Jerry Spencer Tarr, 45, of Chincoteague, was arrested and released Monday after a State Police investigation.
He resigned from his position the same day, said Sheriff Larry Giddens.
“It’s one of those things that you can’t really figure out,” Giddens said.
State Police Sgt. Michelle Anaya said Tarr’s shoplifting charges stemmed from an investigation at the Corner Mart convenience store on Maddox Boulevard.
Store officials and employees identified Tarr on 10 occasions in video surveillance taking Five Hour Energy Drinks, she said. State Police Special Agent P.A. Compton investigated the case.
Court records show the incidents happened between Jan. 19 and Feb. 1.
Tarr will be arraigned at 1:30 p.m. March 9 in Accomack General District Court.
Tarr had been employed by the sheriff’s office for three months. He formerly worked for the Chincoteague Police Department.
Tarr formerly had served as the chief petty officer at Chincoteague's Coast Guard Station.
Tarr made headlines in 2006 after he was forced to retire from the Coast Guard after being charged with disobeying orders from a superior when he aided a boat towing an abandoned fishing vessel away from private property and into the Chincoteague Channel.
Witnesses said the vessel in tow had lost control and was in danger of damaging property.
Giddens said Tarr’s work with the sheriff’s office had been well-received.
“He’d done a great job for us,” he said. “He was a great investigator.”
Karma bites this egomaniac finally!
He had done a good job...of course he did; he had the good ol' boy network looking out for him, while his sense of entitlement continued to run rampant. Energy drinks? You couldn't pick something a bit more pricy to try and steal? Goes to show you that good ol country town just might need to swallow some crow and apologize to that Coast Guard commander for doing the right thing when they, the town, were turning a blind eye and making this dirtbag out to be a hero.
See what we do not understand is this is honestly what at least half of the law enforcement through out the country all think they can get away with. Its not just 5 hour energy drinks lol its shooting the wrong person after the wrong apartment was busted,or speeding crashing a cruiser and coming up with fabricated stories of why and how it happened to protect the dignity of the city or town. Good ole police officers are not what they use to be. Yes, politics plays a huge part with cover ups through out the country with these guys and sad part is most will walk with a slap on the wrist because as stated "he was a great investigator"? Really? Now how can a sheriff say that on one hand and yet one of his own just got caught for theft? Also I agree with that town needing to apologize to his former superior in the Coast Guard but you know what, it won't happen because of pride. Again its happening all over the country with law enforcement we just here about a few of them. Again this guy will walk with a slap on the wrist and or have some high paid attorney who will say he was abused as a child or something that has nothing to do with this but will take the public eye off of the factual evidence of this case.
I use to work for him in the Coast Guard at Chincoteague. He used to use the coast guard boats to go off-shore fishing. We did so much stuff under his command that was wrong.
Watch the blame. You did say "we did". So you and everyone else are guilty
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