So here is your chance to see exactly what it is the farmers use on this good old Eastern Shore when they harvest some crops.
According to the Blessing of the Combines parade chairman, Mike Rew, the parade will take place in Snow Hill, Maryland on Saturday, August 7, 2010 beginning at 11:15a.m.
The Blessing of the combines will be given by the Rev. Sumner Jones.
The Blessing of the combines will be given by the Rev. Sumner Jones.
Eight combines (old and new) will participate in the parade this year. The combines will travel down Route 12 and make their way to Green Street and park so those interested can get a close up view of what a combine looks and sounds like during the THROTTLE THRUST after being parked. They will remain parked on Green Street until 3:00 p.m.
Activities for ALL ages will be ongoing throughout the day from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Activities for ALL ages will be ongoing throughout the day from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
At 4:00 the Antique Tractor Pull will be held in the John Walter Smith Park.
Other activities planned for the day are as follows:
(and more)
Other activities planned for the day are as follows:
(and more)
Children's Tractor pull
Craft Booths
Local Artistis and their work
Hay Rides
Face Painting
Food vendors
Dove Release
Tootsie the Clown
Pie Eating Contest
Petting Barnyard
Scales-n- Tales Presentation by Pocomoke River State Park
Antique Car Show next to the Pocomoke River to benefit Coastal Hospice
Craft Booths
Local Artistis and their work
Hay Rides
Face Painting
Food vendors
Dove Release
Tootsie the Clown
Pie Eating Contest
Petting Barnyard
Scales-n- Tales Presentation by Pocomoke River State Park
Antique Car Show next to the Pocomoke River to benefit Coastal Hospice
The committee for this years events are: Kathy Fisher, Becky Payne and Mike Rew.
Call 443-783-1715 or 410-632-3838 for more information.
Take time to join in the celebration of the agricultural heritage of Snow Hill and honor the farmers. 

Sounds Like a Blast. I wish I could make it, I love a good ole antique tractor pull.
I heard the candidates and the politicians were out in full force. I also heard Michael James, Andy Harris and Beau Oglesby who were all riding in the parade, were hughly popular.
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