Nichols died at his home in White Stone, Va., surrounded by family and friends.
His passing comes less than four months after his biggest dream came true- the Aug. 29 dedication of a new $1.4 million state-of-the-art medical clinic to serve the 525 residents of Tangier Island. The clinic was renamed the David B. Nichols Health Center in his honor. It replaced a clinic that was more than 50 years of age.
First by boat, then by light plane and helicopter, Nichols regularly made the 12-mile trip to Tangier Island on his day off every week for 31 years to see patients there. Nichols continued to treat the sick as the island's primary doctor even after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

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Dr. Nichols was one of those rare individuals - not many go the 'extra' mile.
Too many in our society think everyone and everything 'owes' them.....too many don't think they should 'work' or 'earn' anymore.
I wonder what would happen if everyone began to think this way?
Truly a remarkable man and one that will be missed forever by so many especially those on Tangier.
I don't think there could ever be enough good said about this wonderful, unselfish and caring man.
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