Accomack County School Superintendent Rick Bull said in a letter to parents dated Sept. 6 "Like many school divisions across the state of Virginia, Accomack County has been charged with reducing its budget while still maintaining high quality services for its students. Our long-range fiscal planning has ensured the resources needed to educate students in modern facilities with staff sizes aligned with the Virginia Standards of Accreditation. The support of the School Board and Board of Supervisors cannot be overstated. These positive working relationships have helped us achieve great things in our division."
Bull went on to say that despite difficult economic times, Accomack County Schools remain dedicated to providing each and every student in the division a quality education.
This years Accomack County Schools projected budget is 45,201,416 which is a little over $500,000 less than last years budget.
Northampton County School students and parents will be looking at a new policy regarding cell phones in schools.
Elementary students are not permitted to have cell phones at school and high school students are only permitted to have cell phones out after the instructional day has ended.
High school students must keep the cell phones in their vehicles or lockers until after school ends.
Any cell phones confiscated during the day will be kept by the school administrators until the last day of school in June.
Northampton County also faced budget cuts for the 2010-2011 school year. Those figures werent available to us at the time this story was composed.
Broadwater Academy also welcomes students today. Shore Christian Academy began its year August 25.
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