Friday, September 9, 2011

U.S. Sees Credible But Unconfirmed Terrorism Threat

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday ordered a redoubling of U.S. counter-terrorism efforts in the face of a "credible but unconfirmed" threat ahead of the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

U.S. officials, speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the threat involved Washington D.C. and New York City, which were targeted in al Qaeda attacks a decade ago this Sunday that killed nearly 3,000 people.

A law enforcement source said a manhunt was underway for two or three suspects. One person familiar with the matter said they were suspected of having links to al Qaeda.

But the officials used strong caveats when discussing the threat information privately, with a national security official cautioning that experts thought the threat would ultimately not check out.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg also stressed that the threat had not been corroborated, even as he announced heightened security measures "some of which you may notice, some of which you may not notice."

"There is no reason for any of the rest of us to change anything in our daily routines," he told a news conference.

Still, Bloomberg asked citizens to report suspicious or dangerous activity, adding: "Over the next three days we should all keep our eyes wide open."

The White House said Obama was briefed on specific threat information on Thursday morning, and noted that the government had already "enhanced its security posture" ahead of the anniversary.

"Nevertheless, the President directed the counterterrorism community to redouble its efforts in response to this credible but unconfirmed information," a White House official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


White House spokesman Jay Carney said "we're hyper-vigilant to this specific report that's just coming in." He told MSNBC television that the government was taking all necessary precautions, without offering details.

Documents discovered in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, after he was killed in a raid in May by Navy SEALs, highlighted his persistent interest in attacking the United States around the anniversary of the 2001 attacks. But it is unclear if the plans ever evolved beyond aspiration.

"As we know from the intelligence gathered following the Osama bin Laden raid, al Qaeda has showed an interest in important dates and anniversaries, such as 9/11," said Jan Fedarcyk with the FBI's New York field office.

Bloomberg said he spoke with the head of New York's public transportation authority, which was hiking security. He added: "For the record, I plan to take the subway tomorrow morning."

New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly announced measures including more bag inspections on the subway, more bomb-sniffing dogs on patrol and increased deployment of radiation monitoring equipment.

"There will be increased focus on tunnels and bridges and infrastructure in general, as well as landmark locations, houses of worship and government buildings," he said.

The Department of Homeland Security, which said only last week that there was no credible information that al Qaeda was plotting an attack around the September 11 anniversary, declined to offer details on the threat.

It cautioned that there were always threat reports before important dates like the anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

"Sometimes this reporting is credible and warrants intense focus, other times it lacks credibility and is highly unlikely to be reflective of real plots under way," spokesman Matt Chandler said.

"Regardless, we take all threat reporting seriously, and we have taken, and will continue to take all steps necessary to mitigate any threats that arise."

A second law-enforcement source played down an ABC News report about missing rental trucks -- saying the vehicles had been recovered and there was no connection to terrorism.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rescuers Save Drunken Moose From Tree

An inebriated moose trying to get more fermenting apples apparently lost its balance and ended up stuck in an apple tree in Sweden, The Local website reported.

After returning home from work Tuesday evening, Per Johansson of Saro heard bellowing from his neighbor’s yard, The Local reported.

“I thought at first that someone was having a laugh. Then I went over to take a look and spotted a moose stuck in an apple tree with only one leg left on the ground,” Johansson told The Local.

Johansson called the police, he told The Local, but while waiting for a response, he and neighbors began to saw off limbs to try to help the entangled, thrashing moose.

Responding firefighters managed to bend the tree down far enough for the animal to slide off the branches, The Local reported.

Drunken moose are common in Sweden in autumn, when apples are abundant on the ground and in trees in homeowners’ yards, according to The Local.

Johansson surmised the moose had been indulging for quite a while.

“My neighbor recognized it as the animal that almost ran into her car earlier in the day,” Johansson told The Local. “She was pretty sure the moose was already under the influence."
he freed animal lay on the ground seemingly unconscious, The Local reported, before finally staggering to its hooves and eventually wandering off.

“We often see moose stuffing their faces with apples around here,” Johansson told The Local. “But this is the first time we found one perched in a tree.”


Bingo And More To Benefit DASH Rescue


SEPTEMBER 10, 2011


More info coming..........

The dog-whistle dictionary A GOP debate viewer's guide to coded Christian language

This article published in the War Room of written by the loony leftist Sarah Posner is a must read. Sarah Poisoner oops Posner is a progressive atheist that wrote the article posted below. Lets put it this way, Sarah is no Margaret Thatcher that's for sure. I will try to break it down in short-form and I'll use red text as the opposing view to make it clear as to what my thoughts are as trivial as they may be.

Just when we think that the MSM can't get any more hateful, destructive, and just plain old off the deep end with lies and innuendos. They just keep them coming time and time again, each with over the top, off the wall, garbage. Enjoy.

When appealing to Christian conservatives, Republican presidential candidates sometimes use phrases, rhetoric and imagery that are unknown to voters unfamiliar either with the religious meaning of such language or where they fit in the mythology of the "Christian nation." Thus candidates can signal sympathy with religious conservatives without making overt appeals that might alienate more secular voters.

Such phrases have become popularly known as "dog whistles," a reference to the high-pitched devices that emit sounds inaudible to humans but attention-grabbing for canines.

The candidates for the GOP's 2012 nomination have used dog-whistle phrases in previous debates and may again in the debate tonight at the Reagan Library. Here is guide to what to listen for and what these phrases mean:

How can anything be " appealing"  to voters that is considered " unknown"  ? Posner then goes on to use the phrase "mythology of the Christian nation"  . From someone that is supposed to have a high degree of education to use such phrase leaves me to wonder. The "nation" is around 80% Christian that would not classify that as a "myth" to me. 
"Tip of the spear" Campaigning in Iowa last month, and in the Fox News debate just before the state GOP's straw poll, Rep. Michele Bachmann repeatedly portrayed herself as the "tip of the spear" in fighting against administration initiatives like "Obamacare."

This military term, when adopted by evangelicals, is used to depict someone being on the front lines of a cosmic or spiritual battle. Brian Kaylor, author of "Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics," a news site run by the Baptist Center for Ethics, compared Bachmann's "tip of the spear" reference to George W. Bush's 2003 use of a classic hymn "to talk about the 'power, wonder-working-power' of the American people."

The "tip of the spear" phrase, Kaylor says, is especially popular among "evangelical home schoolers." "These subtle references may strike others as unusual -- if noticed at all -- but demonstrate a level of familiarity with evangelical voters that many politicians are unable to fake." Bachmann's use of this dog whistle -- and her mobilization of the home-schooling movement -- helps explain her Iowa straw poll victory, according to Kaylor.

I have a problem believing that ANY candidate would use phrases that only, and admittedly by the Author, would be known only by the "Military" and/or " Evangelical home schoolers" , I mean after all, these are the votes that are in the bag, so to speak anyway so there is not a need to use code words to get attention or gather votes from the constituents that will be voting in their favor in the end. 

"Shining City on the Hill" At the Labor Day debate in South Carolina, moderator Rep. Steve King questioned the five candidates present about whether they believed, as Ronald Reagan did, that the United States of America is a "shining city on the hill."

Bachmann demonstrated her familiarity with Reagan's rhetoric and its biblical and historical context when she replied, "Those comments actually come from the Book of Matthew. And those comments were also given in a sermon by John Winthrop when he was on the Arbella, with some of the early Pilgrims in 1630."

Bachmann was familiar with the original origin in which the phrase was quoted from, and the problem is? 

Reagan's use of the Winthrop sermon throughout his 1980 campaign was an expression of "his belief that God had divinely created and blessed America and that America's founders -- as he did -- trusted in God to lead the new nation," says Kaylor in his book.

This is where the Author begins to demonstrate her divine ability of mind reading. 

Reagan, much like Bachmann and Rick Perry do in 2011, analogized his presidential campaign to a religious revival and portrayed himself as being on a spiritual mission. "With this framing," Kaylor writes, "his political campaign became a religious crusade designed to keep America following in God's will."

See above.

The "shining city on the hill" phrase evokes two essential elements of the religious right's "Christian nation" mythology: American exceptionalism and the need for revival. God ordained America as the exceptional nation designed to carry out his will, and a revival is necessary because America has been headed down a sinful path as a result of secularism, abortion, gay rights and other offenses against "biblical truth."

More mind reading. Notice the disdain in this paragraph. The United States of this America has always been exceptional. Any great American will have the same sentiment. We will as great Americans never utter the words ""for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my Country"

The candidate who invokes "the shining city on a hill" is not just signaling admiration for Reagan but a shared ideology of America's founding with religious right figures like David Barton who contend that the separation of church and state is a "myth" and that America's founders intended to create "a Christian nation."

Again, more and more attempts at mind reading, I'd have figured by now that the author would realize that she is not very good at mind reading. The authors attempt to lump our founding fathers in with the likes of David Barton would be funny if it was not so offensive.

"Endowed by our Creator" This language from the Declaration of Independence has been quoted by Bachmann and Newt Gingrich to affirm their view that God, not the government, confers the rights guaranteed in the Constitution.

I know it gets old to hear or read something over and over again and again but what can we say? More mind reading. How does Posner know what these people are thinking, much less to say that when either of them or anyone else for that matter, says, ""Endowed by our Creator" couldn't mean anything other than "to affirm their view that God not the government, confers the rights guaranteed in the Constitution" ? The word "God" is not written anywhere in the Constitution in anyway shape or form and the Declaration of Independence only mentions "natures God"  though it does mention the word "Creator", which can be determined by the reader in many forms of their choice. 

The Constitution, in this view, is not just a historical document but an articulation of God's vision for America, which includes a divinely required limitation on the activities of the federal government. In describing the Constitution at the South Carolina debate, Bachmann used the word "sacred," suggesting it was actually ordained by God. With this language, the speaker is effectively suggesting that American rights originate in Christian doctrine.  

Hmmmmm? The Constitution in who's view? How did it all of a sudden become "God's vision for America" ? Bachmann used the word "sacred" . For an experienced author/journalist Posner should brush up on her vocabulary or might we think that she is trying to take the word "sacred" out of context and put a spin on it? The word "sacred" has many meanings and one to include the meaning " highly valued and important" .

Dred Scott When George W. Bush said in a 2004 debate that he would not appoint Supreme Court justices who would agree with the Court's 1857 Dred Scott decision, many observers were baffled. Wasn't Dred Scott, which held that slave owners could treat their slaves as property even in states and territories that prohibited slavery, and that denied the citizenship of freed slaves, tossed into the dustbin of history by the Civil War and passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments? It turned out that for anti-choice activists, Dred Scott is a subtle way of referring to Roe v. Wade: a decision also made by "activist judges" that denied the full personhood of fetuses.

WOW! Posner is now comparing Dred Scott to abortion? Now this is a very, very long stretch even for the extreme leftist Posner.  

This usage persists. In South Carolina on Monday, Robert George, Princeton University professor and architect of the religious right manifesto the Manhattan Declaration, invoked Dred Scott. In questioning Herman Cain, George declared that Abraham Lincoln had to confront the decision, which, in his words, "usurped the authority of the elected representatives of the people," just like Roe v. Wade is said to today. If Dred Scott comes up in tonight's GOP debate, it will be a way for the candidate to signal not only opposition to Roe but antipathy to "activist judges."

This is just crazy, it makes absolutely no sense at all. I understand the spin that Posner is trying to project here but it's so far out there I don't think that this one even needs any critical thinking to rebut. The Manhattan Declaration projects the sanctity of human life, the historical definition of marriage, and religious freedom, among other noteworthy human values. Posner depicts this as a bad thing?  

SOURCE: The War Room

Shore Beef and BBQ

Beef brisket sandwich w/one side
and drink ~ $7.50

Don't forget to pick up some fresh vegetables and fruits while the summer supply lasts.

Route 13 South
T's Corner

Military Raises Alert Level Ahead Of September 11

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Wednesday raised the alert level at military bases, most of them domestic, ahead of the 10th anniversary commemorations of the September 11, 2001, attacks on Sunday.

But it said its decision to heighten force protection levels at military installations, including the Pentagon building itself, was not due to any specific information about a credible terrorism threat.

"This is not in response to any particular threat but is a prudent and precautionary measure," said Pentagon spokesman George Little. The Pentagon said the move takes effect on Wednesday and will continue through Sunday.

The Pentagon was among the targets of the September 11, 2001, attacks, in which al Qaeda militants hijacked four airliners and killed almost 3,000 people. Two of the planes hit the World Trade Center in New York, one hit the Pentagon, and a fourth plane crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Security officials are being especially vigilant as the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks approaches.

The State Department issued a "Worldwide Travel Alert," saying Americans traveling and living abroad should be aware of the continued threat posed by al Qaeda and its affiliates.

Still, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said last week there was no credible intelligence that al Qaeda was plotting an attack for the September 11 anniversary.

Documents discovered in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, after he was killed in a raid in May by Navy SEALs highlighted his persistent interest in attacking the United States around the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. But it's unclear those plans ever evolved beyond aspiration.

"As you all have seen, the 10th anniversary of 9/11 was mentioned in the documents seized at the Abbottabad compound," Little said.

"Now this does not suggest in any way, shape or form that we know about a specific or credible threat to the United States homeland surrounding the 10th anniversary."


Warrant Issued For Courtroom No-Show

SNOW HILL — A man arrested in a Pocomoke City drug sting has a $250,000 warrant out for his arrest because he failed to appear for court Wednesday.

Minaster Fate Nixon Wright, 55, of Pocomoke, was among more than 40 people caught into a joint drug raid in July conducted by county law enforcement agencies. Wright was charged in that sting with marijuana possession and distribution, and with selling it within 1,000 feet of a school. He was detained July 26, and posted $75,000 bond Aug. 2.

When he did not show for his Sept. 7 arraignment in Worcester County Circuit Court, Judge Thomas Groton ordered a bench warrant for his arrest.

 Wright was the only no-show as four other men facing drug charges from the same sting did appear in court.


Worcester County Times

TIME MACHINE Preview.. Clock Time Varied; Travel By Stage And Early Rail; Pro Baseball Team Assists Train Wreck Passengers; Compact Discs Coming?

Daylight and Standard Time differences affect local localities.

1800's Eastern Shore travel routes by stage, and then rail.

TIME MACHINE Mailbox.. Boston Red Sox members assist passengers following 1930's Delmarva train accident.

ACROSS THE USA.. Compact audio discs here by Christmas, 1981?

It's this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soulja Boy Puts His Foot Into His Potty Mouth

Yo, Soulja Boy!  Boy, you must be as dumb as a box of rocks for kicking the people that GAVE YOU the FREEDOM to use that potty mouth!  I'm sure the military would be more than glad to give you a front row seat somewhere in the Middle East  to watch the performance they give. There's plenty of gear to wear. Some young soldier, same age as you, would love to trade places with you- you see, he hasn't seen that new baby his wife had since he's been fighting for YOUR freedom- and he won't for another 6 months.  And there is work to be done on the battle field.  - you can't leave those bodies behind.

Regardless of what our constitution says concerning freedom of speech, you have  irritated  and insulted those brave men and women stationed everywhere in the world.  And let's not forget the FBI.  Or maybe you don't understand how important their services are.

And to think you will be kissing someone you love with that potty mouth.  Do the military a big favor!  Drop some of that cash their way.  I'm sure there are plenty of soldiers out there that could use a new limb.

Soulja Boy is coming under fire from some real soldiers.

The 21-year-old rap star isn't doing himself any favors with America's Armed Forces after putting out a video in which he appears to slam the troops along with the FBI.

"F--k the FBI/And f--k all the Army troops/Bitch, be your own man/I'll be flying through the clouds/With green like I'm Peter Pan," he raps about a minute into the new track titled "Let's Be Real," which subsequently went viral on Labor Day.

Needless to say, that didn't go over well with the military.

Citing the controversial lyrics, various Army personnel and veterans have launched a petition seeking to have Soulja Boy's music and memorabilia banned from Army and Air Force bases across the country.

"The song is offensive to our military," writes one petitioner, Dianne Webb. "He should see the mothers' faces and made to attend a troops funeral and see what loss of a real Hero means to the family and every true American. He should apologize for his actions also if he is a man. My son fought for you Soulja, what did you do for him?"

As the Military Times notes, it's doubtful the Marine Corps Birthday Ball will put "Crank That" on its playlist this year, nor do we imagine he'll be on a USO Tour anytime soon.

Realizing the storm of controversy he's unleashed, Soulja, real name DeAndre Cortez Way, subsequently issued a heartfelt mea culpa this morning via the Global Grind.

"As an artist, I let my words get the best of me. Sometimes there are things that we feel, things that we want to express, and when we put them on paper and speak them out loud, they can come out wrong," he wrote in a statement. "When I expressed my frustration with the US Army, not only did my words come out wrong, I was wrong to even speak them. So, I write this to give my sincerest apology to all members of the United States military services, as well as their families that were offended by my most recent lyrics."

The hip-hopster added that he was speaking out of frustration growing up in the "post-9/11" era where he's seen his country fight two seemingly endless wars while failing to take care of the homefront.

"A lot of people in this country are struggling to make ends meet and I think a lot about what if we had never gone to war. Where would our economy be? Our schools, our after-school and work programs, our streets?" he added.

Soulja Boy concluded by saying he never meant to insult those fighting for his freedoms. (Like his freedom to drop $55 million on his own personal jet?)

"In no way do I want to hurt any of our honorable soldiers who put their lives at risk, regardless of how they feel about the two wars we fight in," he said. "I am just frustrated that we haven't been able to bring you all home quick enough and my frustration got the best of me. I am deeply sorry."

He reiterated his feelings in a series of defensive Twitter posts and pleaded ignorance as well.

"I'm sorry I didn't know my music was listened to by so many ears I didn't mean any disrespect. some people just mess with me. y'all know it," he tweeted.

That'll certainly make his fans in uniform feel better.

Here's a look at the video that started it all. Caution: the clip contains explicit language.

Missing Woman's Car Located

ALLEN -- Police are investigating the disappearance of Alice Davis, an English teacher at Parkside High School, who was last reported to be on her way to the Fruitland Walmart on Sunday night.

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said late Tuesday that "we are still treating this as a missing persons investigation," but would not comment further.

Davis, 55, is sister to former Salisbury Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman.

Authorities said Davis was last seen wearing a yellow shirt with images of cats on the front, blue shorts and sandal-type shoes. She is described as a white female, 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing 175 pounds. She has blue eyes and brown hair.

Her vehicle, a blue Honda hatchback, was found in the Fruitland area following her disappearance, police said.

Tilghman said Davis is married, with no children. She said her sister is an animal lover, constant reader and Shakespeare aficionado.

"We are keeping Mrs. Davis and her family in our thoughts and prayers as law enforcement investigates and searches to determine her whereabouts," said Superintendent John Fredericksen. "Mrs. Davis has been an important part of the Parkside High School family since 1983, and is a 1973 graduate of James M. Bennett High School, so we know that many in the community know her and join with us in hoping for her safe return."

Micah Stauffer, principal of Parkside High, said he shared the missing persons bulletin information with Parkside faculty and staff, and he spoke with each of Mrs. Davis' classes about it Tuesday.

"She's a veteran teacher here and the chair of the English department," Stauffer said. "She has been here a long time. She means a lot to the students and staff here at Parkside."

Tilghman said parents of Parkside students often ask after her sister.

"I think it's safe to say her students think a great deal of her," she said. "She has a way of really relating to all interests and levels."

Police were actively investigating her disappearance late Tuesday and were unavailable for immediate comment.

The Wicomico Bureau of Investigation is handling the case.

Anyone with information is asked to call the WBI at 410-548-4898 or the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office at 410-548-4891.


2011 ATV JAMBOREE Has Been Rescheduled


For Rules and Information go to:

"Join Scouting" Night Schedule

Eastern Shore Boy Scout Director Frankie Sears has announced the "Join Scouting Night" schedule for Boy Scouting this fall.

Pack 314 Join Scouting Night
6:30pm, September 14, 2011
 Epworth United Methodist Church
4158 Seaside Rd, Exmore, VA

Pack 313 Join Scouting Night
6:30 pm, September 16, 2011 
Market Street United Methodist Church
75 Market Street, Onancock, VA

Pack 305 Join Scouting Night
7:00 pm, September 26, 2011 
Jerusalem Baptist Church
10011 Jerusalem Road, Temperanceville, VA

Pack 300 Join Scouting Night
6:30pm, September 26, 2011 
Grace United Methodist Church
18484 Wilson Avenue, Parksley, VA

For more information  email Mr. Sears at, call him (757)353-5390, or go to  to find their nearest Cub Scout Pack, or Boy Scout Troop just by entering their zip code.

Wicomico County Teacher Missing

ALLEN, Md.- Authorities are asking the public's help in locating a missing Wicomico County teacher.

Alice Elizabeth Davis
Detectives with the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation are looking for 56-year-old Alice Elizabeth Davis, who lives on Allen Road in Allen.

She is described as white, 5-foot-9, 175 pounds, blue eyes and brown hair. She was last seen wearing a yellow shirt with images of cats on the front, blue shorts and sandals.

Police said the search for Davis got under way on Monday, Sept. 5. She was last reported to be en-route to the Wal-Mart in Fruitland. Her vehicle was located in the area, but police have been unable to locate Davis, who works as an AP English teacher at Parkside High School in Salisbury. According to police, Davis is the sister of former Salisbury Mayor Barrie Tilghman.

Anyone with information on Davis' whereabouts is asked to call the WBI at (410) 548-4898 or the Wicomico County Sheriffs' Office at (410) 548-4891.

Test Flight From NASA On Thursday

A test flight of a NASA Terrier suborbital rocket motor will be conducted between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8 from the agency's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, officials announced.

The backup launch days are Sept. 9 and 10.

The rocket will only be visible in the Wallops area. The NASA Visitor Center will open at 8:30 a.m. on launch day for viewing the launch.

This launch will not be webcast since the Terrier motor burn will be visible for only 6 seconds, according to officials.

Launch status is available on the Wallops launch status line at (757) 824-2050.

Carnival Ride Operator Busted For Selling Drugs

A 40-year-old carnival ride operator at this past weekend’s Hard Crab Derby in Crisfield was arrested for selling drugs while operating the ride.

Crisfield Police say Eric Kovach was working at the 64th annual event for Sherwood Amusement Rides.
Undercover officers were sent to the Derby and one of them was able to purchase oxycodone from Kovach. Police say when they arrested Kovach he appeared to be under the influence of drugs himself.

He was taken to the Somerset County Detention Center and was later released after posting $25,000 bail.


On 9/4/2011 at approximately 7:27 pm,  the Crisfield Police Department received certain information that an individual working for Sherwood Amusement Rides was selling drugs while operating one of the rides at the Crab Derby on Marina grounds. The Crisfield Police Department sent two CPD undercover officers into the grounds and observed the individual dealing prescription oxycodone. One of the undercover officers approached the suspect and bought oxycodone from him, the undercover  left the area. A decision was made to contact the management of the Amusement rides and move in an arrest the suspect because it appeared that he was under the influence of drugs himself. The suspect was arrested without incident and management took over the operation of the ride.

Eric Wayne Kovach
31360 Eden Allen Rd.
Eden, Maryland

Charged with:
CDS Distribution
CDS Narcotics Unlawful Manufacturing & Distributing
Held at Somerset County Detention Center on $25,000 bail, he has since bailed out of jail.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Contestants Needed For "Delmarva's Got Talent" Contest

Can you sing?  Dance?  Play an instument?  Are you in a band?  Can you yodel?
How about tap dancing?  
 Know someone that can do any of these or something different?
If you do or know someone who does sign up today! 
Talent is needed and it's out there!

3rd Annual
Delmarva's Got Talent Competition
The MarVa Theater
Musicians, singers, dancers, and other performers are wanted to compete in the third annual talent contest to be held at the
Mar-Va Theater on
Sept. 23, 24, 30, & Oct. 1.

First place is $500.
Second place is $200.
Third place is $100.

Entry fee is $25.
To enter, contact Matt Bogdan at 443-235-3272 or email

Coupons Available To Replace Downed Trees

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) - For people who lost trees because of Hurricane Irene, Maryland has a program to help residents replace them.

The state is extending a program that encourages residents to plant more native trees with $25 coupons.

The Marylanders Plant Trees initiative started in 2009. The goal was to plant 50,000 native trees in the state by 2010. It was deemed a success and was extended this year with the goal of planting an additional 50,000 trees by the end of 2012.

Under the program the trees must cost at least $50, and they must be on the list of approved trees.

Mar-Va Theater First Gala Event

To  the Mar-Va Theater's
First Annual Top Hat Gala
"Puttin' on the Ritz"

Date: October 15th
Time: 6-12
(Dinner served at 7:00)
Location: Elks Lodge  ~ Pocomoke City

Dinner: Surf  Turf
- Cash Bar
- Silent Auction
- 50/50

LIVE Music provided by:
NEW DAWN & Tom Moore

Tickets are $50 per person
Contact Diane Lambertson 410-957-1351

All proceeds to benefit the Mar-Va Theater.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Footage Of United 93 Aftermath Surfaces (Video)

On Sunday night, CNN anchor Susan Hendricks introduced new footage from the immediate aftermath of United Flight 93, which crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania on 9/11. The clip was recorded by an unnamed man —apparently now dead — who watched smoke rise from the crash site about 15 miles from the point of impact. In it, the narrator/cameraman calmly describes the scene unfolding in front of him, and says that he is already watching TV coverage of the Pentagon and World Trade Center terrorist attacks. Only now has the man's family authorized the video to be released. Via CNN, watch below:


BRRR - It's Almost That Time Again Winterizing Your Boat

Last year we did an article about winterizing your vehicle. Lets change it up a little this year for the boat owners.

Unfortunately, the boating season is winding down in many parts of the country and it is time to start thinking about protecting your valuable recreational asset. Winterizing a boat reminds me of the old commercial that says "pay me now or pay me later." The time and effort you spend now will have a definite effect on your boat's performance, or lack of it, and certainly save you time, effort and money come spring. You should remember that your insurance policy may not cover damage done by lack of maintenance or neglect.

The best place for your boat to be during the winter is out of the water, under cover, in a climate-controlled boat storage area. This, however, can be expensive. If don't have this option perhaps you should consider shrink-wrapping your boat. This, too, is a little expensive but provides a very protective cover. Short of these two items, make sure that your boat is well covered with a tarp or some other sturdy cover.

Your first step in winterizing should be to make a checklist of all items that need to be accomplished. Check the owner's manual of your boat and motor(s) for manufacturer's recommendations on winterization. If you are a new boat owner, perhaps you should employ the assistance of a friend with experience in winterizing or hire a professional to do the job. The following is a generic outline of areas which should be of concern to you, however, there are many resources on the Internet with more detailed and specific information.

Inboard Engine(s) - You should run the engine(s) to warm it up and change the oil while it is warm. This tends to allow impurities to be drained away with the oil. You should also change the oil filter(s). Flush the engine(s) with fresh water. You should circulate antifreeze through the manifold by using a pickup hose from the waterpump to a bucket of antifreeze. Start the engine and allow the antifreeze to circulate until water starts to exit the exhaust. This process will vary slightly depending on whether you have a "Raw Water" cooling system or an "Enclosed Fresh Water" cooling system. While you're in the engine room you should also change the fluid in your transmission. Remove spark plugs and use "fogging oil" to spray into each cylinder. Wipe down the engine with a shop towel sprayed with a little fogging oil or WD-40.

Stern Drive(s) - You should thoroughly inspect the stern drive and remove any plant life or barnacles from the lower unit. Drain the gear case and check for excessive moisture in the oil. This could indicate leaking seals and should be repaired. Clean the lower unit with soap and water. If your stern drive has a rubber boot, check it for cracks or pinholes. Grease all fittings and check fluid levels in hydraulic steering or lift pumps. Check with your owner's manual for additional recommendations by the manufacturer.

Outboard Engine(s) - Flush engine with fresh water using flush muffs or similar device attached to the raw water pickup. Let all water drain from the engine. Wash engine down with soap and water and rinse thoroughly. Disconnect fuel hose and run engine until it stops. It is important to follow a step by step process to make sure that all fuel is drained from the carburetor to prevent build-up of deposits from evaporated fuel. Use fogging oil in the cylinders to lubricate the cylinder walls and pistons. Apply water resistant grease to propeller shaft and threads. Change the gear oil in the lower unit. Lightly lubricate the exterior of the engine or polish with a good wax.

Fuel - Fill your fuel tank(s) to avoid a build up of condensation over the winter months. Add a fuel stabilizer by following the instructions on the product. Change the fuel filter(s) and water separator(s).

Bilges - Make sure the bilges are clean and dry. Use soap, hot water and a stiff brush to clean up any oil spills. Once the bilges are clean, spray with a moisture displacing lubricant and add a little antifreeze to prevent any water from freezing.

Fresh Water System - Completely drain the fresh water tank and hot water heater. Isolate the hot water heater by disconnecting the in and out lines and connect them together. Pump a non-toxic antifreeze into the system and turn on all the facets including the shower and any wash-down areas until you see the antifreeze coming out. Also put non-toxic antifreeze in the water heater.

Head - Pump out the holding tank at an approved facility. While pumping, add fresh water to the bowl and flush several times. Use Vanish crystals or whatever your owner's manual recommends that will not harm your system and let sit for a few minutes. Again add fresh water and pump out again. Add antifreeze and pump through hoses, holding tank, y-valve, macerator and discharge hose. Again, check your owners manual to make sure that an alcohol-based antifreeze won't damage your system.

Interior - Once you have taken care of the system you should remove any valuables, electronics, lines, PFD, fire extinguishers, flares, fenders, etc. Over the winter these items can be cleaned, checked and replaced as necessary. Open all drawers and lockers and clean thoroughly. Turn cushions up on edge so that air is able to circulate around them or, better yet, bring them home to a climate controlled area. Open and clean the refrigerator and freezer. To keep your boat dry and mildew-free you might want to install a dehumidifier or use some of the commercially available odor and moisture absorber products such as "No Damp," "Damp Away" or "Sportsman's Mate."

Out of Water Storage - pressure wash hull, clean barnacles off props and shafts, rudders, struts and trim tabs. Clean all thru-hulls and strainers. Open seacocks to allow any water to drain. Check the hull for blisters and if you find any that should be attended to you might want to open them to drain over the winter. While you're at it, why not give the hull a good wax job? It is probably best to take the batteries out of the boat and take them home and either put them on a trickle charger or charge them every 30-60 days.

In Water Storage - Close all seacocks and check rudder shafts and stuffing boxes for leaks, tighten or repack as necessary. Check your battery to make sure it is fully charged, clean terminals, add water if necessary and make sure your charging system is working. Check bilge pumps to ensure they are working and that float switches properly activate the pumps and that they are not hindered by debris. Make sure either to check your boat periodically or have the marina check it and report to you. If in an area where the water you are docked or moored in actually freezes, you should have a de-icing device or bubbling system around your boat.

By following some of the above suggestions, and suggestions given from the links provided, you should be in good shape for the winter. Do not, however, neglect to consult your owner's manuals for manufacture's recommendations on winterizing your boat and other systems. If you have not done a winterization job before or don't have an experienced friend to rely on seek out a professional to do the job for you. 

Here's one little tip that I have used when I can. Instead of expensive antifreeze I use windshield washer fluid in plastic drain pipes etc. You can even use windshield washer fluid instead of expensive antifreeze in the engine and exhaust on a raw water cooled engine. Just mix about one quart of antifreeze per one gallon of washer fluid to prevent corrosion when using it in engines, manifolds, or anything that's iron or steel. The same method goes for your RV's also, why flush 13 bucks per gallon of antifreeze down the toilet when $1.25 will do the same job and it's easier on the environment.

If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask them in the comment section I will be glad to assist as much as possible.

Seal Team 6 Overview

This is what the Navy Seal team looked like when they went in to get Bin

A couple of things to notice:

50 caliber sniper on the right.
 Knee, nuckle and forearm protection.
 Various plastic/wire ties.
 Absolute identity denial to protect their families.
 Free choice of footwear.
 Fourth from the right has three artillery simulators and CS gas grenades On his belly.
       He's the 'shock and awe' guy.

Group Photo of Seal Team Six, and you can imagine the look on Bin Laden's face when these guys came
through the door?

Let's be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American sailor, who Obama, just a few weeks ago, was debating on whether or not to PAY, did.  In fact, if you remember a little less than two years ago, his administration actually charged and attempted to court-martial 3 Navy Seals from Seal Team Six, when a terrorist suspect they captured, complained they had punched him during the take down and bloodied his nose. His administration further commented how brutal they were. The left were calling them Nazi's and Baby Killers. Now all of a sudden, the very brave men they vilified are now heroes when they make his administration look good in the eyes of the public. Obama just happened to be the one in office when the CIA finally found the b...... And our sailors took him out. Essentially, Obama only gave an answer. Yes or No, to him being taken out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory. Forward on IF YOU AGREE."

Ed Schreiber
Col. USMC (Ret.)
"Semper Fi"


2008:  "Navy Seal Team 6 is Cheney's private assassination team."
2011:  "I put together Seal Team 6 to take out Bin Laden."
2008:  "Bin Laden is innocent until proven guilty, and must be captured alive and given a fair trial."
2011:  "I authorized Seal Team 6 to kill Bin Laden."
2008:   " Guantanamo is entirely unnecessary, and the detainees should not be interrogated."
2011:   "Vital intelligence was obtained from Guantanamo detainees that led to our locating Bin Laden."

EDITOR NOTE; Lets not forget that Obama also wanted to stop all benefits to the service men and women and wanted them to pay for all medical out of pocket.

Hat Tip: Dale

Labor Day: 5 things you probably didn't know, from boycotts to wearing white

Labor Day: From a debate surrounding the holiday's founder to an enigmatic social rule, the history of Labor Day offers plenty of material to keep you reading on your time away.

#5 McGuire? Maguire? MacGyver?

Though it is one of the most celebrated federal holidays, there is great debate over who founded Labor Day.

According to the United States Department of Labor, some records show that Peter J. McGuire, cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was the first to propose a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold." But other accounts promote a different story: that Matthew Maguire, secretary of the International Association of Machinists and a machinist himself, suggested the creation of the holiday.
Luckily the McGuire/Maguire mixup didn’t stall the plans, and the first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882.

#4 No shirt, no shoes... no white?

You’re not supposed to wear white clothes after Labor Day, but hardly anybody knows why.
Laura Fitzpatrick relates multiple stories behind the bizarre rule in a piece for Time. One theory is that people wore white in the summer months to keep cool, but put it away customarily in the fall when the rain delivered mud (and stains). But this, she says, is far too logical a history for any fashion trend.
A more probable theory is that white was a symbolic color: those wealthy enough to "decamp from their city digs to warmer climes" did so, and they wore white on vacations to force contrast with the dark attire of urban life. So white garments represented leisure, and as a metaphor for summer they were stored in the closet when fall jobs and schooling began.

Some etiquette enthusiasts rebuff this tale. "There are always people who want to attribute everything in etiquette to snobbery," says Judith Martin, American journalist and authority on manners and style.

#3 A disastrous strike and hasty congressional action

The Central Labor Union began observing Labor Day in Boston in 1882, but it wasn’t until 1894 that it became a federal holiday. Why so?

It’s likely that congress couldn’t find the motivation. At least, that was, until the Pullman Strike, which the Encyclopedia of Chicago calls the most "famous and farreaching labor conflict in a period of severe economic depression." It began on May 11, 1894, when factory workers left Pullman Palace Car Company due to low wages. Soon after, the American Railway Union declared that its members would have no stake in Pullman’s affairs, and a boycott was born.

In July the federal government deemed it necessary to intervene, deploying both soldiers and the police force. By the time the boycott had been trounced, ARU president Eugene V. Debs had been jailed and commander in chief Grover Cleveland had started to fear the unrest would lead to further conflict. Cleveland signed the bill to establish Labor Day nationally only six days after the ordeal in Pullman, Illinois had ended.

#2 A case of the Mondays

The United States Department of Labor recalls that the first Labor Day was celebrated on a Tuesday (Sep. 5, 1882). It wasn’t until its status as a federal holiday that Labor Day acquired the well-known "first Monday of September" slot in 1894. Some think Grover Cleveland chose this date to counterbalance the madness of May 1's International Worker's Day, which commemorates the tragic Haymarket Affair of 1886 and raises more ire than it does patriotism.

The most notable result of the placement, writes PBS News, is the incidental three-day weekend that allows for friends and families to clog the highways, the picnic grounds, "and their own backyards--and bid farewell to summer."

#1 Labor... Days?

More than a few countries celebrate their own versions of Labor Day.

VIA: AlaskaDispatch