Monday, April 16, 2012

From: Maryland Business for Responsive Government

In Case You Missed It:
 MBRG on End of Session and Aftermath

Washington Examiner  Editorial: It's only 'doomsday' for tax-and-spend politicians 4.13.12
"Only in Maryland is a $700 million increase in the operating fund considered 'doomsday,'

WCTR "Talk of the Town" 4.12.12
"Business organizations were not together during this session.  Some of these organizations supported the gas tax, but it was contrary to what their membership thought and what a lot of businesses generally thought."

Gazette: Business dodged most of the bullets in legislature 4.09.12
"This session will be remembered by dysfunction, finger-pointing and chaos." 


Effective immediately (April 16, 2012), ALL outdoor burning is banned for an indefinite period of time in Worcester County.

Worcester County Fire Marshal Jeff McMahon issued the burn ban today.

The ban applies to all outdoor ignition sources with the following exceptions: Proper use of gas and charcoal grills, campfires at the County’s commercial, State and Federal campgrounds, permitted official Ocean City bonfires, private property recreational campfires which are limited to a fire area of 2 feet with a height of 3 feet, public fireworks displays and volunteer fire company training exercises.

RECALL: Dole Bagged Salad Could Carry Salmonella Risk

Dole is recalling some of its bagged salads because they may be tainted with Salmonella.

The recall is for 756 cases of the company’s Seven Lettuces salad with a use-by date of April 11.

The salads were sold in fifteen states, including Virginia.

The company says so far no illnesses have been reported.

The Associated Press reports that the tainted UPC code 71430 01057 and product codes 0577N089112A and 0577N089112B identify the tainted ones.

The product code and use-by date are located in the upper right-hand corner of the package, while the UPC code is on the back of the package, below the bar-code.


Progress Continues.........

The New Restaurant
Pocomoke City, Maryland
Thursday  April 12, 2012

Things were on the move around the restaurant during the first part of the week.
A fence has been erected to hide the back of the restaurant, which is a good idea.
No matter how small the job something is always being done in the new restaurant. 
On April 5th when I took photos the entire walls had already been painted with a base coat.  I don't mind telling you that those walls were painted with the brightest white I had ever seen....UGH!

In talking with Councilman Malloy and hearing his news I KNEW I couldn't wait for another  week to pass....
This is what I found - no not this......

THIS!!!  A burst of color!!
I'm not the world's best photographer but the camera has done a nice job on giving you some idea of the choice of blues.  It's beautiful.   And as for me I don't think another color would suit this restaurant considering where it sits.
The hardest work, I would imagine,  has been completed.  Remember that the only thing on this site just a few months ago was dirt.....those photos are on this blog too.  I've watched this building grow.  I've met some wonderful people along the way.  And most of those wonderful people are hard working people right from good old Pocomoke!  They are your sons, your brothers, your husbands or your neighbor.  They helped build this masterpiece that now sits and overlooks the Pocomoke River.  Each and every business, whether from Pocomoke City or not,  has done an outstanding job.

 I know how to enter the building. I know where the EXITS are.  I've found the restrooms. Now I'm just waiting on the kitchen............

(On site this day was Tapmans.)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... "As dark as the day when old Jennie was hung."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

September, 1909

(The Ironwood News Record- Ironwood, Michigan)

The Dark Day When "Old Jennie" Was Executed In Maryland.

"As dark as the day when old Jennie was hung" is one of the many quaint sayings that for generations has been used on the lower eastern shore of Maryland, but from the accounts that have been given by those who lived in old Jennie's day, there has never been a day since that time as dark as the day on which she was executed for wholesale murder in the neighborhood in which she lived.

The old murderess was publicly hanged in 1815 in the old jail yard at Princess Anne, and all those who remembered that particular day have passed into the great beyond long ago. The murderess was a white woman, tall and angular, and it was said that she popularly resembled what was supposed to be a witch far more than the up to date woman of that day. In fact, local history records that she practiced witchcraft. No one ever knew where she came from, having "dropped down" very mysteriously into the neighborhood, where she killed a family of four.

Old Jennie was not hanged on a scaffold. In those days murderers were executed with as little trouble and expense as possible. The wizen faced terror of all Somerset was placed in a cart drawn by two oxen and placed directly under a stout limb of an old oak tree that stood in the jail yard. The rope was fixed in rude fashion around her neck, amid the hurrahs of the crowd and the curses of the doomed woman, and when all was in readiness a bunch of fodder was placed ten paces from the oxen's heads, and they were given the word to start. Obeying the command, they made a bee line for the fodder and left old Jennie dangling at the end of the rope.

That day, it has been told thousands of times, was the darkest ever know in this section. Chickens remained on their roosts throughout the entire day, while candles by the score burned in the houses that the servants might see to do their work. The local scientists of that day were at a loss to account for the strange phenomenon, and the graphic descriptions which they gave of it and which were recorded years ago make interesting reading.- Oriole (Md.) Cor. Chicago Inter Ocean.


It was reported that the superstitious thought the end of time had come and some believed that on a dark, cloudy night the ghost of old Jennie stalked around near the edge of the woods where she had committed her crimes.

February, 1953

The Elks Club of Pocomoke City was sponsoring a big stage show at the Marva Theatre featuring The Barter Players of Virginia in 'The Virginian.' "Don't Miss This Fine Entertainment By This Well Known Group Of Professional Players. No Expense Spared In Settings, Costumes, Lights And Music." Ticket price was $1.80 for general admission and $2.40 for reserved seats. Tickets in advance were available at Marva Soda Parlor, Ward's Barber Shop, Pocomoke City Pharmacy, and C.W. Renninger Esso Servicenter.

February, 1942

(The Salisbury Times)

(The newsprint, unfortunately, was too faded for most of the article to be legible but the following information was gleaned from it.)

Datelined Snow Hill, the headline read "Colored Veteran To Mark 109th Birthday." William Riley Ginn was to celebrate his 109th birthday on February 17th at his Snow Hill Home. He was Worcester County's oldest living resident and had served with the Union Army in the Civil War.

African American History

Thanks to PPE reader Melanie B. for her recent email about enjoying the TIME MACHINE items. Melanie also asked about including items of African American interest. If any readers have some local material along these lines please send it on to me.

The following is a listing of some websites that may be of interest.

Maryland African American Genealogy

Manokin, Somerset County, MD

Upper Fairmount, Somerset County, MD

African Americans in Maryland

African American Gateway, Maryland

NEWS BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY? (At least rivaling the Chicago Tribune's 1948 "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline.)

The Titanic sank 100 years ago today.. in the early hours of April 15, 1912. That day's edition of the Syracuse Herald, (Syracuse, N.Y.) streamed these headlines on its' front page:


Giant New Liner Limping in Toward Halifax, Badly Damaged


The April 16, 1912 edition of the newspaper carried this headline:


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

It's A Dogs World.........

"A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied."
~Irish Proverb~

Judge getting his treat at the Inner Harbor on Saturday.

Thanks, Missy

Tomato Planting

An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New  Jersey .  He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.  His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament: 

Dear Vincent,  I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.  Love,  Papa  
A few days later he received a letter from his son. 
Dear Papa,   Don’t dig up that garden. That’ s where the bodies are buried.  Love,  Vinnie
At 4 a.m. The next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left.  That same day the old man received another letter from his son.  
Dear Papa,  Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.  That’s the best I could do under the circumstances.  Love you, Vinnie

Saturday, April 14, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... "As dark as the day when old Jennie was hung."

The old Eastern Shore saying came to be following an 1815 hanging in the old jail yard at Princess Anne, and a strange phenomenon attributed to that day.

Read more about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Plus: 1953- Marva Theatre ... 1942- Local Civil War Veteran ... 1912- News Blunder ... Website Addresses

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Truck and Tractor Pull ~ Pocomoke Fairgrounds



Saturday  June 23, 2012

 New to the East Coast, Aurora Agronomy is located on Broad Street in Pocomoke City, Maryland.

Space Shuttle Discovery to Fly Over Washington Metro Area April 17

WASHINGTON -- NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) with space shuttle Discovery mounted atop will fly approximately 1,500 feet above various parts of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area on Tuesday, April 17.

The flight, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration, is scheduled to occur between 10 and 11 a.m. EDT. NASA Television and the agency's web site will provide live coverage.

The exact route and timing of the flight depend on weather and operational constraints. However, the aircraft is expected to fly near a variety of landmarks in the metropolitan area, including the National Mall, Reagan National Airport, National Harbor and the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center. When the flyover is complete, the SCA will land at Dulles International Airport.
Discovery completed 39 missions, spent 365 days in space, orbited the Earth 5,830 times, and traveled 148,221,675 miles. NASA will transfer Discovery to the National Air and Space Museum to begin its new mission to commemorate past achievements in space and to educate and inspire future generations of explorers.

If the flight must be postponed for any reason, an additional notice will be released.

For more information about NASA's transfer of space shuttles to museums, visit:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Something New Downtown

In case you haven't made the trip downtown in a while..........

This arrived yesterday.  I guess someone realized that the spot  needed some TLC.... just like I always have.

Concerned Citizen Reports Possible Burglary

DATE & TIME: April 13, 2012
Case # 12-0080
LOCATION: Golf Course Road, West Ocean City
Worcester County
CRIME: First Degree Burglary
ACCUSED: Joseph Bernard Kelly Jr.
CHARGES: First Degree Burglary (3 times)


On April 4, 2012
a concerned citizen walking to the Royal Farms store in West Ocean City for a cup of Coffee observed a Trailer with the front door wide open and a large screen television sitting on the floor just inside the door. The citizen observed the glass portion of the door to be shattered. The citizen contacted 911 to report a possible burglary. The Maryland State Police arrived and determined a burglary in fact was committed. The Worcester County Bureau of Investigations (WCBI) was contacted to handle the burglary that had occurred at 9916 Golf Course Road, Delmarva Trailer Park, West Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland. The case was assigned to (WCBI). It was learned that the victim resided in Pennsylvania and had no knowledge of the burglary to his Summer residence.

The Maryland State Police Crime lab was contacted and responded to collect forensic evidence from the residence. WCBI along with Maryland State Troopers canvassed the Delmarva Trailer park talking with numerous witnesses. A suspect was developed from observations from several citizens. The suspect developed by the name of Joseph B. Kelly who was staying in the area of Golf Course Road. A search warrant was obtained for his residence and numerous items were recovered from the Burglary. Mr. Kelly was arrested and charged with Burglary in The First Degree, 3rd degree, and Malicious Destruction of Property and Theft less than $1,000.00. He was held on $15,000.00 Bond.

It was learned through a continued investigation that Mr. Kelly was also a suspect in two other Burglary’s that occurred in the same trailer park. There was evidence that was located from in Mr. Kelly’s residence to link him to the other two Burglaries. He was subsequently, charged with 2 additional First Degree Burglary charges and Theft $1,000.00 to under $10,000.00.

A preliminary hearing has been set in Court for April 30, 2012 in Snow Hill, Maryland.

The New-Soon-To-Be Pocomoke City Police Station


The new Pocomoke City Police Station is still a work in progress at this point but lots of progress has been made since my last visit two weeks ago.  Again, you just can't believe how awesome and wonderful this building will be when it is completed. 
With all doors being hung the knobs were being installed.  If I were this young guy I'd have a headache.  He didn't seem to mind.  Door knobs....hmmm...

Hallway in the back of the building.  All tile and carpeting has been completed.  This place is really taking shape!
The Chief's office!  Carpet had just been put in place on my last visit and I didn't venture in there. 

But I did on this day......I wanted to see what that mess was in the floor!  Hey, you guys better get that cleaned up before the Chief gets there!  (I'm sure someone cleaned it up)
Be advised.  This isn't just any door.  It is the door to the juvenile holding cell. (gulp)  From this point on my day with Darren and Councilman Malloy would be a learning experience.  First of all cells do NOT have light switches on the wall.  I found this out after running my hand on the wall inside.....but the light kept going off and then on so I figured they must have put some kind of fancy lighting.... NOPE.
Light switches are on the outside wall.  Darren was in control of the switch!  NO door knobs either!  The door closed while I was in there and I heard Darren say something like he didn't know if the know worked or not.  HUH? The photos above are of the juvenile holding cell.  Steel bunks and NO place to use the bathroom.....I don't know what you do if you have to go....
Male holding cell.  Same gray metal bunks and stainless steel commode/sink combination.  I have never seen seen a contraption like this in my life.  But I have been reminded that a cell is not the Hilton and it is for safety reasons that these are used.  The female cell will be identical to this..... no room to move around, no color, no bling.

And I must admit that on this day I gained a true appreciation for light switches and door knobs!  And I will never, ever again complain about the small rooms in my own home......never.

Darren doesn't carry a normal cell phone.  It's the HOT LINE to the boss!  I have to give Darren a pat on the back.  He's such a good sport and his knowledge on the entire makeover of this building is remarkable!  I have never asked him a question he could not answer........

Thanks Councilman Malloy and Darren ( and Tom Beauchamp on the phone).  It has been another exciting trip to Pocomoke.  I WILL see you soon.

Smile.......And Have A Wonderful Day

Remember:  It's just a number..........

But I still have memories of  Friday 13th evenings with a  couple of my best friends, my sister hard at work with one of these.....

Still located in Baltimore, Maryland: William Fuld factories
and offices.

Pocomoke Officials Agree to Purchase Ambulance

Congratulations to council members Tracey Cottman, Rob Clarke and George Tasker.
Welcome to Pocomoke, Damien McClotten,  the newest officer  in the Pocomoke City Police Department. 

Written by
Bill Kerbin
Special to Worcester County Times
POCOMOKE CITY -- Following the recommendation of Mike Thornton, EMS director, the Pocomoke Mayor and Council voted Monday night to purchase a Horton ambulance from Fesco Emergency Sales in Elkridge, Md., at a cost of $169,483.

Although Fesco did not supply the low bid, the company was the lowest bidder that met all the specifications, according to Thornton. The specified delivery time for the new unit was 90-120 days. Thornton said that the ambulance company has two Horton ambulances "...that have served us well over the years." Funding for the ambulance will come from a USDA grant of $50,000 and a USDA loan to cover the balance.

Enterprise Zone

The council voted to apply to the State of Maryland for approval of a newly drawn Enterprise Zone. A number of additional properties are included in the new application including properties on Route 13 south that have been annexed into the town in recent years. Also the commercial complex at the corner of Old Snow Hill Road and Route 13 is included as well as other commercial and industrial properties.

The objective of the program is to focus local and state resources on the encouragement of economic growth in economically distress areas. Businesses in an Enterprise Zone will be eligible to receive real property tax credits for 10 years after improvements are made and income tax credits for up to three years for wages paid to new employees.

Storm Water

City Manager Russell W. Blake updated the council on a project to alleviate problems with storm-water drainage in the Eighth Street area between Market Street and Lynnhaven Drive. He said that he has a $70,000 Community Development Block Grant to fund the work. As the drainage will go to Route 13 he has been in contact with the State Highway Administration and is hoping to quickly move the project through the approval process.

Members Sworn in

This was the first meeting following the election for the newly elected Council members. George Tasker was sworn in for the First District, filling the empty seat after longtime Councilman Robert Hawkins died.
This is the first meeting following the election period for the newly elected Pocomoke City Council members. George Tasker was sworn in for the First District, filling the empty seat after longtime Councilman Robert Hawkins died. Having been re-elected, Tracey Cottman was also sworn in. Robert Clarke, the other Council member re-elected, was fighting a fire Monday night and was unable to be present for the ceremony. Cottman was named First vice president and Clarke was named second vicepresident. Photo/Bill Kerbin
Having been reelected, Tracey Cottman was also sworn in. Robert Clarke, the other Council member reelected, was fighting a fire Monday night and was unable to be present for the ceremony.
Cottman was named first vice president and Clarke was named second vice president.


Approval was given for the annexation of the Pocomoke Animal Hospital on U.S. 13 South. The animal hospital joins a number of other commercial properties that have been annexed in recently years, following the installation of a sewer line south to the Information Center at the Virginia line.

Chamber Request

Josh Nordstrom, the president of the Pocomoke City Chamber of Commerce, met with the council to discuss several items. First of all he asked for the annual funding of the fireworks at the Cypress Festival, which is already in the town budget. He also said that there are presently no brochures representing the entire town, just brochures for different venues. He said that it would cost $5,000 to print a quality product and was asking $3,000 from the town for part of the funding. He is seeking funding from other sources to help with the balance of the cost.

A fundraiser planned by the Chamber for early September is a "Grape and Grain" event where beer and wine tasting would be available from local wineries and breweries. Saying that this would be an adult event, Nordstrom requested permission from the town to have it at Cypress Park.

Nordstrom was told that the council would have to discuss the event and the brochure funding before giving an answer.

Under other business, the Council approved the use of Cypress Park by the Assateague People of Delmarva for their pow wow on May 19-20; authorized the mayor to sign a proclamation for Faire Housing Month; approved a lease for a SUV for the police department; had the first reading for the refinancing of a loan for the new Police Department building; approved the demolition of a burned out house at 523 Young St.; and discussed dates for a reception with members of city boards and commission.

Pocomoke's newest police officer, Damien McClotten was introduced Monday night.




Camera shy?

The police?

The American Society of Journalists and Authorsthe professional association of independent nonfiction writersprotests the abuse by Philadelphia police of a journalism student who was simply trying to photograph them on a public street.

Ian Van Kuyk, a journalism student at Temple University, believed he was exercising his First Amendment rights of free speech and free press when he took pictures of police officers who were engaged in a routine traffic stop on a public street. When the officers asked him to stop, he tried to explain that he was within the law to take their photographs on a public street. They disagreed, arrested him and charged him with obstruction, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Van Kuyk claims that he was pushed, shoved and thrown to the ground before being handcuffed. His girlfriend was present, and when she tried to rescue his camera, she too was charged with obstruction and disorderly conduct. At last report, Van Kuyk’s court date was set for April 16th.
A number of prior cases in other venues have upheld the right of a citizen to photograph an event that is occurring in a public place. “With the explosion of cell phone cameras and videos, combined with social media, an army of citizen journalists has emerged in the past few years,” writes Larry Atkins, a member of ASJA’s First Amendment Committee, in an op-ed piece in Philadelphia. Atkins, a lawyer who also teaches journalism at Temple University and Arcadia University, hopes that this will be “a teachable moment” for all sides -- the police, students and journalists.

As Claire Safran, chair of ASJA’s First Amendment Committee, notes, “The Constitution guarantees the fundamental right to report, in words or in pictures, on events taking place in public.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012




Pulled Pork Sandwich (any way) w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.50

For those new to the area or traveling through,  Shore Beef & BBQ is located on Rt. 13 South in Virginia just before the intersection at T's Corner

Barn Fires In Pocomoke Area Keep Firefighters Busy

Wednesday evening between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm Stockton Fire Company along with other local fire departments were called to two separate barn fires. A barn on Sheephouse Road and Jones Road, owned by the Overholt family was fully involved when fire departments arrived. Another barn at 4542 Payne Road, owned by the Aydelotte family  was also reported burning out of control.

Barn fire at Sheephouse Rd. and Jones Rd.- Pocomoke
Photo/Stockton Fire Company

Before the evening was over firefighters were also called to the scene of a woods fire on Silva Road.

Both barns were unoccupied at the time, there were no injuries  and the Fire Marshal's Office is investigating.
I have to use the statement from the person that emailed me this info: "Sadly these two barns  were iconic to the area and have been there for many many years."

TIME MACHINE Preview ... "As dark as the day when old Jennie was hung."

The old Eastern Shore saying came to be following an 1815 hanging in the old jail yard at Princess Anne, and a strange phenomenon attributed to that day.

Read more about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant- Moving Right Along......

The New Pocomoke City Restaurant
 ~ In Progress ~
Thursday, April 5, 2012

It still isn't time for cocktails on the deck but it will be before we know it!  Some of the brickwork  was being done and I must say that the brickwork being laid will certainly do alot to add to the charm of this most beautiful restaurant.
It might not be very appealing right now but it will be.

Lots of progress has been made inside too.  Probably the most noticable was that the walls had all been given a base coat.  - With light through the windows and all white walls I don't think I've ever seen anything so white!  I can't wait to see what colors they choose to paint the walls.
Kitchen area...  We found this guy hard at work by himself and quiet as a mouse.

Last two photos were taken from Cypress Park.
One of the great things about the new restaurant is that parking is FREE.  It doesn't matter if you come by car or by boat or even jet ski.  There's no charge.
There will also be no charge for the magnificent view!

Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin Warns of Fraud Scheme

According to Sheriff Todd Godwin, the Accomack County Sheriffs Office has recently received reports of a fraud scheme involving residents who have received mailings implying the recipient is a sweepstakes winner.

Most of these schemes originate outside of the United States and many times have misspellings in the body of the letter. These schemes typically contain a letter which explains the procedure to collect the supposed winnings.

A check may be included and payable to the recipient with instructions to deposit the check and send a portion of the funds back to pay for taxes or other costs associated with the supposed winnings. The check may appear legitimate on its face, however it is typically counterfeit, and if the recipient deposits the check, they may be held liable for the face value of the check by their own bank.

Anyone receiving any unsolicited correspondence such as these mailings may contact their local law enforcement agency for assistance, or verify the validity of the check at their financial institution prior to cashing or depositing the check.
