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Thursday, June 4, 2020
And the metropolitan media says...?
Well now in view of Wednesday's peaceful community rally (and with even the Pocomoke Police Department participating) let's see if they give us a mention.
If you have read or seen a report from our big city friends please leave a comment here so their coverage is acknowledged.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Comments Welcome..
Have an item of interest to share.. or an opinion or comment?
The Pocomoke Public Eye welcomes your input.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Recent Comments..
If the good reverends, pastors, preachers whatever you call them spent half as much time on being real religious leaders as they did on this nonsense crime just maybe would take a drastic decline. The young "ladies" need to be told to keep their pants up and the young "gentlemen" to keep their zippers zipped! It's that simple. Too many babies being born in sinful unions with losers and criminals who have no desire to be fathers. In and out of jail not paying for the children and not being in their lives on a consistant basis. when they are, the baby daddies acting like gangsta's with their idiot music and ghetto trash mouths. Kid's as young as 3 running around saying the N-word-real classy and yes I have heard this! The little girls then go on to make more babies they can't support and the little boys thugs-yes I said it-Thugs! Citzens group would best be served by going in the neighborhoods telling mothers and father if they are even around to throw out the devil's music on City Manager addresses Pocomoke regarding Sewell Termination
on 9/25/15
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I am proud of the Pocomoke mayor and council for selecting Ernie Crofoot as city manager. His accomplishments are many and his experience is vast. I had never heard of Mr Crofoot before but took the time to investigate and no one can ever say that the best person wasn't picked for the job. on City Manager addresses Pocomoke regarding Sewell Termination
on 9/25/15
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I'm just wondering how long before a light bulb goes off in some's heads and they figure out that the elected officials and other government employees can not legally discuss a former employee's termination or employment record. They act like this is unique to Pocomoke or something. Every time I hear them say at a council meeting they 'want answers' all I can think is 'duh, what are you simple or something? Enough already, it's getting old. They are acting like a bunch of children. As supposed men of God (and I say supposed because The Word seems to have escaped them) the Bible has many quotes and verses on the virtues of patience. A real man of God does not pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow. They talk the talk and more importantly THEY WALK THE WALK. Romans 8:25~But if we hope for what we do not see, WE WAIT FOR IT WITH PATIENCE. "WAIT FOR IT WITH PATIENCE! Patience never means accusatory confrontation. Philippians 4:6~Do NOT be anxious about on City Manager addresses Pocomoke regarding Sewell Termination
on 9/25/15
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Father we bind every evil demon spirit making Tom ill in the name of Jesus. We ask that You touch him Jesus and heal him! We bind sickness from him and speak healthiness into his body in the name of Jesus! Amen and thank you Lord! God bless you all and please bathe Tom in prayer. on Asking for your prayers
on 9/25/15
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Glad to see that our Mayor and Council have taken steps to restore these positions by hiring Mr Crofoot and Chief Hardin. Mr Hardin is a true professional whom I had the opportunity to work with when he was in Princess Anne, absolutely what Pocomoke Police need and I assure them he will get things straightened out. He is a no nonsense player. Get your affairs in order, do whats right or look for a job, that's my advice to the Officers. Mr Crofoot is also a no nonsense player whom I am familiar with from Caroline County. He too is great for the town. Look up folks, things are gonna be much better once these two get working hand in hand. on City Manager addresses Pocomoke regarding Sewell Termination
on 9/24/15
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This is a great event, Karah you have done yet another year's worth of phenomenal planning for this event. Thanks for promoting our town in a positive light. We are a great town and we are "The Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore" on Pocomoke's 4th Friday this week!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Click "comments" below..
Monday, July 27, 2015
We're a family-friendly site so please keep the language and subject matter appropriate.
Some recent comments were:
I hope that Ernie Leatherbury comes and takes the Chiefs job, he is a man of character and good looking to boot. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 1:06 PM
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In the Pocomoke 2009 election, before the absentee ballots were counted the results were dead even at 58 each. There were 178 absentee ballots. How many elections do you know of where the absentee ballot number exceeds the number of in person votes? Now if the irregularities with the absentee ballots had not existed it still may have turned out the same. I do believe there was voter fraud in that election. on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 12:13 PM
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See also on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:59 AM
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Refer to on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:53 AM
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Anon 10 am, Agreed to a certain extent; that is how Stephanie Burke forced the last changes by taking her concerns to the States Attorney at the time. That still does not mean the town administrator did not have to do a better job of assuring the local elections are conducted ethically and properly and that the election board and town had adequate training, which they do not have so far. Why is there no provision for write in votes, for example? on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 11:49 AM
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I wonder if Lucas informed the DOJ reps of this tidbit at the meeting the other night? If true, the former chief and the citizens group really has a gem as their de facto spokeswoman. All of their credibility is shot if her man was one of the ones recently arrested. The first thing the citizens need to do before they worry about the mayor and council is to clean their own house. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 10:09 AM
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SBeyma, while the election was local, they are overseen by the State of MD. Any election issues then fall to that particular county's States Attorney's Office. onPocomoke Petitioners..
at 10:00 AM
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I can remember seeing Honiss and whatever other seating council member up for reelection walking through neighborhoods, their back pocket full of absentee ballot forms. This was done with the full knowledge of city hall. Had we had the professional city manager the former city manager claimed to be, this would not have been possible. It was his duty to see that elections were conducted ethically and he failed miserably by intention. on Pocomoke Petitioners..
at 9:36 AM
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Oh really 10:13. And who might that fine upstanding citizen be? No wonder she's PO'ed. Taking a bite out of crime must have certainly taken a bite out of her pocketbook. I wonder if she is a user as well? This would explain the babbling nonsense that comes out of that mouth of hers every time she's interviewed by the media. Next time she's interviewed she needs to be asked about this. on Pocomoke Remains In The News..
at 8:15 AM
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9:27-Not so sure that the system was revised. I think it's more along the lines of Honiss died and isn't around to organize a Stuff the Ballot Box drive. I clearly remember the election where there were considerably more absentee ballots then there were more people who showed up to vote on election day. Yep-only those born yesterday thought everything was on the up and up. Those low information people and people who knew it was wrong, but chose to ignore. on Pocomoke Petitioners..
I grew up with Reuben Campbell (Sonny) Morrison and his little brother, Brucie. I've lost track of how many times Sonny has been in jail and I don't think much more of Brucie but at least he has never served time. Somehow he got himself elected Mayor so I've got to respect that but the key is the City Attorney. If he's any kind of lawyer he would have advised and prevented the Mayor and Council from doing anything blatantly illegal. Questionable, maybe but definitely not illegal. Brucie may come out of this with a whole lot of stink on him but I doubt there will be any charges. Your friend, Slim on Pocomoke Petitioners..
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Leaders Warn The President On Firing Of Gen. McChrystal

At the end of a one-hour video conference Tuesday night with President Barack Obama, Afghan President Hamid Karzai expressed his confidence in the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, Karzai spokesman Waheed Omar said.
McChrystal was summoned to Washington to explain disparaging comments published in Rolling Stone magazine that he and his top aides made about Obama's national security team.
While McChrystal, who was meeting with Obama on Wednesday, was harshly scolded by his superiors in the United States, officials in Afghanistan rallied to his support, saying he had increased cooperation between Afghan and international troops, worked to reduce civilian casualties and gained the trust of the Afghan people.
"The president believes that we are in a very sensitive juncture in the partnership, in the war on terror and in the process of bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan, and any gap in this process will not be helpful," Omar told reporters.
"We hope there is not a change of leadership of the international forces here in Afghanistan and that we continue to partner with Gen. McChrystal."
The controversy erupted as June is on track to becoming one of the deadliest months for U.S. and international forces in the nearly nine-year Afghan war.
The military said Wednesday that two American service members died Tuesday following separate bomb attacks in southern Afghanistan, and another Wednesday in a bomb attack in the west. That makes 70 international forces killed so far this month. Forty-four of them were Americans.

The deadliest month of the conflict for U.S. forces was October 2009, when 59 service members were killed. For NATO forces overall, the deadliest month was July 2009, when 75 troops were killed.
The violence is also hitting Afghans. A vehicle belonging to a candidate for parliament hit a roadside bomb early Wednesday in the east, killing the candidate's brother. The candidate was wounded but survived, said Ghafoor Khan, a police spokesman in Nangarhar province.
The flap over McChrystal comes as NATO and Afghan forces are ramping up security in and around the key southern city of Kandahar, the birthplace of the Taliban.
Karzai's younger half brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, the head of the Kandahar provincial council, gave McChrystal a ringing endorsement, telling reporters in Kandahar that McChrystal's leadership would be sorely missed.
"If he is fired, it will disrupt the operation," Ahmad Wali Karzai said. "It definitely will affect it. He (McChrystal) started all this, and he has a good relationship with the people. The people trust him and we trust him. If we lose this important person, I don't think that this operation will work in a positive way."
In Kabul, Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi also publicly voiced his support for the general, who is prepared to submit his resignation to Obama, according to two military officials. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the issue.
"Since Gen. McChrystal took over the job as commander of the international forces, there have been a lot of changes in different departments, which are very important and positive," Azimi said. "For example, there has been a decrease in the numbers of civilian casualties and we're still working jointly with McChrystal to decrease it further."
Azimi spoke at a regular news conference held with Brig. Gen. Josef Blotz, spokesman for the NATO command in Kabul. Blotz declined to discuss McChrystal's fate or the magazine article, which reported deep rifts between the top commander in the war and the U.S. administration.
"Let us be a little bit more patient," Blotz said.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Helen Thomas, Vetenan Reporter, Retires

Hearst News Service, for which Thomas is a columnist, reported her retirement announcement Monday.
Her retirement is effective immediately. She began covering the White House in 1960.
Thomas has apologized for the comments, which were captured on video by an interviewer for the website “”
On the May 27 video, Thomas says Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine," suggesting they go to Germany, Poland or the U.S.
Those remarks drew sharp criticism from the Obama administration earlier Monday, as well as the cancellation of a high school graduation speech she was to deliver.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was asked at his daily briefing with reporters about President Barack Obama's reaction to Thomas' remarks. Gibbs called them "offensive and reprehensible."
"She should and has apologized," Gibbs said. "Because obviously those remarks do not reflect certainly the opinion of most of the people here and certainly not of the administration."
Thomas had been scheduled to speak at the June 14 graduation of Walt Whitman High School in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, Md., but Principal Alan Goodwin wrote in a Sunday e-mail to students and parents that she was being replaced.
"Graduation celebrations are not the venue for divisiveness," Goodwin wrote.
She added: "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."
The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham H. Foxman, said Sunday that Thomas' apology didn't go far enough.
"Her suggestion that Israelis should go back to Poland and Germany is bigoted and shows a profound ignorance of history," Foxman said in a statement. "We believe Thomas needs to make a more forceful and sincere apology for the pain her remarks have caused."
Thomas, 89, began her long career with the wire service United Press International in 1943, and started covering the White House in 1960, according to a biography posted on her website. She became a columnist for Hearst in 2000.