Thursday, September 1, 2011

This Weekend At The Mar-Va Theater

The Smurfs
Friday & Saturday
Sept 2nd & 3rd
Time: 7PM
Tickets: $5
When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the tiny blue Smurfs out of their village, they tumble from their magical world and into ours -- in fact, smack dab in the middle of Central Park. Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down. 

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Seeking Sex Offender

SNOW HILL — Worcester County Sheriff's are looking for a registered sex offender who failed to re-register after moving.

Deputies are searching for Joshua Aaron Baker, 32, whose last known address was on Swordfish Drive in West Ocean City. He is a Tier 3 sex offender, the sheriff's office said, the most serious of three available sex offender categories, and must register as such for life.

Baker also has two other warrants for his arrest on unrelated criminal and traffic matters in the Worcester County Circuit Court, the sheriff's office said.

To offer information regarding this investigation, contact the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office at (410) 632-1111.

 Tipsters may also call to provide information through lines maintained by Maryland Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.


Alex Schooley, Louisville High School Football Player, Penalized For Tribute To Dead Friend (VIDEO)

high school football player's tribute to a deceased friend in last Friday's season opener may have cost his team the game. After Louisville High School receiver Alex Schooley scored the go-ahead touchdown to put his team up 26-24 with 1:15 left in the game against Walsh Jesuit in Ohio, he pointed to the sky as a tribute to a close friend who died in a car accident last week.

The referee, however, threw a flag after in the middle of the gesture and penalized Schooley for excessive celebration, giving Walsh Jesuit excellent field position. They drove down the field and scored a 29-yard field goal to win the game.

According to Cleveland’s WJW-TV, many in Louisville thought the call was inappropriate. But Assistant Ohio High School Athletic Association Commissioner Henry Zaborniak said the correct call was made because "any prolonged gesture that draws attention to himself is a foul."

He made "a simple gesture to heaven," a grandparent of a Louisville player told the Associated Press.

In the NFL, players have also been fined or prevented from paying tribute to friends and loved ones who they have lost.
In 2008, Pittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Clark etched the number 21 in his eye black as a tribute to the late Sean Taylor, his former teammate when Clark was a Washington Redskin. The league fined him $5,000.

After Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chris Henry passed away, then-teammate Chad Ochocinco planned on wearing his jersey as a tribute. But the league rules prohibit it and wouldn't let the NFL Players Association reimburse him for any fine that he would have received.

Two Dead Adult Sea Turtles Wash Ashore

Leatherback Turtle
SOUTHERN SHORES, N.C.- Two dead adult sea turtles washed up on the Outer Banks near Southern Shores on Wednesday.

One was a leatherback turtle, the other a loggerhead turtle.  A necropsy was performed on the leatherback turtle by workers at the Outer Banks Center for Wildlife Education.
Loggerhead Turtle

No cause of death has been determined for either  turtle yet.

Both turtles were disposed of by the Town of Southern Shores after study by turtle eperts.


More Great Food Today At Shore Beef and BBQ

If your are traveling to your weekend destination during the Labor Day weekend plan to have lunch at Shore Beef and BBQ

Everyone's going to love this lunch special!

1/2 Rack of Ribs w/side
and drink
(Better ask for extra napkins)

And if available
Buy  some fresh fruits and vegetables

Summer is fading fast and these seasonal goodies won't be around much longer.

Route 13 South
T's Corner

Maryland Takes Multi-Million Dollar Hit For Closing Ocean City

OCEAN CITY, Md. - Maryland took a huge hit, after Hurricane Irene shut down Ocean City, and now the numbers are in to confirm it.

Wednesday, Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot announced a $2,000,000 revenue loss. Tourist numbers aren't nearly where they should be right now in Ocean City, but businesses and the state will take anything they can get right now. Hurricane Irene cost the beach town an estimated 2 million dollars in revenue; most of that is sales tax. Officials estimate they lost about $60,000 in gas tax revenue because of cancelled weekend travel, more than $45,000 in uncollected tolls. Additionally, Ocean City estimates it lost about $40,000 in admission and amusement tax revenue.

Julie Warren opened a bike rental shop one week before Irene hit. The storm was a rude awakening for this new business owner. "It surely was a disappointment for us to miss 3 days worth of business, that's for sure," admits Warren. "However on the other side of it, we would much rather them be prepared, and make take the precautions and make sure.  We are a family business, so I want my family safe."

With beautiful weather, and the Labor Day holiday on the horizon, all are hoping tourists will flock back to the beach. The Pazzani's of New Jersey missed the first days of their vacation, but made it down to finish the week. "We made it!  We made it down and the weather's been beautiful." Franchot says another round of revenue estimates are scheduled to be released in mid-September.

Crews Working To Reopen Assateague

Parking Lot/February 2010

ASSATEAGUE -- Officials at Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge are scrambling to reopen Assateague beach by the holiday weekend after Hurricane Irene destroyed the parking lots, depositing up to 18 inches of sand in some places.

The storm also created a breach at least 100 yards wide just north of the parking area joining Swan's Cove with the Atlantic Ocean.

"None of the damage was minor," said Refuge Manager Lou Hinds, adding "the best-case scenario" is to have 200-300 parking spaces available this weekend.

There are usually 961 parking spaces at the beach.

Hinds said the U.S. Park Service found more damage than was first thought. The latest plan officials are considering is to rebuild whatever spaces can be put in place by the weekend, then stop until spring because the demand for parking goes down after Labor Day and there is "a high probability it would only get washed away" during winter storms, he said.

The beach remained closed to visitors during the last full week of the summer season as workers using heavy equipment attempted to rebuild as many of the parking spaces as possible before Labor Day weekend, when thousands of tourists traditionally flock to the refuge and seashore.

The refuge reopened Tuesday under a temporary arrangement that includes opening a lifeguard-protected beach two miles north of the current recreational area, which visitors can access by bicycle or on foot.

In recent years the beach parking lots at times were completely full during holiday weekends, with one vehicle being allowed onto the refuge as another left.

"We knew this day would come... It just happened the storm hit the weekend before Labor Day weekend," said Hinds, who in the past has warned local and federal officials of the need for a backup plan in case a storm wiped out beach parking during the tourist season.

The remnants of Hurricane Ida last year also destroyed the parking lots, but workers had time to rebuild them before the next summer, at a cost of $450,000.

Hinds accompanied Chincoteague Mayor Jack Tarr, Accomack County Supervisor Wanda Thornton and other Chincoteague officials on a tour to inspect the damage, as well as to see the northern beach, which he proposed to open as a temporary solution to provide beach access to visitors this week.

That area, including plans for up to 8.5 acres of parking, is also proposed as the permanent site for the recreational beach in the future in two of four alternatives listed in the refuge's Comprehensive Conservation Plan. The plan was unveiled at recent open houses at Assateague Beach and the Chincoteague Center and was the subject of two public input meetings in Melfa and Pocomoke City.

Thornton kept an upbeat attitude after viewing the damage, saying, "It isn't as bad as I anticipated -- I've seen it a whole lot worse."

She predicted the breach at Swan's Cove will fill in over time.

Thornton also said Labor Day is traditionally not as busy for the seashore as other holidays like July Fourth.

Donna Mason, owner of Waterside Inn, said while she had some cancellations from guests affected in their home areas by Irene, bookings were holding steady for the weekend.

"We're hoping for a good weekend," she said. "Just tell them Chincoteague is open for business."

The northern beach, accessible from the Swan's Cove Trail off the Wildlife Loop, will have lifeguards on duty from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., but it will have very limited facilities.

Refuge officials encourage visitors to bicycle to the refuge due to the lack of available parking.

Vehicles may enter the refuge, but can go only as far as the Herbert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center. Limited parking is available there, as well as at the lighthouse, which will be open normal hours, and at the wildlife loop.

In addition to destroying the parking lots, Irene left groups of Chincoteague ponies freely roaming the beach road and the Bateman Center parking lot after gates were opened ahead of the storm's arrival to allow the ponies to seek higher ground. The ponies are usually kept away from areas frequented by people.

Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company's Saltwater Cowboys at some point will round up the ponies, for the second time this summer, and return them to their customary grazing grounds. But refuge officials did not put a timetable on that effort, saying they are sensitive to the extra work volunteer fire and rescue personnel put in before, during and after the storm.

In the meantime, drivers should proceed cautiously to avoid harming ponies they encounter in the road or parking lots. Visitors should not approach the wild ponies.

Entrance fees to the refuge were waived this week during the recovery effort. The refuge is open during reduced daylight hours, 7 a.m.-8 p.m., with tentative plans to resume normal hours Friday.


Nursing Director Faces Drug Fraud Charges

PRINCESS ANNE -- The nursing director at Manokin Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation Center has been charged with forging a prescription for oxycodone and trying to get it filled at a local pharmacy.

Pamela Brittingham Quillen, 39, of Jones Road in Pocomoke City, was arrested Aug. 24 by Maryland State Police, according to District Court records.

She was released the same day on $5,000 bond.

Quillen is accused of forging the signatures of Vincent Lewis, a physician's assistant who works at the nursing home, and Dr. Vel Natesan, a Salisbury internist, according to court documents.

The prescription was taken to Karemore Pharmacy in Princess Anne where a staff member contacted Natesan's office to verify it.

After a copy of the prescription was faxed to the doctor's office, Natesan and Lewis confirmed the signature was a forgery, police said.

Natesan's office manager then contacted state police.

State police obtained a surveillance video from the store and showed it to the nursing home's administrator, Bonnie Stone, who identified Quillen, according to court records.

The time on the tape, about 11 a.m. Aug. 22, coincided with a time when Quillen left work to run errands, police said.

A trial date has been set for Oct. 14 in District Court in Princess Anne.


Sanford, Virginia Area/ Tall Pines Harbour Campground

Sanford, Virginia Area
 After Hurricane Irene
August 27, 2011

Flooded side streets and roads
A few trees toppled and lots of limbs.

The road running through Sanford leading to Saxis, Va. was blocked for a period of time.

The fact that there was water in the road didn't stop alot of drivers.

Quite frankly, we have experienced nor'easters (that have gotten no attention at all) much worse than Hurrican Irene.

Campers were evacuated from the campground last week a day before Irene hit the Eastern Shore.

Saturday night the main road leading to the entrance was covered in water.  By Sunday afternoon the roads were nearly clear.
The owners of Tall Pines Harbour Campground, along with volunteers have worked with great speed this week to clear the campground of debris and to ready it for the long weekend.

The campground  is open and WILL be open for the Labor Day Holiday weekend.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... When The Pocomoke Fire Siren Sounded For A Really Unusual Reason, Description Of Area Towns In 1800, 1950's Music Concerns!

After bowing out last weekend for Hurricane Irene the TIME MACHINE returns this Sunday.

Once long ago authorities sounded the Pocomoke City fire siren loud and long but you'll never guess why, and it accomplished its most unusual purpose!

A look at some local towns as they existed in 1800... and from ACROSS THE USA criticism abounds about the music teenagers are listening to in the 1950's!

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fall Festival In Donwtown Pocomoke

POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke City Downtown Association is in the planning stages for its annual

Fall Festival, which will include new activities, entertainment, events and fun for the entire family.

Organizers are continuing to expand the exhibitor areas for arts and crafts, and food vendors, and would like to invite vendors to attend.

The festival takes place in downtown Pocomoke City near the Delmarva Discovery Center and the historic Pocomoke River drawbridge, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Oct. 8.

Application deadline is Sept. 23. For more information and for a vendor application, call the Chamber at 410-957-1919.

Crisfield Mud Bog


Saturday September 3, 2011

This will complete the series of mudbogs scheduled to be held in Crisfield.

Remaining mudbogs will be held in Gumboro.

More info for events will be posted soon.

Pocomoke City Golf Course & Stevensons Pond

A reader sent me these photos taken in the Winter Quarters Drive area after Hurricane Irene.
#3 Fairway

When you can't get to the beach
3rd Tee and 2nd Green
1st Green
Cart Barn and Log Cabin
Boardwalk under water at Stevensons Pond

I'm not a golfer but I believe I would call the club house before I ventured over to play a round of golf.

Thanks Jenny!

Shore Beef and BBQ


Pulled BBQ chicken sandwhich
w/side order and drink

Check out the other sandwich selections on the menu!

Route 13 South
T's Corner

Waterman Shocked From Downed Power Line

SMITH ISLAND, Md. —AP- Low-hanging power lines from Hurricane Irene shocked a waterman on Smith Island and forced power to the Chesapeake Bay island to be shut off after the storm.

The Rev. Rick Edmund, who lives on the island, said Tuesday that one of his parishioners, Buddy Evans, was pulling a cart of soft shell crabs Sunday morning when a power line touched his shoulder.

Edmund says Evans was unconscious at first but made it to his house. His wife called rescuers on the island who provided first aid. Evans sustained severe burns to his hand and shoulder. He was flown to the Washington Hospital Center for treatment and is in good condition.

The power was shut off for eight hours Sunday.

Edmund says there was only minor hurricane damage at Smith Island.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Florida sued for ticketing motorists who warn others of speed traps

Florida is facing a class-action lawsuit from drivers who have been ticketed for attempting to warn other motorists of hidden speed traps. According to WTSP 10 News, Eric Campbell was recently cited for just that, despite the fact that there is no law against using one's headlights to communicate with other drivers. The officer who ticketed Campbell used Florida State Statute 316.2397, even though the courts ruled that the police were wrongfully applying the law to crack down on vehicle-to-vehicle communication in 2005. Now Campbell wants his $100 ticket refunded and $15,000 in damages.

Since 2005, over 10,429 drivers have been cited for flashing their high beams, and if Campbell wins his case, Florida could be facing over $1 million in ticket refunds. But that's nothing compared to the $156.4 million the state could have to pay out if each driver is awarded $15,000 each. Hit the jump to take a look at news report on the lawsuit.


Australia has a real leader

I’m ready to move to Australia.

1.  She is a leader.
2.  She has more balls than you know who.
3.  She is not trying to destroy her country from within.

Subject: She did it again!
Australia says NO -- Second Time she has done this!
She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen.
A breath of fresh air to see someone lead.
I wish OUR leaders would step up in Canada & USA ..
Australian Prime Minister does it again!!
The whole world needs a leader like this!

Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:
'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'
'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!'
'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'
'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'
'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'
'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'
NOTE: IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.
If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know...

Hat Tip; Kack

Pocomoke Cypress Park and Hurricane Irene

Pocomoke Cypress Park
Sunday, August 28, 2011
After Hurricane Irene
After The Storm

The largest tree closest to the American Flag lost some branches and its very top cracked and fell.
I love this tree.  My family used this tree many times as the "wait for me there" tree. Or "go no farther than" tree.  I hope it lives.
Many of us have seen Cypress Park like this quite a few times. 

Many years ago when Feldman's Furniture was in business there were a few times when warehouse merchandise had to be taken to the second floor.  During that same time of flooding water would run into the backyard of what was once known the Simon Helig home.  Water would also  cover the tennis courts.
Many people were left without electricity due to hurricane Irene, including a few businesses downtown.  City Hall operated on Monday with a partial staff and is in full operation today along with the other stores and businesses. 

The Delmarva Discovery Center is OPEN today but has no phone service.

And I imagine the water in the park is almost gone..........

Pocomoke Fire Department Called To Assist Pocomoke City Public Works

On August 27, 2011 at 6:17 PM the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company was called to assist Pocomoke City Public works with a tree on a residence. 

 As a result of the high winds and heavy rains caused by Hurricane Irene at the time a  large tree in the yard of a residence on 10th Street split into two sections causing one half to fall onto the home while the other section blocked 10th Street.

According to Chief Dick Gladding the residents were home at the time and stated that they heard a  loud POP!

No in the home was injured but could not stay in the home due to safety reasons.

Chincoteatgue To Collect Storm Debis Left From Storm....

The Town of Chincoteague has announced it will be collecting debris left from Hurricane Irene until September 9.

In order to have debris picked up, please place it at curbside, brush must be separated from other types of debris, brush shouldn't be any longer than 8 feet and no larger than 6 inches in diameter, debris should not include hazardous materials.

Please call the Town Office to ensure your debris will be collected at 336-6519.

Hurricane Irene Gives A Preview

Hurricane Irene decides to introduce herself by stirring up her winds causing a large tree to fall onto power lines on Cedar Steet  causing the lines to arc.

The Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company responded to the call on Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 11:29 AM.

Hoping the rest of the day into the evening and all night long was uneventful and everyone remained safe.

Just In Time For The Holiday Weekend!