Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Visit- The New Pocomoke City Police Station

Visiting the Future Pocomoke City Police Department
Friday, March 16, 2012

Front office (top)
and Records Room (bottom)
Of course, changes are always being made.  This is the way the building was discribed to me.  Regardless of what goes where or who goes where really won't matter.  This is just going to be such a remarkable police station I truly don't think anyone will argue.

New carpet has been installed in most of the offices and a crew was in the process of finishing putting down tile.  This photo is just a corner of the Chief's office.......I did NOT step in there.  One reason, the capet had just been put into place.  The other?  Bigger shoes than I wear  will be in that office and with some awesome responsibility so I'll just wait. 

Most of the building now has the walls and trim painted and the floors finished or nealy completed.
This is another office....the "box" is just next door.  Hmmm.....
It was sort of difficult to get anywhere in the building on Friday because of the floors being finished.  Hey, that's ok with me.  Let's get this buiding finished....and it almost is.
More great workers hard at work.  It is amazing how many hands it takes to create great things.
Thanks, guys!
This is one of the larger rooms in the new police station.  When completed it will have computers and desk space for the officers to do any paperwork that is involved once an arrest has been made.  A bench will line the back wall.  Once installed I'll tell you who gets  seated there.  Towards the back of photo is the cell area (left).  The cell doors have been hung (I peeked in but I couldn't find the light switch).  Since the cells are basically holding cells they will have doors and no bars.  You  get your bars when you get to Snow Hill, boys!.    Please note, those are my words- no one  elses.

That's it for this trip.  I'll be back soon and maybe those cells will be finished so I can take a good look.  From peeking the other day it looks like to me that if you don't like living in a box you better straighten up and give up the life of crime.  Those are small cells and if have you bad guys out there are as BIG as you think you are you are not going to fit. 

Thanks Councilman Malloy.  A special thank you to Chief Sewell and Lt. Strong for the nice conversation on Friday.  Chief Sewell, I do promise I will not apply for the job as  police officer.

From Richard Douglas- Candidate For U.S. Senate 2012

Douglas Questions Cardin's Opposition to Cut Federal Gas Tax
News Release  3.21.12

Cumberland - Maryland U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas criticized incumbent Senator Ben Cardin today for opposing a US Senate effort to cut the federal gas tax. Appearing on radio stations WCBC and WFRB in western Maryland, where gas prices hover at $4 per gallon, Douglas condemned Cardin's failure to support a Senate bill that would have reduced the current federal gax tax from 18.4 cents per gallon to 3.7 cents over five years.

"Ben Cardin could have voted for working families and against one of the most burdensome taxes in America. Instead, he choked," said Douglas. "Meanwhile, Goverenor O'Malley continues his stubborn gas tax-a-thon in Annapolis, and Mr. Cardin is as quiet as a mouse. This is just pathetic."

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) offered the amendment which Cardin rejected. "Martin O'Malley is talking about bridge collapses and the urgency of 'investing' in infrastructure," Douglas added. "In addition to reducing the federal gas tax, Senator DeMint's amendment would also have drastically sped up transportation projects by reducing bureaucratic delays. Instead, Ben Cardin cast a vote to tax Maryland more and aggravate bureaucratic delay."

While voicing strong support for federalism in America, Douglas noted that Cardin consistently hides behind the principle to avoid breaking ranks with Governor O'Malley and his anti-worker circles in Annapolis. Said Douglas, "Federalism should not become an excuse for dereliction of duty. Cardin should support efforts to reduce taxes on Marylanders, and he should loudly oppose O'Malley's efforts to raise them. Instead, Cardin is absent from his post. Once again, Senator Cardin chokes and Maryland suffers. Maryland deserves a better US Senator."

TAGS: Martin O'Malley, Jim DeMint

Senate Vote on DeMint amendment:

This Mornings Early Weather.....

Second Day of Spring ~ Downtown Pocomoke City


I have been asked many times why the tyveck still remains over the window in the new restaurant.  And NO it is not still covered due to vandalism.  A different type of window has been ordered for that area of the building to make it easier for serving customers on the deck. 


Maryland State Police Press Release03/21/2012 10:15

(BALTIMORE, MD) – State and city police arrested an Eastern Shore man in Baltimore last night who was wanted for fleeing a traffic stop in Cambridge last weekend that resulted in injuries to a police officer.

Demetrice D. Demby, 39, of the 700-block of Douglas Street, Cambridge, Md., was arrested at about 9:30 p.m. yesterday in the 2800-block of Erdman Avenue in Baltimore. State Police were assisted in the arrest by the Baltimore Police Department and the Baltimore City unit of a US Marshals Service warrant task force. Demby was arrested without incident at the home of an apparent acquaintance.

Following the incident early on the morning of March 18, 2012, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators obtained an arrest warrant for Demby, charging him with first degree assault, second degree assault, attempted first degree murder, attempted second degree murder, and second degree assault upon a law enforcement officer. The warrant was served on Demby last night and he is being held without bond in the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was transported following his arrest.

Demby was the driver of a truck stopped by Cambridge Police Department officers for a traffic violation just before 12:30 a.m. on March 18th. As a K-9 drug scan was being conducted of his vehicle, Demby accelerated away while a Cambridge police officer was standing near the front of his truck. The officer was injured in the incident and that officer and another fired at Demby. Demby was not struck by the gunfire and fled the scene. His truck was found abandoned a few blocks away. A search for Demby had been underway since.

Accomack County Schools

After a 2 hour delay this morning, the Accomack County Schools are now

It's Not Too Early To Sign Up For the 2012 Theater Academy

Virginia Law For Burning

The Virginia Department of Forestry says a statewide outdoor burning ban is now  in effect until the end of April.

According to the  forestry department  the state law prohibits outdoor burning before 4 p.m. if the fire is in, or within 300 feet of, woodland, brush, or fields containing dry grass or other flammable materials.

The ban is in effect until April 30.

Since Jan. 1, 2012  the  forestry department has responded to 166 fires that burned 1,570 acres statewide.

Those who comply with the ban should still avoid burning things if wind speeds are higher than 20 mph, or if the winds are blowing toward homes. Instead of burning leaves, people should compost them.

JFK Assassination:Fidel Castro Knew Of Plot, New Book Claims

Huffington Post
A new book by a former CIA analyst provides evidence that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro may have had prior knowledge of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

Brian Latell’s book Castro’s Secrets: The CIA and Cuba’s Intelligence Machine contains information from declassified government documents and first-hand reports from Cuban spies who defected to the United States. The Miami Herald describes the work as “the first substantial study of Fidel Castro’s intelligence operations.”

According to Latell's account, on Nov. 22, 1963, a Cuban intelligence officer was ordered to focus his attention on Texas -- not the usual target of his work. That afternoon, in Dallas, Kennedy was shot. “Castro knew,” the intelligence officer later told the CIA after defecting to the U.S., according to Latell's book, explaining his superiors' sudden and unusual interest in Texas. “They knew Kennedy would be killed.”
Moreover, the book claims that Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy’s assassin, warned Castro and Cuban intelligence officers that he had planned to assassinate the president after being refused a visa by the Cuban government. Oswald had planned the assassination to “prove his revolutionary credentials," the Miami Herald reports.

The implication that Castro had prior knowledge of the Kennedy assassination, yet remained silent is not very surprising, given the animosity between the two leaders.

In 1961 Kennedy ordered the ill-fated mission known as the "Bay of Pigs,” the first action in what became a long, complicated and volatile history between the United States and Cuba. Kennedy ordered an invasion of Cuba by a group of CIA-trained Cuban exiles, with the intention of assassinating Castro, who was viewed as a threat because of his close relationship with the Soviet Union and the fear that a nuclear attack on America was being planned. The invasion was a tremendous failure, and the soldiers sent to carry out the mission were slaughtered by the Cuban army.

This was not the last attempt by America to assassinate Castro. Many other attempts to kill the dictator, from explosive cigars to a poison-tipped pen, also failed.

In the book, Latell discusses a CIA agent by the name of Rolando Cubela, formerly a high-level Cuban official who was recruited to assassinate Castro. Cubela, Latell writes, turned out to be a double agent and had been feeding information directly to Castro, including information about the attempts on Castro's life.

Latell says that Castro had been waiting to learn whether Kennedy was planning to kill him, and through Cubela he got the answer. This knowledge is said to have been what led to Castro's silence after learning about Oswald's plan to murder Kennedy.

Kennedy assassination has inspired many conspiracy theories, along with a number of works of literature and film.

Stories such as Mafia involvement in the killing have been told, rumors saying that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover ordered the killing have circulated, and the Israeli government has been implicated, along with Castro himself.


Cause of Death Due To Drowning

The Northampton Sheriff's Department says no foul play is suspected in the death of Tyrell Jerome Evans, who was recovered from a pond March 14.

Evans, known to his family as "Tootie", was reported missing on March 6. His body was found a little over a week later in a pond, located near Bahama Road in Cape Charles.

His body was sent to the Norfolk Medical Examiner, and the 31-year-old's cause of death was listed as drowning.

The agencies that  assisted the sheriff's office in the case were:   the Accomack County Sheriff's Office, Cape Charles Police Department, Virginia Marine Resources Commission and the Virginia State Police.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pocomoke City's New Restaurant

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant
Friday, March 16, 2012

Everytime I show up to take photos this  restaurant has become  more magnificent than the last time.  We have been watching this restaurant grow for a few months now with just a few more months left to go before all this will be in the past.   
The railing was in place and truly  does compliment the entire building.  Even if I never get to eat a meal there it sure has been delightful to watch this grow into something that will make Pocomoke people proud.


These are the guys that hardly get any attention or recognition for the hardwork they  do everyday.  Working in the water and mud is something that never appealed to me - or many others- but it's an honest job and someone has to do it.  Keep in mind that the city crew has two major projects going at the same time.-  The new restaurant and the police station....  Talk about busy.

These guys work! And  they all seem to work well toghether.  I surely hope that when all the maintenance is completed on the restaurant and police station someone gives them some powerful recognition!  Thye are deserving of it.

There wasn't anything going on inside but you sure can tell someone has been there.  Alot of progress.....and getting closer to completion as each day passes...
Now that someone has been chosen by the city to manage the restaurant work on the kitchen can be completed.


Friday was such a beautiful day and this is a most beautiful time of the year to be in down town Pocomoke.  I almost wished that instead of these guys working on the deck flooring they were setting up chairs.  How relaxing it will be to be seated on this deck at the edge of the Pocomoke River on days like this day was.

One of the workers showed me a photo he had taken of two Bald  Eagles that sit every morning in one of these trees across the river.  How great will that be seated at the restaurant in the early afternoon or evening and watch them land?  (Keep that in mind bird watchers)
Well, that's it for this time......I'll be back in a few more days and I can't wait!
Thank you Councilman Malloy for giving me the opportunity to take these photos but I must tell you that if I get my feet muddy and ruin a pair of shoes - you buy me a new pair.  Thanks for being such a good sport.  Please be sure to let your city crew know they've been photographed.  What a great group of hard working men!

Md. Court of Appeals Sends 2008 Pocomoke Murder Case Back to Trial

SNOW HILL, Md. - Maryland's Court of Appeals is putting a four-year-old homicide case back in the courtroom.

The state's highest court says police violated the suspect's Miranda rights. The investigating authorities at the time included Det. Scott Mitchell of the Pocomoke Police Department and Lt. Michael McDermott of the Worcester County Sheriff's Office.
On March 6, 2008, 77-year-old William Nibblett was murdered in his Pocomoke Home. WBOC archives detail police charging Charles R. Phillips a week later.

Charging documents at the time show Phillips confessed to the murder, stabbing Nibblett after an argument about paying Phillips for work he had done at the house.

On April 1, 2008, a grand jury indicted Phillips, who was given a life sentence for murder and 20 years for armed robbery.

According to the opinion, the suspect was not re-read his Miranda rights as Mitchell and McDermott interviewed and talked to him. At one point, Phillips asked for an attorney. Eventually, he confessed to the murder on tape. It's evidence that former prosecutor Michael Farlow says was approved in pre-trial motions.
Now, the Worcester County State's Attorney's office is preparing for the retrial. State's Attorney Beau Oglesby says they believe Phillips will be reconvicted. Oglesby adds the office will likely not file an appeal to the decision.

Launch From NASA Will Be On Wednesday

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA /  NASA has scheduled the launch of five suborbital sounding rockets from the Wallops Facility in Virginia as part of a study of the upper level jet stream from midnight to 5 a.m. EDT, Wednesday, March 21.

The countdown for the mission will begin at 7 p.m., Tuesday, March 20.

The Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX) will gather information needed to better understand the process responsible for the high-altitude jet stream located 60 to 65 miles above the surface of the Earth.

As part the mission, the five rockets will release a chemical tracer that will form milky, white clouds that allow scientists and the public to see the winds in space. These clouds may be visible for up to 20 minutes by residents from South Carolina to southern New Hampshire and Vermont.

More information on the ATREX mission is available on the Internet at:

~Happy Spring~

Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Monday, March 19, 2012

New Business Located In Pocomoke

Only two locations on the east coast.....

A new business has opened in the Pocomoke City Industrial Park. Aurora Agronomy has opened its doors servicing the farmers of the Eastern Shore with  their crop/farming  needs.

Aurora Agronomy is headquarted in Aurora, Nebraska and has provided agricultural services for farmers in that state and the farming communities in Kansas as well.

During the summer of 2011 Aurora Agronomy opened two locations on the east coast, selecting the Eastern Shore for both locations.

The other facility is located in Seaford, Delaware.

Signs by:
Owner /operator of Makuchal's Signs, Wally Makuchal, Jr.

NASA Rocket Launch Rescheduled

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA - NASA has rescheduled the launch of five suborbital sounding rockets from the Wallops Facility in Virginia as part of a study of the upper level jet stream to no earlier than Tuesday night, March 20.

The high probability of unacceptable weather is preventing a launch attempt on March 19.

The Anomalous Transport Rocket Experiment (ATREX) will gather information needed to better understand the process responsible for the high-altitude jet stream located 60 to 65 miles above the surface of the Earth.

As part the mission, the five rockets will release a chemical tracer that will form milky, white clouds that allow scientists and the public to see the winds in space. These clouds may be visible for up to 20 minutes by residents from South Carolina to southern New Hampshire and Vermont.

A decision on a March 20 launch attempt will be made Monday afternoon, March 19.

More information on the ATREX mission is available on the Internet at:

From Richard Douglas For U. S. Senate/ Maryland 2012

In Case You Missed It:
Press Coverage of Richard Douglas US Senate Candidate

SBY News / Douglas on Maryland Gas Tax / 3.14.12
Governor O'Malley appeared before two General Assembly committees today in a quixotic effort to save his gasoline tax hike proposal. "Governor O'Malley is addicted to tax increases, including those on gasoline, and Senator Ben Cardin, through his silence, is one of his chief enablers."
-Richard Douglas

WCBM Sean &Frank / 3.15.12
"We face serious problems in our state and the nation and it's time the Congress made a difference and Maryland gets out of the kids table section and into the forefront of the U.S. Senate."

Baltimore Sun / Douglas Launches Radio Ad / 3.15.12
"Republican Senate candidate Richard Douglas began airing a statewide radio advertisement on Thursday -- the first in the GOP primary -- suggesting that it's "time to wake Congress up." - Baltimore Sun

Pocomoke Public Eye / Douglas Launches Radio Ad / 3.15.12 "With these commercials, more voters are realizing that Ben Cardin votes in lock step with Harry Reid to such an extent that he might as well be Nevada's third senator." - Richard Douglas

Gazette / Cardin Not Taking Election for Granted / 3.16.12
"Cardin and other incumbents in Maryland and elsewhere should know they're facing an electorate that is "fed up" in regard to a number of issues," said the Richard Douglas campaign. "Chief among the issues are high gas prices and an under performing economy." - Richard Douglas campaign

Monoblogue/ Odds and Ends No. 47 / 3.18.12
"It seems like Douglas's campaign has found its stride..."
"A very populist approach. Douglas wasn't through on the gas price issue, though..." - Monoblogue"

Governor O'Malley is addicted to tax increases, including those on gasoline, and Senator Ben Cardin, through his silence, is one of his chief enablers. Ben Cardin's failure to speak up on the regressive gasoline tax is an endorsement of out-of-control spending which comes out of the pockets of hard-working Maryland families. Our system of federalism is an important governing principle, but it is not an excuse for a senator to remain silent and abdicate leadership at this critical time when our state is headed in the wrong direction." - Richard Douglas

Sunday, March 18, 2012

NASA 5 Rocket Launch Postponed

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA/   NASA has rescheduled the launch of five suborbital sounding rockets from the Wallops Facility in Virginia as part of a study of the upper level jet stream to no earlier than Monday night, March 19.

Weather has delayed the launch again.

The Soon To Be Pocomoke City Police Station

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

My orders for the day were already mapped out by Councilman Malloy when I met up with him Friday....The new Pocomoke city police station...."they know someone will be stopping by", is what he told me. -  and that's me.  I didn't tell him  but that's where I wanted to go first anyway.

As we approached the parking lot of the station it became quite laughable the way he told me to "just pull in there" and pointed. Oh, I knew that wasn't going to work because there was a vehicle backing up and I knew who's vehicle it was. The Councilman's comments were very funny and I won't repeat them, but inside the other vehicle was Chief Sewell and Lt. Mike Strong of the Pocomoke City Police Department. Oops!

OFFICER !   PLEASE step out of your vehicle !
(they put me up to this)

 Lt. Strong  didn't want his picture taken.  But I took it anyway.  The best thing to do is just smile and get it over with.  We all  had a nice chat as it is always so nice to chat with Chief Sewell.  He just seems to find something to talk about and I was glad to see that they had "updated" his office.  He now has the same air and heat the rest of the building has. (that's kind of an inside joke- they have removed the giant fan and installed the heating and air).

I just can't stress enough how "state of the art" this police station will be.  There won't be another   quite like it.  The Pocomoke City Police Station will be a 24/7/365 operation.  Should a storm or any crisis arise knocking out power this department will still be able to function as it would during normal times.  So the people of Pocomoke City will never be without a police department! 

Great accomplishments have been made since my last visit.  Trim has been painted in most places along with the walls.  Some carpet is in place along with the tile flooring.  This is going to be a wonderful station and one that Pocomoke will be proud of.  The Pocomoke City Police Department and the citizens of the wonderful town of Pocomoke certainly are deserving of it.


I will have new photos posted soon

TIME MACHINE ... When Worcester Experienced The Reality Of War.

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


January, 1942

(The Salisbury Times)


Practice To Be Held In All Sections Of County


Snow Hill, Jan. 8- Darkness will envelope 16 towns and villages throughout Worcester County next Wednesday night, during a one-half hour practice blackout, sponsored by the Worcester County Council of Defense.

The county-wide test, largest in scope yet attempted in Maryland, will be held between the hours of 10p.m. and 12 midnight.

Initial steps for the practice blackout were taken today when Sheriff J. William Hall, County Chief of Public Safety and Police, began the task of deputizing each of the 56 air raid wardens.

Fire sirens and steam whistles in all county towns and villages will be the signal for the blackout.

Maryland State Troopers are expected to assist in the test. Troopers will be stationed at all highways entering Worcester County and will halt all incoming traffic. County roads bordering Delaware, Wicomico county, Somerset county and the Eastern Shore of Virginia will be patrolled.

Worcester County towns and villages that have completed plans for the simultaneous blackout next Wednesday night are Bishopville, Showell, Friendship, Berlin, St. Martins, Whaleyville, Taylorsville, Ocean City, Newark, Public Landing, Snow Hill, Girdletree, Stockton, Goodwill and Pocomoke City.

Final instructions to the public of Worcester County on what to do will be given by qualified civilian air raid wardens at seven county meetings to be held tomorrow night at eight o'clock.

Footnote: (From previous postings) 

The preceding month Eastern Shore residents and other Marylanders were urged to tune in to a special statewide radio broadcast "When The Blitz Comes, Know Your Task." In February, 1942, an enemy submarine torpedoed and sank a freighter just 23 miles off of Ocean City. The next month a complete blackout of Ocean City was ordered by Maryland's State Defense Council until a plan could be devised to prevent light reflections that could silhouette ships on the ocean. The same month the executive director for Civil Defense for Maryland issued a warning to all county defense directors that every Eastern Shore county must immediately put partial blackouts into effect every night until further notice.

December, 1898

The assistance of Pocomoke and Salisbury firemen, arriving by rail, was credited with preventing a major blaze in Princess Anne from spreading throughout the town. The fire claimed the Somerset Hotel and a number of other structures but according to a published news report: but for the promptness with which the adjacent cities of Salisbury and Pocomoke responded to the call for aid the entire town might now be in ruins.


August, 1900

(The Denton Journal)

It is proposed to change the name of Ocean City, Md., to Sinepuxent or Isle Of Wight.


August, 1950

(The Denton Journal)


Pocomoke City Raceway was the scene of 3 ten lap heats and a 30-lap feature race on Sunday with Norris Reed of Denton driving car No. 38 owned by Mary and Ed Henry to victory in the 15-mile thriller. Reed defeated such veteran drivers as Bill Scott in car No. 1, Jack Jones of car 75 and Roland Sammons driving No. 24 to turn the fast 1/2 mile track in 15 minutes and 21 seconds. A beautiful wrist watch was Reed's prize as feature winner.

Footnote: Pocomoke stock car races were held at the track on the old Fair Grounds.


February, 1960

A heart attack claimed the life of Pocomoke City's young mayor, Dr. Fred Parsons. The 36-year-old dentist opened his practice in 1953 when he moved to Pocomoke and was elected mayor in 1958. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

SPCA Eastern Shore Pet Walk