Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Field Notes From Delegate Mike McDermott

Field Notes
and Reflections on Legislative Activities
Delegate Mike McDermott

Field Notes of Last Week's Work as a Delegate in the Maryland General Assembly

10 March 11-March 15, 2013

Tuesday Judiciary Hearings:
HB-930 seeks to deal with an aspect of identity theft where a person gives out private information on an individual without their permission. This is seen as a way of trying to protect the elderly from various types of fraud.
HB-1057 would limit the accumulation of Good Conduct Credits if a firearm was used in the commission of a crime for which an inmate is being held. Sadly, it would only affect a repeat offender of a firearm related crime.
HB-575 would remove the statute of limitations for the use of a handgun in a crime of violence. Currently, that crime has a one year limitation as the charge is a 5-year misdemeanor.
HB-952 would require greater scrutiny of contracts negotiated by the state to supply telephone services to inmates in our correctional institutions. It appeared from testimony that a new contract was recently negotiated that would significantly reduce the cost of inmate phone calls.
HB-1125 would create an “Identity Theft Passport” administered by the Dept. Human Services to assist with the problems of identity theft for children who are in Foster Care.
HB-1178 would continue the reporting requirements by law enforcement agencies on all of their SWAT Team activities. These reporting requirements were due to sunset this year and this bill seeks to continue it indefinitely. It also adds more reporting requirements to the list of data to be collected.
HB-941 would make it a crime to file false liens against an individual. This bill is designed to address, in particular, certain individuals who are part of an organization identified as “Sovereign Citizens” and who seek to punish government officials by filing false liens and tax documents.
HB-940 would establish a crime of armed home invasion.
HB-1225 would add as a penalty to a crime classified as a “drive by shooting” could result in the forfeiture of the motor vehicle involved in the event if the owner knowingly allowed the vehicle to be used for this purpose.
HB-424 would eliminate certain diminuition credits (basically good time credits, etc.) for inmates convicted of crimes of violence involving firearms.
HB-1263 would eliminate the statute of limitations on the crime of practicing medicine without a license. It was pointed out that many times there is extended times that pass without knowledge that a violation has occurred and this would allow for prosecution even after time had passed.
HB-1075 creates a Third Degree Sex Offense in cases involving persons in authority having sexually inappropriate relationships with juveniles who may be under their direction. It is meant to try and protect juveniles 16 and under from be preyed upon by someone who is in a person in authority who is at least 4 years older than the victim.
HB-985 would create a Third Degree Sex Offense during commission of a Burglary.
HB-1095  would mandate certain training standards on law enforcement agencies throughout the state. It would require some training aspects that are already being taught on a regular and semi-regular basis for an officer to remain certified.would
HB-1192 would eliminate any good time credits for any inmate who is incarcerated for using a firearm in committing a crime.
Wednesday Morning Session:
This morning we conducted a 2nd Reader on HB-100 (Budget) and HB-102 (Budget Finance) where several amendments were offered to the budget. The vast number of amendments that would have reduced the spending, secured the Transportation Trust Fund, or require local government receive their share of road money were all rejected by the Democrats. There was one amendment offered by Del. Conway which would allow the Public Service Commission (if they saw fit) to provide a payment of up to $300.000 for the Hudson family toward attorney fees associated with the lawsuit they have been forced to litigate that was brought by a local waterkeeper. I attempted the same type of funding last year but the case had not been fully adjudicated and it was not approved. I was glad to support the amendment offered.
Wednesday Judiciary Hearing:
HB-1382 is a bill I submitted that would require a court to hear from victims (those who desire to file a Victim Impact Statement) of motor vehicle accidents for cases that are within the jurisdiction of the District Court.

HB-911 would extend the deadline by which Maryland would be required to stop issuing various drivers licenses to illegal
immigrants to July of 2023.
HB-947 would allow for specific damages to be attributable to manufacturers of lead paint based upon the “market share” the company held at the time the paint was being sold. This bill would be a first for any state in applying this standard for liability purposes.
Wednesday Evening Session:
We returned for a second session to take up the 2nd Reader of SB-276 which calls for a repeal of the Death Penalty. We offered 18 amendments on the bill in an attempt to keep the penalty for certain cases where the actions are so heinous, the Death Penalty option should be retained for future usage (considering that we have only had 10-Death Penalty convictions since 1978 with 5 of those inmates still on Death Row). We tried to keep it for murders of police and correctional officers as well as mass killings (one specific to schools) and acts of terrorism. We tried to retain the option for the aggravated First Degree Murder of a child where a Sexual Assault occurred (such as the case of Sarah Foxwell on the shore). The Democrats were simply unwilling to accept any amendments to the bill and clearly do not want to retain any options for the terrible crimes that will, no doubt, continue to happen in Maryland.

Thursday Morning Session:
Third Reader Bills One of the more controversial bills of the morning was HB-1053 which would allow casinos to hire persons convicted of crimes of “moral turpitude” if they had not committed another offense for at least 7-years. Currently, folks who fall into this category are prohibited from working for the casinos. It appears this bill was designed to help with the hiring of personnel for the Baltimore City and Prince Georges County sites which have yet to be built. In a state that exercises loose legislative morals, this probably comes as no surprise.
Thursday Judiciary Committee Hearings:
HB-542 would create a specific penalty for using a dog as a form of bait in the training of another dog. This is a common abuse when criminals train dogs for fighting purposes. It also would make it a crime to allow this activity to occur on one’s property.
HB-865 would allow a court to order a person convicted of animal cruelty to pay for the cost of housing the animal as well as providing medical treatment for the animal.
Friday Morning Session:
Third Reader Bills We took up three bills today: HB-100/Budget; HB-102/Budget Finance; and SB-276 Death Penalty Repeal.
The budget can be summed up by stating the fact that it is increasing the cost and size of government by over $1.2 Billion over last year. In fact, every year the governor and the democrats increase our state spending by well over a billion dollars totaling a 29% increase since he took office. The total increase in state spending this year is over 6%. My guess is that your family incomes have not increased every year by that amount and this year is no exception. The budget and the finance act did not have to dabble as much in tax increases since we already did that in a previous Special Session last year. We continue to maintain huge gaps in our pension liability funding and our “structural deficit” has not been eliminated. Of course, with over $8 Billion in tax increases in the past few years, one should expect that we would not have the problems we continue to face. Our issues are always the increased spending. The governor and the democrats have spent every dollar of every tax increase while they continue to refuse to cut spending. We are told every year by Del. Conway, the Appropriations Chairman, that “we have cut spending”…but what he means is they did not spend as much as they originally had intended. Truth be told, if they propose to increase spending by $2 billion over last years budget and we only increase spending by $1 billion, in their language, “that’s a billion dollars in cuts”. While it is ridiculous, this is what we hear on the floor every year. This does not count the increases in the Capital Budget that we will take up very soon. Both bills now move to the senate.

The Death Penalty Repeal consisted of a lot of emotional rhetoric from the left. Although you need DNA evidence or a video tape of the act in order to utilize the Death Penalty in Maryland, that is not enough for those who feel more compassion for a murderer than they do for a child in the womb. We have some very bad people who commit some very heinous crimes where the only reasonable sentence is the Death Penalty. The failure of many to recognize the importance of retaining this option for unknown events and defendants in the future is shortsighted and wrong-headed. Their rejection of common sense amendments that would have at least reserved the ultimate penalty for those rare crimes only served as an exclamation point on this bad bill. Sadly, the repeal passed.

Abandoned Structure Fire / Accomack County

Monday, March 18, 2013/ 9:50 PM
Abandoned Structure Fire
19192 Greenbush Road, Parksley, Virginia
(near Leemont Road intersection)

Structure was fully involved when units arrived on the scene.  Parksley, Tasley, Bloxom and Onley responded. While firemen were battling the fire some residents reported power outages in the area.

Virginia State Police are investigation and if determined to be arson this fire will bring the count to 71.

Reminder:An award of up to $25,000 is being offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of the person or persons involved in the fires.

Call the Accomack County Sheriff's Department tip line at 757 655-1437 if you have any information that might help police.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Prayer Vigil To Be Held/ Accomack County/Tuesday Night

Pocomoke City Police Department Sobriety Checkpoint


Date:                        March 18, 2013
Authorized by:        Chief Kelvin Sewell
Command:               Lt. Lynell Green
Checkpoint Mgr.     Officer Damien McGlotten
As a result of the increasing incidents of drinking and driving, the Pocomoke City Police Department applied for, and was granted Temporary Traffic Control Application to conduct a Sobriety Checkpoint.  The "Sobriety Checkpoint" is the most effective method of deleting and apprehending impaired operators.
A review of records has shown that the use of alcohol by individuals who operate motor vehicles has resulted in an alarming number of deaths and personal injury accidents.  Most recently a pedestrian was killed by a drunk driver in the area.  Therefore, in an effort to maintain safe roads in Pocomoke City, the Pocomoke City Police conducted a Sobriety Checkpoint S/B Route 13 South of Old
Virginia Road on March 16, 2013
The Pocomoke City Police Officers brought a total of 213 motor vehicles into the sobriety checkpoint with the following results:
1 arrest for Driving While Intoxicated
1 arrest
for Driving on a Suspended License


Photos/ Nocks Landing Road/ Abandoned Structure Fire

Photos from the abandoned structure fire on Nocks Landing Road on Monday, March 11, 2013.  The fire was at the "Y" of Nocks Landing Road and Paige Fisher Road

Units from Atlantic, Oak Hall Rescue, Bloxom and Wallops Island responded.  Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company was called to assist.

There were no injuries.

Anyone with information about the arsons and/or individual(s) responsible is encouraged to contact law enforcement via a Tip Line dedicated to these investigations. Text, call or email at 757-655-1437.

Anyone with a tip that leads to an arrest and conviction in these cases could be eligible for a reward of up to $25,000.

Homemade Ice Cream To Benefit Greenbackville Vol. Fire Dept.

Homemade Ice Cream week
 is March 18th - 22nd
Greenbackville Volunteer Fire Dept, Inc.
Thank you for your continued support!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Support For Onancock Fire Departmet

Arrest For Violation Lands Woman In Jail

On March 13, 2013, at approximately 0645 hours, Worcester County Sheriff's Office Deputies responded to a residence on Campbelltown Road, Bishopville, Maryland in reference to violation of a protective order. 

Upon arrival the Deputies made contact with Lisa B. Kerstetter, 51 years of age,  from Bishopville Md. Ms. Kerstetter appeared to be in violation of a protection order.

 Ms. Kerstetter was placed under arrest for violation of an Ex Parte order. While inside the residence the Deputies also located marijuana.  When Ms. Kerstetter was confronted with the marijuana she became extremely aggressive and hostile and was also charged with resisting arrest.

Ms. Kerstetter was held on $2,500 bond and is being held at the Worcester County Detention Center.

Lieutenant Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Dept.

The Rural Sign Painter....

Things that make me smile.....

Happy Saint Patrick's Day !

The photo below is for a certain  Irishman I know....   

Whatever it takes!

Arson #70 For Accomack County ?

1:01 AM
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Abandoned Structure Fire
24000 block of John Caine /Bailey Road intersection
Greenbush, Virginia

Onancock, Parksley, Tasley and Bloxom responded to an abandoned structure (trailer) fire.  Structure was fully involved when units arrived and began to spread to a house located 50 yards west of the trailer.

According to Virginia State Police it was determined that the trailer was the target for arson and the second structure, the house,  caught fire as a result of flames from the trailer.

Virginia State Police are investigating.  If proven to be arson this will be the 70th arson since November 12, 2012.

TIME MACHINE ... 1905..1969..1889..1940..1972..1934

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)
September, 1905
(The Suburbanite Economist- Chicago, Illinois)

Excavating for Windmill Unearths a Potful of Gold Coins

R. McKenney Price, the well known plumber and contractor of this city (Salisbury), has struck it rich in Virginia says a dispatch from Salisbury, Md. A few weeks ago Mr. Price, while excavating for the foundation of a windmill, stuck something hard about three feet below the surface.

Investigation disclosed an old iron pot. He hauled the pot out and found it filled with gold coins of various denominations and of various nationalities.

The money was found on the old home place of the very well known Drummond family of the eastern shore of Virginia. The family was immensely wealthy, and when war broke out the male members who were old enough went into the Confederate army. Before leaving for the war, it is supposed, the head of the family buried the gold for safe keeping.
June, 1969
(Daily Times- Salisbury)


'Baby Beltway' Project To Start

SNOW HILL- The start of construction of the long-delayed Pocomoke City "Baby Beltway" was promised by County Roads Engineer, Victor Smullen, as a group of Pocomoke City businessmen met with the County Commissioners, to say they have finally secured the last signature on deeds for rights-of-way for the by-pass.

The by-pass is in the southwest part of the city, and is designed to relieve heavy truck and industrial traffic in that part of Pocomoke.

September, 1889
(Sandusky Daily Register- Sandusky, Ohio)

A Night of Terror

SALISBURY, Md., Sept. 11.- Reports of a startling character are coming in of the storm at Ocean City, Md., though the telegraph office there is unoccupied. The large columns supporting the porches at the hotels and cottages are washed away, doors and windows broken down and furniture floating about. Huge waves were running through the hotels six feet deep. The furniture is floating in the rooms. The dancing pavilion at the Atlantic Hotel is demolished and the roofs of several cottages and porches blown away. There is not a vestige of a bath house on the beach. The life saving station is damaged and the crew is preparing to repair it tonight.

A special train was sent over last night to rescue the dwellers on the beach. The work was accomplished by a large number of stout men joining hands and wading through the water. They brought the ladies to the cars one by one seated on their joined hands. In this way all were saved. It was a perilous undertaking and several times the rescuers were knocked down.

November, 1940
(Charlston Daily Mail- Charlston, W.VA.)

Ex-Regional Director Gets High WPA Post

WASHINGTON, Nov.15 -(AP)- The appointment of F. M. Dryden of Pocomoke City, Md., as assistant commissioner in charge of engineering and construction, effective Dec. 1, was announced today by the work projects administration.

He will replace Lieutenant Colonel Edmond H. Leavey, who has been recalled to the army corps of engineers Dec. 5.

Dryden has been the WPA regional director for Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia and state director for Maryland.

June, 1972 (Time Machine Archive)

Delmarva's third Ames Discount Department Store was holding its Grand Opening on Route 13 south of Pocomoke City with a new Chevy Nova to be given away. The other Ames locations were in Salisbury and Seaford. 

April, 1934
(Eastern Shore News- Onancock, Va.)
Aged Man Tells of Early E. Shore Life
The material of this article was gotten from an interview with Benjamin F. Scott, a ninety-six year old Civil War veteran of Chincoteague Island. Beginning with his birth he has given us some interesting highlights of his life, which acquaint us with the conditions of former days.

Mr. Scott was born on the 8th of May, in 1838 at Hog Island. He was named for Benjamin Franklin, the eminent statesman.
(PART 3)

Mr. Scott once killed a cow himself when he had gone from Sunday night until Thursday without a square meal. He and a few companions had been sent on a scouting trip on Sunday night. Carrying a breakfast in their knapsack, they marched from Eastville to the vicinity of Capeville. They found nothing brewing and had two hours of sleep. Before they could return to Eastville they received orders to go to Smith's Island were there were no provisions. They were nearly starving. Mr. Scott ran up against a fat yearling about two years old. He killed it, they skinned it, and they enjoyed a square meal. Afterwards, they went to the mainland for provisions. They stayed on the island for several more months.

Talking of this led Mr. Scott to tell of his army rations — hardtack and round-rib. They would open the hardtack, throw it in the coffee, and wait for the worms in it to float to the top. Mr, Scott said, "It was common grub." The round-rib was horse meat, of course. It gets its name from the fact that a horse's ribs are rounding while cow's are flat. He said that horse meat tastes like that which comes from grass-fed cattle, and that it is good but not as sweet as cow's meat.
With (the negroes) freed and the men gone to war, supplies were few on the island. The stores got their merchandise only twice a year from Philadelphia, so they laid in big stores of flour, sugar, molasses, dry goods, etc. The first trip for goods was made in the Spring and the second in the Fall. The transportation of these goods was rather cheap because since the sailboats (the only means of transportation) had to have ballast anyway, the weight of the merchandise served for this purpose. 
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Activities From the Worcester County Dept. of Recreation and Parks


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday Night Brush Fire Ruled ARSON


According to State Police, a brush fire early Saturday morning in Accomack County appears to be arson.

State Police say police and fire personnel responded to Dennis Drive and County Road in Parksly shortly before 1am.

The fire is under investigation.

Virginia State Police asks anyone with information that can assist in solving the arsons on the Eastern Shore to come forward. There continues to be a $25,000 reward offered for any information that leads to an arrest and conviction.


St. Patrick's Day ~ Riverside Grill

 *We will also have a normal specials like $1 off shrimp baskets and burger night Saturday, and Happy Hour all day Sunday*
Corned beef, cabbage and red potatoes
Irish Potato Soup
 Cup 3.59
 Bowl 4.79
Shepherd’s Pie 6.99
 Corned Beef and Cabbage 6.99
Green Beer 1.50
 Irish Coffee 4
 Nutty Irishman 4
 Guinness 3.75
 Car Bombs 6
 Emerald Isle Martini 5
 Irish Flag Shot 5

Live Music on St. Paddy's Day!
 Sunday - March 17th

Music by
"3 Sheets"
playing from 4-7 pm
Music flavors:
Celtic, Nautical, Humorous, Bluegrass & Folk

Donations For Our Fire And EMS Personnel

It is no secret that Accomack County has been hit with 68 arsons since November 12, 2012.  Day or night our firefighters and emergency personnel have been on call and at times have had to fight two or more fires in a 24 hour period.  They have been and still continue to be remarkable in their strength to combat such senseless and needless acts.

Our fire departments and law enforcement personnel are exhausted.  A donation drive has been put in place to aid the local Accomack County fire departments with much needed supplies.

Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Creamer, Sweet n Low, Sugar, Coffee Cups, Regular Cups, Water, Gatorade, snacks, etc. would certainly be appreciated after a long night from fighting fires.  Monetary donations would be a great idea.

You may take donations directly to any Accomack County fire department or to the donation drop-off locations listed below.

Arcadia Nursing & Rehab
Cycle Creations - New Church
Highway Market - New Church
Pocomoke Animal Hospital

Contours Express - Exmore
Tangled Salon - Exmore
Martha's Kitchen - Saxis

Quail Run Assisted Living Facility in Nelsonia
Wal-Mart in Onley
 H.W. Drummonds in Greenbush
Attitudes Fitness in Onancock
A.J's Meat Barn in Cheriton

  Consider being a volunteer in your area.

ACCOMACK: Prayer vigil set for Tuesday night

ACCOMACK: Prayer vigil set for Tuesday night seeks 'God's intervention' in arsons

ONLEY — A number of local pastors have invited residents of the Eastern Shore to a prayer session Tuesday to ask for "God's intervention" in the work of an arsonist who has torched 68 structures through Thursday night.

"Let's pray about all this arson business," said the Rev. Steve Jones. "We're trying to get the word out."

The prayer meeting will be held in the Nandua High School auditorium on Tuesday from 7-8 p.m.

It is non-denominational, Jones said, and the meeting itself — and the group organizing it — don't have official titles.

"It's just us," said Jones. "There really is no official entity calling this."

Jones is pastor of Shore Presbyterian Church.


TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1905.. Eastern Shore plumber unearths potful of gold coins; 1969.. Pocomoke City's "Baby Beltway" project to start; 1889..Storm brings night of terror to Ocean City; 1940.. Pocomoke City man gets high WPA post; 1972.. Discount department store chain opens in Pocomoke City; 1934.. Part 3 of first-hand remembrances of life on lower shore in mid-1800's
Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

OPEN Auditions For GODSPELL ~ Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Change Maryland Warns of Highest Fuel Prices in the Region

Annapolis - As the Maryland General Assembly holds the first hearings today - late Friday afternoon -  to minimize press coverage on Governor Martin O'Malley's unpopular motor fuel tax proposal, Change Maryland released figures that show the state will have the highest levies in the region for both gasoline and diesel.   The figures come from the Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributor's Association and analyze the plan when fully implemented.

 "Our top elected officials refuse to not only understand how this regressive tax impacts struggling Maryland families, but they also refuse to understand that Maryland is a small border state,  and having the highest fuel taxes will only create incentives for people to fill up across state lines," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "Once again, politicians are wreaking havoc on entire industry sectors through the tax code, most notably convenience stores and delivery businesses."

If the legislature implements O'Malley's plan, sales taxes on fuel will likely ultimately rise to 6% and the current fuel tax will temporarily be reduced, only to rise again when pegged to the Consumer Price Index.   Under that scenario, Maryland's fuel industry will be at a severe competitive disadvantage with surrounding states.  Even under Virginia's recently-enacted plan, Maryland dealers will be charging 27.7 cents-per-gallon more due to fuel taxes than their southern neighbors when both plans are fully implemented.  To fill up a 20-gallon tank will cost $5.54 more in Maryland than certain parts of Virginia assuming taxes are passed on directly to motorists. Even in northern

Virginia, with an existing 2% motor fuel tax, there is still a difference of  21.4 cents-per-gallon between the states.

Across the region, Maryland's fuel levies will cause the highest prices in the region.   For gasoline, Maryland stations will be passing on 3.5 cents-per-gallon more than West Virginia; Pennsylvania 5.9 cents-per-gallon; the District 14.7 cents-per-gallon. In Delaware, a state without a general sales tax, gasoline will be 15.2 cents per gallon cheaper, creating further incentives for cross-border shopping. The prices are further distorted for diesel fuel, where Maryland prices will rise even higher.

 "There will be more soccer moms buying clothes in Delaware, more commuters filling up in Virginia and more delivery businesses getting diesel in any of our neighboring states," said Hogan. "With this latest fuel tax proposal, O'Malley further validates the decision of thousands of taxpayers and their dollars to save money by leaving the state."

The Mid-Atlantic Petroleum Distributor's Association's figures do not project tying the existing fuel tax to the CPI, which could result in even greater disparities.  Change Maryland has previously noted O'Malley’s tax-raising legacy which include 24 tax, fee and toll increases from 2007 that remove an additional $2.4 billion annually out of the pockets of struggling Marylanders.

Change Maryland expects to be releasing an updated tax, fee and toll increase list soon.


Checkpoint Strikeforce

Checkpoint Strikeforce
March 16, 2013
The Pocomoke City Police Department will conduct a sobriety checkpoint on March 16, 2013.  The operation will be conducted with the national campaign  "Checkpoint Strikeforce".

The goal is to reduce the number of drunk and drugged drivers on Worcester County roadways during the St. Patrick's holiday weekend.

Call Backs Not Normal For Arson Tipline

Police received 200 tips in one month
Written by
Anne McNamara
ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - Calls are pouring in to the arson tip line, as State Police continue to search for the suspects who have set 68 fires on the Eastern Shore.
But some viewers told 10 On Your Side police never returned their calls, and they wonder if their tips were investigated, at all.
"How am I supposed to get this information in the right hands?" one viewer wrote.
"Very annoying," said another.

State Police have received 200 tips since February. They got 75 tips last weekend from checkpoints on Route 13 in Accomack County. And because of that volume, police say not every call can be answered.

"It's a pretty overwhelming amount of information coming in all at one time, which is great. It's exactly what we need and what we want to keep getting," said Corinne Geller, a state police spokesperson.
Geller says no tip is ignored. But, police do not return calls, unless it's necessary.

"A lot of people have the expectation they will be called back immediately," said Geller. "But there are various elements when a tip comes in."

Geller said every tip is analyzed, categorized and prioritized after it is entered into the database. But, not everyone will get a call back for the following reasons:

1.) Caller provided enough information to investigate
2.) Police already investigated a similar tip
3.) Information may be more relevant at a later date

State Police hope to get even more calls, to help in a search that, at times, feels like looking for "a needle in a haystack." The county stretches 450 square miles, but the communities are small, and State Police know someone has the information they need.

"Even if you think it's insignificant, and it may be to you, but it may be the missing piece of the puzzle we need," said Geller.

Anyone with information should call, email or text state police at (757) 655-1437. There is a $25,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest and conviction.


The Business of Guns

Gun manufacturing and sales is big business in the United States — as it turns out, one of the biggest.
In terms of gun ownership, the U.S. is the runaway global leader. There are nearly nine firearms for every 10 American citizens; this proportion is 40% higher than that of Yemen, which ranks second in the world for gun ownership.

Every year, nearly 9 million firearms enter the U.S. market. 5.5 million guns are manufactured domestically, and roughly 95% are eventually sold to Americans. An additional 3.2 million firearms are imported into the U.S. and sold through licensed firearms dealers. Currently there are more than 130,000 of these licensed dealers in the country; to put that number in perspective, the U.S. is also home to 144,000 gas stations, 36,500 grocery stores, and 14,000 McDonald’s restaurants.
Want more comparisons? The firearms industry generates roughly $32 billion in revenue every year — $10 billion more than the Ford Motor Company — and employs 98,000 people, five times more than Google Inc. Furthermore, the gun industry is continuing to grow at an astonishing rate. Connecticut-based Sturm, Ruger & Co., the country’s fourth largest firearm manufacturer, recorded a $180 million increase in revenue since 2004.

Friday, March 15, 2013


(CATONSVILLE, MD) – Maryland State Police traffic crash investigators have developed a description of a vehicle that may have been involved in the fatal hit and run crash on the inner loop of I-695 yesterday morning that took the life of a Baltimore County woman.

State Police CRASH Team investigators are searching for a gold 2001-2005 Chevrolet Impala. Investigators used debris found at the scene of the fatal hit and run on the inner loop of I-695 near Edmondson Avenue that occurred yesterday sometime around 5:00 a.m. to narrow the description of the vehicle that may have been involved. The crash took the life of Judith A. Hill, 62, of Halethorpe, Md., who was found dead on the left shoulder of the inner loop. Her vehicle, a 2007 Chevrolet pickup, was found parked on the right shoulder of the interstate.

The 2001-2005 gold Chevrolet Impala should have damage to the left side of the front bumper cover, the left fender, and the left side mirror. Troopers are not certain at this time if the Chevrolet Impala was the actual vehicle that struck and killed Ms. Hill. They want to locate the car and investigate further to determine if it was involved.

Anyone who has information about this vehicle or who may have witnessed the fatal hit and run is urged to contact the Maryland State Police at the Golden Ring Barrack, at 410-780-2700. Callers may remain confidential.
Submitted: Maryland State Police

Firemen's Fest BBQ Chicken Dinner Funraiser

Firemen's Fest BBQ Chicken Dinner Fundraiser

 By Princess Anne and Mt. Vernon Vol. Fire Departments

12155 Elm Street, Princess Anne, MD 21853

 Saturday, March 16, 2013
Time: 11 AM - til sold out
 BBQ Chicken Dinner includes:
1/2 Chicken, 2 sides, and a roll
 Also available for purchase: Baked goods, sodas, water
Cost: $8
No tickets needed
Parking lot in front of the District Court plaza on Rt. 13
 (off of Elm Street)
Please come out and show your support!
From the fire departments:
The Princess Anne Volunteer Fire Department and Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department are planning to hold a Firemen’s Fest in Princess Anne, MD at the Somerset County Civic Center on June 8, 2013 to help raise funds for our departments. The Firemen’s Fest will be a family-friendly event which will include a music concert with various acts (including Chris Lane!), car show, firemen’s muster, vendors from various companies, and an arts and crafts show.

Donations For Our Fire And EMS Personnel

Donations For Our Fire And EMS Personnel

It is no secret that Accomack County has been hit with 68 arsons since November 12, 2012.  Day or night our firefighters and emergency personnel have been on call and at times have had to fight two or more fires in a 24 hour period.  They have been and still continue to be remarkable in their strength to combat such senseless and needless acts.

Our fire departments and law enforcement personnel are exhausted.  A donation drive has been put in place to aid the local Accomack County fire departments with much needed supplies. Drinks ( water, gatorade, juice, coffee) snacks, etc. would certainly be appreciated after a long night from fighting fires.  Monetary donations would be a great idea.

You may take donations directly to any Accomack County fire department or to the donation drop-off locations listed below.

Arcadia Nursing & Rehab
Cycle Creations - New Church
Highway Market - New Church
Pocomoke Animal Hospital
Contours Express - Exmore
Tangled Salon - Exmore
Martha's Kitchen - Saxis

List will be updated as new locations are announced.

  Consider being a volunteer in your area.
A big thank you to Karen Barnes, administrator of  "Eastern Shore Trash and Treasure"  facebook page for her organization of the donation drive.

Admission 1/2 Price If You Wear Green This Weekend !

Come to the center this weekend wearing GREEN and receive HALF off admission!

 Programs this weekend: Saturday, March 16 at 1 PM- Critter Corner (animals that wear green)

Sunday, March 17 at 1:30 - Dive Dialogue (Sarah and Scorchy's shenanigans)featuring our new speaking Dive mask!  
Great weekend to come, save, and discover at the
Delmarva Discovery Center.

Beagle Still Missing / REWARD

Thursday Night Fire For Accomack County


Thursday, March 14, 2013
10:44 PM
Area of 15204 Cashville Road  - Onancock, Virginia
Intersection of Cashville and Evans Wharf Road
 (approximately one mile south of Cashville)

Abandoned structure fire with exposure to the woods.
(Former grader shed)  Structure was fully involved and had burned almost to the ground when crews arrived.

Cashville Fire
Tasley, Onancock, Melfa and Onley responded.  There were no injuries.

Fire is being investigated and if determined to be arson this will be the 68th arson since November 12, 2013.

An award of up to $25,000 is being offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of the person or persons involved in the fires.

Call the Accomack County Sheriff's Department tip line at 757 655-1437 if you have any information that might help police.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

THROWBACK THURSDAY ~ Tonight At the Mar-Va Theater

7:00 PM
All tickets ~ $5.00


(PRINCESS, ANNE, MD) – The reward offered for information leading to the arrest of the person or persons responsible for the murder of a University of Maryland Eastern Shore student last month has been increased and now totals $10,000.

Maryland State Police homicide investigators are continuing their investigation to identify who is responsible for the stabbing death of Edmond A. St. Clair, 21, who was murdered at the university on the night of February 16, 2013. St. Clair was a passenger in a car on campus at about 9:00 p.m., when they encountered several persons walking in the street. Some type of altercation ensued and St. Clair was stabbed. Police continue to search for three suspects who are described only as African American males in their late teens or early twenties.
The University of Maryland Eastern Shore has increased its reward for information to $8,000. An additional reward of $2,000 is being offered by the Crime Solvers program.

Anyone with information concerning this investigation is urged to call the Crime Solvers line at 410-548-1776, or the Maryland State Police Princess Anne Barrack at 443-260-3700. Callers may remain anonymous.
Maryland State Police

Federalsburg Police Looking For Suspect Wanted In Armed Robbery Of Town Mayor

Subject in photo got away with
Mayor Beall's phone and wanted his
Abby Andrews Staff Writer

FEDERALSBURG -- Federalsburg police are looking for the suspect in an armed robbery of the town's mayor Tuesday afternoon Mayor Bill Beall lost his cell phone, but was uninjured, police said
 The report of the robbery also initiated a lockdown procedure at Federalsburg Elementary School, just as students were preparing for dismissal, Caroline County Superintendent Dr. Khalid Mumin said Wednesday.

Police said Beall was outside the Super Soda, at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue, around 3:25 p.m. Tuesday, when he was approached by a black man, wearing blue jeans and a gray hoodie.

Police said the man asked Beall for a ride to the marina, where he was meeting a friend.

“I trust people,” Beall said Wednesday in an interview on his home phone. “He had the best smile; it was raining, so I told him to get in the truck.”

Beall drove down Main Street toward the marina. He said the man asked to borrow his cell phone to call a friend, and pretended to speak to the friend, telling him to meet him at the stop sign at the corner of Smith Street and River Road, across from the marina.

When Beall stopped the truck at the stop sign, he said the man stepped out of the truck with Beall's phone still in one hand, and then reached under his hoodie with the other, as though he had a concealed gun.

“He said, 'I need your wallet,'” Beall said. “I was so shocked. I said 'You gotta be kidding me!'”

Beall said the man repeated the demand.

“He said, 'No, I need your wallet before this goes off,'” Beall said.

Beall said he stepped on the gas and made a U-turn, hitting the suspect with the open passenger's door of the truck as he did so.

The man fled, and Beall said he drove straight to Resort Linens on River Road, owned by former Federalsburg Mayor Mickey Fluharty, where he asked Fluharty to call the police.

Beall said Federalsburg officers and a K-9 unit responded, as did the Caroline County Sheriff's Office. No one has been arrested, and the investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information should call Federalsburg police at 410-754-8966.

Beall said the incident changed his mind about accepting requests for rides from strangers.

“Next time I'll tell him to take a bus,” Beall said. “Call a cab.”

Mumin said Federalsburg police called the school administration as soon as the robbery was reported, and the school went into a standard lockdown procedure. Bus drivers, who were en route to the school, were alerted by the transportation department before they arrived, Mumin said.

Police escorted students onto the busses, Mumin said. Police also trailed the busses, and trailed groups of students who walk home, to make sure everyone arrived safely.

The lockdown did not delay dismissal, Mumin said, and no afterschool activities were scheduled, because students are taking Maryland School Assessment exams this week.

“All students and staff were safe,” Mumin said.


Troopers Search For Driver and Vehicle In Fatal Hit and Run

(CATONSVILLE, MD) -- Maryland State Police are searching for the driver and vehicle that struck and killed a Baltimore County woman whose body was found along the center median of Interstate 695, early this morning.

The victim has been identified as Judith A. Hill, 62, of the 2800 block of Manoff Road, Halethorpe, Maryland. She was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel from Baltimore County. Her body has been taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for an autopsy.

A preliminary investigation conducted by troopers from the Golden Ring Barrack, with assistance from the Maryland State Police CRASH Team, indicates that shortly after 7:30 a.m. this morning, troopers received a 9-1-1 call reporting a body lying against the center median on Interstate 695 in the area of Edmondson Avenue. For reasons unclear at this time, the victim’s 2007 Chevy pick-up was stopped on the right shoulder. She exited her vehicle at which time, investigators believe she was struck. The unknown striking vehicle failed to stop. Investigators believe the crash occurred around 5:00 a.m.

Due to the severity of the incident troopers closed the inner loop of I-695 in the area of Edmondson for several hours. State Highway Administration personnel are assisting with road closures and establishing detours for motorists.

Troopers are asking anyone with information relevant to this hit and run crash which took the life, to please contact the Golden Ring Barrack at 410-780-2700. All calls will remain confidential.

The cause of the crash is under investigation.

CONTACT: Sgt. Marc Black, Sr.
Office of Media Comm. - 410-653-4236

Breakfast With The Easter Bunny

Atlantic Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company
10071 Atlantic Road
Atlantic, Virginia
Eggs, Pancakes, Scrapple, Sausage, Juices, Coffee, Milk
$7 Adults-$3 Kids- ages 6 yrs. old and under

Proof That Guns Can't Kill

Today I swung my front door wide open and placed my Stevens 320 12 gauge shotgun right in the doorway.

 I gave it 6 shells, and noticing that it had no legs, I even placed it in my wheelchair to help it get around.

 I then left it alone and went about my business. While I was gone, the mailman delivered my mail, the neighbor boy across the street mowed the yard, a girl walked her dog down the street, and quite a few cars stopped at the stop sign right in front of our house.

 After about an hour, I checked on the gun. It was still sitting there in the wheelchair, right where I had left it. It hadn't rolled itself outside. It certainly hadn't killed anyone, even with the numerous opportunities it had been presented to do so. 

In fact, it hadn't even loaded itself. Well you can imagine my surprise, with all the media hype about how dangerous guns are and how they kill people. 

Either the media is wrong, and it's the misuse of guns by PEOPLE that kills people, or I'm in possession of the laziest gun in the world.

 Alright, well I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat.

 Thanks, Eric

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

  1905.. Eastern Shore plumber unearths potful of gold coins; 1969.. Pocomoke City's "Baby Beltway" project to start; 1889..Storm brings night of terror to Ocean City; 1940.. Pocomoke City man gets high WPA post; 1972.. Discount department store chain opens in Pocomoke City; 1934.. Part 3 of first-hand remembrances of life on lower shore in mid-1800's.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday  right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Delmarva Discovery / Easter Egg Hunt

Shamrock Search At Chattie's Lounge/ Chincoteague, Virginia

This Week End At the Mar-Va Theater

Friday, March 15th at 7 PM
Saturday, March 16th at 7 PM
Tickets: $5