Monday, January 20, 2014

Winter Storm Watch/ Virginia

Areas affected: Accomack, VA; Gloucester, VA; James City, VA; Mathews, VA; Middlesex, VA; Northampton, VA; Williamsburg City, VA

 1011 AM EST MON JAN 20 2014


 1011 AM EST MON JAN 20 2014











Expiring: 01/22/2014 12:00am

Larry Hogan to Announce Candidacy for Governor

Larry Hogan, a business owner for over 25 years, has helped attract hundreds of businesses and thousands of jobs to Maryland. Hogan took time away from his successful business to serve as a Cabinet Secretary in the Ehrlich Administration. He founded the state’s largest non-partisan grassroots organization focused on bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense to Annapolis. Hogan has led citizen referendums to lower taxes and reform government. He has spent a lifetime fighting to change Maryland for the better.

Larry Hogan will announce his candidacy for Governor 6PM Tuesday January 21, 2014 at Mike’s Crab House in Riva, Maryland.

Mike's Crab House, 303 Riva Road, Annapolis (Riva), MD 21140

Accomack County Circuit Court Cases

Accomack County Circuit Court Cases
Thursday, January16, 2014

Richard Christian - charged with possession of cocaine and intent to distribute. The distribution charge was dropped due to lack of evidence. Mr. Christian was found on June 6, 2013 in possession. Christian pled guilty to the possession charge. Judge Glen a Tyler continued this case for presentence report.

Upsher Ayers - charged with possession and two counts of distribution for a third offense. These charges stem from incidents on May 1, 2012 and December 1, 2012. Ms. Sherry Mapp Ayres attorney made a motion to withdraw from these cases stating that a paid family attorney would be handling this case. Judge Tyler granted the motion and entered a not guilty plea on all charges. Ayres was returned to jail awaiting a new trial date.

Michael Bowman - charged with driving under the influence- third offense within five years- and driving on a suspended license. Bowman was observed by a local police officer driving a moped with the officer knowing that he had two prior convictions and should not have been driving on November 14, 2012. Bowman  pled guilty. Bowman's  attorney asked that he remain out on bond to await sentencing. Judge Tyler denied this motion sending the defendant to jail to await sentencing.

Antonio Palmer - charged with larceny. This charge was reduced from grand larceny to petit larceny primarily because the victim had recently died. This offense occurred on February 27, 2013 when a metal table and a disc plow were stolen by Mr. Palmer and his brother. The Sheriffs Department at located both items and returned them to the rightful owner therefore no restitution was rendered. Judge Tyler accepted a plea agreement sentencing the defendant to 12 years with all but time served suspended.

Warner Byrd Sr. - charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana. He was convicted on February 14, 2013 and had a long record. However,  Byrd also had an excellent employer recommendation. Byrd was sentenced to three years on  cocaine charges  with all but 30 days suspended with possible work release and 30 additional days all suspended for the marijuana charge with a $500 fine. Additionally, his drivers license was suspended for six months plus court costs.

 Keyon Townsend - tried on two counts of distribution of heroin. The two pending charges stem from an arrest on January 7 and January 8 in the Horntown area. Townsend was found guilty on both charges in this case was continued for a pre-sentence report. Townsend was remanded to jail to await sentencing.

County Drug Task Forces Now Led By Local Police.....

County Drug Task Forces Now Led By
 Local Police, Not Troopers

January 17, 2014

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland State Police have transferred the administration of county-wide drug task forces to local police, but some lawmakers are concerned about the impact on local law enforcement.

Maryland State Police representatives discussed the change Friday with members of the Eastern Shore delegation and Caroline County officials.

The reorganization, implemented in March 2013, allows the state police to operate on a regional level in order to pursue drug suppliers that are located across county lines.

The decision was department-wide and divided the state into five regions of operation. It was implemented in an attempt to create more effective task forces, said Maryland State Police spokeswoman Elena Russo.

“We are not taking troopers out of those counties [on the Eastern Shore],” said Col. Marcus Brown, Superintendent of Maryland State Police. “We are making a more strategic movement in those counties.”

That strategic movement may not physically relocate state troopers, but some are concerned that it may still harm the effectiveness of local police.

“I don’t think that this is necessarily in the best interest to the local law enforcement,” said Delegate Michael A. McDermott, R-Wicomico. “I don’t think the state has enough personnel to carry out their mission, so they’re redefining their mission.”

Reorganizing the state police’s drug task forces allows the officials to cut off “the head of the octopus,” Brown said.

However, while the state police will have more rein to pursue intercounty and interstate drug traffickers, it will require local police to invest more resources, which some counties may not have.

“We will maintain it somehow, in some way,” said Caroline County Sheriff Randy Bounds. “We will continue to conduct drug investigations.”

The new structure was implemented so quickly that the local agencies need time to gather additional personnel, said McDermott.

Both the county and state police are short on resources.


"Pirates of the Chesapeake" ~ ONE SHOW ONLY !

Martin Luther King Birthday (Observed) Today

Martin Luther King, Jr.
January 15 1929 – April 4 1968
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Broncos WIN!!

DENVER BRONCOS are going to the
 Super Bowl!

TIME MACHINE ... 1990, 1939, 1941, 1891, 1893

(Reader Friendly Viewing Of Newspaper Archive Material)

January, 1990 

Efforts spearheaded by Mayor Curt Lippolt along with local and state officials resulted in the good economic news that the Italian-based gun maker Baretta would set up operation in the Pocomoke Industrial Park with prospects of employing up to 100 people in three years. Baretta USA Corp. was expected to invest $1.5 million in the plant. The company would use the 25,000 foot shell building to manufacture components for small pistols. Six states had been in consideration for the new Baretta site.

June, 1939
(Chicago Packer {Trade Publication} - Chicago, Illinois)


Big Crowd Attends Eastern Shore Potato Blossom Festival

Onancock, Va., June 16. - No more beautiful spectacle was ever seen on the Delmarva peninsula then the ceremonies for the coronation of Queen Eastern Shore V the evening of June 8, opening day of the fifth annual Eastern Shore Potato Blossom Festival, which continued the following two days at the American Legion Park at Tasley. Five thousand persons thronged the grounds for the afternoon and evening performance. Clear skies and a warm sun and bright moonlight added to the carnival spirit which prevailed.

Miss Kathryn Lawson Barnes, of Pocomoke City, Md., as festival queen, dressed in white and wearing robes of regal splendor, crossed the quarter stretch upon the arm of Herbert R. Rhodes, of Baltimore, commander of the Maryland Department of the American Legion.

Preceding the queen were the princesses dressed in deep pink, while the maid of honor, Miss Elizabeth Williams of Salisbury, Md., wore green. Each girl was accompanied by an escort.

In the afternoon, a baby revue, directed by Mrs. Adelaide Ames Phillips, of Cheriton, won applause of the audience.

The festival of this year, like its predecessors, was highly successful from a social and amusement point of view and served to draw attention to the shore's chief product- the potato. 

June, 1941 (Time Machine archive)

In Crisfield the normal peacetime production at the Briddell plant was now involved with a heavy workload related to military needs with two work shifts required. Also in Crisfield two tent factories were working overtime to fill military orders.

January, 1891
(Peninsula Enterprise- Accomac Court House) 


An Opportunity for a Free Visit to Pocomoke City, The booming town of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, for one month only- from December 15th, 1890 to January 15th, 1891.

I.H. MERRILL, proprietor of the Peninsula Clothing, Shoe and Gents' Furnishings Depot, Will pay in CASH at his office, upon the day of purchase, to all cash customers that are residents of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, whether they come by rail or otherwise (except for ministers, to whom we always give an extra discount), mileage according to the table below upon the following plan: customers may be waited on by any of the salesmen they may elect, who will do their best to suit them in quality, style, and price. If we cannot please them we will not expect them to buy. After having made your purchase in full and settled your bill, the purchaser must not fail to write his or her name and post office address on a card or slip of paper with the amount of goods purchased, and receive the mileage in cash, viz:

Bills amounting to over $5 up to $10 one cent per mile for the distance.

over $10 up to $20 two cents per mile
over $20 up to $30 three cents per mile
over $30 up to $40 four cents per mile
over $40 up to $50 five cents per mile
-Large bills at the same rates.-

This is very simple and every customer can calculate the amount they will make, in addition to having large and varied stocks to select from, and at guaranteed prices.


June, 1893
(Denton Journal) 

The heroine of Pocomoke City is Miss Nellie Dryden. Last Saturday night she was awakened by a burglar who had torn away the window slats, broken a pane of glass and entered the parlor and gathered several articles, with which he was about to encamp. As he was leaving she opened fire with a revolver. He dropped his plunder and fled.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

PHS Drama Club ~ "Schoolhouse Rock Live"

There's still time to see this Drama Club Production

Pocomoke High School Drama Club
Saturday, February 18,2014
7:00 PM
Tickets $5.00
 Children under 12 are $3.00

2013 Mudbog Banquet Tickets On Sale

 The 2013 Mud Bog Banquet will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Crisfield Elks Lodge in Crisfield, Maryland.

Dinner will be at 6:00 PM.

 Tickets to the banquet are on sale for $15.00 per person.

PLEASE get your tickets ordered early ... a total count for attendance is needed BY FEBRUARY 12th.

To order tickets or for more information contact Charlie Price at 410-330-6571.

 Many of you have asked about the 2014 racing schedule.
The track committees will be meeting towards the end of January to set the dates and places for the 2014 mud bog year.

 I will have more information as I receive it.

See you at the banquet!!

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1990.. Great economic news for Pocomoke City; 1939.. Big festival in Onancock celebrates Delmarva's chief product of that era; 1941.. War effort production evident in Crisfield; 1891.. Merchant offers Eastern Shore of Virginia customers "Free Travel" to Pocomoke City; 1893.. Miss Nellie stands her ground against Pocomoke burglar.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Maryland State Police

(MILLINGTON, MD) – An erratic driver who refused to stop for police in Delaware was killed early this morning when he apparently lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a vacant house in Kent County, MD.

The man is identified as Adam M. Hughes, 25, of Clayton, Delaware. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, which occurred near the intersection of Rt. 291 and Crane Street, in Millington. His body will be taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy.

Shortly after 2:00 a.m. today, Maryland State Police at the Centreville Barrack were notified by Kent County central dispatch of a single vehicle crash that occurred in Millington. Responding troopers found Delaware police already on the scene where a 2004 Saturn SUV had crashed into a vacant house. The driver, later identified as Hughes, was the only occupant of the vehicle.

Maryland State Police learned the driver had been seen driving erratically in Delaware. An officer from the Clayton (DE) Police Department had attempted to stop the vehicle, believing the driver may have been operating under the influence. The driver refused to stop. Police followed the vehicle into Maryland on Rt. 291, attempting to stop it.

When the suspect vehicle neared Crane Street, the preliminary investigation indicates the driver ran off the right side of the road and struck a curb. The vehicle then crossed back over the centerline, rotated 180 degrees and ran off the left side of the roadway. The vehicle struck a utility pole and then ran into the vacant house.

The Maryland State Police Crash Team responded to conduct a detailed crash investigation. The investigation is continuing.

Delegate McDermott Proposes Several Business-Friendly Bills”

Delegate McDermott Proposes Several Business-Friendly Bills for the 2014 Legislative Session

“Delegate McDermott Proposes Several Business-Friendly Bills”

ANNAPOLIS – Four bills proposed during the 2014 legislative session by Delegate Mike McDermott (R-Worcester & Wicomico) will create a more business-friendly environment for the state of Maryland. Delegate McDermott, who represents the Lower Eastern Shore, is sponsoring several legislative bills aimed at making Maryland work for business.

 “Maryland desperately needs legislation that will make it a more business friendly state.  Our current business environment does not allow it to adequately compete with our neighboring states,” Delegate McDermott said of his proposed bills. “These laws will help out not only big business, but also small business owners, contractors, electricians and the like.  We need to change the way we think about business in Maryland.”
McDermott’s “Truth in Permitting” bill restructures the way in which local government responds to proposed building and electrical permits. The current system in place doesn’t require the permit review board to specify why a particular permit was rejected, nor does it require the permit review board to review a permit within a “reasonable amount of time.” Delegate McDermott’s proposal will change this process and require the board to indicate exactly what is wrong with the proposed permit within a reasonable amount of time.
“There is a poor system in place today that often fails to tell a contractor what is wrong with their permit,” Delegate McDermott said. “This faulty process results in a back and forth between contractors and architects trying to identify the problem which is often omitted by those reviewing the permit. This adds to the time and money it takes business owners to have their permits approved often resulting in months of lost time.”
Additionally, House Bill 199, or the “Corporate Income Tax-Rate Reduction” bill, will reduce the corporate tax-rate from the current 8.25% to a lower 6%, helping corporations statewide. The reduction will give corporations in Maryland more breathing room, allowing them to operate more freely. It would provide a competitive response to surrounding states with lower rates and incentives.
Likewise, House Bill 26 will require agencies who are submitting regulations to also submit a fiscal impact statement. Currently, when an agency submits a regulation for review they do not have to assess the fiscal impact of that regulation.  The bill will make sure that before any regulations are passed, lawmakers and Marylanders alike have a chance at analyzing how the regulation will impact the economy as well as the state’s budget. The impact of this bill is far reaching and will affect farmers and other businesses across Maryland.
Delegate McDermott’s fourth bill aimed at aiding business will alter the penalty process presently regulated by the Department of Labor and Licensing Regulations (“DLLR”). Currently, the DLLR penalizes small businesses for “non-serious violations” without first giving them a warning. Delegate McDermott’s bill, though, will make sure that a warning is first given for non-serious violations before the DLLR can fine the business owner.
“Maryland needs to be a more business-friendly state and it can start with this legislative year,” Delegate McDermott said. “We have a real opportunity here to do what’s right, to compete with our neighboring states, and to make Maryland a more prosperous, inviting state in which to do business.”

Rabies Vaccination Clinics Begnning January 25th

732 Pounds of Cocaine Seized At Port of Norfolk

Norfolk, Va. – Customs and Border Protection (CPB) officers seized 732 pounds of cocaine concealed in cans of fruit juice in a shipping container at the Port of Norfolk on December 20th.
The wholesale value is about $12 million with a street value as much as $100 million. The seizure is the largest in the port’s history.

“I have children of my own, I’m always worried about where these drugs end up, are they getting to schools and for that reason I could not be more excited that this amount of cocaine is not going to make it out onto the streets,” said Mark Laria, Customs and Border Protection Area Port Director.

CBP tactical operations officers from the Port of Norfolk were conducting a container inspection operation when they discovered the narcotics.

There was no specific tip that led to the bust, but border patrol workers say the use of fruit cans is just one example of how creative drug traffickers are getting these days. In the past they have even used body bags.

“We used every tool at our disposal. We have large scale x-ray equipment we have small scale x-ray equipment, we have probes, we have various tools and technology that were brought to bear on this shipment and it took every bit of it plus the officers knowledge and intuition to locate the cocaine in this shipment,” said Laria.

The container carrying the drugs was flagged as soon as it left Trinidad and Tobago, but our border protection workers could not check the container until it got to the United States.

The shipment was destined for New York.

No arrests have been made at this time.


Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meetng~ December 2013

Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meetng
December  2013
December 9, 2013
The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, December 9, 2013 the meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
                                       Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
                                                Council Members: RobClarke,           
               Diane  Downing
                               Don Malloy, George Tasker
                                  City Attorney William Hudson
                                   City Manager Russell W. Blake
                              City Clerk Carol L. Sullivan
Review Minutes:
In a motion (Malloy, Clarke passed), to approve the minutes of November 4, 2013.
Review Bills:
      In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Authorize Mayor to sign proclamation for 125th Anniversary of the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company:
       Mayor Morrison read the proclamation for the record.
       In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to authorize         Mayor Morrison to sign proclamation for 125th Anniversary of the PCVFC.
Presentation of retirement plaque to Mr. James Norton following twelve (12) years’ service on the City’s Board of Zoning Appeals:
       Mayor Morrison presented Mr. James Norton a plaque thanking him for his service on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
       Mr. Norton thanked the Mayor and City Council and stated that Pocomoke City has the best Police Department, Public Works Department and city manager on the Eastern Shore. He added that the Mayor and Council deserve resignation for an outstanding job of service to our citizens. He said that he has enjoyed his service on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Special recognition of Chairman Mike Shannon and the Pocomoke Christmas Parade Committee for the successful Christmas Parade held on December 2, 2013:
      Mayor Morrison presented Mike Shannon a Certificate of Appreciation for serving as Chairman of the Pocomoke City Christmas Parade for the past thirteen years.
       Mr. Shannon thanked the Mayor and Council for the certificate. He said that he appreciated everything the City does for the community and he is glad that he is a part of the events and is able to volunteer his time. He stated that there are things going on all the time and that some others are stepping up to volunteer. He announced that there would be a Gala on February 15, 2014, at the Elks. This is a fundraiser for the Boat Docking Contest to be held in August 2014.
Authorize City Manager to sign Basic Interconnectivity Agreement with Delmarva Power for new solar electricity-generating system:
       City Manager Blake stated that this is the next step toward the Solar agreement. If all goes well the solar plant should be in operation by late 2014.
       City Attorney Hudson stated that there was no reason that the City could not sign this agreement and that it needed to be signed before going onto the next step.
       In a motion (Tasker, Malloy passed) to authorize City Manager Blake to sign the Basic Interconnectivity Agreement with Delmarva Power.
City Manager to present recommendation from Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis for repair or demolition of several buildings:
       City Manager Blake stated that 201 Fourth Street, 516 Laurel Street, 618 Clarke Ave., and 415 Oxford Street have been vacant for some time and no activity from owners. If the Mayor and Council agree to proceed, the owners would receive a notice to repair or demolish the buildings. If they object there would be an opportunity for a hearing at the next Mayor and Council meeting.
       In a motion (Malloy, Tasker passed) to proceed with repair or demolish letters to the owners of all four buildings.
Discuss recommendation from Police Chief and City Manager for purchase of two new police patrol vehicle using grant funds from U.S.D.A. and local matching funds:
       City Manager Blake stated that we would be using U.S.D.A Grant Funds in the amount of $43,000 to purchase two Tahoes for the Police Department. The City would match $14,400 funds for these two new vehicles. Chief Sewell stated that the Tahoe’s will be nice for bad weather.
       Councilman Clarke asked if we would piggy back on another agency to get a good price.
       Chief Sewell stated that we would purchase the vehicles from Joe Basil Chevrolet as they have contracts with Law Enforcement Agencies.
       In a motion (Tasker, Clarke passed) to approve the purchase of two Tahoes with U.S.D.A. funds and matching funds of $14,400 from the City.
Consider request from Snow Hill Chamber of Commerce for use of City Festival Tent on Sunday, February 23, 2014:
       Mayor Morrison stated that Snow Hill Chamber of Commerce would like to use the City’s tent for their Annual Oyster Roast to be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014.
       In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to allow Snow Hill Chamber of Commerce to borrow the City’s event tent for their Annual Oyster Roast to be held on Sunday, February 23, 2014.
Mayor to discuss holiday schedule for City employees:
      Mayor Morrison stated that he would like to propose that City employees have Christmas Eve off as an extra holiday this year for Christmas.
      In a motion (Malloy, Tasker passed) to give City employees Christmas Eve off as an extra holiday.

Comments from Audience:
      Mike Shannon thanked the Mayor and Council for the “Old Fashioned Christmas”, she stated that Karah Lacey did a great job and he felt that she was an asset to the City.
      Kim Jackson, owner of Market Street Bouquet, stated that she was making changes for her facility to be fully accredited to accept insurance for her business, one of the requirements was to have a designated handicap parking space. She asked if there could be a designated handicap parking space near her shop.
      In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to designate a handicap parking space on the corner of Clarke Ave and Market Street.
      Dale Trotter stated that he would like to clarify that he was not responsible for Mr. Gary Mclhiney from Schlachman Belsky & Weiner to attend last month’s meeting. He stated that he was interest in running for Council seat.

Comments from Council:
      Mayor Morrison asked what the Council would like if anything for Leona Hill in donating property for her project.
      After some discussion it was decided that a piece of property near the Farmer’s Market/Cypress Park could be designated for Leona Hill’s playground. Or maybe she could contact Worcester County Commissioners to see if they had any property that they would be willing to donate for her project.

      With no further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Clarke and seconded by Councilman Malloy to adjourn at 7:57 PM.







Carol L. Sullivan

City Clerk


Friday, January 17, 2014

Obamacare ‘tech surge’ fails to fix wrong prices, plans

Daily Caller 1.08.14

“If I can enter a zip code for a Radio Shack and have the nearest store listed, then the government should be able to direct people to the nearest ‘in-person’ assistance,” said Paul Ellington, Craig’s campaign manager, in a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Jeannie Haddaway on Obamacare WCBM Sean and Frank 1.09.14
(HHS Secretary) Sebelius is directing Marylanders on the federal  site to other states to seek assistance.
(@ 2:39)

GOP hopefuls for Md. Governor Debate on Fox 45
Washington Post 1.16.14

Craig said the state’s exchange is “a disaster.” “They knew it was broken before they put it out,” he said.

Emergency health care legislation to be heard by committees Tuesday
Annapolis Capital Gazette 1.09.14

 "(The) legislation merely shuffles people from the failing state-run Obamacare exchange into another state-run insurance program for a limited amount of time,” said Haddaway.

Exchange Difficulties
Hagerstown Herald-Mail 1.12.14

“The O’Malley-Brown Administration’s ill-conceived emergency legislation merely shuffles people from the failing state-run Obamacare exchange into another state-run insurance program for a limited amount of time,” said Haddaway, according to an email from the Craig campaign. “Trying to fix bureaucratic problems with more bureaucracy just creates more confusion and makes it more difficult for consumers.”

Jeannie Haddaway: The New Face of the Republican Party in Maryland
Chestertown Spy 1.06.14

Regardless of party affiliation, the community seems to have already declared an early victory for the two term delegate from Neavitt with dozens of highway signs boasting the David Craig-Jeannie Haddaway Republican ticket more than a year before the statewide election.

Vote Trotter in District 3, Pocomoke

My name is Dale Trotter and I am a candidate for Councilman in District 3 of Pocomoke City.
I have met with many of you regarding my decision to run for Council but for those I have not yet spoken with please let me explain. In 1993 my wife, Lori and I moved to the Eastern Shore and found the crown jewel, Pocomoke City. Like any new couple we loved the people, stores, and everything about this community. My wife and I have been very fortunate to raise four daughters that have attended or attend Pocomoke City Schools thru the Worcester County School System. My employment has been with either Pocomoke City or now Worcester County since 1997.
Our community, is a place that I call home and I want to work to keep you here, as well as to attract new home owners that may call it home as well.
I would like to see increased community activities in our downtown area, Cypress Park and throughout our great town.
Anyone living here knows, that Pocomoke City is the Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore and I want to work to keep it that way.
I favor increased participation by our town government to assist and attract business owners to our downtown area, and other shopping areas.
Our river front is seeing increased use since the Riverside Grill opened. A great addition to our area. I also favor boat docking and the possibility of a marina or similar in our downtown area or along the river front. Additionally I would love to see us work hand in hand with our downtown coordinator and allow her the mobility to "think outside the box" and make things happen for Pocomoke City. The Discovery Center and the Marva Theatre are great opportunities that allow for our community to thrive, I miss the "festivals" and the "Downtown Block Parties" that once helped our community come together; lets make it happen again!
Additionally I would like to see us work with the Downtown Association to "make it happen" regarding new businesses coming to town and the building owner, so that both see progress and benefit from our actions. I feel this would assist in eliminating so many "empty" buildings; that do nothing to attract or cause someone passing thru, to stop and be a consumer in Pocomoke which is obviously vital to a thriving community.
I would also like to make it a priority to clean up, restore or demolish properties that have become an eyesore. I would work with other members of the Council and City Manager to help make this attainable rather than so far reached for the property owners.
The major thing I would like to bring to District 3 is the opportunity to always be able to contact your Councilman, by phone, text, facebook or any other electronic means or in person with your problems and know in your heart that the issue will be addressed to the greatest extent of my power and that I am approachable.
Several of these ideas are in place already, we just need to work harder at keeping it on the fore front of our mission and continue to watch Pocomoke prosper and grow and I feel I am your choice for Councilman.
Many of you know me personally, I take my job serious and I am commited to your service. I look forward to visiting with you in your stores and homes over the next several weeks leading to April 1st. Thanks for your time reading this, I sincerely hope it was time well spent and you realize my love and passion for Pocomoke City.
The job of Councilman will far reach outside our district and involve our community, I am open to your concerns and welcome the opportunity to serve as your City Councilman, please vote Dale Trotter on April 1st, 2014.
Thanks again;

Dale Trotter
Candidate for City Council, Pocomoke City

Heart ~n~ Home Gift Store - SAVE 20% Off Purchase


Be sure to LIKE them on FACEBOOK

Pocomoke Businesswoman Files For Council Seat In Pocomoke City

“You want to do what?” 

This is a question I have been hearing quite a bit lately.  And the first question is generally followed by, “Why on earth do you want to do that?”

Let me introduce myself and explain.
 My name is Kim Jackson, and I am running for Pocomoke City Council, District 3.
I remember being asked similar questions one year and six months ago. That is when my husband, Ed and I chose to buy a house here, and make Pocomoke City our home.  The big question then was:  “Why do you want to move to Pocomoke?”  My response was, “Why not Pocomoke?” It did not come as any surprise to me; having longtime residents ask such questions about these kinds of decisions. Over the years I have learned we all can sometimes take for granted, things in our own backyard.  We can loose perspective of all the wonderful things we have right under our noses.  We came here with a new perspective, and chose Pocomoke because of all the great things it had to offer: a beautiful riverfront, plenty of green space (especially found in Cypress Park and the trail), old homes with personality and charm, good schools, city and emergency services, cultural arts and museums, a downtown district, and all within walking distance...I could go on and on.  This is why we came to Pocomoke!

Fast forward to the present.
I am now a small business owner on Market Street in downtown, working within the community.  The downtown business district (in voting district 3) is full of potential; it's  just waiting to come back to life once again. Studies have shown that downtown revitalization helps make an area strong by encouraging locals to come back and shop local. It brings visitors to the community, and can help create jobs, too. This can generate additional revenue for the community as visitors come for the day and enjoy our city.  Added revenue can go to improving and maintaining safe streets for our district. I feel historic preservation is also important because people love to experience the past. Whether its museums, houses, churches or old storefronts; people love to feel connected to the past; they want to experience a change from today's  hustle and bustle. Cities all across the country have benefitted from revitalization efforts. We have all the “right stuff”. Let's  make it happen. 
On April 1, 2014, if you live in District 3, Help me bring a new perspective to Pocomoke City, District 3.
 I would appreciate your vote.
 ~ Kim Jackson

Accomack Board Hears Report on Wallops Park

By Wesley Edwards
The Accomack County Board of Supervisors heard a report on Wednesday night from the Wallops Park Commmittee that the Wallops Industrial Park should be open and ready for business later this year.

Mr. Young, chairman of the committee, explained that phase 1 of the development process was now complete.

 Bill Remington explained that the design process was 95% complete and that bidding documents were being reviewed and would be sent out by February 15, 2014. Timmons Engineering is overseeing the design and infrastructure for the roads and water sewer.

Mr. Bob Roop then explained that the infrastructure would be complete by September and that the taxiway would be complete by December 2014. They expect occupants to be in place as early as September.

 Carolyn Massey explained that they were in the development process of a marketing plan and were speaking with a college professor to help develop the plan.

 When questioned by Supervisor Grayson Chesser about the 3 to 5 calls per week that she had previously reported, she said she could not say exactly when people would move in but now with the park underway there would be space available for different types of industry seeking benefits of being at Wallops controlled airspace as well as being close to the activities surrounding the development of unmanned vehicles and other related Wallops activities.

 In addition to business related to the aerospace Massey explained that there would also be a study about the change of the shoreline from Long Island New York to Virginia Beach conducted from Wallops.

She then said there would be a ribbon cutting ceremony sometime in September.


Also: Wallops Research Park

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Federal Brewing Company, LLC Opening In Federalsburg, MD

There has been a lot of buzz around the town of Federalsburg lately!

A brewpub is about to open its doors near the scenic Marshyhope  Creek! A family friendly place where you can sit down, have a drink (beer, wine, coffee, lemonade, tea) along with a little something to munch on and occasionally be entertained, without feeling rushed.

Brewpub specializing in craft beer made on site and food.

 Where? At 102 S. Main Street in Federalsburg - on the corner of Main & Central in the 3-story high former bank building. Federalsburg is in beautiful Caroline County, just minutes from the MD/DE State Line.

 When? The Federal Brewing Company has a target open date of Spring 2014.

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