If anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of these suspects please call 410-957-1600 or your local police department.
Family friendly and striving to be a worthy choice for your Internet browsing. Comments and material submissions welcome: tkforppe@yahoo.com . Pocomoke City-- an All American City And The Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Search 2 Suspects In Assault Case
If anyone has any information regarding the whereabouts of these suspects please call 410-957-1600 or your local police department.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Department Dedication
Congratulations to the Pocomoke City Police Department! Those congratulations include everyone and anyone linked to the department or had a role in bringing this beautiful facility to a reality for the people of Pocomoke City.
Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison was Master of Ceremonies and Councilman/Rev. George Tasker gave the invocation. But is was the remarks given by the guest speakers that touched our hearts when commenting on the men and women in uniform that protect and serve the citizens of Pocomoke. They are the best and they deserve the the best.
This isn't the first generation of police officers for Pocomoke City and Chief Sewell stated that. In fact he named many of them and went on to say how proud the newest generation of Pocomoke City Police Officers were to walk in the footsteps of those before them.
In the program handed out before the ceremony Chief Sewell stated: " All of us in the Pocomoke City Police Department are very excited about our new police building. This move has already resulted in greatly improved morale within the ranks of the officers and our civilian employees. We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Mayor and City Council, the City's Public Works Department, Beauchamp Construction, and everyone else who was in this project. We look forward to serving the community from this location for many years."
What wonderful words came from Delegate Mike McDermott as he spoke about the Pocomoke Police Department. To be honest I had to hold back my tears as he spoke. These brave men and women do leave their homes and the arms of their loved ones to become the protectors of society. They are the brave warriors who put their lives on the line for the people. They are the ones who patrol the dark streets on foot, bike or car. And we can not forget those back at the police department manning the radios and working in capacities that keep the Pocomoke Police Department running....nor should the loved ones waiting at home ever go unnoticed.
Worcester County Commissioner Merle Lockfaw
expressed the same sentiments as the others. Being a citizen of Pocomoke and Pocomoke City Volunteer fireman he knows the determination and dedication that is required to be successful.
Senator Jim Mathias - A long time friend to Pocomoke City and also had some great words to share with those present.
Two of my dear old friends....John McDaniel and Patrol Officer Ralph Corbin. Other officer's last name is Craven (I believe, help me on this one). If I am not mistaken this officer is the same one that tried to get me to give him my thumb print- to see if I was a fugitive!
This young lady seems to be the back bone to the police department. Angel D. Thornes, Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke Police Department. That's a pretty large title to hold for such a petite person. But in the course of the past few months I've seen her dig her heels in and work hard just like the others. On one occasion I saw her busy with the new furniture that had been delivered to the new department; and dealing with the headaches that you get when your goods are damaged. The last occasion I ran into her was on the second floor of the old police headquarters on a really hot day. She was in a file closet moving paper files. That's not easy work.
I also think I am correct when I tell you that it was Angel that did the excellant selection of furnishings in the new police department. Each and everyone that holds a position in the police department of Pocomoke City deserve our thanks. They have all done an outstanding job!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Dept. Grand Opening Ceremony
Left to right- Councilman Clarke, Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake, Senator Jim Mathias, Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell, Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison, Councilperson Tracey Cottman, Delegate Mike McDermott, Councilman Don Malloy, Councilperson Diane Downing, Worcester County Commisioner Meryl Lockfaw, State Director U.S.D.A., Jack Tarburton
(Don't worry about the arm in the photo- the time on the watch will forever show that things did, indeed, run on time.)
The Pocomoke City Police Department now operates 24/7/365 from the new headquarters on Market Street.
I have so much more to report and so many more photos so please be patient. This has been quite a day for so many... a very exciting day. A day that so many are proud to have been a part of, including myself.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Dept. ~ Links To Photos

And to think all these photos I've taken through the months of the renovations taking place were because my husbands support and because of a Christmas gift from my husband. No, not my brand new camera but a signed copy of the book "Why Do We Kill?" ( written by former Baltimore Homicide Detective Kelvin Sewell, now Chief of Police for Pocomoke City, and Stephen Janis)
The fact that I was able to carry out my plans in providing the public with photos as the renovations progressed is to due my very dear friend Councilman Malloy....he knew I was on a mission and even through my stupid mistakes, has laughed at me.
I am very excited for Chief of Police Kelvin Sewell and his department and for the city of Pocomoke.
Listed below are links to photos I have taken along the way..... and there are so many more that I did not post. I hope they work.
Don't forget the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Friday @ 1:00 PM
Friday, April 13, 2012
The New-Soon-To-Be Pocomoke City Police Station
Be advised. This isn't just any door. It is the door to the juvenile holding cell. (gulp) From this point on my day with Darren and Councilman Malloy would be a learning experience. First of all cells do NOT have light switches on the wall. I found this out after running my hand on the wall inside.....but the light kept going off and then on so I figured they must have put some kind of fancy lighting.... NOPE. Light switches are on the outside wall. Darren was in control of the switch! NO door knobs either! The door closed while I was in there and I heard Darren say something like he didn't know if the know worked or not. HUH? The photos above are of the juvenile holding cell. Steel bunks and NO place to use the bathroom.....I don't know what you do if you have to go....
Male holding cell. Same gray metal bunks and stainless steel commode/sink combination. I have never seen seen a contraption like this in my life. But I have been reminded that a cell is not the Hilton and it is for safety reasons that these are used. The female cell will be identical to this..... no room to move around, no color, no bling.
And I must admit that on this day I gained a true appreciation for light switches and door knobs! And I will never, ever again complain about the small rooms in my own home......never.
Darren doesn't carry a normal cell phone. It's the HOT LINE to the boss! I have to give Darren a pat on the back. He's such a good sport and his knowledge on the entire makeover of this building is remarkable! I have never asked him a question he could not answer........
Thanks Councilman Malloy and Darren ( and Tom Beauchamp on the phone). It has been another exciting trip to Pocomoke. I WILL see you soon.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Department Press Release
2/18/2012 Pocomoke City Police responded to Pocomoke Plaza parking lot for a reported Wanted person in the area that was driving recklessly. Upon arrival the Officers observed the vehicle that was described in the complaint. Pocomoke City Police initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle. Once the suspect vehicle stopped the operator fled out of the vehicle on foot and into the Hardees restaurant. Pocomoke Police learned the suspect had discarded money and Marijuana inside of the restaurant. Pocomoke Police arrested Chad L. Collins age 29, of Pocomoke City. Collins was charged with Driving on a Suspended License, Possession of Marijuana, and the Outstanding Warrant was served.
2/19/2012 Pocomoke City Police Officers responded to a Domestic Assault complaint. Upon arrival Pocomoke Police met with the victim who explained she was Assaulted by her boyfriend and has an abrasion to her arm from the Assault. Pocomoke Police arrested James C. Reese Jr, age 21 for Assault 2nd degree.
2/23/2012 Pocomoke City Police served two Warrants on Shawn M. Thomas, age 26 of Pocomoke and Martha J. Thomas, age 27 of Pocomoke. Pocomoke Police arrested and charged both suspects with 2nd degree Assault.
2/24/2012 Pocomoke City Police received a call for Theft with the suspect leaving the store on foot. Police located an individual matching the description given by the complainant. Upon contact with the suspect the Officers conducted a search. Upon searching the suspect Police located approximately (1) one ounce of suspected Marijuana and (6) six individual bags with approximate street value of $25 each on the suspect. Pocomoke City Police arrested Christopher D. Carrion age 21, of Pocomoke City. Carrion was charged with CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana and CDS Possession of Marijuana.
Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Authors Kelvin Sewell & Stephen Janis Present Book at Book Signing Yesterday
The assembled crowd was given a briefing on the book. Mentioned were the gangs/ gang mentality and how disassociated they are from what they do. How most do go to jail for about 10 years except for one gang member discussed in the book, who may never step foot again into society.
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Authors Kelvin Sewell and Stephen Janis/ White Marsh Barnes & Noble on Saturday |
This book is FACT even though the stories seem so hard to believe that human beings can act the way they sometimes do. What about the grandmother, raising her grandchild? What about the people with no money to move from the crime ridden streets even if they want to? And HOW, just exatly how, do you present yourself, collect your words to tell your own Mother bad news. Case File 8 stopped me dead in my reading tracks! It would be two days before I could finish the book.
This all happened during my personal reading time just a couple of days before I was to meet Kelvin Sewell (who is now the Chief of Police in Pocomoke City) for the first time. I had received a signed copy of his book from my husband for Christmas. Most times for Christmas I request several books but this year I bumped all the others for this one.
When Chief Sewell asked me how I liked the book I stammered and have no idea what I said becasue I was thinking about his Mother. I was thinking about all those Mothers. And I was also thinking about the dead burned body, a body burned alive with leaves found in his lungs during an autopsy.
Not to be forgotten are the grandmothers raising grandchildren and I can still invision those grandmothers rocking and rocking on city porches waiting for their loved ones to come home, knowing there is no way to get out of a city of what seems to be full of nightmarish crimes. Grandmothers....raising grandchildren....because their own grown children can't. Those grown children are caught in the vicious cycle of crimes and drugs too.....and the grandmothers keep rocking.
And this is just but a small portion of the truth this book holds. No crime prevention group for teens can heal this. The book is proof and if nothing else it raises so many questions. It did for me. Do we, because of some mindsets forgive the horrendous crimes committed? Are these kinds of people to be pitied? Am I glad that I tried so hard to be a 24/7 parent in the small town of Pocomoke? YES! Could THIS type of situation happen in small towns like Pocomoke City? I don't know. But it's something to think hard about.
Everyone should read "Why Do We Kill" to get a clear and honest picture of what crime is in this beautiful city.
There is so much to this book. Authors Kelvin Sewell and Stephen Janis have done an excellent job writing about so much more than what has been discussed here and I'm anxiously waiting for a second book.
Thank you Kathy Schoolfield Ben for the photo.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Author Event and Book Signing
For those local that would like to purchase a copy of "Why Do We Kill?" go to Barnes and Noble in Salisbury or you can purchase a copy through Amazon. It IS a MUST READ!
White Marsh
The Avenue @ White Marsh, 8123 Honeygo Blvd. Suite E, Baltimore, MD 21236, 410-933-9670
Barnes & Noble
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Crime Report Is Being Kept Updated.......
For some time now Tom and I have felt that the Crime Report was being missed or overlooked on the Pocomoke Public Eye by our readers. So that it can't be missed any longer Tom has placed the same icon used in the Press Release. (Thanks, Tom)

Friday, January 20, 2012
Pocomoke City Police Department PRESS RELEASE
Arrests – January 14, to January 20, 2012
1/14/2012 Shanda V. Robinson, 26, of Pocomoke City was cited for "Knowingly driving a Vehicle with active Insurance Violations" as a result of a traffic stop. Robinson was released on a State Citation pending trial.
1/14/2012 Cherryssa L. Cooper, 41, of Stockton, MD was cited for "Knowingly Driving a Vehicle with Active Insurance Violations" as a result of a traffic stop. Cooper was released on a State Citation pending trial.
1/17/2012 Michele E. Voigt, 44, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged with several traffic violations after a traffic stop confirmed DMV suspensions. Voigt was released on a several State Citations pending trial.
1/18/2012 Carl Henry Williams, Jr., 20, of Pocomoke City turned himself into the Pocomoke City Police Department for two (2) outstanding warrants; one with charges of Assault 2nd Degree and Escape and the other with charges of CDS Possession of Marijuana that were active through the Maryland State Police. Williams was taken before the Worcester County Commissioner and transferred to the Worcester County Detention Center to be held without Bond pending trial.
1/18/2012 James A. Motkya, 46, of Pocomoke City was arrested and charged with Trespassing on private property. Motkya was released on a Criminal Citation pending trial.
Submitted by:
Kelvin D. Sewell
Chief of Police
PCPD 406