After weeks of waiting the Crisfield Elks Mud Hop finally became a reality on Sunday! Alot of credit has to be given to each spectator in attendance on that very, very hot day! Some had unbrella's, some erected those life saving canopy tents. But the bravest were those that sat on the bleachers and watched! What a great crowd!

By noon the area was packed with racers. Some drove campers, some drove semis to transport their racing vehicle. Others trailer towed their vehicle.

The 187 East Performance Racing Team were all there. Donald, the team mechanic, could be found almost anywhere throughout the day...... never in one spot for long.

During the intermission the young racers had their chance to compete.

No truck ever comes out of the pit looking like it did before it went in.

There were a few delays in the racing events during the day. During one race a truck ran completely over the hay bale taking the timing lights with it. That had to be restored before racing for be resumed and completed.
But nothing was quite like this wreck at the end of the day in the Unlimited Class. There were only two more vehicles to go after this one and the hot day would be behind us. The next thing everyone witnessed was this car rolling and rolling at a very fast pace towards the crowd. Luckily it stopped and I think every heart watching stopped too. Paramedics and Staff were there almost immediately and had the driver unlatched from cage and slowly the driver stood to his feet and gave the thumbs up! Whew!
Day done!
You know, this huge event just didn't happen over night. And an event of this magnitude took hours and hours of planning. It took dedicated people to work outside in the hot temperatures like Sunday. A HUGE thankyou to ALL of you that took part making this a sensational event. I honestly don't know how it could have been any better.