Sunday, December 18, 2011

Walk Through Bethlehem

Wow! It's that time of year again.

Don't miss the "Walk through Bethlehem" at Lynnhaven Baptist Church, if you have never visited this wonderful event you have missed a really well orchestrated live Christmas display.

The "Walk through Bethlehem" at Lynnhaven Baptist Church is exactly that, it's a recreated Town of Bethlehem built and put together by volunteers. The Town has actual Bethlehem buildings, stable, manger, etc. it's complete with real animals and the scenic route and buildings are occupied by volunteers dressed in biblical attire.

This is admission free (donations accepted) and a must see for all ages and will leave you with a life long memory.

Take the "Walk Through Bethlehem" today, you will not be disappointed. 

"Walk through Bethlehem" Dates: 
December  10, 11, 16, 17 & 18 - 6:00 to 9:00 pm
To visit Lynnhaven Baptist Church web site CLICK HERE>>

TIME MACHINE ... Christmas Eve, 1897

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)




It appears from this article that more than a century ago it was Christmas eve that was the most anticipated time for holiday shopping.


December 24, 1897

(Woodland Daily Democrat- Woodland, California)


Children Will Catch A Glimpse Of Fairyland

People With Christmas Memories In Their Minds And Christmas Cheer In Their Hearts

Those who have had the opportunity to watch the people surge up and down the street this afternoon know is has been a busy day for the merchants, and without the use of the calendar they could easily determine the date. Indeed, if a resident of one of the planets could drop in on us unannounced he would know it was the day before Christmas on account of the industrious manner in which people are picking up odds and ends to fill the toe and heel of the Christmas stocking and add to the happiness of Santa Claus' day.

And this holiday rush will continue far into the evening because Christmas Eve is everybody's evening. It is the evening when all take the evening off from the ordinary occupations of their ordinary existences and spend that evening down town in the interests of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is the evening when the day laborer and the capitalist rejoice together in common cause that work is over, at least for a brief season. It is the evening when the best girl shares the pleasure of the best young man. It is the evening when whole families of young children get their first glimpse of the fairyland of Christmas and of the treasures piled high behind protecting windows, and of the white-whiskered and mysterious old man who shakes their hands, takes their names and promises them on the fairth of a Santa Claus a present of a doll or a drum on Christmas morning.

This evening being Christmas eve the electric lights on the streets, the electric lights over the store entrances, the electric lights that mist fantastically across the facade of tall buildings will flare their brightest radiance for the benefit and happiness of the passing throng. Windows will blaze with twinkling jets and reflect the shades of tinted glows upon the colors of the goods below. Light and darkness will chase each other up and down a continuous chain decorating the edge of our tallest structures. Lights will flicker from the branches of the Christmas trees and gladden the hearts of the children.

Christmas eve is the night when the green foliage of Christmas brings a breath of spring, and this evening it will be a cheerful spectacle to see the bright holly leaves, shining with the seasons good will, the hollie berries, red as the season's charity, the mistletoe hinting at furture pleasures and the joys of future frolics, the evergreens filling the streets with Christmas odors and the minds of the passing throng with Christmas memories and their hearts with Christmas cheer. This evening windows will blaze with light and glow with color. Pavements will resound with noisy clamor. Stores that are filled with a bewildering wealth of holiday treasures will be thronged with eager, admiring purchasers. But after all it will be the people who give life and animation to the spectable that will make the scene worth seeing, and the night worth living. It will be a crowd to watch and mingle in, to become part of it in the pleasure, in contentment, in wonder and in that satisfactory feeling of accomplished work and anticipated rest.




Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Christmas Eve, 1897

An article from more than a century ago gives a glimpse of Christmas Eve in that era, indicating it was the most anticipated day and evening for holiday shopping.

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

"Say Merry Christmas"

Who says we can't say MERRY CHRISTMAS??

Here's a way to fix the problem everyone gripes about....

Question is:  Are YOU willing to try it???
Let's spread this message..


Friday, December 16, 2011

Toy Donations Still Being Accepted For PCPD Children's Christmas Party


Today is the last day to donate toys for the Pocomoke City Police Department's Annual Children's  Christmas party on December 18, 2011.  Toys will go to children in Pocomoke  who are less fortunate at Christmastime.

PLEASE drop off any toys or gift cards at ANY downtown business in Pocomoke.

Downtown businesses will still continue to collect non-perishable food items through Christmas.  These donated items will go to the Pocomoke City Smaritan Shelter.

*Discounts from downtown businesses still apply.*

Five Bodies Found in Trailer

Investigators still on scene investigating.  It is reported that there was a custody hearing scheduled for court and none of the parties have been heard from.

A brother of one of the victims, Omar Colon Matias, told the Associated Press his sister Evelyn, her husband, their two children, ages 9 and 11, were living in the trailer with another woman.

The trailer is located along a dirt road in a wooded remote area of the Eastern Shore near the Maryland line. It's among a handful of trailers in the area.
(Gargatha is about 22 miles from the Maryland line)


ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - Five people were found dead in a trailer in Accomack County on Thursday.

A call came into the sheriff’s office at 5:15 in the afternoon for an attempted suicide.

When the sheriff’s deputy arrived, they found five people dead inside the trailer on Diamond Spring Boulevard in Gargatha, Va.

Sheriff Todd Godwin says they have been working the scene for several hours. As of 8:30 Friday morning, the road remained blocked and law enforcement were still investigating.

Sheriff Godwin could not confirm anything else at the time.


*Unofficial sources have also reported this incident to be a murder- suicide involving a family.*

Christmas Gift Suggestion

Need help with a Christmas gift selection for someone on you Christmas list?

Here's a unique idea....
A gift certificate for MARTIAL ARTS CLASS

The studio of Diana Toledo Martin (Hanshisei Martin) has been open at 1300 Market Street
  Pocomoke City 

for 23 years and offers classes in
Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, and Grappling

Classes are available for
3 to 5 year olds
Children 6 and up

Convenient class hours are held on Monday thru Thursday evenings.

For more info call Diana- 757- 824 -4322 or 443- 614- 2203


Change in Plan to Allow Sewage Treatment Plant Tabled by Planning Commission

The issues that attracted the most attention at the Accomack County Planning Commission meeting Wednesday night centered around the proposed sewage treatment plant that would service the Atlantic Town Center, a planned unit development being considered for Wattsville.

Atlantic area residents who attended were up at arms over the developers plans to locate a sewage treatment plant in the Nocks Landing area of Atlantic.

After Building and Zoning director David Fluhart ruled in July that the Countys current zoning ordinances prohibited the construction of sewage treatment plants in agriculturally zoned areas, the developer proposed a change in the language of the ordinance that would permit that to occur.

Attorney for the developer Mark Baumgardner told the commission that in his opinion, Accomack's zoning ordinance did not conform to state requirements that allow private sewage treatment plants on ag zoned land and when there is such a conflict, state law trumps local ordinances.

Many residents of the Atlantic area have objected on the grounds that developers should not be able propose a change in the language of any valid comprehensive plan. County attorney Mark Taylor said there is precedent in the county to provide language to allow a conditional use permit by right. It is not new to the county or to Virginia law. Its more of a process.

The commissioners discussed the possibility that the plant itself could be located within the planned unit development in which case only treated effluent would be sent to the Nocks Landing area.

Concerns were raised that a strong hurricane or equipment failure could result in untreated sewage being spilled into the Nocks Landing area.

Speaking for the developer Baumgardner stated that the proposed sewage treatment plant was designed to allow the county to use part of its capacity in the future if that became necessary. The proposed capacity is one million five hundred thousand gallons daily. If the plant itself were located at the development it would only be able to process seven hundred fifty thousand gallons per day which would be adequate for the Atlantic Town Center but not provide the capacity for county use in the future.

Several area residents spoke during the public comment part of the meeting. All who spoke were opposed to any effluent treated or untreated being deposited at the Nock's Landing site.

The Planning Commission decided to table the change in language to give the staff time to research the issue and provide more information. They decided to conduct a public hearing on the language change and the conditional use permit for the sewage plant on January 11 at a site to be determined.

Source:  shoredailynews

Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Soldier and His Dog- Welcome Home

This video was put together in celebration of Veterans Day.

Now that our Troops will be returning home from Iraq this is another great time to view the happy meetings of  a soldier and his dog. 

Regardless of your feelings about the American/Iraqi war let's put our feelings aside and just rejoice that the end has finally come and these brave men and women will be returning home....
some to a whole lot of 'shakin' goin' on' !



TIME MACHINE Preview ... Christmas Eve, 1897

A more than century old newspaper article gives a glimpse of Christmas Eve in that era.

It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Panetta Formally Shuts Down US War in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AP) - After nearly nine years, 4,500 American dead, 32,000 wounded and more than $800 billion, U.S. officials formally shut down the war in Iraq - a conflict that U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said was worth the price in blood and money, as it set Iraq on a path to democracy.

Panetta stepped off his military plane in Baghdad Thursday as the leader of America's war in Iraq, but will leave as one of many top U.S. and global officials who hope to work with the struggling nation as it tries to find its new place in the Middle East and the broader world.

He and several other U.S. diplomatic, military and defense leaders participated in a highly symbolic ceremony during which the flag of U.S. Forces-Iraq was officially retired, or "cased," according to Army tradition.

The U.S. Forces-Iraq flag was furled - or wrapped - around a flagpole and covered in camouflage. It will be brought back to the United States.

"You will leave with great pride - lasting pride," Panetta told the troops. "Secure in knowing that your sacrifice has helped the Iraqi people to cast tyranny aside and to offer hope for prosperity and peace to this country's future generations."

During several stops in Afghanistan this week, Panetta made it clear that the U.S. can be proud of its accomplishments in Iraq.

"We spilled a lot of blood there," Panetta said. "But all of that has not been in vain. It's been to achieve a mission making that country sovereign and independent and able to govern and secure itself."

That, he said, is "a tribute to everybody - everybody who fought in that war, everybody who spilled blood in that war, everybody who was dedicated to making sure we could achieve that mission."

Panetta echoed President Barack Obama's promise that the U.S. plans to keep a robust diplomatic presence in Iraq, foster a deep and lasting relationship with the nation and maintain a strong military force in the region.

As of Thursday, there were two U.S. bases and about 4,000 U.S. troops in Iraq - a dramatic drop from the roughly 500 military installations and as many as 170,000 troops during the surge ordered by President George W. Bush in 2007, when violence and raging sectarianism gripped the country. All U.S. troops are slated to be out of Iraq by the end of the year, but officials are likely to meet that goal a bit before then.

The total U.S. departure is a bit earlier than initially planned, and military leaders worry that it is a bit premature for the still maturing Iraqi security forces, who face continuing struggles to develop the logistics, air operations, surveillance and intelligence sharing capabilities they will need in what has long been a difficult neighborhood.

U.S. officials were unable to reach an agreement with the Iraqis on legal issues and troop immunity that would have allowed a small training and counterterrorism force to remain. U.S. defense officials said they expect there will be no movement on that issue until sometime next year.

Still, despite Obama's earlier contention that all American troops would be home for Christmas, at least 4,000 forces will remain in Kuwait for some months. The troops will be able to help finalize the move out of Iraq, but could also be used as a quick reaction force if needed.

Obama met in Washington with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki earlier this week, vowing to remain committed to Iraq as the two countries struggle to define their new relationship. Ending the war was an early goal of the Obama administration, and Thursday's ceremony will allow the president to fulfill a crucial campaign promise during a politically opportune time. The 2012 presidential race is roiling and Republicans are in a ferocious battle to determine who will face off against Obama in the election.

Panetta acknowledged the difficulties for Iraq in the coming years, as the country tries to find its footing.

"They're going face challenges in the future," Panetta said Wednesday during a visit with troops in Afghanistan. "They'll face challenges from terrorism, they'll face challenges from those that would want to divide their country. They'll face challenges from just the test of democracy, a new democracy and trying to make it work. But the fact is, we have given them the opportunity to be able to succeed."

The ceremony at Baghdad International Airport also featured remarks from Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top U.S. commander in Iraq.

Austin is leading the massive logistical challenge of shuttering hundreds of bases and combat outposts, and methodically moving more than 50,000 U.S. troops and their equipment out of Iraq over the last year - while still conducting training, security assistance and counterterrorism battles.

Over the coming days, the final few thousand U.S. troops will leave Iraq in orderly caravans and tightly scheduled flights - a marked contrast to the shock and awe that rocked the country on March 20, 2003, as the U.S. invasion began.

Saddam Hussein has been ousted, the reports of weapons of mass destruction largely laid to rest. And the future of a nascent democracy awaits.

Delicious Thursday Special




BBQ Chicken  Sandwich w/Side
Drink ~ $7.50
ADD bacon and cheddar cheese for
a Club Sandwich

**If you're planning on a holiday party ask about catering from Shore Beef and BBQ**

Post Office Closings Postponed

The cash-strapped agency announced Tuesday that it would hold off on closings by several weeks to give Congress more time to pass legislation that would give it more authority and liquidity to stave off bankruptcy. The Postal Service, which is expected to default Friday on a $5.5 billion payment to the Treasury, is forecast to lose a record $14.1 billion next year.

Last week, the Postal Service said it was moving forward on cutbacks. It had planned to begin closing processing centers as early as April, and shutter some post offices early next year.

"There continues to be extreme urgency, and our financial crisis continues," said postal spokesman David Partenheimer. "But we're hoping by working with senators and all members of Congress that they can pass comprehensive legislation that allows the Postal Service to return to profitability."

The agreement by the Postal Service also means that cuts to first-class mail that would slow delivery and, for the first time in 40 years, eliminate the chance for stamped letters to arrive the next day, would not occur before May 15. Previously, the post office said it had hoped to implement the cuts to first-class service in April. 

Last Thursday, a group of 21 senators from mostly rural states led by Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont, signed a letter to congressional leaders asking them to add language to legislation that would halt closings for six months. The closures could cost 100,000 postal employees their jobs.

"What I feared very much is that the post office unilaterally would start making drastic cuts to processing plants, rural post offices and slow first-class mail service before Congress can pass postal reform," Sanders said. "So it's a step forward in terms of giving us time with certainty that rural post offices won't be closed."

In all, roughly 100,000 postal employees could be cut as a result of the various closures, resulting in savings of up to $6.5 billion a year.

Source;  shoredailynews.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Old Fashioned Christmas Evening" Video Clip..........

Here's a short video clip I found of the Christmas tree being lit during the first "Old Fashioned Christmas Evening" in Pocomoke on  December 2, 2011

I am not the best photographer nor an expert with video
but I just thought you might like to see the tree as it came
'alive' on that joyous evening.

Mayor Bruce Morrison's first annual
"Old Fashioned Christmas Evening" Christmas tree.
December 2, 2011 ~ Pocomoke City, Maryland

To The Community- From Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell

The members of the Pocomoke City Police Department are dedicated to providing the highest quality police services in order to enhance community safety, protect life and property, and reduce crime and the fear of crime.

To do this, we pledge to develop a partnership with the Community, lead a community commitment to resolve problems, and improve the safety and quality of life in our city.

We will perform our duties with honesty, zeal, courage, discretion, fidelity, and sound judgment. It is essential that all members of the Pocomoke City Police Department remember that in the execution of their duties they act not for themselves but for good of the public.

U.S. Regulators Act To Quiet Blaring TV Commercials

Police Seize Five Lbs of Marijuana, Arrest Four Men in Three Days

Kimo Grant-Johnson

Narcotics investigators from the Ocean City Police Department, the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team and DSP conducted three separate narcotics trafficking investigation last week; they seized five pounds of marijuana with a street value of $43,000 and arrested four men.

Daniel Stuart
During a traffic stop on December 7, police recovered two pounds of marijuana and arrested 24-year-old Kimo Grant-Johnson of Ocean City and 21-year-old Daniel Stuart of Selbyville; a search of both men’s homes also turned up additional marijuana.
Robert Pippin

Both are behind bars at the Worcester County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail each.

On December 8, police served a warrant at a home on 8th Street in Ocean City; they seized a pound of marijuana and $9,000 cash.

32-year-old Robert Pippin of Ocean City was arrested; he was committed to the Worcester County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Robert Grandelli
And on December 9, police served a warrant at a home on Tunnel Avenue; they seized over a half-pound of marijuana. 43-year-old Robert Grandelli of Ocean City was arrested and committed to the Worcester County Jail, also in lieu of $25,000 bail.

NTSB Recommends Banning All Cell Phone Use While Driving

If Legislation Is Ever Adopted It Would Be Up To Each State To Decide

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – It’s a stunning recommendation from a federal traffic safety agency.

The National Transportation Safety Board is calling for a nationwide ban on behind the wheel cell phone use — even with hands-free devices.

It’s the NTSB’s version of you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. It is now saying you shouldn’t be allowed to drive and talk on the phone at the same time. And it made a non-binding recommendation that all 50 states to impose a ban, reports CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer.

It’s a frightening fact: Your car travels the length of a football field in the time it takes to send the average text.

“It may seem like it’s a very quick call, a very quick text a tweet or an update, but accidents happen in the blink of an eye,” NTSB Chairwoman Deborah Hersman said. “You can’t take it back. You can’t have a do-over and you can’t rewind.”

The NTSB wants a national ban on talking and texting behind the wheel — even if your car is equipped with a hands-free device. And it has statistics to back up its concerns about the growing distractions for drives of all types of vehicles.

The agency says:
* An estimated 3,000 people died last year in distracted driving crashes
* Drivers using cell phones fail to see up to 50-percent of the information in their driving environment
* A person using a cell phone is four times more likely to have a crash that will result in going to the hospital

Local drivers have mixed feelings about the recommendation.

“I think it’s a good idea. I used to be a police officer and I’ve seen so many accidents that were caused by people using their cell phones, and it’s been proven texting and cell phones, speeding, even with Bluetooth you can’t concentrate while you’re talking,” said Willie Hollenfer of Bergenfield, N.J.

“I’m more of a libertarian. I think you should be punished if you get into an accident after using a phone, but if you want to use a phone in a car you should be able to,” added Todd Jordan of Rowayton, Conn.

Sometimes I feel that it is really dangerous, actually, when I’m talking on the phone and driving, probably a good idea,” said Adriannz Cutler of Armonk.

“I guess it’s pretty smart. There’s a lot of accidents that are caused, but it is nice to have your hands-free,” Jeanette Gromko of Stamford, Conn.

Although the NTSB’s recommendation is non-binding lawmakers and governors take its findings seriously.

A spokesman for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said his office is reviewing the agency’s report.

Do you believe that cellphones should be banned entirely or is this another case of Big Brother run amok?


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Special Election Set For Pocomoke City Council

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- The Pocomoke City Council has decided to hold a special election in conjunction with the next general election, April 3, 2012, to fill the vacant seat in District 1. The seat became vacant when longtime City Councilman Robert L. Hawkins was killed in a car crash.

The person named in this election will stand for election again in April 2013, when the District 1 term of office ends.

Under the terms of the charter, the council could have left the office vacant until the April 2013 election, appointed a qualified person to fill the vacancy for the balance of the unexpired term or held an election immediately for the remainder of the unexpired term.

The council decided to take this approach since the filing for the 2012 election begins in January. Anyone interested in the District 1 seat, or one of the other two that will be up for election, must file candidacy papers by Feb. 3. The other two districts up for election are District 4, presently represented by Tracey Cottman, and District 5, now represented by Robert Clarke. Candidates must be residents of the districts in which they run.

The deadline for registering to vote in April's election is March 2. To be eligible to register, a person must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a resident of Maryland for the past six months and must have been a resident of Pocomoke City for at least 30 days prior to the election.

In commenting about the upcoming special election, Mayor Bruce Morrison said the 1st District is large, and he felt he could not appoint someone to fill the seat. Also, he said, he learned that there were at least three people interested in the post.

Pocomoke's elections fall on the first Tuesday in April, so this year it's April 3.


Richard Hatch- 1st 'Survivor' Winner- Released From Prison

Richard Hatch, the first-ever winner of "Survivor," was released from a minimum-security prison Monday (Dec. 12). He was serving time in relation to being found guilty for tax evasion.

In many ways, Hatch was the first reality show celebrity after winning Season 1 of "Survivor" through conniving, manipulative behavior and pixelated nudity. However it was the $1 million prize which was also the source of his downfall.
Hatch was sent to prison in 2006 after he was found guilty of not paying taxes on "Survivor" winnings as well as other additional earnings. Then he went back to jail in 2009 after not keeping up with the terms of his release.

In addition to being on the first season of "Survivor," Hatch also appeared on "Survivor All-Stars" and "Celebrity Apprentice." 

So how long until Hatch re-enters the reality TV world?


Planning Commission May Revisit Atlantic Sewage Permit Issue

The Accomack County Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday night at 7pm at the Board of Supervisors Chamber in Accomac. It will hear again, the case of a Maryland developer Atlantic Town Center LLC seeking to build near Atlantic. He will ask the Planning Commission to revisit a decision against allowing a large sewage treatment plant to be built in the village of Atlantic.

A letter from the attorney representing the company states that he has written language to change the ordinance to allow sewage treatment plants to be placed on agriculturally zoned land which was the basis on which the proposal was rejected earlier this year.

The developer and his attorney will ask the Planning Commission to revise that ordinance to allow the treatment facility to be constructed.

A group of Atlantic are outraged over the attempt to circumvent the existing ordinance. In a letter to area residents urging them to attend the meeting, Ronnie Thomas who appears to be heading up the protest says,"we cannot believe that the county would even consider letting an outside developer come into the county, rewrite its laws and zoning ordinances that are designed to protect its citizens and their interest. The issue has already caused much tension in the community and has put the Board of Supervisors on alert that they may have a serious decision to make involving this matter."

The letter goes on to say that the group it represents does not oppose the developers plans for construction of The Atlantic Town Center. But they do oppose the project if the result is shipping raw sewage and waste water to a sewage treatment facility in Atlantic.

The letter  also goes on to urge residents to come to the meeting to protect their rights and hold their elected officials accountable for their actions. It also states that if approved this change will effect all property owners in Accomack County and that in the future residents will have no say over a sewage treatment plant being built next to your home.

The group urges anyone with questions to contact Thomas at 824-3012 for more information.


Christmas Season In Pocomoke City


When shopping downtown Pocomoke don't forget your donation of canned goods to benefit the Samaritan Shelter.  The Samritan Shelter  added a new wing not long ago to shelter Mothers and their making  the need for donated foods even greater.  The Smaritan Shelter pantry also serves the needy in the community. Please help in any way you can.

Take your non-perishable foods to the following locations and receive  coupons, discounts and/or holiday treats:  Scher's Bridal Shop; Classic Collections; Enchanted Florist; Mar-Va Theater; Lusby's Hardware & Maytag Appliances; Robinanne's Quilting Service; Salty Dog Grooming; and the Delmarva Discovery Center.


The Pocomoke City Police Department is holding its annual Christmas Party on December 18, 2011 at Bethany  Salem Church.

2010/ Toys  collected from Bingos held at the Pocomoke Fair Grounds
to benefit the Pocomoke Police Dept. Toy Drive
TOYS are needed so that these children will have something new for Christmas.  Your toy donations will also be accepted at either of the stores listed above.

Please don't don't think this doesn't happen in Pocomoke.  I am proof that it does.  One Christmas morning many years ago when my son was very young we were visited early that morning by one of his friends.  The child was grinning from hear to ear holding nothing but a Christms pencil and a Match Box car.  It was all he had asked for- except for a bicycle.  Santa could not afford to leave him one.  I don't know who was devastated more- myself or my children.  They had received so much.

It didn't take long for my young son to get into the garage, clean his old bicycle up a little and ride it to the little boys house.  We hadn't decided what to do with it so my son made the decission. 

(Edward, we still think about you- wherever you may be........)

Children that are truly poor never ask for much.....


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Rural Sign Painter

I think The Rural Sign Painter is in desperate need of new plywood and paint.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... Holiday Time

It's the rush of the holiday season so this week some short holiday-related items. Next week an article from more than a century ago will tell of holiday shopping reaching its peak on Christmas Eve... (1897) "And this holiday rush will continue far into the evening because Christmas Eve is everybody's evening. It is the evening when all take the evening off from the ordinary occupations of their ordinary existences and spend that evening down town..."

October, 1880

(The Denton Journal)

Sussex is shipping holly to Colorado for Christmas decoration.

November, 1887

(The Herald And Torchlight- Hagerstown, Md)

Agents from Farmington, Del., have been in Princess Anne, Somerset County, for several days collecting holly twigs with berries on them. The twigs are packed in small boxes made for the purpose and shipped direct to Chicago, St. Louis, and Canada, and are used for decorating purposes. Those who have holly are making a good thing out of it.
December, 1888

(The New York Times)


SNOW HILL, Md., Dec 24.- Twenty-seven years ago C.H. Corbin of Pocomoke City crossed the lines and cast his fortunes with the Confederacy. At the close of the war he did not return. He was mourned as dead. To the astonishment of the neighborhood, he has just come back to spend Christmas in his old home. He is engaged in business in Georgia.

December, 1941

Town Tavern in Pocomoke was advertising informal dancing for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve with music by Slim Marshall's Orchestra. Admission 75-cents per person.

December, 1961

Newberry's, Pocomoke City, "Gift Headquarters For The Eastern Shore," Open every night 'til 9, Monday thru Saturday 'til Christmas. Telephone Santa... Call xxxx anytime day or night...24 hours a day. He has a message for every boy or girl who calls him.

December, 1968

A new 1969 Camaro would be given away in a Shop Pocomoke promotion sponsored by the Pocomoke Ciity Businessmen's Association. Members of the Association were: Bata Shore Store...Burnett White of Pocomoke...W.H.Clarke & Company...City Service Oil Company (C.K. Duncan)...The Democratic Messenger...George's Furniture...Guy's Implement Company...Hancock's Grocery...Lankford & Cutler Hardware...Montgomery Ward Catalog Store...Midway Auto...Miller-Massey Auto...Somers-Kirby Motor Company...Miller's Ladies Shop...Modern Floor Company... J.J. Newberry...Outten Brothers...Pocomoke City Flower Shop...Pocomoke City Pharmacy...Pocomoke Machine & Implement Company...R.E.Powell & Company...Scher's...Schoolfield & Ham...Sears Catalog Store...Sherwin Williams...Silco...Vincent's Jewelers...Webb's Grocery...Western Auto...George E. Young Auto Parts.

December, 1970

The Fantastic Mystics were providing the dance music for the public two days before Christmas at the Pocomoke Holiday Inn's annual Pocomoke Christmas Party.

December, 1972

Pocomoke's annual Christmas concert by the Salem United Methodist Church choir was scheduled with members of other area church choirs also participating. Barry Tull of Pocomoke City would play trumpet and Miss Carol Cherrix of Snow Hill would be flutist. Choir director Mrs. Naomi Stevenson would be organist. Vocal soloists from Pocomoke would include Miss Julia Ann Ball, Mrs. Betsy C. Massey, Mrs. Peter Thompson, Miss Susan Humphreys, Mrs. Frederick White, and Miss Nancy Henderson, plus Mrs. Elwyn Cooper of Stockton.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

New Pocomoke Restaurant Making Progress

Saturday/ December 10, 2011
Making progress.  Recent photos of the restaurant being built on the Pocomoke River adjacent to the Delmarva Discover Center.

As you enter Pocomoke and cross the Pocomoke drawbridge you can't miss the construction site!

Even working hard on a Saturday afternoon.
The new restaurant is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by May of 2012