SHANKSVILLE — Bikers wearing red, white and blue bandanas and with American flags flying from their motorcycles gathered outside this tiny town Thursday on their way to visit hallowed ground.

Their three destinations: The nearby site of the crash of Flight 93, the Pentagon and, eventually, ground zero in New York City.
More than 700 bikers and police officers are participating in the 10th annual ride, sponsored by the America’s 911 Foundation.
Many said they want the focus to be on reminding people what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 – not the current controversy over a proposed Islamic center and mosque near where the twin towers once stood.
“It’s a remembrance ride. A lot of the general public have become complacent with the events of Sept. 11. That can’t be,” said Rick Flick, 50, who lives in western Pennsylvania and has been participating in the ride for nine years.
A volunteer firefighter, Flick was on the scene after Flight 93 crashed and said the ride is personal for him.
Bill and Mary Byers, of Washington, Pa., are participating in their first ride with the group. A longtime biker, 51-year-old Bill Byers has never been to ground zero and has mixed feelings about the proposed mosque.
“Muslims are like any other religion. The people who are putting this mosque up are just regular people,” said Byers, wearing a black leather vest with a pentagonal patch that is the ride’s logo. At the same time, he said, “You don’t want to have the families feel they are disrespected.”
Pete Burgoon, 65, a member of the Red Knights, a motorcycle club for firefighters, greeted bikers arriving in town. Wearing a red T-shirt and black leather vest, the Altoona resident said the ride is a chance for people to pause and think about the lives that were lost that day.
The America’s 911 Foundation was started by Ted Sjurseth and his wife, Lisa, just weeks after the attacks, and the group had its first ride to New York City that fall.
The group was started with the goal of bringing back tourists and money to businesses hard hit by the attacks; it later evolved to a group dedicated to honoring first responders, as well as promoting volunteerism, said Roger Flick, of Damascus, Md., the group’s promotion’s manager.
Bikes started lining up Thursday outside a hotel in Somerset where the ride is to start early today. Riders will be escorted by dozens of police on motorcycles, and participants are expected from as far away as California.(Photo taken from previous ride)

The participants visited a temporary memorial set up at the Flight 93 crash site about 10 miles away. Construction is under way on a permanent memorial there, and the first phase of it is expected to be completed in time for the 10th anniversary of the attacks next year.
Ride organizers hope to also have their biggest turnout ever next year, with a bike for each of the more than 2,000 people who died in the attacks.
“This will be my ninth ride,” Flick said, “and I’ve done it every year with a knot in my throat when I think about why we’re doing this.”