Friday, September 30, 2011

Friends of the Eastern Shore Public Library Looking For Books

The Friends of the Eastern Shore Public Library are looking for books in very good condition to be donated for the group's October book sale.

  Especially needed are books on these topics: Eastern Shore history, cooking, gardening, children's books, and best sellers in pristine condition.

Donations can be brought to the library at 23610 Front St. in Accomac during operating hours and marked as contributions for the Friends' Book Sale.

No textbooks, encyclopedias or condensed books, please.

**The Friends' July 4 Firecracker book sale raised a record of nearly $900.**

Don't Miss The 3rd Annual Delmarva's Got Talent Contest

3rd Annual
Delmarva's Got Talent Competition


Show starts:  7:00 PM
$10.00 adults ~ $5.00 children


Shore Beef and BBQ



Pit beef sandwich w/ side
Drink ** $7.50

Saturday October 1, 2011
8:00 AM  UNTIL ???

Worcester County Arts Council Welcomes Brian Garrett As Board Member

The Worcester County  Arts Council   has announced their newest  Board Member, Brian Garrett.

Brian is the Executive Director for the Delmarva Discovery Center in Pocomoke City.

A graduate of Snow Hill High School he later attended the University of Maryland Baltimore County receiving his degree in Fine Arts and Art History.

He comes to the Discovery Center with over 10 years of experience working in the Museum Services industry. During which time he provided project management and consulting to Museum,Galleries and Private Collectors across the US.

“I have always appreciated the arts and want to contribute my efforts in supporting the Arts in Worcester County,” Brian says.

He is interested in focusing on public arts events and the relationships between arts as a means to document the unique ecological and cultural heritage of Delmarva. His personal areas of interests are paintings, sculpture, and music.


Community Spirited VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

Volunteers are needed.... Please ask a friend to volunteer with you.  If you are a member of an organization get your group involved in this worthy cause.  Let's keep this trail growing......


The Nature Trail Committee is looking for public spirited people!

Volunteers are needed to work with the Nature Trail Committee in continuing the trail extension of the Nature Trail.

To refresh your memories, The Nature Trail is located in the back of Cypress Park. The trail began as a boarded walk through a maze of Cypress trees, fern and other woodsy growth continuing over towards Stevenson's Pond. Benches were provided along the walkway for relaxing and observing those magnificent Cypress trees, birds and wildlife.

Through the years the Nature Trail has taken many twists and turns and now actually runs from Stevenson's Pond to the banks of the scenic Pocomoke River. The newer extensions connect to the original trail and wind their way through the more dense swamp. The trail is also handicap accessible.

Here is where volunteers are needed!! YOUR HELP is needed -as Friends of the Nature Trail- with continuing this dream and keeping the Nature Trail alive. More work needs to be done.

If you are an adult and you love the outdoors but can't seem to pull yourself away from the recliner to take a walk here is your excuse to get out into the fresh air! If you have experience in carpentry I'm sure your assistance would be appreciated in this rewarding work. You don't have to have experience - just be a volunteer.

Ask others in your church, your local organizations, or ask your neightbor to volunteer with you.

Let's see this dream that the Nature Trail Committee began a few years ago goes even farther than they ever thought possible.

I'll have another post in a couple of days giving you information on who to contact. But until then let's see how many wonderful Pocomoke people we can get to volunteer.

A "Stay Sober" Pill?

Next time you get a little too drunk, blame it on your immune system, not so much on the alcohol.

New research from the University of Adelaide highlights that alcohol affects an immune response in the brain, whose cells affect muscles that control walking and talking, according to a recent study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology on Sept. 28.

Scientists already knew alcohol affects nerve cells in the brain; the findings suggest our response to alcohol is both neuronal and immunological.

And a new 'stay sober pill' might be on its way to curb the negative effects of alcohol on a person's behavior. A pill, researchers say, that could benefit binge drinkers and alcoholics, The Herald Sun reports.

Initial tests on mice show that mice that were given alcohol and the pill, which essentially turns off the immune response, did not display signs of drunkenness, the study states.

Mice that were genetically altered to automatically block the receptors also had reduced responses to the liquor.

"Medications targeting Toll-like receptor 4 may prove beneficial in treating alcohol dependence and acute overdoses," Dr. Mark Hutchinson, the study's lead researcher, stated in a press release.

Knowing that the receptors are responsible for how the body reacts "could help detect the people at greater risk to develop brain damage from drinking," FOX News reports.

The findings might explain why people react differently to the same amount of alcohol, The Telegraph points out.

"It's amazing to think that despite 10,000 years of using alcohol, and several decades of investigation into the way that alcohol affects the nerve cells in our brain, we are still trying to figure out exactly how it works," Hutchinson said in a statement.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Buddy's Electronics and Signs Company Has MOVED

In case you didn't know......

As of September 19th -
Buddy's Electronics and Sign Company has MOVED!
You will find them in their new location at
14th Street and Market Street
(the old A.J. Gray Building)
in Pocomoke.

Buddy's will still offer all their current sign services
HOURS:  Mon. thru Fri.   9 - 5 ~ Saturday 9 -2

(410) 957-1977

According to Buddy's Electronics and signs:
The Verizon business has been sold to Verizon retailer and will reopen after an awesome make-over.  The new store will be a Verizon Premium Retailer with a new look to better serve customers.
Our current staff will still be at the new store to service your Verizon needs. The new store will also carry the iPhone!
We thank all of our Verizon customers over the past 20+ years and wish you the best with the new store.  Buddy's Electronics

We wish you the very best of luck. PPE

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Pocomoke High

PHS... Something New, Something Old- something you may not have been aware of that could have changed the course of Pocomoke High School history!

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Blessing of the Animals Service

JENKINS BRIDGE -- To honor the many creatures in our lives, a Blessing of the Animals Service will be held at
10:30 a.m. Oct. 2, 2011
 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Jenkins Bridge.

This tradition was developed in observance of St. Francis' day, which falls two days later this year.

Election Time ~

Reminder: 2nd Annual Poker Run To Benefit Courtney Bloxom

Saturday, October 1,  2011
11:30am - 2:30pm



11:30 AM TILL 1:30PM .










As always, please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers....................

Shore Beef and BBQ


Beef Brisket sandwich w/ side
Drink  ~ &7.50

Full Rack w/ 2 sides

OCTOBER 1, 2011
8:00 UNTIL ?????

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"See You At The Pole" Event This Morning

See You at the Pole, the annual student-initiated prayer event was held at schools on Virginia's Eastern Shore and across the nation this morning.

 See You at the Pole is 20 years and started in a the Fort Worth suburb of Berleson Texas. The event brings students to their school flagpoles to pray for schools and the nation.

Photo above-Pastor Jonathan Carpenter of Exmore Baptist Church leads a time of prayer at Shore Christian Academy at the See You At The Pole event this morning.

History for See You At The Pole:

A small group of teenagers in Burleson, Texas, came together for a DiscipleNow weekend in early 1990.

They came seeking God and little did they know how powerfully He was about to move. On Saturday night their hearts were penetrated like never before, when they became broken before God and burdened for their friends. Compelled to pray, they drove to three different schools that night. Not knowing exactly what to do, they went to the school flagpoles and prayed for their friends, schools, and leaders. Those students had no idea how God would use their obedience.

God used what He did among those teenagers and others who were holding similar prayer meetings at their schools to birth a vision in the hearts of youth leaders across Texas. The vision was that students throughout Texas would follow these examples and meet at their school flagpoles to pray simultaneously. The challenge was namedSee You at the Pole™ at a brainstorming session during a meeting of key youth leaders. The vision was shared with 20,000 students in June 1990 at Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas.

Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

3rd Annual
Delmarva's Got Talent Competition


Show starts:  7:00 PM
$10.00 adults ~ $5.00 children


Pocomoke Mayor & Council - Minutes From Meeting 8/8/11

August 8, 2011

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Tuesday, August 8, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Tracey Cottman,
Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Bob Hawkins, Donald L. Malloy
City Attorney Pete Golba
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:
In a motion (Malloy, Hawkins passed), to approve the minutes of July 5, 2011.

Review Bills:
In a motion (Hawkins, Downing passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).

Ambulance Department Director Mike Thornton to present twelve month status report:
Director Mike Thornton gave an update on in town and out of town calls and transports to PRMC, McCready, and Atlantic General Hospitals. He stated that the department has seven (7) full time personnel and 40 part-time personnel. The part-time employees are on call as needed to fill in when the staff is on vacation, and they also take second and third run calls. He expressed his gratitude for the new ambulance garage and how much he appreciates it being so close. It makes for quicker response time for the third call.
City Manager Blake stated that the City will get more money this year from the County than last year. He stated that the Ambulance membership renewal notice has gone out and we are receiving membership fees. Also, as of January 2012, the insurance companies will be paying us directly, rather than paying the patients. This is the result of a new state law passed in April 2011.
Mayor Morrison stated that he had met with lower county commissioners about changing the formula on how they pay for each transport because Pocomoke Ambulance Department drives further for a transport to the hospital but receives the same amount of money for each transport as Berlin’s department receives.

Review of bids for Ambulance Department power lift stretcher. (Bid opening 11:00 A.M. August 8, 2011):
City Manager Blake stated that we received two bids: one from Ferno Washington, Inc in the amount of $7,860.50 each and the other from Stryker in the amount of $14,553.34. He suggested that the City purchase two for that price from Ferno because the budget amount was $15,000.
Mr. Thornton stated that this power lift would reduce back injuries and that one person would be able to lift the patient into the ambulance.
Councilwoman Downing stated that the ICS (Integrated Chargins System) was not included and asked if it could be included.
City Manager Blake stated that he would check on it.
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to purchase two power lift stretchers at a cost of $7,860.50 each for a total cost of $15, 621 from Ferno Washington, Inc.

Res. # 450 to authorize lease purchase from John Deere Inc. for the purchase of aerator with ¾” tine holders and tines. (Budget amount $9,000):
In a motion (Hawkins, Cottman passed) to adopt Resolution #450 as an emergency Resolution to enter into a lease-purchase agreement with John Deere for the purchase of aerator with ¾ “tine holders and tines bid price is $8,759.32. Roll call: Hawkins aye; Downing aye; Malloy aye; Clarke aye; Cottman aye.

Mayor Morrison introduced Congressman Andy Harris of the 1st District of Maryland.
Congressman Harris spoke briefly concerning Standard and Poor’s down- grading of the U.S. credit status. He stated that it would take years to regain the status back. He stated that he voted against raising the debt ceiling because he didn’t think budget cuts went far enough.

Authorize requests for bids:
  1. Police Department building improvements at 1400 Market Street:
City Manager Blake stated that Becker Morgan group has completed the design for the new police building located at 1400 Market Street. If the plans are approved tonight an ad will placed in Sunday’s paper to advertise for bids for renovation.
Councilwoman Cottman asked Chief Ervin if he was pleased with the building improvements as designed.
Chief Ervin stated that he was.
In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to begin advertisement for bids to renovate 1400 Market Street for new police building.

  1. Supplies for extension of water mains to Water Treatment Plant on Quinn Ave.:
City Manager Blake stated that this extension would be give us an eight (8) inch line that will feed into the water treatment plant. With this improvement, we will be assured that we can always provide water to our customers if another water main should be out of service. The total cost for valve and pipes would be around $18,500.
In a motion (Downing, Hawkins passed) to waive the normal bidding process and take the lowest bid for valves and pipes which would be Dover Plumbing in the amount of $10,153.52 (valves) and Belair Road Supply in the amount of $8,320.00 (pipes).

Authorize City Manager to submit application for Community Parks and Playground (CPP) grant funding. (DNR):
City Manager Blake stated that he would like to submit three CP&P grants this year for golf course improvements to include: paving cart paths #2 and #9; a new maintenance shop; and HVAC for the Log Cabin. The total for this project would be approximately $90,000 and the application is due August 18. The City would need to contribute 10% to 15% if the applications are granted.
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to authorize City Manager Blake to submit application for Community Parks and Playground funding as proposed.

Housing Repairs/Demolition:
  1. Recommended repair or demolish: 705 Second Street, owner Donna Joseph; 523 Young Street, owner Allen B. Blount, Jr; 618 Clarke Ave., owner Joyace Dale.
In a motion (Malloy, Downing passed) to send the owners a notice to repair/demolish these three houses.

  1. House previously ordered to be repaired or demolished:
707 Clarke Ave., owner Sodoria Wallop (date June 15, 2010).
In a motion (Hawkins, Cottman passed) to have the house at 707 Clarke Ave burned by the Fire Department or get quotes to demolish the house.

City Manager to discuss recent CDBG grant award for Housing Rehabilitation projects:
City Manager Blake stated that he was happy to announce that the City received a letter from Community Development Block Grant that the City was awarded a $250,000 grant to rehab homes. The City has been participating in this program since 1976.

Authorize Mayor to sign agreement with DDC and UMES:
Mayor Morrison stated that this Letter of Agreement is to transfer the DDC property to UMES. The University of Maryland System Board will meet in late September, and they would like to have an agreement signed so they know that the City is serious about the transfer and willing to work with them.
City Manager Blake stated that this is the preliminary step that will lead to a contract for sale in the future.
In a motion (Hawkins, Downing passed) to authorize Mayor to sign the Letter of Agreement to transfer DDC property to UMES.

Review proposed FY2012 renewal of agreement with Maryland Environmental Services:
City Manager Blake stated that MES is not a state agency but they contract with local governments in monitoring and laboratory services. ECI and City of Cambridge also use MES services. We use them as on-call staff. We ask them for recommendations and rely on them for backup, as necessary.
In a motion (Cottman, Malloy passed) to renew Maryland Environmental Services for FY2012.

Comments from Council:
Councilman Clarke stated that a life ring was missing at the docks, and there are potholes near the curb at 8th and Cedar Street and at McDonald’s. He also stated that Donna was working with Brian at the Discovery Center with art work on the docks. He would have more on that in the future.
Councilman Malloy stated that Ed Weilbacher received a letter regarding tall grass at a lot on 4th Street. Mr. Weilbacher Code book states 10 inches, but the letter stated 8 inches as the maximum height.
City Manager Blake stated that the Code was updated recently and changed to 8” maximum..
Councilman Malloy also stated that Chapter 98-2, Maintenance of sidewalk, curb and gutter area states, “property owners, occupants or persons in control of any lot or land located in Pocomoke City shall maintain their respective curb, gutter and sidewalk bordering their parcels of land in such condition as to be clear of all growth of grass and weed within the curb, gutter and sidewalk.” So why is Pocomoke City spending money on weed control?
City Manager Blake stated that over the years the City has taken over that responsibility.
Councilman Clarke stated that the curb and gutter should be taken care of by the City.
City Manager Blake stated that the Code could be revised.
Mayor Morrison asked if someone could call State Highway Administration (SHA) concerning the entrance to our City. The grass and trees need to be taken care of.
Councilwoman Cottman asked about the 8th Street project concerning the flooding in that area. When was SHA going to have their study completed?
City Manager Blake stated that he will be meeting with the SHA engineer on Thursday of this week.

Comments from the Audience:
Rev. George Tasker asked if sale of DDS to UMES would affect the restaurant.
Mayor Morrison stated that it would not.
Rev. George Tasker thanked the Mayor and Council for their donation to Family Connection and asked how they should go about getting their donation.
Mayor Morrison stated that they would need to send a letter requesting the donation.

Following a motion by Councilwoman Cottman and seconded by Councilman Malloy, the Council voted to meet in a closed session at 8:50 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Bruce Morrison. Councilman Hawkins, Councilman Clarke, Councilman Malloy, Councilwoman Downing, City Manager Blake, City Attorney Golba, and City Clerk Carol Justice. Personnel issues were discussed.
With no further discussion a motion was made by Councilman Hawkins and seconded by Councilwoman Cottman to adjourn at 9:10 PM


Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

Michael Vick's Hand Is Bruised NOT Broken

Well now, that's just a big darn shame.  Vick has a boo boo on his paw - I mean hand.  But wait!!  The cry baby thought his non-throwing hand  had been broken! 

That's not all of his woes recently. 

Vick thinks that referees are calling penalties for hits against him differently than they are for the rest of the football league.  Now my guess is that you, Mike Vick,  think those other guys are picking on you.  Bless your heart.  You are out there to play football!  Man up.   Too many hits?The game is tough and if you can't play with the big boys get out of their way. 

Gee, Mr. Big Man,  you weren't thinking a few years ago when those pitbulls   were  fighting and chewing on each other and you were making illegal money.  YOU weren't worried about the pain they endured when you tortured them so they would become mean and gnarl another dog  half to death and until bloodied so you could have the best fighting dogs!   You weren't worried that those poor dogs IN YOUR CARE probably cried all night and slept with one eye open not knowing what was coming next in its horrible life. 

You didn't care that those dogs lived a life of HELL while you lived it up.  And you aren't  the least bit concerned that YOU,  along with  many others,  have given the PITBULL the horrible name it still tries to shed today!

Shame on you Cry Baby!!  Maybe it's your conscience that has you in its grip.  Rightly so.  I sure hope your hand heels.  You might need that hand to wipe yourself the next time someone on the opposing team nails your sorry self!

By The Philadelphia Inquirer and Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA — Philadelphia quarterback Michael Vick has a deep bone bruise in his right hand, it was revealed Monday.

On Sunday, Vick and Eagles officials thought the hand — his non-throwing hand — was broken.

Vick's status for Sunday's home game against the San Francisco 49ers is uncertain.

"It all remains to be seen. I've got to take it one day at a time and see how everything unfolds," said Vick, his hand wrapped into a thick club. "It's a little sore. It's still swollen, but I think with rehab we'll see how it recovers and how well it gets."

Coach Andy Reid would not say if Vince Young or Mike Kafka would get the start for the Eagles (1-2) if Vick can't play.

"I haven't even gotten there yet. I'm still on the swelling in Michael's hand and if he'll be ready to play," Reid said. "We'll see if we can get the swelling to where it's manageable and his hand where he feels comfortable."

Vick blasted officials after suffering the injury in Sunday's 29-16 loss to the New York Giants, saying he absorbs too many late hits without getting the benefit of roughing-the-passer penalties.

But on Monday, Vick said he is done complaining about officials.

"I was kind of out of character and being too candid in that aspect," Vick said. "Ultimately, I have respect for the referees and their decision to make calls. You won't hear me complaining about it no more."




AND DRINK ~ $9.95



11:00 AM until 7:00 PM
11:00 AM  until  5:00 PM


Shore Beef and BBQ will be in their new location
in the town of Accomac 
Hours are:
11 AM  until  6:00 PM

Serving the same great food at both locations!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Newest Deputies To The Worcester County Sheriff's Office - 2011

If you see these new Deputies be sure to shake their hand and tell them how proud you are!

Great job!!  Good luck!!
The Commissioners welcome the new additions to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office (from left), Deputies Shane Musgrave, Mark Powell, and Chris Barrs.

All three deputies graduated with top honors in academics, physical fitness and firearms from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy at Wor-Wic Community College in June 2011.

University of Maryland Launches Bee Hive Project In Cemetary

What a wonderful idea!!

By Timothy B. Wheeler/  The Baltimore Sun
August 2011
An overgrown graveyard downtown, where some of Baltimore's early historical figures rest in walled isolation, buzzes now with new life.

Just inside the locked gate of Old St. Paul's Cemetery on Martin Luther King Boulevard, honeybees zip in and out of a white hive perched on cinder blocks. They flit past weathered headstones for a signer of the Declaration of Independence, the hero of the 1814 defense of Fort McHenry, a Civil War general and other long-gone luminaries.

The hive, put there by staff and students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, is one of the latest — and certainly one of the more unusual — installments in the growing pastime of backyard beekeeping.

It's a project of the university's "Wellness Hub," which aims to get students beyond their academic studies to enrich all aspects of their lives. Kate McManus, director of building operations and food service for the downtown campus, said she was inspired to try beekeeping after hearing a longtime apiarist, as they're known, tout the ease with which just about anybody can produce his or her own honey.

"At the end of the lecture," McManus said, "I was like, 'Oh my God, I'm doing that!'"

Honeybees are essential to agriculture, helping to pollinate more than $40 million worth of crops in Maryland alone. But beekeeping as a hobby has grown in popularity as more people get into buying and even growing their own locally produced food.

There are more than 1,500 registered beekeepers statewide, most of them hobbyists, with more than 11,600 colonies in 1,968 locations, according to the Maryland Department of Agriculture.

The beekeeping community in Baltimore City is tiny by comparison, state figures show, with 36 registered keepers of 115 colonies.

While cities might seem odd places to keep bees, apiarists say urban landscapes actually offer plenty of opportunities for the industrious insects to find the nectar and pollen they need to make honey.

"You can get a better yield in the city than you can in the country," said Steve McDaniel, a longtime beekeeper and former president of the Maryland Beekeepers Association whose lecture at the university in February spurred McManus to act.

"The city's got plenty of nectar and pollen because we live in such a dense area and lots of people plant," agreed Meme Thomas, director of Baltimore Honey, a nonprofit collective of urban beekeepers. And bees can find sustenance in the unlikeliest of places — vacant, weedy lots flowering with clover and dandelions.

McDaniel, who lives in Manchester in Carroll County, says he keeps a couple hives downtown so his bees can collect pollen from the basswood trees growing along city streets. That honey has a delicious, lemony flavor, he said.

Shortly after hearing McDaniel talk, McManus started a hive at her home, then recruited students to do it at the cemetery. In May, about 25 students helped assemble and paint two hives to put in the cemetery, next to the medical school and health sciences buildings. They populated the boxes with a pair of bee colonies mail-ordered from Kentucky, but one queen died, prompting a merger under the surviving queen.

That minor setback aside, McManus said getting started was neither expensive nor all that difficult. Hive materials, equipment and bees all cost less than $1,000, she said. And while the graveyard offers plenty of room and even some flowering shrubs, hives really need very little space.

"People can bee-keep anywhere," she said. A rooftop deck or even an apartment balcony will do.

By next year, McManus said, she hopes the hive will have produced enough honey to furnish some for human consumption. Drawer-sized wooden trays added to the hive like layers on a cake can be filled with eight to 12 pounds of the sweet stuff.

Now that classes have resumed at the university, McManus hopes to enlist students in tending to the hive. They don't really require much maintenance, but she says she'd like to use the hive to teach students, faculty and staff that beekeeping is environmentally responsible. The bees pollinate trees, flowers, vegetables and fruits in the neighborhood, and they produce a nutritious food.

Carey Smith, a student in the medical school's public health program, said she's particularly interested in using honey to promote gardening and better diet, especially in poor neighborhoods lacking the food choices of more affluent communities.

Some beekeeping enthusiasts, McManus included, also think locally produced honey should help them with allergies to pollen in their neighborhoods.

"I'm extremely allergic to oak pollen," she said, "and so I'm hoping that next year I take a couple tablespoons of honey every day and I don't have that kind of reaction."

But there's no scientific evidence that honey combats pollen allergies, according to Dr. Alvin Sanico, medical director of Greater Baltimore Medical Center's Asthma Sinus Allergy Program. The pollen most people are allergic to comes from non-flowering trees and grasses, he points out, while bees tend to collect pollen from flowers.

Even if some non-flowering pollen does get picked up and included in the honey, Sanico says, it's too little or variable to be of much help in de-sensitizing someone who might break out in fits of sneezing and wheezing whenever pollen is on the wind. While downing a dose of honey can't hurt and certainly tastes good, the doctor warns allergic people not to substitute it for traditional medical treatment involving shots.

McManus says she hopes the lessons students learn beekeeping will stick with them.

"The mission of the wellness hub," she said, "is to teach students things to take with them after they leave college. It's not just the college experience, the classroom learning, but also these methods of living."

Smith says for now, she'll have to limit her beekeeping to school. Her roommate is very allergic to bee stings, she said. For while honeybees are gentle creatures for the most part, keepers like McManus acknowledge that opening and handling the hives does get you stung now and again.

But there's another intangible benefit to having a beehive in your yard that McManus said she's discovered. "It's kind of like an aquarium outdoors. It's really relaxing sitting there watching all of them. They're very productive little bees."



Lots of excitement coming to downtown Pocomoke City!!

All of these activities sound wonderful to me!  I like the idea of a puppy parade, pet costume contest and the remote control airplanes!!

Children's photography sounds like fun too.  And there certainly is alot of sidewalk downtown for sidewalk art!

Be sure you don't miss this!!  Most of the activities are FREE.


There hasn't been a hayride in Pocomoke for years!!!

Sponsorship Needed

Epps Sentenced To 50 Years In Sharone Bailey Murder

Derrick Demond Epps of Exmore was sentenced Friday in Northampton Circuit Court in the murder of Sharone Bailey of Exmore.

Bailey, a well loved and respected mental health worker came home for lunch on July 9, 2010 and was repeatedly stabbed by Epps, who was also her neighbor.  After being stabbed Mrs. Bailey fled to a neighbors home where Epps followed her and stabbed her again.   She died following the attack.  Epps claimed he "heard voices."

Epps was convicted of 1st degree murder and declined a trial by jury.

In his sentencing Epps received 53 years for 1st degree murder, 10 years for breaking and entering and 2 years for assaulting a police officer.  Out of the total of 65 years 15 of them were suspended.

At 38 years of age, Epps will be 88 years old when he is released from prison.