POCOMOKE CITY -- After serving two three-year terms as councilman of Pocomoke's third district, Bruce Morrison has filed to run for mayor. A lifelong resident of Pocomoke City, Morrison is the second longest-serving council member.
As Morrison took the oath of office in April 2005, along with outgoing Mayor Mike McDermott, a top concern was reducing crime and tackling the drug issue that seemed prevalent. The overall crime rate has dropped by 18 percent in the last year, according to Morrison. This focus on crime has been aided by community outreach and a number of concerned citizens getting involved. A Neighborhood Crime Watch has been established that meets in area churches to target problematic issues. Six cameras have been installed in hot spots around town, aiding in many drug crimes being solved and two additional cameras are scheduled to be added complete this year, Morrison said.
In early 2011, Pocomoke City will be completing a $6 million upgrade to its sewage treatment plant, making it one of the few compliant plants in the state. This effort was largely funded through federal sources.
Pocomoke's downtown makes up a large part of the third district that Morrison has served. Upon taking office six years ago, Morrison expressed his concern for the downtown area, hoping to make its revitalization a priority. Many area attractions have come to fruition, he said, including the new addition to the Sturgis One-Room School Museum, which has brought the black history of the area to life, adding to Pocomoke's other history museum, The Costen House.
The opening of the Mar-Va Theater now brings first-run movies to Pocomoke City on the first and third weekends of each month along with outstanding musical and theatrical performances.
The Delmarva Discovery Center is open and loaded with much of Delmarva's history, highlighting many outstanding exhibits depicting life in yesteryear -- a look into the past and a step into the future.
The Bay Queen calls the docks of the Pocomoke River home and offers cruises almost daily and by reservation three seasons a year.
Even though much has been accomplished in the downtown area, Morrison said he thinks much is left to be done. It is his hope Pocomoke City is charting a course toward reinvention as a tourist destination area, he said.
Morrison has served on the Maryland Critical Areas Commission, serving under governors Robert Ehrlich and Martin O'Malley.
Locally, he is an active member of Salem United Methodist Church, having served as chairman of the trustees for two years. He is a member of Pocomoke Elks Lodge 12624, where he is a past exalted ruler. In the Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Company he has served as a line officer and past president. He is also serving on the Board of Directors of the Lower Shore YMCA. Morrison is employed at Hardwire LLC and is married to Laura Gladding Morrison; they have two children.
Pocomoke's elections are held on the first Tuesday in April. Registered voters who wish to run for office must file nominating petitions 60 days before the elections are held.
Hold on to your money and anything else you value. Sticky Fingers want to be Mayor!
Anon 5:08 Please hold onto your lips! These kinds of things are unfair to say when you share the name "anon" with a billion others.
I'm sure alot of people will agree with me that Bruce would make a wonderful Mayor for the city of Pocomoke.
And then there are those very few that no one can please....
Didn't only hear about sticky fingers but 'sniff'.
Being mayor? nope. He's Blake's child.
Community awareness meetings, lol, dont make me laugh. Think he was at one. Maybe two definitely no more then 3 what in 7 months. lol.
But you all are forgetting something. Blake's child will do what he wants him to do.
Gosh, does he have a cold?
your article is incorrect. he isnt 2nd longest serving councilperson. that was Jackson or was it Cane. Print only accurate information.
Morrison told Blake along with mayor, councilpersons and attendees during last meeting that he didn't agree with the 'credit' to homeowners for installing sprinklers. Yet, Blake suggested it and council voted for it. Dr. Duffy proposed that idea two months ago and no one said a word to her at the last meeting. Dawg, she has more going on then Morrison and she's not out to stick it to the homeowners. You better believe Morrison is Blake's child. Blake had Morrison ask Lippoldt for his endorsement. It came right from Lippoldt's lips.
hey didnt his wife try to take over the new firehouse community center and take the catering away from Tony? Heard it got pretty nasty and it wasn't Tony.
He took credit in that piece for even the sturgis one room school museum! lol. Better tell the Gatlings they don't have to 'watch' over it anymore.
A top concern was reducing crime?
Somebody forgot to tell the gangs.
They marked their territory on the building near Arby's and sent a warning. The graffiti shows up very clear in pictures.
Somebody better tell Bruce to show up to a community awareness meeting.
I don't think Bruce is taking credit for the downtown things like McDermott did, but this article certainly is attributing to them. The thing is a majority of the downtown projects were forged by the hard work of volunteers, not the politicians (its worth noting that they did have their support). Somehow our local journalists don't understand that.
You are forgetting Don Holdren, and crew. Wanna try again?
Dont forget the entire town council voted to approve some bogus ventures. newbies voted in are all goin right along with the same old ideas and games. dont trust anyone of them.
Heard Mikey or Blake wrote that article. Wonder if any one can tell with this generic press release. obviously someone sent this to JMMB.
Heck if crimeis really down, why are the COPS riding around and speeding with lights flashing through my area this evening?
dont forget too they say crime is down about 18% BUT
little criminals as young adults become BIGGER criminals fast.
since when did KERBIN write for pocomoke public eye?
another good ole boy!
wonder if he's in with the group of town councilmembers, exmembers and employees who have a stake in the condos sitting by the waterfront?
Blake and the cronies have told stores/businesses there to move that were on Willow Street that would fact Blake's precious restaurant.
and helped them find a place.
wonder if he's in with the group of town councilmembers, exmembers and employees who have a stake in the condos sitting by the waterfront?
Blake and the cronies have told stores/businesses there to move that were on Willow Street that would FACE Blake's precious restaurant.
and helped them find a place.
we know what you did pastor moore.
why does only this 'comment' have the security acknowledgement when posting comments?
Have we really got this much apathy in this town?
Where is everyone buying their 'blinders'?
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