Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hold on to Your Purse at Wal*Mart They Will Not Call the Police if you get Your Purse Snatched

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was telling me about a purse snatching that happened at Wal*Mart. It just so happened that my friend was the victim of the purse snatching.

She went on to tell me that she was shopping at Wal*mart, she had her purse in the child seat in the shopping buggy just like every other lady does while shopping. She was standing right beside the buggy and turned to look at something and she caught something out of the corner of her eye. When she turned to look she saw a Hispanic lady taking her purse right in front of her.

She tried to grab her purse but it was too late and the purse snatcher ran away from her. She then took chase and tried to retrieve her purse but the purse snatcher lost her. She then hurried and found an associate to report the purse snatching. The associate located the store manager and she told the manager what just happened. Keep in mind this all went down very quickly.

At this point my friend and the store manager went and viewed the security recording and while the manager was trying to review the security recording my friend pointed out that the purse snatcher was right there on the security camera and was still shopping. The store manager still casually reviewed the recording and found and watched the actual event as it went down on the security system.

My friend then asked the store manager to call the police because the purse snatcher was still in the store shopping.

Now this is where it gets strange and confusing to me and the reason that I'm writing this for all to read.

The Wal*Mart store manager refused to call the police, my friend pleaded with him/her to call the police over and over. The manager repeatedly refused to call the police for reasons unknown all the while the purse snatcher was still shopping and was completely identifiable on the security recording and the security system in real time as she had still not left the store.

So my friend lost all her credit cards, drivers license, SS card, cell phone etcedra etcedra

Why the Wal*Mart manager would not call the police or confront the purse snatcher while she was still in the store is beyond me, and my friend. If I were the store manager I would have at least put a security officer at each exit of the store to nab the purse snatcher as she exited the store.

What would you do if you were in this same situation as the victim or the manager?

TIME MACHINE ... Community Superstars of Pocomoke's Past; A favorite beach location In 1865; Half Of U.S. covered by dust cloud!

Every era of Pocomoke City's history has seen civic minded citizens step forward to give of their time and talents for the benefit of the community. The following snapshots in time from the years 1973, 1963, and 1957 reveal some of many contributors from those eras.

February, 1973

Pocomoke City service organizations would participate in a campaign to honor senior citizens and also to raise funds for Hartley Hall. Spearheaded by the Pocomoke Ruritan Club, members of the public would have an opportunity to vote for selected Senior Citizen Of The Year nominees at 25-cents a vote or five votes for a dollar. The nominees were:

Phillip A. Creath.. Elks Club

Mrs. Doris Duncan.. Junior Women's Club

Verlin C. Krabill.. Ruritan Club

R. Cephia Perdue.. Kiwanis Club

Mrs. Nettie Richardson.. Fire Auxiliary

R. Harlan Robertson.. Rotary Club

Miss Annie Ross.. Soroptimist Club

John T. Smullen Jr. .. Lions Club

Mrs. Upshur Stevenson .. Women's Club

Henry H. Watson .. Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Co.

April, 1973

Mrs. Upshur Stevenson, sponsored by The Women's Club, received the most votes during the week of voting by Pocomoke City residents to select the Senior Citizen Of The Year. Mrs. Stevenson was cited for her work as a Hartley Hall volunteer and for her longtime service to Pocomoke Presbyterian Church. The winner was announced during a banquet at the 5th street fire hall where a capacity crowd of more than 200 were in attendance. Certificates of merit were presented to all of the senior nominees. The ten Pocomoke service organizations participating in the campaign raised $1,252 for Hartley Hall. The funds were presented to Klein Leister, Chairman Of The Board for Hartley Hall. Ruritan Club president Raymond Dryden was master of ceremonies.

January, 1963

New officers installed by the Pocomoke City Kiwanis Club were:

Robert Pike, President

Gene Lusby, Vice President

William Murdock, Secretary-Treasurer

Board Of Directors:

A.T. Harmon
Paul Ehrenwald

Woody Selby

Ben Cohen
Norris Outten
Elmer Pryor

William Buchanan (outgoing president)

Receiving perfect attendance pins were Mr. Cohen for nine years; Mr. Selby eight years; Mr.Pryor and Mr. Outten seven years; Reds Harmon four years; and Mr. Buchanan one year.

February, 1957
New Pocomoke City Chamber Of Commerce president Leonard Scher announced committee assignments:

Richard Shively- Industrial Development chairman

Edward Ham- Retail Merchants Division chairman

Irvin Scher- Retail Merchants Division co-chairman

Dr. George W. Perdue- Publicity chairman

Jack Peacock- representative to The Community Civic Council

Prentiss Porter and Dr. Perdue- Civic Improvement Committee

Mervin Blades and Hartley Stevens Jr.- Roads And Transportation

James Vincent- International Counciller

Richard Shively- National And World Affairs

John Smullin III- Education

L. Paul Ewell- Constitution And By-laws

Carmel Wilson- Membership

Robert Givens- Halloween Program

Robert Hayman, Dawson Clarke, Pete Melson, Tommy Lee Sexton, and James Mapp- Christmas Decorations.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Before the time of Ocean City, Green Run Beach on Assateague Island was a vacation destination for lower Eastern Shore residents as well as visitors from other states along the eastern seaboard. Its Ocean House Hotel began attracting visitors in 1865. The Ocean House was noted for its local seafood menu and featured live music in a large dance hall, a bowling alley, and a bar for the gentlemen. After making their way to Snow Hill, visitors were taken by horse drawn hacks to Public Landing where the sailing sloop "Fairfield" helped complete their journey to Green Run Beach about 20 miles south of where Ocean City came into existence in the mid 1870's.

February, 1880
(The Cedar Rapids Times- Cedar Rapids Iowa)

Winter wedded a very early Spring in Accomac County, Va., the other day when Egbert G. Bailey, seventy-two years old, led Maggie Bennett, bride of fourteen, to the altar.

May, 1934
(Syracuse Herald- Syracuse, N.Y.)

Dust Storms Darken Half Of Country

Sand Blown As Far As N.Y. City; Thousands Suffer In West

Dry Spell Unabated

Grain Prices Leap In Chicago As Farmers Lose $2,000,000 Daily
By United PressThe greatest dust storm on record drifted across more than half of the United States today to the Atlantic Seaboard, adding to the devastation of a prolonged drought in the Midwest grain land, and causing wide discomfort in Eastern states.

Meteorological authorities said the storm's extent was almost unprecedented, and the dust clouds, raised by winds from the scorched plains of the West, might continue to drift high in the air for many miles.

The cloud, estimated in the West as 1,500 miles long and almost 1,000 miles wide at one time, made the sky a haze, sifted through tiny window cracks and laid a fine coat of dust inside countless homes and stores and skyscrapers in New York.

In addition to injuring or killing many head of cattle in the West, the dust caused discomfort and injury to humans. New York hospitals report twice normal number of patients seeking removal of foreign matter from their eyes.

Crisfield Mud Bog ~ MODIFIED SHOOTOUT!~


The winner of the $750.00 prize money was
Driver of 'HIGH VOLTAGE'


Readers- I am so very sorry that I do not have the winning results for you.  I have tried to obtain copies but for some reason no one seems to want to share them with me.  I must wait for the results to be posted on the official mudbog website before I can access them.  I am very sorry.  And I am well aware that we are NOW TWO races behind in results.

I know that many of my readers are reading from other countries outside of the USA and some of you are military.  I also know how much you look forward to seeing photos, videos,  and that most of you have your favorite trucks and look forward to seeing what their racing time was and what place they may be currently in. 

Please keep reading and please know I do appreciate it so very much.
To those of you in the military- far or near- thank you for everything you do.  It is because of what you do that keeps us free, able to enjoy all sports  and able to communicate--- the list is endless.....
 God Bless You. 
Be Safe

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ocean City Mounted Patrol Officers Get Tip From Citizen- OC Narcotics Detectives Take Action

Even though the Ocean City Mayor and Council recently banned the sale of all synthetic drugs in the resort, some businesses are continuing to sell them anyway.

On Tuesday, undercover Ocean City Police Department detectives conducted a compliance check at the May Talk store on Atlantic Avenue.

The officers were able to purchase K-2 and an employee also told them how to use the drug in a pipe to get high.

Officers went back to the store with a warrant on Thursday and recovered several items including K-2, Salvia, bath salts, CDS paraphernalia and several fixed-blade fighting knives.

Charges are pending against all of the parties involved.

Ocean City Police mounted patrol officers received information from a citizen regarding the sale of  “K-2” sold at “May Talk”, a boardwalk retail store located at 205 Atlantic Avenue.  

The Ocean City Mayor and City Council recently passed an emergency ordinance banning the sale of synthetic drugs including K-2.

On Tuesday September 13th undercover OCPD narcotics detectives conducted a compliance check at the “May Talk” retail store.

Narcotics officers purchased K-2 from a “May Talk” employee who told the undercover officers the K-2 was illegal but agreed to sell it to them anyway. The store employee also sold the officers a pipe, which is considered paraphernalia.  The employee explained to the undercover officers how to use the K-2 and the pipe to get high.  The owner of the establishment was present at the time of the transaction.

On September 15, 2011, at approximately 1 p.m., OCPD personnel served the Search Warrant at “May Talk”.

As a result of the Search and Seizure warrant police recovered several items including:  Saliva Divinorum,
K-2, Bath Salts, CDS paraphernalia and several fixed blade fighting knives. 

Charges are pending against all of the parties involved.

Since the passing of the emergency ordinance, Ocean City Police have proactively educated storeowners and managers by providing copies of the ordinances as well as conducting several checks to ensure compliance of the ordinance.   Some contraband was found in a hidden compartment in a display case located next to the cash register.  The owner admitted they have been selling the saliva in spite of the ordinance enacted banning the substance last year.  


TIME MACHINE Preview ... Community Superstars of Pocomoke's Past; A favorite beach location In 1865; Half Of U.S. covered by dust cloud!

Bringing back names of some of Pocomoke's community minded citizens of the 1950's, 60's, and 70's!

Heading to the beach before the time of Ocean City... where's THE place to go?


It's 1934 and a 1,500-mile long dust cloud darkens half of the nation.

Read more about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pocomoke Fairgrounds
Admission:  $7.00

ATV Registration ~ 9:00  am
Event Begins        ~ 10:00 am
For more information:



Two Historic Snow Hill Buildings Are Saved

This is so wonderful for the beautiful town of Snow Hill.

There probably isn't a person in Worcester County that never shopped at Goodman Clothing Store, or at least have heard the name. 

There aren't many that never dined at  the Snow Hill Inn.  Once one  of the finest restaurants in the area years ago.  I don't ever remember eating an undesirable meal there or an unpleasant dining experience.  I never saw J.J. the ghost....  not even on the one night my husband and I slept there.  In fact, I've probably seen more ghosts in my home.  Besides, ghosts don't frighten me.

It's just wonderful to know that two properties that hold so many memories will soon be bustling with activity!

SNOW HILL -- Two historic Snow Hill properties were sold at auction, and their new owners are locals who want to reshape each for use in the 21st century.

The former Goodman Clothing Store at 110 Green St. and the Snow Hill Inn at 104 E. Market St. were gaveled into new ownership by Marshall Auctions. The Goodman Building was sold to Snow Hill Realtor and business owner Gary Weber for $26,000. The Snow Hill Inn went to Shane C. Spain of Snow Hill for $42,000. Each auction had four bidders.

Both buildings were sold by owner PNC Bank, and the bank had sought a $50,000 minimum bid for each, according to auctioneer Doug Marshall.

"It's unbelievable to see the banks selling them this cheap," he said. "That's what that thing sold for, probably, in the 1930s. It's scary when you see the market in these little towns going back to that pre-Depression era pricing. Welcome to downtown America."

Spain says he plans to significantly renovate the Snow Hill Inn, which property records says dates to 1790, into a livable single-family home for his son, his wife and their three children.

"We just bought a $250,000 house for $42,000," Spain said with a smile. "Where else can you do that?"

In the second half of the 19th century, the home was owned by Dr. John S. Aydelotte, a prominent Snow Hill physician, according to documents in the Maryland State Archives.

Aydelotte reworked the property "in Victorian taste" about the time of the Civil War. He added a metal fence with a swinging gate that still bears his name. With the exception of an addition across the back of the house, the building is mostly unchanged since the Civil War.

The house was sold and made into apartments after Aydelotte's death, and later was turned into a bed and breakfast, according to Jim Washington, a former owner of the property. Washington lived in the building for about 15 years and later turned it into a restaurant. It has stood vacant for several years since his departure.

Washington said the house is haunted by the spirit of a man who took his own life in the 1920s or '30s. He nicknamed the ghost J.J.

In his first five years living there, Washington always had a reason to explain away the strange activity in the house -- candles blowing out on their own, strange activity with burning fireplaces -- before he saw something than convinced him that he wasn't alone n the house.

"I'm sitting there doing paperwork," Washington recalled. "All the doors are locked and it's late. One of my employees walked in, and I said, 'What are you doing here? How'd you get in?' Thin tie, old-looking gray suit. I watched him walk by me -- I still get the chills when I think about it -- and faded. I talked to this guy, and I believed that was a real human being there. And I still believe what I saw."

Spain doesn't necessarily believe the ghost stories, but he doesn't mind, either.

Goodman Clothing Store
PHOTO/ Brian Shane/ Wor. Co. Times

"For 42 grand, he can stay as long as he wants," Spain said.

The roughly 8,800-square-foot, two-story Goodman building was in significant disrepair at the time of the auction. Its two downstairs storefronts were empty and the flooring had been ripped up.

Its recent history as an antique mall was evidenced by a greens-and-tinsel-wrapped pole propped against the wall, tufts of synthetic snowy fluff on the floor beside it. The building also had briefly housed a popular wine bar.

Weber plans to significantly renovate the property, and hand over its operation to the Worcester County Children's Theater. He also plans to lease retail space on the first floor.

"I didn't really think I was going to get this stupid thing," he said.

Weber said he wants to see owner-operated businesses flourish in downtown Snow Hill, so it can grow to be as popular as Berlin.

The Goodman family ran the building as a clothing shop for more than 100 years, according to Jeff Chapman, a Realtor and Snow Hill native.

According to documents from the Maryland State Archives, it was Dr. Aydelotte who opened the retail property following a downtown fire in 1893, and the store first was occupied by William and Annie Goodman of Baltimore. There were two separate storefronts on the ground level until they were joined by an arched doorway through an open wall in 1924.

Records show the Goodmans still ran the store through at least 1988.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|p

Friday, September 16, 2011

Maryland Transportation Authority Scales Back Toll Increase - For Now

BALTIMORE (AP)- The Maryland Transportation Authority board has agreed to scale back a proposed toll hike increase on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge after public outcry.

The board agreed Thursday on a plan to raise the toll to $4 in November and $6 in 2013. It originally proposed increasing the toll to $5 on Oct. 1 and $8 in 2013.

The decision came as the board agreed on revisions to a package of toll increases that were proposed in June. Area residents turned out in droves at public hearings this summer to protest the proposed hikes.

Officials say the increases, the first since 1975, are necessary to maintain toll facilities.

A formal vote on the package is scheduled for Thursday.

9-Time Convicted Pocomoke Felon Is Sentenced

(For Immediate Release)
Baltimore, Maryland - U.S. District Judge Benson E. Legg sentenced Skky Townsend, age 29, of Pocomoke, Maryland, today to 10 years in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, for conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Judge Legg enhanced Townsend’s sentence upon finding that he is a career offender, based on nine previous convictions, including drug related crimes..
The sentence was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives - Baltimore Field Division; Worcester County Sheriff Reggie T. Mason, Sr.; and Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby.
“With today’s sentencing, we are demonstrating to our citizens on the eastern shore the result of outstanding partnerships. ATF works in conjunction with our state and local counterparts in putting the most violent offenders in jail for significant periods of time,” says ATF Special Agent in Charge Theresa R. Stoop. “This alliance promotes ATF’s mission to reduce violent crime by keeping these criminals out of our communities for decades, as in the case of Skyy Townsend. It is our expectation that our combined efforts will result in safer communities.”
“Today’s sentencing speaks volumes about how strong partnerships, regional coalitions and unwavering resolve can achieve harsher penalties for local offenders,” said Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby.
According to Townsend’s plea agreement, on December 18, 2008, members of the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at an apartment on Bonneville Avenue in Pocomoke. As the Sheriff’s Tactical Armed Response Team entered the apartment, Skky Townsend, and co-defendant Omar Williams, jumped out of the second story window. Because two WCSO Deputies were located at the rear of the building, Townsend and Williams were quickly apprehended. During the search of the apartment, Deputies recovered 14.3 grams of crack cocaine, a Colt .45 auto caliber pistol, and an RG Industries .22 LR caliber revolver.
Townsend admits that he conspired with Omar Williams, to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute the crack cocaine recovered from the apartment.
Williams pleaded guilty to the drug conspiracy and was incarcerated for over two years when he was sentenced to time served.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein commended the ATF, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office for their work in this investigation and prosecution. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorney John W. Sippel, who prosecuted the case.

Pocomoke High School Dedication

Written by
Bill Kerbin

POCOMOKE CITY -- After years of holding classes amid construction, Pocomoke High School will dedicate its newly renovated and enlarged facility at ceremonies on Saturday, Sept. 24.

The program, beginning at 10 a.m. (doors will open at 9:30), will include student performances and comments by Jon Andes, superintendent; Board of Education president Bob Hulburd; County Commissioner President James (Bud) Church; Pocomoke Mayor Bruce Morrison; and Kiana Smith, student representative to the Board of Education. Following the comments, the ribbon will be cut to officially dedicate the school.

The project, costing $42 million, or $1 million under the bid price, increases the school's footprint from 74,000 to 125,000 square feet.

Another feature that Principal Tyrone Mills points to with pride is the fact that it finally allows for the removal of the temporary buildings in place when he attended the school in the 1970s.

A state-of-the-art building, it will be heated and cooled by a geothermal system. Although he expects to see energy savings, Mills said that they will learn more about the extent after the school has been open for a while.

The classrooms, which are all larger than the previous rooms, have Smart Board technology. Each of the rooms will have a LCD TV that will be available for school announcements throughout the day, eliminating the need for the morning announcement session. They will be available for broadcasting events from other parts of the school as well.

A completely new science wing includes 24 lab stations in each room as well as a number of computers. The labs include hoods over stations, automatic gas shutoffs and showers in each room incase of a possible spill.

New to the school are two full computer labs as well as five wireless mobile computer carts, which can be taken to any of the classrooms when the labs are in use. A system using cameras in the hallways, the parking lots and the athletic complex provides security for the school.

With the construction of a new and larger gymnasium the school now has an auxiliary facility in part of the former gym. It can be used by both the physical education department and the ROTC.

"Our fitness room is second to none," Mills said. Also, the new gym doubles the seating capacity for games from about 490 to almost 1,000. The renovated auditorium now has seating for almost 500 people.

The new field for the outdoor athletic facility is permanent turf. It allows for play in the rain unless there is a downpour.

Mills called the transition a "community project," saying there was cooperation from all segments of the community. The Mar-Va Theater was used for events. Practice and games for sports teams were held at Newtown Park, Cypress Park, the YMCA, Pocomoke Middle School and Pocomoke Elementary School.

He also complimented the custodial staff for their extra efforts during the construction as well as the parents who had to take students to the games and practices.

Mills said that with the cooperation of the construction management company, the Board of Education, the County Commissioners and the staff that the construction turned out to be "a very smooth project."

"I can't thank everyone enough," he said.

Source;|newswell|text|Worcester County Times|s

~ At The Mar-Va Theater This Weekend~


Sanchez Pleads Guilty In Johnny Strand Murder

Gee- Improper documentation.  All this time he's been in this country illegally and no one botherd to check!
Fernando Carillo Sanchez

Fernando Carillo Sanchez, 24 of Accomack pleaded guilty to the murder of Johnny Strand in Accomack County Circuit Court Thursday morning. Strand, the popular manager of Pizza Hut in Onley was found dead by relatives on the morning of May 1, in his bedroom at his mobile home on Pine Ridge Drive near Melfa, when they went to check on him when he didn't show up for work that day.

The relative Gladys Church found his trailer locked and went to the Sheriff's Department to report Strand as missing. Because he had only been missing a few hours the Sheriff's Department asked Church to check the trailer. Church and her son went to the trailer, used a credit card to gain entry and discovered Strand's body.

Medical examiners determined that a baseball bat found at the scene was the murder weapon and that the perpetrator delivered 8 blows to the back of Strand's head, which Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar said was conclusive evidence that the murder was not in self defense.

Johnny Strand
Agar stated in is summary Sanchez then located the keys of Strand's Ford Expedition, turned all of the lights off and locked the door on the way out, indicating that the murder was premeditated.

On May 4, the Expedition was spotted at the Shore Stop in Accomac. The Sheriff's Department quickly found it near a trailer at Dreamland Homes. After interview all of the individuals riding in the car it was determined that Sanchez was the driver and had obtained the vehicle a few days prior.

Sanchez pled guilty to first degree murder. Circuit Court Judge John C. Morrison Jr. accepted the plea and the plea agreement which called for 35 years in the State Penitentary with 15 years suspended pending payment of court costs by Sanchez and good behavior for the 35 year term. Sanchez's presence in the country without proper documentation is considered a violation of good behavior.


Shore Beef and BBQ - Today's Special


Pit beef sandwich w/side
Drink   ~ $7.50


Follow Shore Beef and BBQ on Facebook
New hours...........

Thursday, September 15, 2011

18-Wheeler Flipped Over On Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

An 18-wheeler has flipped over on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel at the trestle close to the Eastern shore side.

 No injuries have been reported at this time. Crews are working to clear the accident.

 Right now all northbound and southbound lanes are closed

Please use caution.

Stolen Tanker Located

PHILADELPHIA -- A tanker truck carrying more than 3,300 gallons of gasoline that was stolen from the Eastern Shore has been found in Philadelphia.

The theft of the 2008 International truck occurred sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning in the 25000 block of Commerce Lane, according to investigators.

The 10-wheeler truck has the logo of Alger Oil Inc., which services the upper Eastern Shore, northern Delaware, Harford County and southern Pennsylvania.

Kent County sheriff's Sgt. Glenn M. Owens told 11 News on Wednesday that the truck was discovered abandoned in southwest Philadelphia Wednesday afternoon, and still contained the fuel.

Owens said the tanker was not damaged and that the Philadelphia police crime lab was processing the vehicle.

If you have any information regarding this continuing investigation, call investigators at 410-778-2279.


Arcadia High and Middle School CLOSED

Arcadia High School and Arcadia Middle School will be CLOSED TODAY due to a problem with the water supply.

Pat Robertson ~ Now An Expert On Alzheimer's Disease?

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson told his "700 Club" viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable because the disease is "a kind of death."

During the portion of the show where the one-time Republican presidential candidate takes questions from viewers, Robertson was asked what advice a man should give to a friend who began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder.

"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said.

The chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which airs the "700 Club," said he wouldn't "put a guilt trip" on anyone who divorces a spouse who suffers from the illness, but added, "Get some ethicist besides me to give you the answer."

Most Christian denominations at least discourage divorce, citing Jesus' words in the Gospel of Mark that equate divorce and remarriage with adultery.

Terry Meeuwsen, Robertson's co-host, asked him about couples' marriage vows to take care of each other "for better or for worse" and "in sickness and in health."

"If you respect that vow, you say 'til death do us part,'" Robertson said during the Tuesday broadcast. "This is a kind of death."

A network spokesman said Wednesday that Robertson had no further statement.

Divorce is uncommon among couples where one partner is suffering from Alzheimer's, said Beth Kallmyer, director of constituent services for the Alzheimer's Association, which provides resources to sufferers and their families.

"We don't hear a lot of people saying 'I'm going to get divorced,'" she told The Associated Press. "Families typically respond the way they do to any other fatal disease."

The stress can be significant in marriages though, Kallmyer said, because it results in the gradual loss of a person's mental faculties.

"The caregiving can be really stressful on a couple of levels," she said. "There's the physical level. There's also the emotional level of feeling like you're losing that person you love."

As a result, she said, it's important for couples to make decisions about care together in the early stages of the illness, when its effects aren't as prominent.


Pizza Hut Manager Trial To Begin Today

Johnny Strand

ACCOMAC -- The trial of the man charged with the May 2010 murder of popular restaurant manager Johnny Strand will get under way Thursday morning in Accomac.

Fernando Carrillo Sanchez, 24, of Accomac, is charged with second-degree murder. He elected to have the case heard in a bench trial -- meaning a circuit judge will decide the case -- rather than by a jury.

Strand, 49, a well-known community figure, was for years the manager of the Onley Pizza Hut, after having started out as a dishwasher when the restaurant opened in the early 1990s. The restaurant was dedicated in his name in a ceremony held three months after his death.

Testimony at a preliminary hearing in General District court last summer revealed that a relative of Strand found him dead in his Pine Ridge Drive home in Melfa on May 1 when she went to check on him after he failed to pick up her son from his night job at Perdue.

Gladys Church said she and her son drove to Strand's home about 2 a.m. and saw that no lights were on and his SUV was not there.

They went there again in the afternoon after Strand did not answer his phone despite her repeated calls.

Church testified that after using a credit card to gain entrance through the locked door she found Strand lying naked, face-down and covered with blood in his bed.

An investigator for the Accomack County Sheriff's Office testified that Strand had trauma to his head from multiple blows and said there were no signs of forced entry or a struggle at the home.

Fernando Carrillo Sanchez
A blue Little League baseball bat covered in blood was found under the bed where Strand lay.

An autopsy report concluded that Strand died from blunt force trauma to the head and said his body had eight lacerations to the sides and back of the head and two lacerations on his left eyebrow.

Carillo Sanchez, a Guatemalan native who later told officials he never attended school and was sick as a child, was arrested several days after Strand's body was discovered and after the victim's missing vehicle was found in the Dreamland mobile home park on U.S. Route 13 in Accomac where the accused lived.

Carillo Sanchez confessed after being questioned by an investigator with the help of an interpreter.

He said he was forced into sex with Strand, according to Investigator Anthony Bright's testimony at the preliminary hearing.

The accused also claimed Strand hit him with the baseball bat, but Bright said he saw no wounds or bruising on Carillo Sanchez' body.

Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar said during a hearing this summer Carillo Sanchez has been evaluated and was "slower than average, but found competent to stand trial."



TIME MACHINE Preview ... Community Superstars of Pocomoke's Past; Heading To The Beach In 1865; Dust Cloud Covers Half Of U.S.

Recalling some names of those who contributed to Pocomoke City in the 1950's, 60's, and 70's!

Heading to the beach on the lower Eastern Shore...but there's no Ocean City yet; where's THE place to go?


It's 1934 and a 1,500-mile long dust cloud darkens half of the nation.

Read more this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

'Web Cam 101 For Seniors' Turns Oregon Oldsters Into YouTube Celebrities

A couple from northwestern Oregon who are Internet newbies have found themselves the unwitting subjects of an instant viral video, thanks to a little help from a grandkid.

Bruce Huffman, 86, and his wife, Esther, 79, of the Hillside Retirement Community in McMinnville, recently purchased their first laptop computer –- an aqua colored beauty with a built-in webcam.

Late last month, the couple sat down together and tried to figure out how to make a video with the webcam, something a granddaughter had painstakingly attempted to teach Esther a few days beforehand.

"I was trying to figure out how to do the videos and didn't know the thing was actually running," Esther told The Huffington Post. "All the while, Bruce was kind of amusing himself because he was bored. He was being quite an actor."

The nearly three minute video captures Bruce making funny faces, singing, burping and at one point, during a moment of levity, he got a little flirtatious with his wife. "See how pretty your hair is?" he said. "Just drop your dress a little bit and see your boobies."

Esther, focused on the task at hand, shot down the request. "Come on stop it. No, no, no," she laughed.
When the couple's granddaughter later saw the video, she titled it "Web Cam 101 for Seniors" and uploaded it on YouTube.

"I did not know anything about YouTube, but apparently, it is spreading like wildfire," Esther said.
While the accidental celebrities are surprised by the amount of attention the video is garnering, they said they are happy that people are enjoying it.

"We certainly didn't plan it, but there is so much bad news out there. We are glad we could put something fun out there. We like to have a good time and if it makes people laugh, that's ok," Esther said.
There is, however, one thing she would change going back.

"I wouldn't have looked that way," she said. "I guess I have to quit chewing gum. I look like a cow chewing gum so quickly."

While their candid video is endearing the modest couple to the World Wide Web, they have no immediate plans of making another video.

"We're still trying to figure out how to work it," Bruce said. "But we're having fun trying."


Rogers Enters Race For Accomack County Sheriff

David A. Rogers, Sr.
ACCOMAC -- David A. Rogers Sr., 36, of Belle Haven, has entered the race for Accomack County Sheriff in the November election.

Rogers was a lieutenant with the Sheriff's Office when he resigned July 18 to enter the campaign.

Rogers' career with the department started in March 2003 as a correctional officer. He worked hard, receiving several promotions before attaining the rank of lieutenant of the patrol division.

Rogers was raised in Painter by his mother Mary Onley, the artist Mama Girl, and stepfather Donald.

They worked the fields of the Shore for Duer Produce in Painter.

Rogers stated the fieldwork humbled him and gave him a strong work ethic.

Rogers graduated from Nandua High School in 1993. He joined the U.S. Army and served his tour in Germany before being honorably discharged.

Rogers worked for Bundick Well & Pump for eight years. While there, he also traveled with his mother. He also worked as a driver for Davis Disposal in Painter.

Rogers states he has put a lot of thought into being sheriff. He has watched very closely the affairs of the department and will implement changes.

Rogers said his faith in God is a significant part of his life.

"Strong leaders are those with strong religious convictions and that's what I have," he said.

Rogers stated he wants the citizens to know that the Sheriff's Department belongs to them and that active participation in it will greatly increase the department's success rate.

Rogers wants a deputy assigned to Tangier two weeks a month if housing is located, and a partnership with Eastern Shore Community College for training.

Rogers lives with his wife Kenya and their two children. A third is in college.


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FBI Helping Search For Stolen Gas Tanker

(AP)A tanker truck containing more than 3,000 gallons of gasoline was stolen, according to the Kent County, Md., Sheriff’s Office.

The 10-wheel truck bearing an Alger Oil logo on the tank was stolen from Commerce Lane in Worton late Monday or early Tuesday. The truck has Maryland license plates: 310E03.

Alger services the upper Eastern Shore and Harford County in Maryland, northern Delaware and southern Pennsylvania, and officials said the delivery trucks aren't usually seen outside the areas they serve.

The FBI has been alerted and is assisting with the search for the tanker, Sgt. Glenn Owens said. Nothing about the investigation points to terrorism, but in light of a possible terror threat linked to the 9/11 anniversary and the proximity to Washington, they are taking precautions.