Friday, August 5, 2011

~Blessing of the Combines In Snow Hill

The Thirteenth Annual Blessing of the Combines

Saturday August 6

Combines are a familiar sight on the Eastern Shore, moving purposefully and efficiently through fields of grain, corn and soy beans, offloading their harvest into waiting trucks. But seeing a combine from afar is very different from being close enough to touch one. 
The Thirteenth Annual Blessing of the Combines, held in Snow Hill on Saturday August 6, will have eight combines parked on Green Street (after a parade down Route 12), thanks to the owners of these multi-thousand dollar machines.  
 Children stretch to gently touch the top of a tire; adults stretch to touch the cab. A sense of awe comes after a noisy and impressive “throttle thrust” as the combine drivers power-down their behomoths.
Festivities begin at 10:45 with a performance by Pam Ward’s Snow Hill Dance Studio. 
Exhibits and displays are set up along Green and Pearl Streets, including a Petting Barnyard, face painting, tie-dye, sand art, a soy bean pit, and a moon bounce, with additional activities for children by Lollipop the Clown. 
Hayrides and carriage rides will be available.  
The Program Stage will feature talented local young people between 11:00 and 11:30, when the arrival of the Parade of Combines signals the beginning of a brief program, featuring keynote speaker Nelson Brice and Combine Blesser Rev. Rick Edmund. At 12:15 Mike Short Jr. and his musical group will provide an afternoon of entertainment. 
Festival food vendors on Bank Street join Harvest Moon, The Emporium, The American Legion and The Palette in offering a wide selection of delicious treats. Further down Bank Street craft vendors join Lost in the Country, Artique’s Gallery by the River, Bishop’s Stock, Adcock Studio Gallery, Pages and Pearls, Snow Hill Flower and Gifts and The American Art Gallery.
 The Wheels That Heal Car Club will host a car show along the PocomokeRiver.
At 3:00 the festival ends as the combines leave Green Street
For details contact Becky Payne at 443-783-1715, or email .

~The Great Pocomoke Fair This Weekend~

The Great Pocomoke Fair continues tonight through Saturday evening.

Tonight is Gospel Talent Show and Concert at the Fairgrounds.
Come out and enjoy great local talent and inspirational Christian music.

Schedule of Events: 

August 5, 2011 (Friday)
The Great Pocomoke Fair
Fair open – 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
General Admission – $2

5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Indoor Exhibits inside Grand Stand open
5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Livestock Exhibits, Livestock Barn open
7:30 p.m. Gospel Concert/Contest** – Grandstand Stage
5:00 p.m. – 6 p.m. Hog Judging – Livestock Barn
7:00 p.m. – 8p.m. Dairy cow Judging Livestock Barn
8:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. Beef cattle Judging – Livestock Barn

August 6, 2011 (Saturday)
The Great Pocomoke Fair
Fair open – 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
General Admission – $2.00, 6 and under Free

8:00 a.m. Equine Show, Horse show area
10:30 a.m. Meat Goat Judging, Livestock Barn
11:30 a.m. Sheep Judging, Livestock Barn
12:00 noon Kids Activities
12:00 Noon – Cake & Pie Auction
12:30 – 4:00 p.m. Harness Racing, Grandstand/Racetrack
12:30 p.m. Dairy Goat Judging, Livestock Barn
1:30 p.m. Greased Pig Contest
3:30 p.m. Registration for Tractor Pull begins
4:30 p.m.* Kute Kids awards presentation
5:00 p.m. Antique/Classic Tractor & Pickup Pull – Grandstand/Infield Track
6:00 p.m. Indoor & Livestock Exhibits released for pickup
10:00 p.m. Fireworks by Fireworks Production, Inc.

Phone Solicitation Is A SCAM

 Arcadia High School has received reports of a phone scam claiming to be from the school asking people for money to benefit the school's athletic programs.

Citizens are advised to be aware and to NOT send the solicitors any money!

If you have any information regarding the scam, or any questions, please contact Arcadia High School at 757-824-5613.

Double Fatality In Accomack County

At 10:15 Monday night a double fatal accident occured on Bobtown Road. Melfa, Painter and Exmore responded to the accident.

On August 1, 2011 at approximately 2214 hours Virginia State Police was called to a single vehicle accident on Route 178 north of Route 609 in Pungoteague, Accomack, Virginia.

A single vehicle, 1996 Buick Century was traveling on Route 178 when it ran off the road to the right struck a tree stump and overturned, killing the driver and front seat passenger.

The vehicle was occupied by four occupants The back two passengers were taking to the local hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The driver Cecilio Purneda Alaniz, 53 YOA, of Craddockville, VA. died at the scene. The front seat passenger Shirley Mae Tate, 72 YOA, of Craddockville, VA also died at the scene.

Notification to family members has been made. All occupants were wearing their seat belts, alcohol was a factor.

Currently the investigation is on-going.


~At The MarVa Theater This Weekend~

Thursday, August 4, 2011

TIME MACHINE PREVIEW ... The Lighter Side!

Some items from the lighter side of Pocomoke City's past are coming your way this week. Take a look this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Little Girl 11 Saves Woodpecker and Gets Fined Over 500 Dollars

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. (WUSA) -- Eleven-year-old aspiring veterinarian, Skylar Capo, sprang into action the second she learned that a baby woodpecker in her Dad's backyard was about to be eaten by the family cat.

"I've just always loved animals," said Skylar Capo. "I couldn't stand to watch it be eaten."
Skylar couldn't find the woodpecker's mother, so she brought it to her own mother, Alison Capo, who agreed to take it home.

"She was just going to take care of it for a day or two, make sure it was safe and uninjured, and then she was going to let it go," said Capo.

But on the drive home, the Capo family stopped at a Lowes in Fredericksburg and they brought the bird inside because of the heat. That's when they were confronted by a fellow shopper who said she worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"She was really nervous. She was shaking. Then she pulled out a badge," said Capo.
The problem was that the woodpecker is a protected species under the Federal Migratory Bird Act.  Therefore, it is illegal to take or transport a baby woodpecker.  The Capo family says they had no idea.
"I was a little bit upset because I didn't want my mom to get in trouble," said Skylar.

So as soon as the Capo family returned home, they say they opened the cage, the bird flew away, and they reported it to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"They said that's great, that's exactly what we want to see," said Capo. "We thought that we had done everything that we could possibly do."

But roughly two weeks later, that same woman from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service showed up at Capo's front door. This time, Capo says the woman was accompanied by a state trooper.  Capo refused to accept a citation, but was later mailed a notice to appear in U.S. District Court for unlawfully taking a migratory bird.  She's also been slapped with a $535 fine.
"I feel harassed and I feel angry," said Capo.

"Kids should be able to save a baby bird and not end up going home crying because their mom has to pay $535. I just think that's crazy," said Skylar.

If convicted, Capo could face up to a year behind bars.

Virginia State Police just released the following statement: 
"We have confirmed that the US Fish and Wildlife agent requested our presence when they served their federal summons. The trooper stood on the porch and said nothing. We had nothing to do with the charge."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued this statement at around 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 2nd:
"On June 13, a special agent with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service observed a woman carrying a cage that contained a woodpecker at a home improvement store in Fredericksburg Virg.

As possession of a bird may potentially violate the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the agent initiated an inquiry to determine whether a potential violation had occurred.

Upon speaking with the subject, later identified as Alison Capo, on June 27, the agent determined that no further action was warranted. A citation that had been previously drafted by the agent was cancelled on June 28.

Unfortunately, the citation was processed unintentionally despite our office's request to cancel the ticket. The Service has contacted Ms. Capo to express our regret. The Service is also sending Ms. Capo a formal letter explain the clerical error and confirming that ticket should never have been issued.

This misunderstanding was the result of a Service inquiry into possible violations of federal wildlife law. In particular the Service is responsible for the protection of all federally listed migratory birds. The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries did not participate in the inquiry."

See the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's apology for the citation on its website.

Via: 9 News Now

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Free cell phones are now a civil right

 This seams to be big news at the moment, I wonder why it wasn't so much stink about this when Maryland did this? That's right, for those of you that didn't know Maryland has the same deal and you don't even have to be on public assistance all you need to be is low income I think. I know a couple of people that have the free Obama phones. They are both on Social Security, not welfare. I'm not sure about how many minuets they are allowed here in Md. though I do know that they get the free phones.

Pennsylvanians on public assistance now have a new 'civil right' -- free cell phones. Meanwhile, the rest of us get to pay higher cell bills as a result.

Recently, a federal government program called the Universal Service Fund came to the Keystone State and some residents are thrilled because it means they can enjoy 250 minutes a month and a handset for free, just because they don't have the money to pay for it. Through Assurance Wireless and SafeLink from Tracfone Wireless these folks get to reach out and touch someone while the cost of their service is paid for by everyone else.

You see, the telecommunications companies are funding the Universal Service Fund to the tune of $4 billion a year because the feds said they have to and in order to recoup their money, the companies turn around and hike their fees to paying customers. But those of use paying for the free service for the poor, should be happy about this infuriating situation, says Gary Carter, manager of national partnerships for Assurance, because "the program is about peace of mind." Free cell service means "one less bill that someone has to pay, so they can pay their rent or for day is a right to have peace of mind," Cater explained.

Well, the telecommunications companies don't seem to love providing this 'right' to poor folks because they are trying to renegotiate the deal with the FCC. The telecommunications companies like Verizon and AT&T want more paying customers, but their desire to reform their deal with the feds dovetails nicely with the political ideology of the current FCC chairman Julian Genachowski, who like all Obama administration flunkies sees 'rights' where others see 'priviledges'.

Just listen to how the agency put the question of providing broadband and cell service to those in rural and poor communities. "The goal of reform is to provide everyone with affordable voice and broadband," the agency said.

Between 14 million and 24 million Americans lack access to broadband, "and immediate prospects for deployment to them are bleak," the FCC said in a report last year. "Many of these Americans are poor or live in rural areas that will remain unserved without reform of the universal service program and other changes," the report said.

But who says that cheap or free broadband is anything more than a luxury?
Well, another Obama flunkie, Rahm Emanuel, that's who. As we reported in June , the new mayor of Chicago was all excited to proclaim the wonderful news of free internet service to poor kids in Chicago's worst neighborhoods. And how could Mayor Emanuel pay for this new 'civil right'?

Well, because the federal government extorted the money from Comcast when it wanted to buy NBC-Universal. Once again FCC chairman Genachowski was all about "helping the kids" by forcing the internet provider to give poor kids free netbooks, laptops, and internet service, indefinitely. And who is going to pay for this gift? Well, of course the rest of us poor saps who actually pay our bills.

Air Car is it Really Here

What is this?
        Will it be the next big thing?              Tata Motors thinks so.  

It is an auto engine that runs on air.  That's right, air not gas or diesel or electric but just the air around us.  Take a look. 
Tata Motors of India has scheduled the Air Car to hit Indian streets by August 2011
The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N. For  Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air to push its engine's pistons and make the car go.
 The Air Car, called the "Mini CAT" could cost around 365,757 rupees in India or $8,177 US.

The Mini CAT which is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis, a body of fiberglass that is glued not welded and powered by compressed air.  A Microprocessor is used to control all electrical functions of the car.  One tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, turn signals and every other electrical device on the car.  Which are not many.

The temperature of the clean air expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15 degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for use by the internal air conditioning system with no need for gases or loss of power.

There are no keys, just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket.  According to the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees per 100 KM, that's about a tenth the cost of a car running on gas. 

It's mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car, a factor which makes it a perfect choice for city motorists.  The car has a top speed of 105 KM per hour or 60 mph and would have a range of around 300 km or 185 miles between refuels.  

Refilling the car will take place at adapted gas stations with special air compressors.  A fill up will only take two to three minutes and costs approximately 100 rupees and the car will be ready to go another 300 kilometers.

This car can also be filled at home with it's on board compressor.  It will take 3-4 hours to refill the tank but  it can be done while you sleep. 

Because there is no combustion engine, changing the 1 liter of vegetable oil is only necessary every 50,000 KM or 30,000 miles.  Due to it's simplicity, there is very little maintenance to be done on this Car.

This Air Car almost sound to good to be true.  We'll see in August.
Hat Tip; Kack
There was a small church in Texas that had a very big-busted lady Organist. Her breasts were so huge that they bounced and jiggled while she played the organ.
Unfortunately, she distracted the congregation considerably. The very proper church ladies were appalled. They said something had to be done about this or they would have to get another Organist.

So, one of the ladies approached her very discreetly and told her to mash up some green persimmons and rub them around and on the nipples of her breasts hoping maybe they would shrink in size, but warned her not to eat or get any of the green persimmons near her mouth, 'because they are so sour they will make your mouth pucker up and you won't be able to talk properly for a while'.  She agreed to try it.

The following Sunday morning the minister got up in the pulpit and said.... 

'Dew to thircumsthanthis bewond my contwol, we will not hath a thermon tewday.'

Hat Tip; Ree

News Release From Worcester County State's Attorney

On July 30
Team conducted a two day operation stemming from a six month drug distribution
investigation focusing in the communities of Snow Hill and Pocomoke, Maryland. The
purpose of this investigation is to have an immediate and major impact on the drug trade
in those communities by targeting low level, mid level, and high level distributors of
controlled dangerous substances. During the course of this investigation Circuit Court
Indictments and District Court Arrest Warrants relating to the distribution of crack
cocaine, cocaine, and marijuana, were issued for forty four (44) individuals in Snow Hill
and Pocomoke, Maryland.

During this two day operation, nine (9) drug related search and seizure warrants were
executed at residences in Snow Hill, Maryland and Pocomoke, Maryland. Entry into
these residences was made utilizing tactical teams from the Worcester County Sheriff’s
Office, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Ocean City Police Department and Berlin
Police Department.

The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team is composed of the Worcester County
Sheriff’s Office, the Maryland State Police, the Ocean City Police Department and the
Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office.

As a result of this two day operation the following listed individuals were taken into
custody along with two juveniles:
th and July 31st, 2011, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement

Breon Odale Ayres – Age 19, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $100,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
7) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
8) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
10) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Patrick Lee Schoolfield – Age 28, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Javon Tyree Schoolfield – Age 25, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $200,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
7) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - Conspiracy
8) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine - Conspiracy

Richard Wayne Williams – Age 36, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Honiss Webster Cane – Age 40, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $150,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Gabriel Devon Hayes – Age 34, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $200,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Broadus Lorenzo Mason – Age 32, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
7) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
8) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
10) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
11) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
12) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
13) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Donald Edward Sturgis Jr. – Age 29, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $125,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Antonio Lopez Wise – Age 39, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $150,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
7) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
8) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
10) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Sharon Raye Benoit – Age 49, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Common Nuisance

Kaniesha L. Johnson – Age 18, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy

Martel Lamel Costen – Age 26, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $100,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Minaster Fate Nixon Wright – Age 55, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Marijuana
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
3) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Marijuana
6) CDS Distribute Marijuana
7) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
8) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
9) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
10) CDS Possession Marijuana

Tamar Gilbert Cutler – Age 27, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Held without Bond
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Gregory Darnell Snead Jr. – Age 23, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Marijuana
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
3) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Marijuana

Eric Vincent Bishop Sr. – Age 55, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
3) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
7) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
8) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
10) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
11) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
12) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
13) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
14) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
15) CDS Possession with Intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
16) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Marcus Delonte Fletcher – Age 36, 2011, Pocomoke, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
7) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
8) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Devin Devon Bryant – Age 22, Pocomoke, Maryland
District Court Arrest Warrant – Bond $20,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Marijuana
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
3) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Marijuana

Tyrone Kurtis Nixon – Age 32, Pocomoke, Maryland
On View Arrest / District Court – Bond $5,000.00
1) CDS Possession Marijuana
2) CDS Possession Cocaine

Deron Raymont Ames – Age 19, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Marijuana
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
3) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Marijuana

Joshua Handy Pitts – Age 43, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $100,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Anthony Lamont Bibbins – Age 28, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $200,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Jamon Keith Byrd – Age 27, 2011, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $200,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Clinton Wilson Waters – Age 38, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $150,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
7) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
8) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

John Donzell Ginn – Age 42, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $125,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Christopher Kinsey Johnson – Age 19, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Gloria Jean Smith – Age 53, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Common Nuisance

Tanya Rena Jenkins - Age 36, Snow Hill, Maryland
District Court arrest Warrant – Bond $10,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Marijuana
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana
3) CDS Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Marijuana – School Zone
5) CDS Possession Marijuana

Brent Hamill Marshall – Age 37, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
7) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
8) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
10) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Stefan Dante Allen Sr. – Age 31, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Earl Finney Tull – Age 42, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $75,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
6) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
7) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
8) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
9) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Craig Lamont Shockley – Age 33, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Andrew Lamont Snead – Age 43, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $50,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine - Conspiracy
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy

Pecoro Lynn Jackson – Age 25, Snow Hill, Maryland
District Court Arrest Warrant – Bond $35,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine - School Zone
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine – School Zone
3) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine

Betty Jane Williams – Age 42, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine
2) CDS Possession with intent to Distribute Crack / Cocaine
3) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
4) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy
5) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy

Dawn Rochelle Hudson – Age 51, Snow Hill, Maryland
Circuit Court Indictment – Bond $25,000.00
1) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine – Conspiracy
2) CDS Distribute Crack / Cocaine

Robert Steven Jackson – Age 44, Snow Hill, Maryland
On View Arrest / District Court – Released on Personal Recognizance
1) Fail to obey reasonable and lawful order
2) Disorderly Conduct
3) Resisting Arrest

Charles Benjamin Powell – Age 47, Snow Hill, Maryland
On View Arrest / District Court – Released on $10,000.00 Unsecured Bond
1) CDS Possession Crack / Cocaine
2) Paraphernalia
This investigation is still ongoing and the following individuals are still currently wanted
by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office relating to this investigation.
Jeremy Lonnel Fitch – Pocomoke, Maryland
Gerry Marshall Laws – Pocomoke, Maryland
Torrance Demar Davis – Horntown, Virginia
Kelvin Knock – New Church, Virginia
Travis Antonio Bowen – Snow Hill, Maryland
Terrell Maurice Holley – Snow Hill, Maryland
Larry James Davis – Snow Hill, Maryland
Jonathon Purnell – Snow Hill, Maryland
The following listed agencies assisted during this two day operation:
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
Worcester County States Attorney’s Office
Ocean City Police Department
Snow Hill Police Department
Berlin Police Department
Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office
Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force
Somerset County Narcotics Task Force
Salisbury Police Department
Maryland State Apprehension Team
Maryland State Police – Gang Unit
Maryland State Police – Berlin Barrack
Accomack County Sheriff’s Office
Eastern Shore Virginia Drug Task Force
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Dozens Arrested In Huge Drug Sweep

To the Worcester County State's Attorney's Office and ALL law enforcement agencies involved in this long over do task THANKYOU!! 
SNOW HILL – Worcester County authorities indicted 44 people over the weekend, wrapping a broad six-month drug distribution investigation in Snow Hill and Pocomoke City.

The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team executed nine drug-related search and seizure warrants. Police took two juveniles and 38 others, ranging in age from 19 to 55, into custody. Most arrests were related to crack cocaine possession or distribution. The sum of all their bonds comes to $2.83 million.

Authorities say the goal of the operation was to have “an immediate and major impact” on all levels of drug dealers. Eight more people who were indicted remain at large, police said. The Worcester County State's Attorney's office announced the indictments and arrests.

Among the 38 people arrested were:

• Honiss Webster Cane, 40, of Pocomoke City, charged with three counts of drug possession and distribution. Bond: $150,000.
• Javon Tyree Schoolfield, 25, of Pocomoke City, charged with eight counts, including cocaine possession, distribution and conspiracy to sell drugs. Bond: $200,000.
• Gabriel Devon Hayes, 34, of Pocomoke City, charged with five counts, including possession with intent to distribute in a school zone. Bond: $200,000.
• Antonio Lopez Wise, 39, of Pocomoke City, charged with 10 drug counts. Bond: $150,000.
• Jamon Keith Byrd, 27, of Snow Hill, charged with three drug offenses. Bond: $200,000.

Police said the following people were still wanted in connection with the investigation:
• Jeremy Lonnel Fitch, Pocomoke.
• Gerry Marshall Laws, Pocomoke.
• Torrance Demar Davis, Horntown, Va.
• Kelvin Knock, New Church, Va.
• Travis Antonio Bowen, Snow Hill.
• Terrell Maurice Holley, Snow Hill.
• Larry James Davis, Snow Hill.
• Jonathon Purnell, Snow Hill.

The state's attorney's office said the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Ocean City Police Department, Snow Hill Police Department, Berlin Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force, Somerset County Narcotics Task Force, Salisbury Police Department, Maryland State Apprehension Team, Maryland State Police Gang Unit, Maryland State Police Berlin Barrack, Accomack County Sheriff’s Office, Eastern Shore Virginia Drug Task Force and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms assisted during the two-day operation.

Who's accused

Police indicted and arrested the following people on drug possession and drug distribution charges on July 30 and 31:
Breon Odale Ayres, 19, of Pocomoke
Patrick Lee Schoolfield, 28, of Pocomoke
Javon Tyree Schoolfield, 25, of Pocomoke
Richard Wayne Williams, 36, of Pocomoke
Honiss Webster Cane, 40, of Pocomoke
Gabriel Devon Hayes, 34, of Pocomoke
Broadus Lorenzo Mason, 32, of Pocomoke
Donald Edward Sturgis, 29, of Pocomoke
Antonio Lopez Wise, 39, of Pocomoke
Kaniesha L. Johnson, 18, of Pocomoke
Martel Lamel Costen, 26, of Pocomoke
Minaster Fate Nixon Wright, 55, of Pocomoke
Tamar Gilbert Cutler, 27, of Pocomoke
Gregory Daniel Snead Jr., 23, of Pocomoke
Eric Vincent Bishop Sr., 55, of Pocomoke
Marcus Delonte Fletcher, 36, of Pocomoke
Devin Devon Bryant, 22, of Pocomoke
Deron Raymont Ames, 19, of Snow Hill
Joshua Handy Pitts, 43, of Snow Hill
Anthony Lamont Bibbins, 28, of Snow Hill
Jamon Keith Byrd, 29, of Snow Hill
Clinton Wilson Waters, 38, of Snow Hill
John Donzell Ginn, 42, of Snow Hill
Christopher Kinsey Johnson, 19, of Snow Hill
Tanya Rena Jenkins, 36, of Snow Hill
Brent Hamill Marshall, 37, of Snow Hill
Stefan Dante Allen Sr., 31, of Snow Hill
Earl Finney Tull, 42, of Snow Hill
Craig Lamont Shockley, 33, of Snow Hill
Andrew Lamont Snead, 43, of Snow Hill
Pecoro Lynn Jackson, 25, of Snow Hill
Betty Jane Williams, 42, of Snow Hill
Dawn Rochelle Hudson, 51, of Snow Hill

Police arrested two people on drug possession charges alone:
Tyronee Kurtis Nixon, 32, of Pocomoke
Charles Benjamin Powell, 47, of Snow Hill

Police also indicted Sharon Raye Benoit, 49, of Pocomoke and Gloria Jean Smith, 53, of Snow Hill on charges of maintaining a common nuisance, meaning a building or vehicle frequently used by drug abusers. And police arrested Robert Steven Jackson, 44, of Snow Hill during the raid, charging him with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Two juveniles were also arrested during the raid, police said.

Police said eight people were still wanted in connection with the investigation: Jeremy Lonnel Fitch, Pocomoke; Gerry Marshall Laws, Pocomoke; Torrance Demar Davis, Horntown, Va.; Kelvin Knock, New Church, Va.; Travis Antonio Bowen, Snow Hill; Terrell Maurice Holley, Snow Hill; Larry James Davis, Snow Hill; and Jonathon Purnell, Snow Hill.


Then and Now

Over 5000 years ago, Moses said to Israel, 'Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land.'

When Welfare was introduced, Roosevelt said, 'Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land.'

Today, the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels, and mortgaged the Promised Land to China
 Hat Tip; Eric

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Buy American Made

Well over 50 yrs ago I knew a lady who would not buy Christmas gifts if they were made in China. Her daughter will recognize her in the following.

Did y'all see Diane Sawyer's special report? They removed ALL items from a typical, middle class family's home that were not made in the USA .

There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally. During the special they showed truckloads of items - USA made - being brought in to replace everything and talked about how to find these items and the difference in price etc..

It was interesting that Diane said if every American spent just $64 more than normal on USA made items this year, it would create something like
200,000 new jobs!




Are we Americans as dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not think. The Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets.

70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.

Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? DO IT YOURSELF, AMERICA !!

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong ), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point is do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million Americans each refuse to buy just $20 of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!!

Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on implementing this on Aug. 1st and continue it until Sept. 1st. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, August 1st to Sept. 1st !!!!!! START NOW.

Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can take us for granted.

If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!

Pass it on, America ...

Hat Tip; Mrs M.