The interesting person in all of this is another ringleader arrested on federal drug charges is Bryant E. Planter, address listed as Hebron, MD., currently serving a prison sentence of 19 1/2 years.
We at the PPE have done a little investigating ourselves and it seems that Planter did purchase properties (with drug money) in Pocomoke City, Maryland. Some purchases were made also with his wifes name included.
Properties purchased by Planter:
2000 Second Street
2002 Oak Street
2003 Laurel Street (A second home was nearly destroyed by fire in June 2010)
Planter, at the age of 30, purchased these dwellings (above) with $300,000 CASH.
If you keep looking one can figure what he did to hide the fact he was a big time ringleader in drugs.
Using and reporting the rent as income, more than likely, Planter was able to secure loans to purchase other properties. It would be no surprise if Planter wasn't funneling drug money through these rented properties somehow and claiming it as income from rent.
Other properties purchased through a realtor:
2004 Fourth Street
2007 Second Street
2007 Second Street
2007 Clarke Avenue
Some of these properties were listed in a tax sale in May of this year.
The exact house numbers are not listed because it is not known if the homes are occupied. Going through the list of those arrested in Pocomoke recently we could find only one that lived at one of these addresses.
We found NO evidence that Planter purchased any real estate business in Pocomoke. NONE
He did start his OWN real estate holding company using a Snow Hill address to cover his drug actions.
Planter also owes Accomack County $9,354.00 in personal property taxes as of October 10, 2010.
These types of people are NO JOKE and NO laughing matter. They mingle among us and without a trained eye we never see what might be going on in our own home town. The chore to track them down and unwind their actions is long and tedious.
This is why investigations sometimes take years. And this is why we sometimes think the authorities are not looking and not listening. Unless one knows what to look for there is no way to tell. Planter purchased properties in Pocomoke City without raising an eyebrow. Not because anyone was stupid or allowed him to do so........These people know what they are up to.
There is more information on all of this but we are not prepared to post it at this time.
~~~snipped from another blog~~~~
""""wymzie said...
Bryant Planter, the man that was busted in May and is serving 19 years mentioned in the article is a known business partner of the late Honis Cane (former Pocomoke City Councilman). The last time I helped at the Polls Honis showed up with his boys all dressed in white shirts supposedly representing their candidate. Honis came over to me and said that he was getting these boys thier Real Estate liscenses so that they could make a living in other ways than selling drugs. Funny, but Cheif Irvin and Russ Blake are big customers as the Real Estate office...buying real estate, what a great way to launder large amounts of money! Is anyone paying attention?"""
More lies coming all the way from California.
He and Honis had a Real Estate holding company. Ask the realtor whose office used to be in the old bank building down town how much real estate she sold JD, Russ, Marion, Bryant, and Honis. It all leads to the top people. One of the best ways to launder money is to by real estate and these boys have been buyin for years!
Hey PPE, is this the same individual who 'took' a female for quite a bit of money toward renting a home and never actually owned the property?
If so, didn't he show up to a community awareness meeting some months back?
NO. Not the same person.
I don't have to ask anyone anything 10:18. I know for a FACT that Byrant Planter was represented by several different sales agents when purchasing real estate! Atleast 2 were from Coldwell Banker and atleast one from Hall.
Okay...Wymzie Know It All, where is/was this so called real estate office located that Ervin and Blake are such big customers?
More lies from the Burkes.
Anonymous 7:28 pm, there is some truth to what was posted. There was a female real estate agent who rented an office in the former Chamber office (old bank building), and it was Judy. She worked with Coldwell at one time and actually Irvin ddid have rental properties at one time.
~~~~snipped from another blog~~~
"Anonymous said...
Didn't Planter do work with a female real estate agent for coldwell banker. The female, JH, rented space from the old Chamber building during the presidency of BJ. The LLC that you refer to recently changed the name of Principal Agent and lists an individual in Salisbury. I heard the same LLC is said to be behind the building of the restuarant, too. If so, and if former as well as some current elected officials are said to be in on that LLC, then, no wonder Cane's widow had the Mayor's signs on all Cane's properties."
WRONG again! As usual! Planter worked with many agents including some from Long and Foster and Century 21 also. He wasn't exclusive and didn't play favorites that's for sure.
As far as the name of the real estate holding company you all are way off base. It wasn't even in Pocomoke City or Salisbury.
People let's stop bashing others in this matter. The post was about Planter and only Planter and what HE did. He's been incarcerated for a while now.
You are naming names and business that have absolutely nothing to do with this matter.
My suggestion is for all of you to educate yourselves on how the drug world operates.....maybe some of you have been scammed into something and aren't aware of it.
Stop pointing fingers and leaving gossip, please.
How come just because someone may own multiple properties some people jump to the conclusion drug money is somehow involved? I personally know atleast 5 families who own more than 4 properties and one as many as 20 something. All these people are average middle class people whose income at their day jobs never exceeded 60,000-70.000 dollars and many not that much. Why these people are able to accumulate so much is they themselves live in modest homes, don't feel the need to profile around in new vehicles constantly and have not fallen into the Keep Up With The Jones trap.
Wymzie left this comment last night. I have removed one sentence from her comment.
I have no reason to lie about this. PPE you have done a good job in breaking this story down, and I'm glad to see that others are starting to see the things that have been happening. No need to post that I am a liar, because there is simply nothing to lie about here. The realtor who handled the transactions had nothing to do with the laundering of the money so it really matters not. What matters is that the late councilman told me that he was getting these 'boys' real estate liscenses so they would have choices other than being on the street. What matters is that he told me that Bryant Planter was his partner in Real Estate investments. Buying Real Estate for cash from an unsuspecting owner is a great way to launder money. The office was in the old bank building that the chamber rented offices in.
. Why the hate just because I'm adding a couple of pieces to the puzzle? Don't we all want justice served in the end?
By Wymzie on Virginia Drug Bust on 8/10/11
To answer your question. YES. We all want justice served in the end. We truly do. But you, along with so many others, missed the entire purpose of this post! We aren't asking anyone for information. We are NOT looking for more pieces of 'the puzzle'. That's not our job and it certainly isn't YOURS.
The puzzle has been left up to the law enforcement to unravel and take action. The PPE was trying to show the people of Pocomoke what properties were involved and just how ugly the drug world can be.
A class in Drug Dealing 101 would educate you to the fact the drug dealers never get too friendly with a person they do business with. And what you may or may NOT know is drug dealers seldomly operate in their OWN neighborhoods! You have never hidden your feelings for Honis Cane and quite frankly I think he was being sarcastic with you. Period!
You've harmed alot of people and their reputation in Pocomoke City through the years with your gossip and finger pointing. You and Billy got your toes stepped on when you first moved to Pocomoke and since that day you have tried your hardest to find something wrong in Pocomoke City.
We are not investigating anything. We are not investigating officers.......we have some darned good ones to do that.
The people in Pocomoke are good people. I love Pocomoke City and spent just about all my life there. I'm just sorry you never got the opportunity to see it as so many of us do. Things are NOT what you always imagined them to be.
We are just trying to pick up the rubble that YOU left behind. And By God I'm going to do it!!
"What matters is that he told me that Bryant Planter was his partner in Real Estate investments. Buying Real Estate for cash from an unsuspecting owner is a great way to launder money."
How come this is the first time we are hearing this tidbit? Well I don't believe it because we all would have heard about this a hundred times or more by now.
And Steph, Drug Dealing 101-Money laundering has nothing to do with buying the properties. It has to do with renting the properties for cheap and claiming on taxes and whatever more rental income with the difference being made up with the drug selling profits.
The bottom line is that the Burke's due to their own unsuccessful ventures into real estate, for whatever reason started to blame every city official they could think of of all kinds of illegal behaviors. They spread all kinds of rumors with no proof instead of looking into their own heads for the reason they failed.
That is simply rediculous. You certainly cannot blame me or Billy for Pocomokes problems.
If I didn't like Pocomoke, I wouldn't have lived there for as long as I did.
There is an old saying...If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
I put my money where my mouth was as did my husband and we did what we could to change the things that were wrong. I gave it my best shot, from many different angles. some worked and others didn't, but I will hold my head high for trying.
I don't get your references to the 'officers being good, because I didn't mention any officers in my comment'.
You can think that you know how Honis was talking to me that day, but you were not there, and I think I'm smart enough to know when someone is being a smartass.
Honis is one of the 1st people we met when I moved my family back to Pocomke 24 years ago, he walked into our shop and introduced himself. He was very much like Bill Clinton...He was as crooked as the day is long but was a heck of a nice guy. He liked to impress others with who he knew and what he did, and he would stop by often to introduce us to one person or the other including his other partner Venny Lawson.
I wrote a comment commending Tom on his article and you break it down to me and Billy being responsible for all of Pocomke's problems. There is a huge list of sane people who have left town and it's borders to get out of the insanity of the blame game. If you choose to bash me for pointing out an obvious connection to a puzzle that has hindered the growth of Pocomoke then you are perpetuating the BS that clouds the town.
Pocomoke, doesn't want business there, and they certainly don't want smart business leaders to be involved in the local government because that would mean that their criminal organization would come crumbling down.
If you want to work on cleaning up a mess, then work on that.
Good grief, don't put words in my mouth, I don't need anymore.
Did you ever stop to think that your finger pointing and gossip most times made YOU part of the problem.
Give it a break.you don't live here anymore.
At least I stood up to the powers that be and spoke my mind. This was still America the last time that I checked, and I didn't just point fingers I put my life and livleyhood on the line, and didn't cower like whipped pup.
Thanks for nothing!
Wymzie says.....
"Pocomoke, doesn't want business there, and they certainly don't want smart business leaders to be involved in the local government because that would mean that their criminal organization would come crumbling down."
Oh yes please do give it a break! I guess you are referring to yourself and Billy as the "smart business leaders" who "they" don't want involved in government and if the answer is yes, let me clue you in. You are not that smart, quite clueless and full of it to put it bluntly. You have historically failed at everything you have done and instead of realizing why, you place blame on others and make up stories about them being involved in the drug trade.
Maybe had you done some reflexion and not placed blame, people around here would have used your auction company and you wouldn't be in the finiancial bind you find yourself into today!
Wymzie, Many of those arrested had been arrested before for possessing and dealing drugs and let off without so much as even a slap on the wrist. That being the case, the drug problem escalated. The "powers that be" don't control what goes on in the courts. It's starts with the states attorney office.
I've always felt that Mr Cane loved to yank the Burke's chain--- so to speak--- telling them things which led them to believe he was some kind of major drug kingpin then laughing behind their backs because they would fall for it everytime.
anonymous 12:42pm.....you are kidding, right?
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