Sen. Roscoe Reynolds' bill applies to the job-training program required to receive welfare. It passed 32-7 Monday.
The bill would require those who apply for, or already receive benefits, to answer questions regarding drug use.
If screeners have reasonable cause to believe the person is using drugs, they can require a drug test.
Individuals who fail a test or refuse to take one would lose their benefits for one year unless they participate in a drug treatment program.
Similar efforts have been unsuccessful in the past because it is estimated to cost more than $1 million for the program.
The bill goes to the House of Delegates.
I wish one of our MD house memebers would introduce a bill like this here.
I have been saying this for years. I as a taxpayer would rather pay for a drug test than hand out money to a drug addict. THey should enforce this and with a stern hand. I think a drug program is being soft they should get booted so they know not to mess with the system
Not only drug screening for welfare recipents but how about them doing something to earn the benefits-like some kind of community service type of thing. They could be washing government owned vehicles or cleaning up government owned property. It's not fair that they are sitting around doing nothing and getting money/food/rent for it.
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