I am both grateful and sincerely humbled by the incredible encouragement and support the campaign received from the many volunteers who gave their time, energy and resources on the promise that their hard work and dedication would help usher in a new era of accountability in Worcester County. There are many who have supported my candidacy for over eight years. These individuals and their unwavering faith in my ability were the pillars of strength for my campaign.
We knew when we began this campaign that the road toward achieving our goals would be crowded with contention. What now remains of political partisanship must be placed aside. Mr. Todd has spent twenty five years serving the people of Worcester County and rightfully deserves our praise and appreciation. His hard work has helped pave the way for the future we must now build together. The time for new ideas, new directions, and bold initiatives has arrived.
To the voters of Worcester County who were not yet ready to cast their votes for me in this election, I promise to spend the next four years dedicating myself to the unwavering principles of fairness and justice so that I may earn your trust. To the voters who elected me, thank you for your confidence in my ability to protect the values which have helped shape our great community.
With the trust and confidence of law enforcement, there has never been a better time to serve Worcester County. With your continued prayers and support, the Office of the State’s Attorney will protect the present and safeguard the future by bringing accountability to our community.
With appreciation,
Beau H. Oglesby
State’s Attorney Elect
Worcester County, Maryland