Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why we shoot deer

Why we shoot deer in the wild (A letter from someone who wants to remain anonymous, who farms, writes well and actually tried this)

I had this idea that I could rope a deer, put it in a stall, feed it up on corn for a couple of weeks, then kill it and eat it. The first step in this adventure was getting a deer. I figured that, since they congregate at my cattle feeder and do not seem to have much fear of me when we are there (a bold one will sometimes come right up and sniff at the bags of feed while I am in the back of the truck not 4 feet away), it should not be difficult to rope one, get up to it and toss a bag over its head (to calm it down) then hog tie it and transport it home.

I filled the cattle feeder then hid down at the end with my rope. The cattle, having seen the roping thing before, stayed well back. They were not having any of it. After about 20 minutes, my deer showed up - 3 of them. I picked out a likely looking one, stepped out from the end of the feeder, and threw my rope. The deer just stood there and stared at me. I wrapped the rope around my waist and twisted the end so I would have a good hold.

The deer still just stood and stared at me, but you could tell it was mildly concerned about the whole rope situation. I took a step towards it, it took a step away. I put a little tension on the rope .., and then received an education. The first thing that I learned is that, while a deer may just stand there looking at you funny while you rope it, they are spurred to action when you start pulling on that rope.

That deer EXPLODED. The second thing I learned is that pound for pound, a deer is a LOT stronger than a cow or a colt. A cow or a colt in that weight range I could fight down with a rope and with some dignity. A deer-- no Chance. That thing ran and bucked and twisted and pulled. There was no controlling it and certainly no getting close to it. As it jerked me off my feet and started dragging me across the ground, it occurred to me that having a deer on a rope was not nearly as good an idea as I had originally imagined. The only upside is that they do not have as much stamina as many other animals.

A brief 10 minutes later, it was tired and not nearly as quick to jerk me off my feet and drag me when I managed to get up. It took me a few minutes to realize this, since I was mostly blinded by the blood flowing out of the big gash in my head. At that point, I had lost my taste for corn-fed venison. I just wanted to get that devil creature off the end of that rope.

I figured if I just let it go with the rope hanging around its neck, it would likely die slow and painfully somewhere. At the time, there was no love at all between me and that deer. At that moment, I hated the thing, and I would venture a guess that the feeling was mutual. Despite the gash in my head and the several large knots where I had cleverly arrested the deer's momentum by bracing my head against various large rocks as it dragged me across the ground, I could still think clearly enough to recognize that there was a small chance that I shared some tiny amount of responsibility for the situation we were in. I didn't want the deer to have to suffer a slow death, so I managed to get it lined back up in between my truck and the feeder - a little trap I had set before hand...kind of like a squeeze chute. I got it to back in there and I started moving up so I could get my rope back.

Did you know that deer bite?

They do! I never in a million years would have thought that a deer would bite somebody, so I was very surprised when ..... I reached up there to grab that rope and the deer grabbed hold of my wrist. Now, when a deer bites you, it is not like being bit by a horse where they just bite you and slide off to then let go. A deer bites you and shakes its head--almost like a pit bull. They bite HARD and it hurts.

The proper thing to do when a deer bites you is probably to freeze and draw back slowly. I tried screaming and shaking instead. My method was ineffective.

It seems like the deer was biting and shaking for several minutes, but it was likely only several seconds. I, being smarter than a deer (though you may be questioning that claim by now), tricked it. While I kept it busy tearing the tendons out of my right arm, I reached up with my left hand and pulled that rope loose.

That was when I got my final lesson in deer behavior for the day.

Deer will strike at you with their front feet. They rear right up on their back feet and strike right about head and shoulder level, and their hooves are surprisingly sharp ... I learned a long time ago that, when an animal -like a horse - strikes at you with their hooves and you can't get away easily, the best thing to do is try to make a loud noise and make an aggressive move towards the animal. This will usually cause them to back down a bit so you can escape.

This was not a horse. This was a deer, so obviously, such trickery would not work. In the course of a millisecond, I devised a different strategy. I screamed like a woman and tried to turn and run. The reason I had always been told NOT to try to turn and run from a horse that paws at you is that there is a good chance that it will hit you in the back of the head. Deer may not be so different from horses after all, besides being twice as strong and 3 times as evil, because the second I turned to run, it hit me right in the back of the head and knocked me down.

Now, when a deer paws at you and knocks you down, it does not immediately leave. I suspect it does not recognize that the danger has passed. What they do instead is paw your back and jump up and down on you while you are laying there crying like a little girl and covering your head.

I finally managed to crawl under the truck and the deer went away. So now I know why when people go deer hunting they bring a rifle with a sort of even the odds!!

All these events are true so help me God... An Educated Farmer

I would like to buy this dog but as you can see it's not for sale!

Please be advised I am sick to death of receiving questions about my dog who mauled 3 Muslims sitting on a rug next to my back wall, 6 illegal's wearing Obama T-shirts, 4 Democrats wearing Pelosi T-shirts, 2 rappers, 5 phone operators who asked me to press #1 for English, 9 teenagers with their pants hanging down past their cracks, 8 customer service desk people speaking in broken English, 10 flag burners, and a Pakistani taxi driver.

Ongoing Investigation Finally Gets The Thief Arrested!

Tia Lynn Johnson was arrested on Thursday by WCBI officer,Frank Wright, at her place of employment -- Walmart.Once handcuffed, she was escorted and paraded through the store to her ride to jail. She was released the same day on a $10,000 bond.

Apparently WCBI has been working on this case with the cooperation from Walmart since 2009 and have Tia on video. This time she can't she can't lie her way out of it and this time she WILL have to talk!

For those that don't know, Tia is the girlfriend (or former girlfriend)of Jr. Jackson who is being housed at ECI in Westover, sentenced to 3 years for burglary. These two, it has always been believed, were two of the last people to ever see Chistine Sheddy alive back in 2007.

WCBI, no doubt, must have become suspicious when Tia came up with quite a bit of money to bail Jr. out a few years ago and then somehow found more money to retain former assistand State's Attorney Kathy Smith to represent Jr.

Regardless of what she did with the stolen money it was the WCBI this entire time that has been lying low in the "trenches" trying to nail Tia with something, anything to get her to talk.......short of prying it out of her mouth!

Great job Investigator Frank Wright and the rest of the WCBI! What a great group you are to have been working on this for so very long and never losing sight that justice must always remain supreme.

And a giant step, perhaps, for the Christine Sheddy case.

The Beautiful Eastern Shore

Yesterday was one of the disagreeable  days on Delmarva! If you had to be out in the weather you know just exactly what I am talking about. Oh, that wind and the pelting rain. Put simply, the day was just plain miserable!

I noticed  around 2:00 that the clouds had parted in some areas and the skies turned that beautiful color of Delmarva blue and the sun,  in all
 of its brightness, warmed us.                                                       

And, as always, remarkable beauty appeared in the skies...................

These were taken yesterday in the beautiful rural countryside of Preston, Maryland.  The photographer of these photos waited all day after the rain to snap these photos.

When you have lived on the Eastern Shore all your life sometimes you just know what comes next.
~Thanks for the photos Jordan!~

Field Notes By Delegate Mike McDermott

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Mike McDermott
February 21st-25th 2011

• Monday prior to session, I received a nice visit from folks from the Catholic Conference all hailing from northern Worcester County. Mondays is a big afternoon for various groups to come by and meet with their respective legislators for lobbying purposes. It is always a pleasure for groups to come by from back home. We exchanged a few ideas on pending legislation while agreeing to disagree on capital punishment.

• Monday the House TEA Party Caucus held a meeting prior to session and was visited by a large number of patriots from Queen Anne’s County. We were addressed by the President of the Maryland AFP, Charles Lollar, who encouraged the membership for taking a stand on fiscal restraint in the House of Delegates. Pres. Lollar agreed to do all he could to insure that the AFP joined the effort by showing up once a week to take a stand in the House Galleries. We also reviewed a short legislative list which we will vote on next Monday.

• Monday night we had a special presentation from Delegate Frick (D) in honor of Washington’s Birthday. In the House, the Black Caucus gets to pick the speaker for Martin Luther King Day, the Republican Caucus picks for Lincoln’s Birthday, and the Democratic Caucus picks for President’s Day. The delegate made an attempt to infuse some sarcastic humor into his speech on President Washington, -but it fell flat. It seemed like a time that could have been used to lift and inspire was wasted.

• Tuesday morning, some of the first bills starting trickling onto the floor for Second Reader. This process starts slow, but it will build to a fever pitch in time. The first few bills are ones where there is general agreement on both sides of the isle. Often they are technical bills which only seek to clarify provisions in the law, and they usually move forward quickly with little or no debate. During Second Reader, amendments are often offered to the bills. Each one of these must be offered by a delegate or by the Chairman if the amendment was added by the Committee hearing the bill in the first place.

• Tuesday in Judiciary, the following bills were reviewed:
1. HB-135: This bill seeks to increase the court fines and costs to be utilized to fund victim service organizations. This is an interesting bill, but there was some concern that one organization would be getting preferential treatment through the creation of this funding source, while other organizations would have to continue competing for available grant funds through the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Public Safety. Many victims of crime came forward to support this legislative effort. Their stories can be heart wrenching, and it can be difficult to hear these tragedies told by heartbroken family members.
2. HB-353: This bill seeks to repeal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing in Maryland for drug related offenses. Supporters of the bill want judges to have more ability to sentence criminals to treatment facilities or other similar sentencing arrangements by providing much more latitude in sentencing. Ironically, this bill was created to help us get tough on drug crimes and was a means of dealing with many liberal judges from the western shore who would not provide lengthy incarceration for even repeat offenders. I hope this bill never moves out of the Committee.
3. HB-359: Would make it a crime if a person sells drugs to a minor which leads to the minor’s death. While this seems strange, this proposed law mimics current Federal Law and is not currently a crime in Maryland. There was compelling testimony from a family regarding the tragic death of their 17 year old son due to drug abuse. This bill made sense and appears to fill several loop holes currently on the books.
4. HB-454: This bill would provide for the ability of a judge to order specific restitution in cases involving Identity Theft. We heard testimony from several professionals detailing the costs often associated with this crime and the burden it places on the victims.
5. HB-458: This bill would prohibit the release of a person’s arrest record to anyone outside of the criminal justice system for any non-violent offenses which occurred more than 10-years prior to the request for information. This bill stirred debate as it could potentially limit the ability of an organization to screen for someone previously convicted of theft or embezzlement. The idea behind the bill was to limit the exposure people face due to previous criminal history so their employment opportunities would not be limited. The committee sees many bills of this nature which seek to codify the idea of a “second chance” by diminishing, eliminating, or otherwise hiding the history or previous actions of an individual. They are well intended, but fraught with problems.
6. HB-504: This is a straight forward bill which seeks to limit the amount of time a person may be sentenced to do local time in a county jail. Currently a person can serve up to 18-months locally. This bill changes that to 12-months. Several wardens testified about the cost associated with the extra time and the failure of the state to continue their reimbursement program based on a set per diem amount. As this would further burden the Department of Corrections in Maryland, this bill is probably not going anywhere. In fact, I could envision the state trying to extend local time as this would reduce that same burden borne by the state.
7. HB-599: This bill would require law enforcement officers to secure a Search Warrant prior to utilizing any type of GPS tracking device on a vehicle or a person. Traditionally, courts have held that the use of limited GPS style tracking is an acceptable practice as it merely enhances an officer’s ability to follow a vehicle as if the officer were in a vehicle tailing the suspect. Extended use of these systems generally requires a warrant. This bill would put an undue burden on law enforcement’s ability to watch the bad guys.
8. HB-606: This bill would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana by making possession of less than an ounce a Civil Infraction punishable by a fine of $100.00. There are strong arguments on both sides and the marijuana lobby is really pushing hard in the General Assembly this year. While this sounds like a small amount of marijuana, when packaged for sale and distribution, an ounce is the equivalent of about 26-“dime” ($10.00) bags on the street. This was clearly demonstrated by the law enforcement community who attended the hearing. I think the bill has some significant problems. The amount was clearly too much and there was thought that this limitation may limit the arrest of major players who have small amounts of the drug coupled with the elements of a large scale operation.

There was an argument put forward that these small amount arrests are a waste of law enforcement resources and officer’s time could be put too much better use. I have no argument there, but the answer could be found in simply allowing officers to issue a ticket instead of arresting the individual. This was also discussed as a way to improve the process. This bill spawned a good discussion and which may result in a modified bill being offered or some other targeted legislation.
9. HB-801: This bill would apply and extend victim rights to the victims of all crimes and not just those affected by violent crimes. This is a good idea, but the costs associated with the fiscal note may make it difficult to implement at the present time.

• Wednesday, in Judiciary, the following bills were reviewed:
1. HB-351: This bill would return the limited duty of assigning guardianship of a person to the jurisdiction of the Orphan’s Court in certain instances. The law was modified in recent years with the assumption that the judges were all attorneys. This change would merely take the law back to its original form.
2. HB-363: This bill seeks to modify the standard by which the charge of Manslaughter by Vehicle or Vessel could be applied. The bill presenters believe the burden of proof is too high and, therefore, the law cannot be applied in cases of clear gross negligence. We heard from many family members tell of the tragic loss of their loved ones brought on by, in many cases, the apparent gross negligence of an individual who received little or no punishment for their offense due to the standard of criminal negligence being applied in Maryland.

These folks have been trying to see this standard changed for years. Their frustration with Chairman Vallario was quite apparent and they pleaded with him to allow the bill to be voted on by the committee. Up till now, the bill has always stayed “in the drawer” and the committee has never had a chance to vote.
3. HB-523: This bill creates a new tax on out of state attorneys who are allowed to take on a case in Maryland. It would place a $100.00 charge per case that would be utilized to fund the Janet L. Hoffman Loan Assistance Repayment Program. This is a fund set up to provide help in paying back student loans for law students who agree to practice law in underserved areas. Taxing lawyers may be the only tax that receives my support.
4. HB-779: The bill seeks to redefine the definition of “operator” as it relates to the crime of Manslaughter by Vehicle. It would allow that person would still be considered an “operator” for the purpose of being charged if they failed to secure a load properly or failed to clean up or mark a road hazard they created. If they failed to secure a trailer hitch properly and the load came detached and caused a death they could be charged under this proposed bill.

I saw some problem with this bill in the way it may affect commercial trucking interests and liabilities. Of course, nothing keeps one from being held civilly responsible in these cases, but the issue of seeking criminal charges is another matter. In many of these types of cases, there are certainly charges on the books which apply to the violations, but the punishment is often limited to a fine or very limited jail time. In some of these cases, there is a reckless disregard which ends a life and no sense of justice for the families who remain. Again, we heard compelling testimonies highlighting the need to address this issue.
5. HB-834: This would change the name of the Orphan’s Court to Estate Court. It was said that the name of the court is often a source of confusion for the public and no one is quite sure about what services the Orphan’s Court provides. The Orphan’s Court Judges I have spoken with have no issue with the name change.
6. HB-839: This bill would allow for certain operations of a motor vehicle to be included under the charge of Reckless Endangerment. Currently, vehicle operation is not included in this charge. Several prosecutors testified about the need for this charge and how it would help them label specific conduct that is often difficult to prosecute under existing charges. I agree with the premise, but the wording in the bill was a little confusing and may need to be cleaned up or amended to make it better.
7. HB-930: This bill would require that anyone seeking to hold office as an Orphan’s Court Judge for Baltimore County would need to be an attorney in good standing with the local Bar Association. We recently saw this change in Baltimore City. Currently in Baltimore County, the Orphan’s Court judiciary is fully comprised of attorneys; however this would clearly affect future elections. Generally, these types of bills for one specific jurisdiction are considered “local courtesy” bills and are moved along if the full delegations from that district (or districts affected) are in agreement. That appears to be the case with this bill.

• Thursday, a special joint session was held in the House for the election of the State Treasurer. This is done by secret ballot with everyone in attendance, including the Governor and Lt. Governor. The ballot had two names, Nancy Kopp and William Campbell. Kopp (D) being the current Treasurer and Campbell being the recent Republican nominee for State Comptroller. The vote should have been a no brainer for the Democrats. The ballots are marked and turned into the Clerks who deliver them to the Chief Clerk to be counted in front of the Assembly with all of the officials looking on. It became very interesting as the votes were read, aloud by the Chief Clerk and she started calling out votes for “Chuck Brown” and a few other write-in candidates. It seems many of my democratic colleagues were making a joke of the voting without realizing they were risking the election of Kopp in the process. She had to receive 95 votes to secure her election, and, as the voting progressed, the laughter died down to an eerie quiet as their joke looked like it just might backfire. If they did not have a clear 95 votes for Kopp, she could not be elected. After some time, she eventually reached the magic number and the Democratic leadership breathed a collective sigh of relief. I have to say, they were a true embarrassment today in plain view of the public. We are there to serve the public, and playing games with the voting process does not send the right message. Watching them sweat for awhile…priceless!

• Thursday we voted for the first time on Third Reader Bills. All but one of the bills was pretty much unanimous. The one bill that caused some stir dealt with continuing the funding for a commission to study the effects of immigration on the State of Maryland. Funding for the commission has a cost of 25 thousand a year and the questions they are charged with answering are anything but critical of illegal immigration. There is not even a mention in the study criteria to find out about the cost to our Criminal Justice system or the adverse economic impact on our local, county, and state government entities. These questions were raised on the floor, but ultimately the bill passed. Here is a list of the other bills which passed today:
• Thursday afternoon, the Judiciary Committee met for an extended meeting and late voting session. Hearings were conducted for the following bills:
1. HB-402: This bill would reduce the time tables and grounds for Absolute Divorce. It would change the requirements on cohabitation and reduces the time frame from 12-months to 6-months period of separation prior to a divorce being granted.
2. HB-423: This bill would enhance the penalties associated with Criminal Nonsupport and Desertion of a deadbeat parent.
3. HB-424: This bill would provide an extension of Child Support payments for kids who are still in high school but have not reached 19 years of age. Currently, support ends at age 18 regardless of whether or not a child has completed high school.
4. HB-653: This bill would define the way medical payments are handled in custody situations involving child support. The custodial parent would assume responsibility for the first $250.00 of medical expenses not reimbursed by insurance with the balance being worked out between both parents by decree.
5. HB-770: This bill actually attempts to give certain pets a different standing in the eyes of the court when it comes to them being parceled out as community property in divorce settlements. The bill outlines potential visitation rights, etc. We had a judge testify in this case and asked the Committee to not approve this bill. He was concerned at the time that would need to be spent dealing with a pet custody hearing. I think the judge is right. Pets hold a special place in our hearts, particularly if we do not have children; but giving them this type of status before the courts is dangerous.
6. HB-835: This would change the statute of limitations on Child and Spousal Support Contempt Proceedings. Instead of a contempt order being good for 3-years, they would remain active for up to 12-years.
7. HB-837: This is an interesting bill that would provide that a deadbeat spouse could not shelter a windfall settlement from their Child Support demands. It would allow for the courts to require the parent to provide support funding from the windfall.
8. HB-1052: This bill seeks to level the field between a man and a woman before the court when it comes to custody arrangements. The bill provides for a presumptive assumption that joint custody arrangements are generally in the best interest of children. There was much debate on this bill. The testimony lasted for a couple of hours with story after story of men who indicated that they had been denied proper custody rights by a judge. There were good points made on both sides of the argument.

• On Thursday following the hearing session, the Judiciary Committee held a voting session on several bills previously heard. The following is a synopsis of the bill status. A ruling of “Unfavorable” means the bill is dead having been voted down in committee. A ruling of “Favorable” indicates that the bill garnered sufficient support to move it out of committee and onto the whole House for a vote.

Bills Voted Favorable:

Bills Voted Unfavorable:

• Friday, the Judiciary spent long hours hearing testimony from both sides of the Gay Marriage bills. These are HB-55, HB-175, and SB-116 (having passed out of the Senate yesterday on a vote of 25-22). The chamber was packed out and the overflow stood in the hallways and in the large caucus room with a live broadcast. Panels rotated in and out, pro and con, every hour going long into the evening. The best arguments have been made against the bills by a law professor who addressed the bills purely from a civil law perspective. Looking at the historical nature of marriage between one man and one woman is so ingrained in our law, changing the definition will cause great destruction in many aspects too numerous to calculate. For that reason alone, these are poorly crafted bills.

I do not believe there are enough votes to defeat these bills in the Judiciary Committee. They may well get out with the minimum 12 vote count and find the battle moving to the floor of the House. In the House right now, it is a 50-50 proposition, but there is a lot of vote counting going on by the ruling party whips.

I will be working with others to submit amendments to any approved bills to make them about Civil Unions as opposed to the redefinition of marriage. This will be a difficult task.

I would imagine that we will vote on this sometime next week. I encourage folks to make phone calls and emails to my Democratic colleagues on the Judiciary Committee. The Republicans are not in dispute.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Worcester County District Court

Worcester County District Court - Heard by Judge Gerald V. Purnell
February 4 - 8, 2011

Shane Terrence Bennett, no date of birth listed, of the 1000 block of Spring Meadow Boulevard, York, Pa., was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia and controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana. The verdict was guilty for the first charge. The other charges were placed on the stet docket.

Johnny Lee Collins, 49, of Withams, Va., was charged with trespassing on posted property, possession of controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana and three counts of possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia. The verdict was guilty for the second charge. The other charges were placed on the stet docket.

Terrance Joeride Mills, 25, of the 200 block of Broad Street, Berlin, was charged with theft of $1,000 to under $10,000, malicious destruction of property valued at less than $500 and theft of less than $1,000 value. The verdict was probation before judgment for the first charge. Nol pros was entered for the other charges.

Mansfield Dale Purnell, 39, of the 200 block of Broad Street, Berlin, was charged with theft of $1,000 to under $10,000, malicious destruction of property valued at less than $500 and theft of less than $1,000 value. The verdict was guilty for the first charge. Nol pros was entered for the other charges.

Michael Oldham Kent, 21, of Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with resist/interfere with arrest and possession of controlled dangerous substance -- not marijuana. The verdict was guilty for the first charge. Nol pros was entered for the second charge.

Anthony Nathaniel Waters Jr., 32, of the 34000 block of Horntown Road, Horntown, Va., was charged with telephone misuse: repeat calls and harass: a course of conduct. The verdict was probation before judgment for the first charge. The verdict for the second charge was merged.

Heather M. Kresge, 28, of the 500 block of South Bergan Street, Bethlehem, Pa., was charged with possession of alcohol under age. Nol pros was entered.

Robin Renee Allbritton, 43, of the 70 block of Ocean Parkway, Berlin, was charged with assault second degree. The charge was placed on the stet docket.

Emily J. Jones, 23, of the 30 block of Capetown Road, Berlin, was charged with assault second degree. The verdict was not guilty.

Richard C. Halbauer, 45, of the 60 block of Capetown Road, Berlin, was charged with assault second degree. The verdict was not guilty.

Stephen Edward Petitt, 24, of the 3000 block of Sheephouse Road, Pocomoke City, was charged with theft of $1,000 to under $10,000 and conspiracy theft of $1K to under $10K. The verdict was merged for the first charge and guilty for the second .

Jason David Dailey, 22, of the 20 block of NE 10th Street, Milford, Del., was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia. The verdict was guilty for the first charge and merged for the second.

Nathisha Creecy-Allen, 34, of the 1000 block of Colona Road, Pocomoke City, was charged with electric company: tamper with meter and theft of less than $100. Both charges were placed on the stet docket.

Marqui Dalontae Henry, 33, of the 10000 block of Harrison Road, Berlin, was charged with three counts of assault second degree. For all charges, the verdict was not guilty.

Jennifer Ann Charbonneau, 30, of the 600 block of Fitzwater Street, Salisbury, was charged with disturbing the peace. The verdict was guilty.

Carol Thomas Whittington, 63, of the 1000 block of River Road, Crownsville, Md., was charged with theft of less than $100. The verdict was probation before judgment.

Desiree Antoinett Short, 47, of the 33000 block of Stratford Road, Lewes, Del., was charged with possession of undersized black sea bass. The verdict was probation before judgment.

Raymond Stanley Holliday, 40, of the 600 block of Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance paraphernalia. The verdict was guilty.

Jennifer Charbonneau, 30, of the 600 block of Clarke Avenue, Pocomoke City, was charged with alcoholic beverage/open container/retail establishment. Nol pros was entered.

~~ At the Marva Theater~~

Friday and Saturday
Feb 25th and 26th
Shows start at 7PM
Admission only $5
Rated PG-13

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Gaga... $22.00 per Scoop

London Ice Cream Parlor Creates 'Baby Gaga' Flavor From Human Breast Milk

A London ice cream parlor is titillating its customers with a new flavor made from human breast milk.

The restaurant is called the Icecreamists and the new flavor, which is named "Baby Gaga," goes on sale Friday and is made from a mix of cream made from 75 percent human breast milk and 25 percent cream from old Bossy herself. Oh, and some Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest to make it fancy.

Cheesy as the concept sounds, Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor sees Baby Gaga as food for thought as much as consumption.

"Some people are turned off by the idea," O'Connor told AOL News. "But, really, it raises the philosophical question: Is it better if we use milk from cows injected with hormones who are artificially induced with pregnancy every few months, or human milk?"

So far, that question hasn't been answered, but O'Connor thinks it's telling that the people who've already sampled this milk of human kindness have been mothers "who wanted to see what breast milk tastes like."

To be honest, it depends on whose milk they're sampling.

"The taste varies enormously, based on how long a woman has been lactating and her diet in general. Its viscosity is more watery than cow's milk and it's sweeter," he said.

Each serving of Baby Gaga sells for around $22 U.S., and O'Connor compares the experience -- and the price -- to that of gourmet cheese.

Dairies specializing in human breast milk are few and far between, so O'Connor is contracting with moms like Victoria Hiley, a 35-year-old from Leeds who works with women who have problems breast-feeding.

O'Connor pays around $1.61 U.S. for each fluid ounce of milk, and that makes Hiley highly motivated to produce.



This comes from Robert Chapman, publisher of International Forecaster. WORTH A CAREFUL READ AND DISSEMINATION TO OTHERS!



Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to “take” all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.

This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.

Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People’s Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China’s continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!


Accomack County Grand Jury ~ Indictments

Indictments handed down Accomack Grand Jury:

Two women incarcerated in the Accomack County Jail were indicted for possession of a cellular phone by a prisoner. They are Shakeva Matthews, 23, of Tasley and Yolanda Osha Stines, 35, of Painter.

Denzel Maurice Timmons, 20, of Pocomoke, Md., for robbery and use of a firearm.
Tracie Lynne Bailey, 36, of Chincoteague, stolen checks.

Fred Nathaniel Turlington, 39, of Melfa, assault and battery of a police officer.

Kelsey Elizabeth Bottone, 24, of Belle Haven, credit card larceny.

Rykese Ja'Quan Brown, 19, of Savage Dr., Parksley, driving under the influence, third offense.

Clyde Edward Dean Jr., 34, of West Point, grand larceny.

Myron Hezzell Edwards, 46, of Onancock, receiving stolen property.

Shanikqua Menique Giddens, 19, of Exmore, grand larceny.

William Harmon, 34, of Melfa, possession of cocaine, possession of a firearm while in possession of a controlled substance.

Robbie O'Brian Harris Jr., 20, of Temperanceville, robbery.

Devan Lamar Hinmon, 21, of Temperanceville, felony eluding a law enforcement officer.

Ivan Ibarra, 22, of Accomac, felony property destruction.

Wykia Shanell James, 18, of Nassawadox, forgery.

Carl Ray Murray III, 19, of Pungoteague, assault and battery of a police officer.

Issac Sample Jr., 42, of Accomac, abduction.

Rachel Ann Sheppard, 30, of Onancock, assault and battery of a firefighter.

Dijon Ryheem Smith, 18, of New Church, robbery, use of a firearm

Preston Lee Strand Jr., 17, of New Church, felony eluding a law enforcement officer.

Amy Gladden Sturgis, 30, of Onancock, defrauding an innkeeper.

Bonne Lou Thompson, 50, of Chincoteague, possession of cocaine.

Bill Proposed By Fourth Graders Goes To Virginia Governor

RICHMOND, Va. — Legislation by a class of 4th graders from Hampton almost became the one that got away, but the bill declaring the striped bass the official saltwater fish of Virginia is now one step away from becoming law.

Concern about the health of the Chesapeake Bay prompted the 4th graders from Spratley Gifted Center to propose the legislation.

With their testimony, the  measure sailed through the State Senate and a House committee.
It hit a snag on the floor of the House, when delegates argued that the state’s menhaden fishery has a stronger claim.

I maintain that the menhaden is a much more important fish to the Commonwealth of Virginia," said Manassas Delegate Jackson Miller. It’s much more important to the culture and history of this Commonwealth," he told lawmakers, "and quite frankly it's more important to the commercial viability of all fisheries in the Commonwealth of Virginia."

"I just want to mention Mr. Speaker that striped bass was served at the very first Thanksgiving," countered Hampton Delegate Jeion Ward.  "That for no other reason should make this one of our state emblems."

The menhaden amendment failed by a single vote, and the House approved the striped bass bill.
Now, it’s up to Governor McDonnell to decide if the students’ class project will become state law.

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ REPTILE SHOW

Delmarva Discovery Center
Open  10:00 AM  until 4:00 PM
Saturday  February 26, 2011
Cost:  $10.00 adults  
 $8.00 seniors and students 
 $5.00 children
With paid admission to the Center the Reptile show is Free!

For the second year Delmarva Discovery Center will host special guests from Reptiles Alive. The company, based in northern Virginia, will present a host of reptiles for visitors to learn about.  Meet  Dean Martin, the albino python, Sunshine, the African leopard tortoise and  Janice, the American alligator. Listen to the stories about where they live and what they do all day long.

Local artist Jenny Somers  will be there with her wonderful paintings of shore wildlife.
Plenty to do all day.

Shows 1 to 1:30, 2 to 2:30, and 3 to 3:30!
For more information go to:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

FIRST Robotics Competition

  Every year, students participating in the FIRST Robotics Competition are presented with a game challenge and the students have 6 weeks to design and build a robot to compete against teams from all over the USA and 40 other countries.  

Parents, teachers, business men and women, mechanics, and NAVY and NASA engineers volunteer time and resources to work with the students.  At a minimum, students learn the value of teamwork, they learn how to apply their math and science skills to “real-world” problems, they are exposed to engineering careers, and a few students emerge as leaders among their peers.  

All students involved in this program have the opportunity to apply for $14 million in college scholarships.  Our local team is made up of students from Nandua High School, Arcadia HS, Pocomoke HS, Worcester Tech, Snowhill HS, and “home-schoolers”.  This year Team 1829 will compete in Richmond, VA and they will travel to St. Louis, MO for the FIRST Robotics Championship.  To help offset expenses, Team 1829 is hosting a “Call of Duty” video game tournament on Saturday, March 5.  

We will continue our build time right up until the end of March and you are more than welcome to check out our progress.  Students work daily from 4pm – 7pm.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Amy & FIRST Robotics Team 1829

Amy Davis
NASA Robotics Alliance Project at Wallops
Code 569, Bldg E-109 Rm 220
Wallops Island, VA  23337
Phone: 757-824-1096


Game Riot
Call of Duty: Black Ops V2V Tournament

Tickets: $20 per person in advance, $25 at the door 
$50 per team of 2 in advance, $55 at the door

Ticket pays for admission, t-shirt, hot dog/hamburger, drink, and chips

Ticket Sale Locations                       Event Location
Buddy’s Electronics                      Cropper Center 

1128 Ocean Highway               7463 Kearsage Circle

Pocomoke, MD 21851       Wallops Island,VA 23337 

Matches will be 2v2 on randomly chosen maps

Solo players will be paired up randomly each 


Various preset classes will be available • There 

will be a $5 buyback option

**Participants under 17 years of age require

parental permission**

For more info please visit

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2V2 Tournament
Saturday, March 5 at 4pm

Location: US NAVY Cropper Center
7463 Kearsage Circle
Wallops Island, VA 23337

Additional Info

  • Cost of admission includes t-shirt, hot dog/hamburger, drink, and chips

    • parental/legal guardian permission --- proof of age will be required for entrance to this event.
    • Check website for updates:
    • For additional info call Amy at 1-888-745-4744 xt.105

    Release Form

    I ______________________________________________________
    (Parent/Legal Guardian)

    grant permission for

    (Minor male/female)

    to participate in the Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2V2 Tournament on
    Saturday, March 5, 2011. I understand that the Call Of Duty: Black Ops video game is rated "M" for "Mature". By agreeing to allow the above mentioned minor to participate, I assume all responsibility for the welfare of the above mentioned minor.

    (Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian) Date

Voter Information From Mayoral Candidate Lynn Duffy

Our town's website doesn't tell you as of 2/23; so here's info. onvoter registration & absentee ballots.
If you aren't certain you are registered to vote, call 410-632-3031.
Google 'Worcester County, Maryland', click on 'Voter" at top of page, click on "Voter Information' and another window pops open. Then, click on the link on the left of Information for 'Link for Voter Registration'. Deadline to register: March 7 th
If you need an application for absentee ballot, stop by City Hall or call 410-957-1333 and this must be returned by March 31 st if you don't wish to have to WALK into the voting polls. If aren't going to be in town April 5th, please call for an absentee ballot. As of Feb. 23 rd, they still don't have a link on the city's website!
"Remember, this candidate values and demonstrates true transparency and openness in her campaign,
and will do so once elected!"
or if you welcome a visit, or a chat in my office,
or even chat by telephone,
CALL 410-957-4200.
My campaign team is now delivering flyers and informing the community of this website. Due to inclement weather and demonstrating respect to individual property, this candidate will NOT show up 'uninvited', loitering, or trespassing on any property, 
we respect your property!
We believe government should, too.
This upcoming Pocomoke City election for Mayor is a chance and who you decide as Pocomoke Mayor is important"Revitalizing Pocomoke" - is our goal, with a vision for our youth! This is important for our community and our future!
The time is now as "Real People NEED Real Solutions!" for such a time as this!
     Check out an uplifting & encouraging blog!
Entire website is a paid political endorsement by authority of Edean Bundick, Treasurer, for Mayoral Candidate Dr. Lynn Duffy. Site activity is monitored and analyzed daily.

Statistics Used In Decision To Move Hospital

Gee, I hope they got some actual input from the people of
Accomack County  before they decided to move a hospital.)

Accomack citizens who went to Maryland hospitals instead of Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital were a factor in the decision to move the hospital to Accomack County.

Statistics provided by Riverside Health Services show that in 2009, Eastern Shore residents represented nearly 7,000 inpatient admissions to hospitals, with 59% going to Riverside Shore Memorial in Nassawadox.

From Accomack County, there were 4,973 admissions with 1,518 using a Maryland facility, 723 receiving services from other Virginia Hospitals and 2,732 residents receiving care at Riverside Shore Memorial.

From Northampton County, there were a total of 1,944 hospital admissions with 58 residents choosing a Maryland facility, 515 went to other Virginia hospitals and 1,371 received care at Riverside Shore Memorial.

These statistics were used in the decision to move Shore Memorial to Accomack County.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Parents Made Teenage Son Wear Sign As Punishment

(Tampa Bay, Florida) James Mond, 15, was forced by his mother to wear a sign for getting bad grades and was also made to stand on a street corner. His mother defended her actions and said both her, and James’' father had tried everything but nothing worked, so they thought about this way to knock some sense in to their son about the importance of good grades in school.
The eighth grader had been getting low grades and he offered different excuses for his bad performance.

When James got a F in physical education, then it was obvious that his parents needed to do something about it. His father - Mond Jr. 33, who is a landscaper, had a meeting at his son's school with a guidance counselor, a teacher and the vice principal.

He just sat there looking up at the roof like he wasn't listening,"  Mond said.

Ronda Holder, 33, finally decided to make him hold a sign saying, "I DID 4 Questions on my F-Cat AND Said I Wasn't Going to Do it!. GPA 1.22...honk if I need education."

According to Holder, her son wasn't tested for learning disability and said that he was doing well in school and his grades were fine up until the seventh  grade. " I should have  been working harder
than I was in school", said James, who now understands why his mother made him wear that sign.

Some child care experts say that this punishment might be considered as maltreatment and it wasn't a proper approach to make him improve his educational performance.  It definitely would fall with the category of emotional abuse. This will be a lifelong memory for him." said Arlinda Amos, a psychologist in Hillsborough Children's Board.

However, his mother insists that what she did was all about her child's education because she didn't want him to end up on the streets.

From Virginia Senator Ralph Northam

General Assembly Update

With only one full week remaining in the 2011 General Assembly session, the House and Senate are working hard to complete action on the budget and other legislation. Several of my bills have passed both chambers and now await the Governors signature, including measures to ease access for our veterans to birth certificates and other vital records, promote growth in the aquaculture industry, and foster economic development associated with the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at Wallops Island.

Most importantly to me, however, is the passage of SB966 which requires 150 minutes of physical education per week for children in kindergarten through eighth grade in our public schools. As a pediatrician, I see every day the toll that childhood obesity is taking on our young people. It is an epidemic that leads to a lifetime of health and financial hardships, and we need to take action to combat it. Rates of stroke, diabetes, and vascular disease in teens and young adults have increased at alarming rates over the past 20 years, and fully one third of US children are now overweight or obese.

While my bill will not by any means eradicate childhood obesity, it is an important tool, and will not, as some have claimed, impose an undue hardship on our local schools. While I fully understand that SOLs and other requirements tax our teachers, finding 30 minutes or so per day for children to exercise and learn about the value of physical fitness is critical to their development. Active children are proven to be healthier, not just physically, but mentally as well. A sound body and sound mind reinforce each other, and having mandatory PE will improve kids' focus and performance in the classroom.

Although SB966 has passed both the Senate and the House of Delegates, it still must be signed into law by Governor McDonnell. I met with the Governor this week, and I know he understands the importance of taking steps to fight obesity. I also know he will be pressed to amend or veto the bill by those who argue that our schools dont have time to do this; I would counter that our children dont have time not to.

Thanks to all of you who have contacted me to share your thoughts on various bills throughout the session. I'll be here for one more week, and if youd like to get in touch please call us at (804) 698-7506, or send an email to If I am not available, my legislative assistant, Matt Strickler will be happy to help.

~News From Candidate Duffy For Mayor~

or if you welcome a visit, or a chat in my office,
or even chat by telephone,
CALL 410-957-4200.

My campaign team is now delivering flyers and informing the community of this website. Due to inclement weather and demonstrating respect to individual property, this candidate will NOT show up 'uninvited', loitering, or trespassing on any property.

We respect your property!

We believe government should, too.

This upcoming Pocomoke City election for Mayor is a chance and who you decide as Pocomoke Mayor is important! "Revitalizing Pocomoke" - is our goal, with a vision for our youth! This is important for our community and our future!

The time is now as "Real People NEED Real Solutions!" for such a time as this!

Check out an uplifting & encouraging blog!

Entire website is a paid political endorsement by authority of Edean Bundick, Treasurer, for Mayoral Candidate Dr. Lynn Duffy. Site activity is monitored and analyzed daily

2011 Winegrower of the Year From Eastern Shore

Rock Stephens on the Eastern Shore (pictured here with Virginia First Lady Maureen McDonnell) has been named 2011 Winegrower of the Year by the Virginia Vineyards Association.

Stephens and his wife, Kris, own The Vineyard at Point Breeze, a 12-acre vineyard located in Belle Haven. His passion for wine began after taking wine-related courses at Michigan State University in 1978. He has been making wine for more than 10 years and has won numerous amateur winemaking awards in international competition.

Since retiring as a captain in the U.S. Navy, Stephens has been active in the state’s winemaking industry. He served as president of the vineyards association from 2005-2009 and was appointed by former Gov. Mark Warner to the Virginia Wine Board and currently serves as its chairman.

Stephens has an MBA from Michigan State University and is a graduate of the executive program at the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia.

Source: Daily

Monday, February 21, 2011


Born - Erma Louise Fiste

Born: February 21, 1927 Died: April 22, 1996

"All of us have moments in our lives that test our courage.
Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of

~Erma Bombeck~