Wednesday, December 14, 2011

U.S. Regulators Act To Quiet Blaring TV Commercials

Police Seize Five Lbs of Marijuana, Arrest Four Men in Three Days

Kimo Grant-Johnson

Narcotics investigators from the Ocean City Police Department, the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team and DSP conducted three separate narcotics trafficking investigation last week; they seized five pounds of marijuana with a street value of $43,000 and arrested four men.

Daniel Stuart
During a traffic stop on December 7, police recovered two pounds of marijuana and arrested 24-year-old Kimo Grant-Johnson of Ocean City and 21-year-old Daniel Stuart of Selbyville; a search of both men’s homes also turned up additional marijuana.
Robert Pippin

Both are behind bars at the Worcester County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail each.

On December 8, police served a warrant at a home on 8th Street in Ocean City; they seized a pound of marijuana and $9,000 cash.

32-year-old Robert Pippin of Ocean City was arrested; he was committed to the Worcester County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Robert Grandelli
And on December 9, police served a warrant at a home on Tunnel Avenue; they seized over a half-pound of marijuana. 43-year-old Robert Grandelli of Ocean City was arrested and committed to the Worcester County Jail, also in lieu of $25,000 bail.

NTSB Recommends Banning All Cell Phone Use While Driving

If Legislation Is Ever Adopted It Would Be Up To Each State To Decide

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – It’s a stunning recommendation from a federal traffic safety agency.

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling for a nationwide ban on behind the wheel cell phone use — even with hands-free devices.

It’s the NTSB’s version of you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. It is now saying you shouldn’t be allowed to drive and talk on the phone at the same time. And it made a non-binding recommendation that all 50 states to impose a ban, reports CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer.

It’s a frightening fact: Your car travels the length of a football field in the time it takes to send the average text.

“It may seem like it’s a very quick call, a very quick text a tweet or an update, but accidents happen in the blink of an eye,” NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman said. “You can’t take it back. You can’t have a do-over and you can’t rewind.”

The NTSB wants a national ban on talking and texting behind the wheel — even if your car is equipped with a hands-free device. And it has statistics to back up its concerns about the growing distractions for drives of all types of vehicles.

The agency says:
* An estimated 3,000 people died last year in distracted driving crashes
* Drivers using cell phones fail to see up to 50-percent of the information in their driving environment
* A person using a cell phone is four times more likely to have a crash that will result in going to the hospital

Local drivers have mixed feelings about the recommendation.

“I think it’s a good idea. I used to be a police officer and I’ve seen so many accidents that were caused by people using their cell phones, and it’s been proven texting and cell phones, speeding, even with Bluetooth you can’t concentrate while you’re talking,” said Willie Hollenfer of Bergenfield, N.J.

“I’m more of a libertarian. I think you should be punished if you get into an accident after using a phone, but if you want to use a phone in a car you should be able to,” added Todd Jordan of Rowayton, Conn.

Sometimes I feel that it is really dangerous, actually, when I’m talking on the phone and driving, probably a good idea,” said Adriannz Cutler of Armonk.

“I guess it’s pretty smart. There’s a lot of accidents that are caused, but it is nice to have your hands-free,” Jeanette Gromko of Stamford, Conn.

Although the NTSB’s recommendation is non-binding lawmakers and governors take its findings seriously.

A spokesman for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his office is reviewing the agency’s report.

Do you believe that cellphones should be banned entirely or is this another case of Big Brother run amok?


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Special Election Set For Pocomoke City Council

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke City Council has decided to hold a special election in conjunction with the next general election, April 3, 2012, to fill the vacant seat in District 1. The seat became vacant when longtime City Councilman Robert L. Hawkins was killed in a car crash.

The person named in this election will stand for election again in April 2013, when the District 1 term of office ends.

Under the terms of the charter, the council could have left the office vacant until the April 2013 election, appointed a qualified person to fill the vacancy for the balance of the unexpired term or held an election immediately for the remainder of the unexpired term.

The council decided to take this approach since the filing for the 2012 election begins in January. Anyone interested in the District 1 seat, or one of the other two that will be up for election, must file candidacy papers by Feb. 3. The other two districts up for election are District 4, presently represented by Tracey Cottman, and District 5, now represented by Robert Clarke. Candidates must be residents of the districts in which they run.

The deadline for registering to vote in April's election is March 2. To be eligible to register, a person must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a resident of Maryland for the past six months and must have been a resident of Pocomoke City for at least 30 days prior to the election.

In commenting about the upcoming special election, Mayor Bruce Morrison said the 1st District is large, and he felt he could not appoint someone to fill the seat. Also, he said, he learned that there were at least three people interested in the post.

Pocomoke's elections fall on the first Tuesday in April, so this year it's April 3.


Richard Hatch- 1st 'Survivor' Winner- Released From Prison

Richard Hatch, the first-ever winner of "Survivor," was released from a minimum-security prison Monday (Dec. 12). He was serving time in relation to being found guilty for tax evasion.

In many ways, Hatch was the first reality show celebrity after winning Season 1 of "Survivor" through conniving, manipulative behavior and pixelated nudity. However it was the $1 million prize which was also the source of his downfall.
Hatch was sent to prison in 2006 after he was found guilty of not paying taxes on "Survivor" winnings as well as other additional earnings. Then he went back to jail in 2009 after not keeping up with the terms of his release.

In addition to being on the first season of "Survivor," Hatch also appeared on "Survivor All-Stars" and "Celebrity Apprentice." 

So how long until Hatch re-enters the reality TV world?


Planning Commission May Revisit Atlantic Sewage Permit Issue

The Accomack County Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday night at 7pm at the Board of Supervisors Chamber in Accomac. It will hear again, the case of a Maryland developer Atlantic Town Center LLC seeking to build near Atlantic. He will ask the Planning Commission to revisit a decision against allowing a large sewage treatment plant to be built in the village of Atlantic.

A letter from the attorney representing the company states that he has written language to change the ordinance to allow sewage treatment plants to be placed on agriculturally zoned land which was the basis on which the proposal was rejected earlier this year.

The developer and his attorney will ask the Planning Commission to revise that ordinance to allow the treatment facility to be constructed.

A group of Atlantic are outraged over the attempt to circumvent the existing ordinance. In a letter to area residents urging them to attend the meeting, Ronnie Thomas who appears to be heading up the protest says,"we cannot believe that the county would even consider letting an outside developer come into the county, rewrite its laws and zoning ordinances that are designed to protect its citizens and their interest. The issue has already caused much tension in the community and has put the Board of Supervisors on alert that they may have a serious decision to make involving this matter."

The letter goes on to say that the group it represents does not oppose the developers plans for construction of The Atlantic Town Center. But they do oppose the project if the result is shipping raw sewage and waste water to a sewage treatment facility in Atlantic.

The letter  also goes on to urge residents to come to the meeting to protect their rights and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. It also states that if approved this change will effect all property owners in Accomack County and that in the future residents will have no say over a sewage treatment plant being built next to your home.

The group urges anyone with questions to contact Thomas at 824-3012 for more information.


Christmas Season In Pocomoke City


When shopping downtown Pocomoke don't forget your donation of canned goods to benefit the Samaritan Shelter.  The Samritan Shelter  added a new wing not long ago to shelter Mothers and their making  the need for donated foods even greater.  The Smaritan Shelter pantry also serves the needy in the community. Please help in any way you can.

Take your non-perishable foods to the following locations and receive  coupons, discounts and/or holiday treats:  Scher's Bridal Shop; Classic Collections; Enchanted Florist; Mar-Va Theater; Lusby's Hardware & Maytag Appliances; Robinanne's Quilting Service; Salty Dog Grooming; and the Delmarva Discovery Center.


The Pocomoke City Police Department is holding its annual Christmas Party on December 18, 2011 at Bethany  Salem Church.

2010/ Toys  collected from Bingos held at the Pocomoke Fair Grounds
to benefit the Pocomoke Police Dept. Toy Drive
TOYS are needed so that these children will have something new for Christmas.  Your toy donations will also be accepted at either of the stores listed above.

Please don't don't think this doesn't happen in Pocomoke.  I am proof that it does.  One Christmas morning many years ago when my son was very young we were visited early that morning by one of his friends.  The child was grinning from hear to ear holding nothing but a Christms pencil and a Match Box car.  It was all he had asked for- except for a bicycle.  Santa could not afford to leave him one.  I don't know who was devastated more- myself or my children.  They had received so much.

It didn't take long for my young son to get into the garage, clean his old bicycle up a little and ride it to the little boys house.  We hadn't decided what to do with it so my son made the decission. 

(Edward, we still think about you- wherever you may be........)

Children that are truly poor never ask for much.....


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Rural Sign Painter

I think The Rural Sign Painter is in desperate need of new plywood and paint.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... Holiday Time

It's the rush of the holiday season so this week some short holiday-related items. Next week an article from more than a century ago will tell of holiday shopping reaching its peak on Christmas Eve... (1897) "And this holiday rush will continue far into the evening because Christmas Eve is everybody's evening. It is the evening when all take the evening off from the ordinary occupations of their ordinary existences and spend that evening down town..."

October, 1880

(The Denton Journal)

Sussex is shipping holly to Colorado for Christmas decoration.

November, 1887

(The Herald And Torchlight- Hagerstown, Md)

Agents from Farmington, Del., have been in Princess Anne, Somerset County, for several days collecting holly twigs with berries on them. The twigs are packed in small boxes made for the purpose and shipped direct to Chicago, St. Louis, and Canada, and are used for decorating purposes. Those who have holly are making a good thing out of it.
December, 1888

(The New York Times)


SNOW HILL, Md., Dec 24.- Twenty-seven years ago C.H. Corbin of Pocomoke City crossed the lines and cast his fortunes with the Confederacy. At the close of the war he did not return. He was mourned as dead. To the astonishment of the neighborhood, he has just come back to spend Christmas in his old home. He is engaged in business in Georgia.

December, 1941

Town Tavern in Pocomoke was advertising informal dancing for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve with music by Slim Marshall's Orchestra. Admission 75-cents per person.

December, 1961

Newberry's, Pocomoke City, "Gift Headquarters For The Eastern Shore," Open every night 'til 9, Monday thru Saturday 'til Christmas. Telephone Santa... Call xxxx anytime day or night...24 hours a day. He has a message for every boy or girl who calls him.

December, 1968

A new 1969 Camaro would be given away in a Shop Pocomoke promotion sponsored by the Pocomoke Ciity Businessmen's Association. Members of the Association were: Bata Shore Store...Burnett White of Pocomoke...W.H.Clarke & Company...City Service Oil Company (C.K. Duncan)...The Democratic Messenger...George's Furniture...Guy's Implement Company...Hancock's Grocery...Lankford & Cutler Hardware...Montgomery Ward Catalog Store...Midway Auto...Miller-Massey Auto...Somers-Kirby Motor Company...Miller's Ladies Shop...Modern Floor Company... J.J. Newberry...Outten Brothers...Pocomoke City Flower Shop...Pocomoke City Pharmacy...Pocomoke Machine & Implement Company...R.E.Powell & Company...Scher's...Schoolfield & Ham...Sears Catalog Store...Sherwin Williams...Silco...Vincent's Jewelers...Webb's Grocery...Western Auto...George E. Young Auto Parts.

December, 1970

The Fantastic Mystics were providing the dance music for the public two days before Christmas at the Pocomoke Holiday Inn's annual Pocomoke Christmas Party.

December, 1972

Pocomoke's annual Christmas concert by the Salem United Methodist Church choir was scheduled with members of other area church choirs also participating. Barry Tull of Pocomoke City would play trumpet and Miss Carol Cherrix of Snow Hill would be flutist. Choir director Mrs. Naomi Stevenson would be organist. Vocal soloists from Pocomoke would include Miss Julia Ann Ball, Mrs. Betsy C. Massey, Mrs. Peter Thompson, Miss Susan Humphreys, Mrs. Frederick White, and Miss Nancy Henderson, plus Mrs. Elwyn Cooper of Stockton.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

New Pocomoke Restaurant Making Progress

Saturday/ December 10, 2011
Making progress.  Recent photos of the restaurant being built on the Pocomoke River adjacent to the Delmarva Discover Center.

As you enter Pocomoke and cross the Pocomoke drawbridge you can't miss the construction site!

Even working hard on a Saturday afternoon.
The new restaurant is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by May of 2012

Wreath-laying Event at Arlington to ‘remember, honor and teach’

By Pamela Constable
Thousands of people filtered quietly among the rows of white tombstones in Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, placing identical pine wreaths with simple red bows at the graves of sons, cousins, parents, battlefield buddies, fraternity brothers and strangers fallen in half-a-dozen wars over the past 70 years.

There were Boy Scout troops, military units in dress uniforms and extended families in mittens and earmuffs. Many headed for familiar spots and formed somber clusters around a single tomb. Some said prayers or read out combat citations and saluted. Others wept or simply stood and stared, lost in thought.

“Every stone here has a story,” said Tim Frey, 43, a police officer from Lancaster, Pa., who came to honor Lt. Col. Mark P. Phelan, a member of his Army Reserve unit, who was killed by an explosive device in Iraq in 2004. “I’m here from a sense of duty, and to see a friend again,” he said. “Other people may not know anyone, but it’s still an honor to come here.”

More than 100,000 wreaths, loaded onto about 20 tractor-trailers, arrived after a six-day caravan from Maine for the 20th annual Wreaths Across America event, sponsored by a nonprofit group. The trucks parked at scattered spots around the vast cemetery, and hundreds of volunteers handed them to waiting visitors.

The event included formal wreath-layings at the grave of President John F. Kennedy, the Tomb of the Unknowns, and the original mast of the USS Maine, a legendary battleship sunk in 1898.

The official slogan of the organizers was “Remember, Honor and Teach,” and the wreath-bearing convoy stopped for special events in towns on the way. But for most visitors to the cemetery, it was a day of personal mourning and private reflection.

“Christmas doesn’t seem to mean what it used to mean, and we need to remember that these soldiers died so we can have the things we have,” said Jeannie Ludwig, 39, of Fairfax, who was visiting the graves of her grandparents, both veterans of World War II, and the grave of a friend who died in Iraq. “My kids are still too young to understand what these soldiers did for us, but this is a way to begin talking to them about it.”

By far, the most crowded portion of the cemetery was Section 60, where the most recent casualties of American military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried.

Members of the District’s National Guard unit came to mourn Spec. Darryl Dent, 19, who died in Iraq.

The grief-stricken family of Navy Cmdr. Charles K. Springle, 52, wept and hugged at his tomb. Springle died in May 2009 when a fellow U.S. soldier opened fire at a military clinic in Baghdad. His parents, Ruth and Charles, traveled from Beaufort, N.C., for the event, and were met there by his daughter, Sarah Monday.

Members of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at Virginia Tech gathered to honor 1st Lt. Jeffrey Kaylor, killed by a grenade in Iraq. One member, Jeff Dawley, 26, of Reston, paid his respects to Kaylor and then headed to visit the grave of his father, who he said had died because of exposure to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Some mourners preferred to keep their grief private. A group of tight-lipped Special Forces officers, standing next to a friend’s tomb, politely declined to speak to a reporter. At another grave, a middle-aged man recited the obituary of a soldier decorated for valor in combat, but said he would rather not talk about him.

But for many others, Wreaths Across America served as a public ritual, a way to connect veterans and their families across wars and generations, or a form of group therapy. Gray-bearded Vietnam veterans in motorcycle jackets handed out bright red Christmas caps to Boy Scout packs and shook hands with spit-and-polish Marine officers.

Lynn Hill, 62, of Silver Spring wore a historic cavalry uniform and said his mission was to memorialize the 9th and 10th Horse cavalries of the Buffalo Soldiers, the Army unit founded in 1866 and composed of freed black slaves. He said he had attended every Wreath Day since 1992, “to honor all the dead soldiers” in American history.

Regina Barnhurst, the mother of a slain Marine from Severna Park, turned her son’s tomb into a day-long gathering place for other grieving families. The spot was next to a holly tree, where she and some friends put up a ladder and invited visitors to hang personal messages on the boughs and share coffee and doughnuts.

“I used to wonder how I would survive Christmas, but this has become a way for us to support each other,” said Barnhurst, who began weeping as she recounted how her son, Eric Herzberg, had been fatally shot by a sniper in Iraq five years ago. “You have to do something to get through the holidays,” she said with a sad smile. “For all of us, there is still such a huge hole.”

Saturday, December 10, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Holiday Time

This week some holiday-related items from times past and a preview of an upcoming 1897 article about Christmas Eve.

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Shop Downtown Pocomoke Today- Get Into The Spirit of Christmas

While you're shopping in downtown Pocomoke today after visiting the 2 Annual Winter Waterman's Festival be sure to shope the local businesses.   Remember that businesses are still collecting  non-perishable food goods for the Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke.

Participating businesses downtown are offering discounts, coupons,  and/or holiday treats in exchange for your donations.  Don't be afraid to think outside the box!  The food pantry at the Samritan Shelter can always use things like seasonings, cocoa, soda and always water.

Keep in mind that there are always the less fortunate in any town and children are always in need of something special during the Christmas season.

The Pocomoke City Police Department will continue its toy drive this year in preparation for the Children's Christmas Party later this month.  The same deals apply at the business downtown for your toy donation.

If you haven't been downtown Pocomoke lately get there soon! 

A special treat to enjoy this season are the windows proudly painted by a group of hight school students from Pocomoke High School.  Children (and myself) love to see the festive windows!

Have a great  time shopping downtown Pocomoke.

SHADIOW Has Been Found

SHADOW the missing cat from the Pocomoke Heights/Payne Avenue area has been found and returned home thanks to some children in the area.

A huge thankyou to everyone !

Downtown Pocomoke TODAY- Winter Waterman's Festival


Delmarva Discovery Center
December 10th
10 AM to 4 PM

Join the Delmarva Discovery Center for our 2nd annual Winter Watermen's Festival. The Winter Watermen's Festival is a celebration of our Delmarva heritage.

Local watermen will share their stories
from 11 AM - 1 PM.

We'll have delicious food samples from local favorites such as Bill's Seafood, Watermen's Inn, the Upper Deck, Don's Seafood & Chicken House, the Crusty Crab, and Bay Queen Galley. Local artists will be displaying and selling their work as well! 

New to the Festival are wine from Bishop's Stock and beer from Burley Oak Brewery!

This is the perfect time for holiday shopping and celebrating Delmarva!

Don't miss out! 

Event is free with paid admission.

Remember canned goods and other non-perishable foods are still being collected for the Samaritan Shelter.  Not only does the Samitan Shelter serves as a shelter but also operates as a food pantry in the community.  It's services are valuable to those in need.

Businesses collecting: Scher's Bridal Shop; Classic Collections; Enchanted Florist; Mar-Va Theater; Lusby's Hardware & Maytag Appliances; Robinanne's Quilting Service; Salty Dog Grooming; and the Delmarva Discovery Center.

Each of the above establishments is generously offering coupons, special discounts, and/or holiday treats in exchange for your donations.

So while visiting Pocomoke today take time to do a little Christmas shopping!

Remember:  You don't have to live in Pocomoke to shop downtown.
Just shop downtown Pocomoke.

Happening At the Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

With a cast of 31, with ages ranging from 5-75, it's going to be something you will never forget!
"It's a Wonderful Life"

Mar-Va Theater
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Friday, Dec 9th at 7:30PM
Saturday, Dec 10th at 7:30 PM
Sunday, Dec 11th at 2:00PM

$15 for adults
$7 for children under 12


Friday, December 9, 2011

SMILE! IT'S FRIDAY........This video may cause laughter..

With just a little over 2 weeks before Christmas Day many  of us are working towards the goal of  having everything in place and being ready to enjoy the holidays.
However, at this time of year there always seems to be one (maybe two-maybe more) days  that has a complete BLEEP in it!

It's Friday.  Let's laugh! 

And if you have never spent a holiday season that describes what the folks are singing about in this song be grateful! 


Local Artist At Delmarva Discovery Center

Local artist Jenny Somers is at the
Delmarva Discovery Center

1:00 until 3:00
Stop by and watch as she paints those beautiful Christmas tree ornaments.

The ornaments Jenny hand paints  make a  thoughful Christmas gift....Handpainted ornaments are the best to have on a Christmas tree.

Give her your special order today!



Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwich w/side
drink ~ $7.50
( sounds yummy)

Don't forget: Catering for holiday parties is available.
Call 757-824-0009

LIVE Performance At the Mar-Va Theater

"Drive Out Hunger" Feeds 70 Families

 When Josh Nordstrom was growing up he probably never had to worry much about never having lunch money. Like most of us he probably never went without a huge dinner during the holidays.  Today, Josh Nordstrom, all grown up, is helping his community and is co-owner of "Drive Out Hunger". 

Josh, and those that assist him deserve a huge round of applause and pats on the back!

 POCOMOKE CITY -- "Helping feed people -- especially children, the elderly and those less fortunate than ourselves -- is perhaps the best way we can show how thankful we are this holiday season," said Joshua Nordstrom, public relations director at Midway Toyota in Pocomoke City and co-founder of the "Drive Out Hunger" project.

From left are Joshua Nordstrom, Nina Franceschi, Dale Cook and Dan Prescott.
This collaborative effort includes Midway, Tyson Foods, Dot's Food Pantry, Food Lion and the Lower Shore Family YMCA. Its mission is to provide a healthy, hearty meal to those in our community who may otherwise go without on Thanksgiving.

In its first year, the effort was able to feed 70 families in need --an estimated 250 people -- here on the lower Eastern Shore.

"All of us involved would like to thank the many people who contributed to the project this year," Nordstrom added, "and we hope to have the participation of many more businesses and individuals next year. Our goal is to make sure that none of our neighbors ever go hungry on Thanksgiving again."

Source;|newswell|text|Eastern Shore News|s

Open House On Sunday At the Costen House


at the
206 Market Street
Pocomoke, Md

DECEMBER 11, 2011

 Come celebrate the Christmas season amid lovely decorations and enjoy some complimentary refreshments.


And while you visit consider hosting your own party at the Costen House.

Reading A Christmas Tradition

Yes, Virginia
There Is A Santa Claus

Newsman Francis
Pharcellus Church
wrote the Sun's

Eight-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter to the editor of New York's Sun, and the quick response was printed as an unsigned editorial Sept. 21, 1897. The work of veteran newsman Francis Pharcellus Church has since become history's most reprinted newspaper editorial, appearing in part or whole in dozens of languages in books, movies, and other editorials, and on posters and stamps.

Virginia O'Hanlon
 "DEAR EDITOR: I am 8 years old.
"Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus.
"Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.'
"Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus?


VIRGINIA, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except [what] they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge.

Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, VIRGINIA, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding.

No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.
