done an outstanding job!