Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Please join us for a General Membership Luncheon at Lin's Asian Cuisine

Please join us for a General Membership Luncheon at Lin's Asian Cuisine TOMORROW!  Sept 17 at 12 PM
Scheduled Speakers
 Josh Nordstrom from Midway,
Emily Rantz of Women Supporting Women
 Dave Wilson,  Executive Director of Maryland  Coastal Bays Program

Click here to RSVP

or call 410 957-1919

Downtown Pocomoke hosts 4th Friday Art Stroll

Downtown Pocomoke hosts 4th Friday Art Stroll
For Immediate Release
September 15, 2014
Pocomoke City –
On Friday, September 26, 2014, the Downtown Pocomoke Association and the City of Pocomoke will host their last Fourth Friday Art Stroll of 2014 in Downtown Pocomoke, beginning at 5:00pm and ending at 8:00pm. The event will be held within the two blocks of Market Street between Front Street and Second Street for a block party style event.

Local artists and craftsmen will fill the sidewalks of Downtown Pocomoke City to sell their art, including; paintings, photography, jewelry, home decor, fabric art, comic books, soaps and much more! Local retail stores are encouraged to stay open until 8:00pm.

Visitors of the Art Stroll will enjoy live music from PoTolo featuring Pocomoke native, Neal Hooks. 

Refreshments will be available for purchase. Downtown restaurants will offer special discounts during Art Stroll hours. An after-stroll party will be held at Riverside Grill with specials on house wines and other beverages from 8:00pm to close.
There’s fun for the kids too, including a moon bounce, sidewalk chalk art at the Sturgis One Room School, and wildlife presentations from the Delmarva Discovery Center. Local museums will offer free admission during Art Stroll hours.

For more information or to register as an artist, please visit downtownpocomoke.com or our Facebook pages “4th Friday” and “City of Pocomoke”.
In the event of rain the Art Stroll will be cancelled and will resume Spring of 2015.

Monday, September 15, 2014

This Friday at 7:30pm in Cypress Park

FREE Live Performance of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth"
Bring your lawn chairs! Bleacher seating also available.
Refreshments available for purchase.

Snow Hill Man Sentenced Following Conviction of Assaulting Officer

SNOW HILL, Md. – After deliberating for just six minutes, a jury found a Snow Hill man guilty of second-degree assault on a correctional employee following an incident last May, according to the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office.

Kenneth Foreman, 25, of Snow Hill, was charged on May 30 after correctional officers said he attacked one of them at the Worcester County Jail on May 16. The officer suffered injuries to his face and head and fractured a hand in the assault, prosecutors said.

According to law enforcement, Foreman's criminal history includes charges of a previous assault of a law enforcement officer, possession of crack cocaine, resisting arrest and attempted second-degree arson. This latest case was tried in Worcester County Circuit Court.

The judge recommended a sentence of three to 18 months, but the state's attorney's office said it asked for a sentence above those guidelines, leading to a 30-month sentence.

“This type of stiff sentence above the guidelines sends the absolutely appropriate message to the inmates at the Worcester County Jail – which is, if you assault a correctional officer you better have your bags packed for the Department of Corrections,” Oglesby said.

Reception For Mike McDermott

Parents Choice Endorses Delegate Mike McDermott

Parents Choice Endorses Delegate Mike McDermott
“He’s our Top Pick in District 38”-Parents Choice of MD
(Annapolis) Parents Choice of Maryland, a grassroots citizen organization, has endorsed Delegate Mike McDermott of the lower Eastern Shore for the Maryland Senate representing District 38 from Somerset-Wicomico-Worcester Counties.
Parents Choice states as part of its criteria for making an endorsement “We are looking for leaders who will do things to make life better for everyone.  We are looking for leaders who are focused on jobs, education, safety, the environment, our quality of life, transportation, equality, health care and retirement.  We are looking for leaders who are honest and transparent in their dealings and we believe that Delegate McDermott has earned his reputation as a leader in the Maryland General Assembly.”
In deciding that Delegate Mike McDermott met and exceeded these standards, Parents Choice noted his determination that government should exhibit common sense when it comes to taxes and spending priorities.  He has been outspoken on the need for transparency in government and has been at the forefront on introducing legislation that would make Maryland a better and more prosperous state. Delegate McDermott’s public safety background and knowledge has truly shaped major bills in the House and made the public safer as a result.
Parents Choice has also given credit to Mike for his support for women’s issues, particularly victims of domestic abuse; and his efforts to help preserve the Chesapeake Bay Trust Fund and for taking a common sense approach to restoring the Chesapeake Bay.
Parents Choice endorses both Republicans and Democrats, incumbents and challengers in its goal of seeking “…leaders who are committed to making Maryland stronger and better than it is today.”

5 Pinocchios for Jim Mathias

5 Pinocchios for Jim Mathias

“Capitulating verses Negotiating”

by Delegate Mike McDermott

It is not unusual for a politician to stand up and take credit for something they did not do. I have talked about the “posers” with those big checks before; but this week, Jim Mathias crossed a line when he stood up and took credit for the return of millions in local slot revenues  to Worcester County when nothing could be further from the truth.

When slots were first authorized in Maryland, Mathias was a delegate. He was elected and quoted on the record that he would not support or vote for slots. Yet, during the 2007 Special Session, he changed his mind, and his vote became the deciding vote when he voted for gambling in Maryland. The bill required Worcester County to fork over a million dollars a year to Baltimore City and another cool million bucks to Prince Georges County from the local government proceeds that would have stayed on the shore. Search if you like, but you will find no attempt to strike this payoff from the bill. (This has cost the lower shore millions of dollars in lost revenue since it passed).

When Mathias got back home, this pay off was soon discovered by local leaders and brought up in the press. When he was questioned about it, he claimed he did not know it was in the bill.

I’m not buying it.  After all, this bill was passed in a Special Session and was the sole piece of legislation they needed to consider. It should have been fought and eliminated; particularly if you were willing to cast the deciding 71st vote for a bill that would impact your jurisdiction significantly.

For several years, Worcester County and Ocean Downs Casino have been paying off Baltimore City and Prince Georges County.  All of that money could (and should) have been utilized for local spending. When I was elected in 2010, I was keenly aware of this wealth transfer and I looked for a mechanism to bring it back home where it belonged.

That opportunity presented itself in 2012 during our  2nd Special Session when the expansion of gaming was being sought. The issue was no longer about whether or not we would have gambling, rather it was about allowing a 6th casino to be built in Prince Georges County at National Harbor.  Gambling was no longer the issue.

This bill originated in the Senate and once again, I noticed that the payoffs to Baltimore City and Prince Georges County were still embedded in the legislation. There was no attempt by Mathias to remove these provisions from the bill.

When the bill arrived in the House, the Democrats were hunting for insurance votes to pass the bill.  I took advantage of the situation and spoke to the leader on the bill about the possibility of my supporting it. My demand was straightforward: return the local impact money to the citizens where the casinos are located. Depending on revenues, this could amount to $2 million each year that would remain on the lower shore.

To our benefit, they agreed to amend the bill and cut out the funding for Baltimore City and Prince Georges County as soon as Baltimore’s casino was open for business. In turn, I cast a deciding vote for the National Harbor expansion. The amendment was introduced by Delegate Dave Rudolph (D-Cecil) whose county also benefited directly from these local impact grants staying on the Upper Shore in Cecil County.

I could not help but see the irony of these two separate votes from two Delegates representing the same area:

  • Mathias casts the deciding vote that brings gambling to Maryland, establishes a casino in Ocean City’s backyard, and agrees to give Baltimore City and Prince Georges County $2 million of our money every year.

  • I cast the deciding vote that expands gambling to Prince George County alone and only after seeing the bill amended to strip Baltimore City and Prince Georges County from receiving one dime of our local impact money (returning $2 million to the Eastern Shore).

In a press release this past week, Mathias earned himself 5 Pinocchio's when he took credit “for amending the legislation passed in 2012” which returned the money to Worcester County. This represents a complete and utter falsehood.
The reporter took his word for it.  I do not believe the voters will be as trusting come November.

Speaker Boehner: House Is Ready to Work with President on Plan to Destroy ISIS, but White House Must Address Strategy Questions

Speaker Boehner: House Is Ready to Work with President on Plan to Destroy ISIS, but White House Must Address Strategy Questions

At his weekly press briefing, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said the House stands “ready to work with the president to put in place a plan that would destroy and defeat ISIL,” while underscoring the need for the president to address questions and concerns that remain regarding his strategy.  Following are Speaker Boehner’s remarks:

“Last night the president finally began to make the case that the nation has needed him to make for quite some time: that we must destroy and defeat this terrorist threat.  ISIL is a sophisticated and determined enemy, and in order to be successful we must have a comprehensive strategy designed to destroy and to defeat it.

“I think that last night the president made a compelling case for action, but as I said in my statement last night, there are still questions and concerns that remain.  For example, I support the president’s plan to train and equip Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian opposition.  But I remain concerned that those measures could take years to fully implement at a time when ISIL’s momentum and territorial gains must be halted and reversed immediately... (READ MORE)

Senate Democrats Would Overturn Free Speech Protections to Silence Critics

U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate Floor today regarding Senate Democrats’ attempt to limit free speech:

“Earlier today, one Democrat Senator urged his colleagues to get serious about the real challenges facing our country – challenges like dealing with the threat of ISIL. He implored fellow Democrats not to focus all their time instead, quote, ‘doing things that are of lesser importance.’

“Yet, his voice seems to have been ignored by the Democrats who run the Senate. Because here we stand, debating their proposal on whether or not to take an eraser to the First Amendment... (READ MORE)

Chairman Rogers Introduces Short Term Continuing Resolution to Maintain Government Operations, Prevent Shutdown

House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers has introduced a short term Continuing Resolution (CR) (H.J.Res.124) to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the fiscal year on September 30, 2014.

The legislation continues funding for government programs and services at the current annual cap rate of $1.012 trillion until December 11, 2014. This rate of funding will remain in place for the length of the continuing resolution, or until Congress approves the annual Appropriations legislation for fiscal year 2015. The bill is “clean” and does not contain highly controversial provisions.

Chairman Rogers gave the following statement on the introduction of the CR... (READ MORE)

Helping Families Keep Their Plan & Peace of Mind

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after bipartisan House passage of H.R. 3522, the Employee Health Care Protection Act, which would allow Americans in the group insurance market to keep or choose the plans they like

“In this tough economy, hardworking families need all the peace of mind they can get, and by helping them keep the plan they like, Bill Cassidy’s bill does just that.  It would mean getting more people back to work, lowering costs at home, and restoring opportunity.  Of course, to protect our workers from all of ObamaCare’s broken promises, we need to repeal this law and replace it with solutions that lower costs and protect jobs... (READ MORE)

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Click here and find ways you can help build our organization, promote our campaigns, and spread the word to others.  Your participation makes a difference!
Connect with Us!
You can now connect with Christian Coalition of America on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.  It's a great way to stay informed and help spread the word to others that you know.  Connect with us today!

Take a Walk on the Pocomoke Nature Trail

September is here!   The sky is a bit clearer than the summer months.  We're having very pleasant temperatures.  Take a walk on the nature trail and see what late season blooms are out there!  Go outdoors and play, Pocomoke!

The Pocomoke community is so lucky to have a trail to walk on, to study wildlife, catch a fish or just find peaceful respite from a crazy busy day.    At this time, the access from Cypress Park is through a narrow walkway marked by orange webbing.  It is easy also to park at the end of Greenway Dr and walk from there.   Did you know you can walk all the way around Stevenson's Pond?    Find your inner peace on the nature trail!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pictures from the Pocomoke Boat Docking yesterday

Amazing day on the Pocomoke River! Thank you to all of the captains, sponsors, committee and all of the supporters!!
- 1st place Small Boat Shootout winner Jamie Marshall
- 1st place Large Boat Shootout winner Steve Barnes

 Boat captains socialize after the Boat Docking Competition, but this was the end of a long exciting day.   I arrived just after sunrise to catch the early morning calm on the narrow but deep, Pocomoke River.  The competition was new to the town of Pocomoke  City last year, but already has made an impact.   Judging by the number of cars, trucks and motorcycles, the out of state license plates, this was a popular tourist opportunity.

 The crowd was large and enthusiastic!  In spite of an early drizzle in the sky, spectators came and spent a long afternoon.

 The large crowd came from all over the area, cheering on the boats and captains.

                                       Waiting in the middle of the river for a turn at docking.

TIME MACHINE... 1963, 1968, 1904, 1839, 1943, 1910

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; is has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives/historical archives material)

April, 1963
The Daily Mail (Hagerstown, Md.)

BALTIMORE (AP)-  U.S. Circuit Court has been asked to declare unconstitutional Maryland's motion picture censorship law.

A Baltimore distributor, Robert T. Mahrenke, charged Wednesday that the censorship law violates the fourteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the first article of the constitution.

The complaint was brought after the state board of motion picture censors banned the showing of the film, "The Peep Shows Of Paris," at the Pocomoke Drive-in Theater in Pocomoke City.

(Follow-up to last week's article)
June, 1968
The Capital (Annapolis, Md.)

Wage Pact Accepted

PRINCESS ANNE-  Somerset County teaches have accepted a salary package proposed by county commissioners that will raise starting salaries from ..(illegible)..to $5,700.  The teachers voted 111-51 yesterday to "reluctantly accept the $5,700 proposal" with the notation that in the fall their negotiating committee would meet again with commissioners to discuss their original request for the next school year. The salary scale will rise to a maximum of $8,550 after 11 years of experience under terms of the commissioners' proposal.  Teachers had sought $6,000 starting salaries in their proposal.

August, 1904
Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac Court House)

FAIR.- THE COLORED PEOPLE Will Hold Their Sixth Annual Fair On Their Grounds at Tasley, Va., Aug. 23, 24, 25, 26, 1904. 

The officers are using every effort to make this one of the grandest Fairs ever held on Eastern Shore, Va. 

Automobile Excursions daily around the track. Come and see this greatest of modern inventions run faster than a horse around the track- and get a ride on it. 

The Ladies Hall will be filled to overflowing with things of art and domestic science. Each department will be greatly improved over the past year. 

There will be some very fine speed trials in the horse department. Some very fast horses from off the Shore will be here this year with also our fine speedy home horses to compete for premiums. 

There will also be a very fine Merry-go-Round, for those who may wish a ride. 

You cannot afford to miss this Fair, so come to the Central Agril'l. Fair Association grounds, on the above dates; meet your old friends, make new ones, and have a good time. 

The Grounds are within five minutes walk of Tasley Station, Va , situated within a beautiful grove of trees, where there is shade throughout the whole day, with plenty of cool water in their midst. 

The N.Y.P.& N.R.R. will run excursion trains to and from Tasley each day of the Fair with greatly reduced rates, including one admission to the Fair. 

Educational Day. Thursday, Aug. 25th will be known as Educational Day, as some of our prominent and very noted men will deliver speeches and lectures on education and negro advancement, touching upon many other leading issues of the day. lt will be a great treat to you to hear such men as Prof. F. Trigg, of Princess Anne Academy, Rev. F. H. Butler, secretary Delaware M. E. Conference, Rev. N. F. Turner, pastor Franktown A. M E. Church. There will be many others named later. 

The half has never been told. Come, see and hear for yourself. Admission-Adults 25 cents, Children 15 cents, Grand Stand 10 cents. 

Samuel L. Burton, Pres., Onancock, Va. Jas. D. Uzzle, Sec., Onancock, Va.

July, 1839 (Time Machine archive)  

Marylanders who wished to be considered to deliver U.S. mail in the state, effective January 1st, 1840, through June 30th, 1844, were advised though newspaper publication of the available routes, some of which included mail stops along the way.  Some of the Eastern Shore routes were given as follows:

Leave Cambridge every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m., arrive at Snow Hill next day by 4 p.m.  Leave Snow Hill every Monday and Thursday at 6 a.m., arrive in Cambridge next day by 4 p.m.

Leave Princess Anne every Wednesday at 6 a.m., arrive at Rehoboth (Rehobeth) same day by 11 a.m.  Leave Rehoboth (Rehobeth) every Wednesday at 1p.m., arrive in Princess Anne same day by 6 p.m.

Leave Salisbury every Thursday at 8 a.m., arrive in Berlin same day by 6 p.m. Leave Berlin every Friday at 6 a.m., arrive in Salisbury same day by 4 p.m.

October, 1943
The Salisbury Times

Airport To Be Dedicated

The Salisbury-Wicomico county airport will be dedicated here on Armistice Day. Planes and troops will participate in the ceremonies and stores will be closed that afternoon.

October, 1910
The Washington Times


POCOMOKE CITY, Md., Oct. 18.-   Pocomoke City is baseball crazy on account of yesterday's victory by the Athletics over the Chicago club.

Twenty-five died in the wool fans went to the Quaker City for the games. Some of them will follow the American League champions to Chicago.

Frank Baker, the Athletics third baseman, was a member of a fast semi-professional team which represented Pocomoke City three years ago. Hence the enthusiasm. There is not a Cub rooter to be found in Pocomoke City. 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Somewhere over
the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.."

Flying on for JMMB.
Her Pocomoke Public
Eye postings (April,
2008 to June, 2014)
kept us informed. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lt. Col. Allen West headlines Wicomico County Patriot's Dinner to be held September 27

Lt. Col. Allen West headlines Wicomico County Patriot's Dinner to be held September 27
Former Congressman and Iraqi war hero headlines election prelude and fundraiser

The Wicomico County Republican Central Committee is proud to announce their first Patriot's Dinner will feature former Congressman, Lt. Col. Allen West.
Describing himself as “steadfast and loyal,” Lt. Col. West grew up in the same Atlanta neighborhood where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once preached. After serving 22 years in the Army, including combat in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Afghanistan, West retired in 2004, later serving as a civilian military adviser in Afghanistan.
In 2010 he was elected to serve in Congress, representing Florida's 22nd District. After being redistricted to the 18th District, he lost a bid for re-election in 2012 by less than 1% of the vote. Since serving in Congress, West has become a Fox News Contributor, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, and regularly writes for numerous media outlets. He recently served as a guest host for Sean Hannity's radio show.
“This will be an opportunity for local residents to meet and hear the most famous conservative to visit the Lower Shore within memory,” said Wicomico County Republican Party Chair Dave Parker. “West loves his country and its Constitution more than its government or his own skin color, and proves that people of every race can be Christian, patriotic, and conservative.”
"Every time I've had the honor to hear Lt. Col. West speak, I have been invigorated and encouraged,” added Wicomico County Republican Club president Jackie Wellfonder. “We are very grateful for the opportunity to have him here on the Eastern Shore as we get closer to election day in November. It is my hope that his message will promote a deeper level of engagement with our local conservative base.”
A number of public and private events are slated with West:
  • 4:30 p.m. - Private reception with the Salisbury University College Republicans.
  • 5:00 p.m. - Allen West Guardian Roundtable, to benefit West's Guardian Fund PAC. Donation is $1,000 for Host, $500 for Patron, $250 for Sponsor. Attendees also receive an autographed copy of West's new book, Guardian of the Republic.
  • 6:00 p.m. - VIP Reception and Pictures with West, to benefit the Maryland Republican Party. Donation is $150/person or $270/couple.
  • 7:00 p.m. - Patriot's Dinner featuring Allen West, to benefit the Lower Shore county Republican parties. Donation is $65/person or $115/couple.
The College Republican reception, Guardian Roundtable, and VIP Reception will be held at the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, 909 South Schumaker Avenue in Salisbury. The Patriot's Dinner will be held at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, 500 Glen Avenue in Salisbury. Attendees of the Guardian Roundtable or VIP Reception will also get free admission to the Patriot's Dinner.
The Republican Central Committee asks that those interested in attending the VIP Reception or Patriot's Dinner register and pay through their website: http://www.wicomicogop.org/allen-west-dinner/ or mail check payable to WCRCC with the mail-in form at the above site by September 20, to WCRCC, PO Box 252, Salisbury, MD 21803.
Media contact:
Dave Parker, WCRCC Chair
(410) 749-4030

Thursday, September 11, 2014

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1963.. Pocomoke Drive-In Theater case challenges censorship law; 1968.. Somerset teachers reluctantly accept a salary offer; 1904.. "Colored" Fair at Tasley offers fun and educational attractions. 1839..The long, long hours of Eastern Shore mail carriers; 1943.. Salisbury airport is dedicated; 1910.. Pocomoke City is "baseball crazy" following Philadelphia's championship victory.

Although you may not find all of these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye.  

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about?  It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Welcome to our new Executive Director

Welcome to Our New Executive Director 

Debbie Brown

We are excited to welcome Debbie Brown as the new Executive Director of the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce!  She has a solid leadership background through her work with the Chincoteague Natural History Association and as a school administrator in Loudoun County, VA.  In addition Debbie has a warm and welcoming personality perfect for the "Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore." Please stop by the Chamber office at 6 Market and say "Hi!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Shakespeare in the Park

For Immediate Release
September 8, 2014
Pocomoke City - 

The City of Pocomoke presents “Shakespeare in the Park” on Friday, September 19th, 2014 at 7:30pm under the Cypress Park Pavilion in Pocomoke City, Maryland.
Brown Box Theatre Project returns to the Eastern Shore with a live performance of William Shakespeare’s famous play “Macbeth”.
Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this free performance with a beautiful view of the scenic Pocomoke River. Bleacher seating is also available. Refreshments will be available for purchase.
In the event of rain, the performance will be held inside Pocomoke High School.
For more information and a calendar of events please visit downtownpocomoke.com or call 410-957-1333.

Karah Lacey
410-957-1333 x111


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ; Our Child Passenger Safety Twitter Chat is Coming Up!


Join us September 17 on Twitter to chat about #therightseat

A child’s safety is every parent’s priority. Yet many parents think their child is safe when they’re in their car seat, and the truth is that they may not be. Too often, car seats aren’t installed properly, or the car seat may not be the right fit for the age and size of the child riding in it.
Car crashes are still a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old. Car seats make the difference: they reduce the likelihood of death in a car for infants by 71 percent and a toddler by 54 percent. Having a child in the right seat for their age and size, and having the car seat properly installed, is crucial.
Having a car seat registered is just as important. We need your help to educate parents and caregivers on why car seat registration matters. It’s the best way to know if a car seat has been recalled. Registering a car seat is part of keeping children safe on the road.
This is where you come in. We’re hosting a Twitter chat on Wednesday, September 17, starting at 3pm ET. We’ll be sharing life-saving tips about car seats, from how to find the right car seat for your child’s age and size, to how to register a car seat. We need you to share this message with your followers and invite them to join and learn. Use #therightseat to follow the conversation or to ask questions; our experts will be on hand for the hour to answer them all.
Here are some quick social media messages you can share with your followers:
  • Join @NHTSAgov on 9/17 at 3pm ET for tips and info about car seat safety. Follow with #therightseat
  • Get the facts on car seat registration and why it matters from @NHTSAgov on 9/17 at 3pm ET with #therightseat.
  • Want to know which car seat is best for your child? Ask @NHTSAgov on 9/17 at 3pm ET with #therightseat.
  • Do you know for sure that your child is in #therightseat? Ask @NHTSAgov on 9/17, starting at 3pm ET!
  • We’re supporting @NHTSAgov’s Twitter chat on Child Passenger Safety on 9/17, at 3pm ET; join us with #therightseat
During Child Passenger Safety Week, many communities will have certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians available to provide free, hands-on, car seat education and inspections. Our Twitter chat is just another way to get involved in helping save children’s lives and giving parents everywhere vital information. Join us on Twitter and spread the word to your followers about #therightseat.
You can also find more free materials for Child Passenger Safety Week on TrafficSafetyMarketing.gov.

Forward this on to your followers/readers and encourage anyone interested in vehicle and child safety to join our conversation on Facebook and Twitter.


SaferCar App Can Help Keep Your Family Safe

Check out our SaferCar app for your mobile device, which gives you immediate access to key safety information to help you make informed decisions, with features including:
Help with car seats: Quickly get driving directions to the nearest child-seat inspection station and get assistance to properly install car seats and boosters.
Information for buying a car: Access our 5-Star Safety Ratings and compare different makes and models before you decide to buy.
Stay connected: Be notified of safety issues for your vehicles. Use the app to register a vehicle and we will notify you if we find it has a safety issue. The SaferCar app also makes it simple to submit complaints to NHTSA regarding possible safety problems with your car.
Safety Headlines and Alerts: Receive important news and information from NHTSA, as well as recall notices and push notices on your vehicles.

NHTSA on YouTube

Teen Youtube
Our "5 to Drive" campaign PSA is in an easy to view place: NHTSA's YouTube channel. Additional videos for multiple campaigns, along with vehicle crash test videos, can be found through our YouTube page.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Treat For Some..


supermoon vancouver

             (Picture- 9/8/14)

Last nights super moon. #Vancouver #PacificSpiritPark

Photograph by: @shimsher, Twitter

Well, unfortunately, the cloud cover prevented us from viewing the Harvest Moon Monday night here on the Eastern Shore. Elsewhere, where conditions were favorable, eyes to the sky gazed at the lunar treat.