The overwhelming theme to Rigell's talking points focused around job creation. Rigell several times referred to his experience in small business and said he would use his experience to push for smaller government which will in turn lead to a better environment for investors.
During the questions, Rigell was asked if he would vote to repeal President Obama's healthcare bill. Rigell answered "Yes." He then pointed out that in an earlier debate, Congressman Nye said he would not vote to repeal the bill, though Nye did vote against the measure.
Rigell was also asked if he would vote to impeach President Obama. Rigell responded, "No, the President has not done anything to constitute impeachment." Rigell added later in the town hall "Poor judgment is not an impeachable offense."

The election to decide the next Congressman for Virginia's 2nd District will be held on November 2nd. Rigell is challenging Congressman Glenn Nye.
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