Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland / Larry Hogan

Special Session: The SequelWashington Times 5.14.12

"One of the rituals of summer is the arrival of big-budget blockbuster films to your local neighborhood multiplex. Sequels are a huge source of revenue for Hollywood. Unfortunately, they are a big moneymaker for Maryland’s ruling political establishment in Annapolis as well."


Tax Burden
Baltimore Sun 5.13.12

"Change Maryland estimates that the General Assembly has raised taxes or fees 20 times since 2007. Recent examples include an alcohol tax increase and higher toll fares."


Reliance on Income Tax
Maryland Reporter 5.11.12

"If our elected officials won’t listen to the 96% of Marylanders who are opposed to higher taxes,” Hogan said, “maybe they should at least listen to their own budget analysts who are raising red flags about over-reliance on the income tax.”


Special Session Preview
Examiner.com 5.11.12

"(Hogan) questioned the need for an income tax increase, pointing out the state already has a high reliance on its income tax.  Speaking on behalf of the group Change Maryland, he said that the state’s Department of Legislative Services reported the news at length prior to the 2012 session."


Levyland - the "Fee" State
Gazette 5.11.12

"During Gov. O’Malley’s six-year tenure they’ve increased just about every tax and fee on the books, some of them twice! You don’t believe me? Here’s a list compiled by “Change Maryland,” a taxpayers group led by Larry Hogan."


$2 billion / 20 new taxes
Fox 45 5.11.12

"At some point people vote with their feet and they leave."


Income Tax Preview
Washington Examiner 5.09.12

"They over-rely on the income tax to support state spending," Hogan said. "Now our elected officials are on the verge of making that problem even worse."


Why Does Annapolis do These Things?
WGMD 5.04.12

"You are warning about one-party government."


"Doomsday" Budget: the Aftermath
WCTR 5.04.12

"It's doomsday for those of us who pay taxes."




Restaurant Completion Is Getting Closer......

The New Restaurant
 Thursday  May 10, 2012
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Finally the day I had been waiting for arrived.  All the windows  on the restaurant can now be seen as you enter Pocomoke City from the downtown drawbridge.  It's just so hard to believe that in December when I took my first photos of this spot along the Pocomoke River  there was nothing but dirt and barricades.

  On Monday May 7 the Pocomoke City Council voted to authorize Mayor Bruce Morrison to sign a 5 year lease  of the waterfront restaurant with owners of  (SMMR Inc.)  Back Street Grill in Salisbury, Md.  Plans are to have the restaurant open mid to late June.

Last window to be installed and recently uncovered.  This window will make service  onto  the deck alot easier and so much faster.

Kitchen area

A team of two brothers were working hard in the restroom area when I was there.  The other brother said "no"  to a photo and that's okay. 

The bar is in the process of being set up and is located just inside the rear entrance or from the waterfront entrance.   

Won't be much longer before riverfront dining will be in Pocomoke!  I can't wait.

More on the restaurants progress soon............ In the meantime be sure to take a look at all the accomplishments being made downtown.  And for those of you that say it isn't, I say downtown Pocomoke IS alive! 

And the next time I'm downtown I'm going to have one of those yummy cupcakes from Coles Cakes! 

 As always, a big thank you to Councilman Malloy for making it possible for me to take these photos.    A special thank you to my husband who understands my enthusiasm in documenting changes in Pocomoke City through pictures  and who always provides me with nice cameras. 

That's all for now.

ESO School of Dance

Virginia Hurrican Preparedness Week .....

Buy emergency supplies, save money during

 Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday

RICHMOND, Va. – Virginians can save money and get ready for hurricane/flooding season during the Commonwealth’s tax-free shopping week set for May 25-31.

No sales tax is charged on the purchase of many items that can be used to prepare homes and businesses and to fill emergency supply kits during Virginia’s Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday.   All retailers participate, according to Virginia law.
Among the items that will be exempt from sales tax are:
  • Batteries, including cell phone batteries
  • Battery-powered light sources, such as flashlights and lanterns
  • Bottled water of all types and sizes, including flavored, carbonated and vitamin waters
  • Battery-powered and/or hand-crank radios, including those with electrical power option
  • Weather band radios and NOAA Weather Radios
  • First aid kits
  • Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Tarps, plastic sheeting, plastic drop cloths, duct tape
  • Water storage containers, including coolers, buckets, barrels, canteens
  • Storm shutter devices
  • Portable generators
For a complete list, go to www.tax.virginia.gov/site.cfm?alias=STHoliday.

“Last year proved that Virginia is not immune from hurricanes and tropical systems,” said Michael Cline, state coordinator for the Virginia Department of Emergency Management.  “Five Virginians died as a result of Hurricane Irene in late August, which caused the second-highest number of power outages in Virginia history.  Then we were hit by the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee in September that took the lives of five citizens and displaced hundreds more. 

Nearly the entire state was affected to some extent, and we were left with millions of dollars in property damage.  Everyone should take steps to prepare for this hurricane season.”  

Hurricane season starts June 1.  Additional information about preparing for hurricane and flooding season is available at www.ReadyVirginia.gov

Monday, May 14, 2012

Peaceful Rally To Be Held In Annapolis

Peacefull Rally In Annapolis Outside the Capital
To Overturn Ruling


Tuesday- May 15, 2012
2:30 until 4:30

100 State Circle
Annapolis, MD

"The goal is to inform the Assembly that we love our dogs, they are part of the family and they have been misinformed and have generalized the breed. We will want to make a good representation for the breed, so we want to make this very peaceful. The best way to show we are responsible dog owners and the wrong end of the leash is being blamed is by remaining calm and show that we are responsible dog parents. By bringing posters with pictures hugging and getting kisses from our babies is best!"

"This ruling will impact not only thousands of “pit bull” dog owners and their landlords, but will spill over onto owners of other dogs and their landlords, onto animal shelters, pet stores, groomers, kennels, veterinarians, and all other animal service providers."

Grand Opening/Open House This Saturday

Local Post Offices Facing Hour Reductions

Buckling under pressure from Congress, the US Postal Service has dropped plans to close several thousand money-losing rural mail stations. Instead, plans are now to reduce hours on the rural facilities to offset the costs of keeping them open.

Eastern Shore Post Offices which are planned to have hours reduced are Assawoman, Atlantic, Capeville, Craddockville, Franktown, Greenbackville, Greenbush, Hallwood, Harboton, Horntown, Jamesville, Keller, Locustivlle, Machipongo, Mappsville, Nelsonia, Pungoteague, Quinby, Saxis, Tangier, Tasley, Temperanceville, Townsend, Wachapreague, Willis Wharf and Withams.

Most of the offices will be cut from 8 hours of operation each day to either 6 or mostly likely 4.

A full list of the Post Offices facing hour reductions can be found below.

More Information Full list of Post Services facing reduced hours


Downtown Pocomoke City- The New Mini-park

Pocomoke City Downtown Coordinator, Angela Manos, has done a wonderful, (actually amazing) job with turning her ideas into realities for downtown Pocomoke.

If you haven't traveled downtown lately maybe you should............

There's so much to see.   Plenty of stores to shop!

Photos of the mini-park.  Market Street and Second Street.

In no time the memories of this lot being empty will be filled with all varieties of summer blossoms. 

However, someone to put in a walkway is seriously needed. 
 Any takers?

Change Maryland

Change Maryland Releases Tax/Fee Increases
 Under O'Malley Administration

Annapolis, MD - Change Maryland, a non-partisan grassroots organization, released today a list of tax and fee increases from 2007 to 2012 that shows levies have been raised a staggering 20 times with a $2 billion annual impact to taxpayers.  Ranging from the $603 million sales tax increase in 2007, to more modest measures such as the $2.5 million 2011 fee increase for vanity license plates, the list also includes off-the-books revenue collections such as last year's record toll increases imposed by the Maryland Transportation Authority.

"For years now, our elected officials have not listened to the 96% of Marylanders who oppose higher taxes," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "Gov. Martin O'Malley was not elected saying 'I'd like to drastically increase state spending and raise taxes on struggling Marylanders.' He ran on a false claim of fiscal responsibility, and we had the wool pulled over our eyes."

The state's budget has grown $1.2 billion a year, on average - from $28.8 billion in 2007 to $34.7 billion in 2012.  While the Governor has claimed $7.5 billion in cuts during his term in office, the numbers simply don't add up.  Moreover, the aftermath of the special session next week is likely to result in higher individual income taxes with which to continue government spending at levels the one-party monopoly finds politically appealing.

The Change Maryland Tax and Fee fact sheet details measures including the expired millionaire's tax and the ill-conceived computer services tax - a case study in 11th-hour legislating and a nationally-recognized embarrassment. Although one expired and the other was repealed, these two measures branded Maryland as a non-business-friendly state generating national headlines.

A May report by Chief Executive Magazine ranks Maryland the 40th best state for business.  Maryland's dismal ranking is due to income-tax increases on the middle class which adversely impacts businesses, according to the magazine.   The latest among a dozen such studies, there is ample evidence that Maryland's ability to create private sector jobs is threatened by a hostile tax environment.

"All Marylanders - Republicans, Democrats and Independents - suffer when the professional politicians and the special interest groups go unchecked and continue to push the same failed tax and spend policies, year after year," Hogan said.

Addressing the Governor's press conference this week to announce the special session, Hogan noted a flurry of statistics the Administration selected in attempting to justify raising the income tax.

"We increased spending more than 46 other states and O'Malley says that's not enough," Hogan said.  "We are number four in total tax burden, which he must think is too low.  The state's own budget analysts said our income tax is already second in the nation. O'Malley is moving Maryland forward to number one in every objective measure of taxation levels."


Background:  MD Taxes Fees Fact Sheet



Sunday, May 13, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... Eastern Shore Strawberries, 1919 & 1920!

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


July, 1919

(The Charlston Daily Mail- Charlston, South Carolina)


Strawberries In Great Demand for Soft Drink Trade;

Prices Are Unprecedented

Philadelphia, July 26.- Prohibition indirectly produced an extraordinary condition in the strawberry market this year. Prices went higher than ever before because a Chicago packing house opened what was said to be the largest fruit preserving plant in the world in the heart of the strawberry district in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and bought the product of great berry producing fields virtually without regard to cost to meet the tremendous demand for ice cream and soft drinks produced by the "dry" period.

Strawberries that normally sold from from 5 to 10 cents a quart were snapped up at from 30 to 37 cents. The price to the consumer never went below 30 cents this season. Strawberry syrup for flavoring soda water, formerly sold at 65 cents a gallon, is now quoted at $3.50 a gallon.

Farmers are elated. Many of them made an average of $1,000 an acre on their strawberry crop, and they are looking forward to big profits next year. The packers, when the strawberry season was over, sent their employees to other work and closed the factory.


July, 1920

(The Sandusky Register- Sandusky, Ohio)

Strawberry Crop Big

(By International News Service.)

WASHINGTON, July 2.- The strawberry crop on the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia will bring into the farmers and truck growers this year not less than $2,000,000 according to growers and bankers in that section. The bank accounts of the Wicomico County farmers alone have increased $65,000 as a result of their berry shipments for the season.

The average price is $7.50 per crate of 22 quarts. Their are 250 crates in a car load and each car is valued at $2,500. The shipments so far from the town of Pittsville have been 164 car loads, and from Marion, in Somerset County, almost twice that much.


May, 1905

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md)

Eastern Shore farmers and housewives are in a dilemma on account of the cooks and farmhands leaving their employers for the strawberry fields.


April, 1893

(The Denton Journal)

Somerset County school commissioners will soon complete a high school building at Princess Anne that will cost $1,200.


December, 1941

A system of guard duty was put into effect to allow Maryland State Guard members to return to their civilian jobs. The armories in Pocomoke City, Crisfield, Salisbury, and Cambridge remained under guard and closed to all public activities. All guard members were under orders to report to their armories each evening for roll call and orders.


December, 1936)

(Cumberland Evening Times- Cumberland, Md.)

Snow Hill, Md., Dec, 17(AP)- The trouble started when 74-year-old Mrs. Ida Altman Barton read a newspaper account of her husband's wedding. His wedding, that is, to someone else.

Today, as a result, Harry E. Barton, 53, of Salisbury, faced grand jury action on a charge of bigamy. Unable to raise $1,000 bail, he remained in the Worcester County jail.

Mrs. Barton alleged that her husband suggested she take a "vacation" to Baltimore in November. While she was away, she asserts, Barton journeyed to Pocomoke City and, after a "whirl-wind" courtship, married Mrs. Mary M. Grandee.

While the first Mrs. Barton still was in Baltimore, Barton removed some of the furniture from his Salisbury home and moved to Pocomoke City to live with his second wife.

Last week the first Mrs. Barton read the newspaper account of the wedding. Returning to Snow Hill, she checked the county records. Yesterday, she swore out a warrant for Barton's arrest before magistrate Walter W. Price.

Barton and the first Mrs. Barton were married in 1913. 



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Mother's Day

Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

Pocomoke City Mayor Signs Lease With Restaurant Operator

Written by
Bill Kerbin
POCOMOKE CITY -- Pocomoke City's new downtown riverfront restaurant took a major step forward this week with the City Council voting to authorize the mayor's signature on a five-year lease with SMMR Inc., owners of the Back Street Grill in Salisbury.

With plans to open the new restaurant in mid to late June, the building is nearing completion. It is being funded by about $750,000 in state and federal grants, plus $150,000 to $200,000 in local funds. The final breakout depends on the success of another grant application for $63,000, according to City Manager Russell W. Blake.

The city will be reimbursed by the restaurant operator on an increasing scale beginning with about seven-tenths of one percent of gross food sales in the first year and increasing annually to 4.29 percent of up to $1 million in sales in the fifth year. Any sales over $1 million will be charged at the 1.43 percent rate. The operator will also be paying $250 per month rent beginning at the end of the first year. Blake said the new restaurant will be employing about 30 people.

Grants approved

The council also approved an application for $435,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding for various projects. The largest amount, $300,000, will be for resurfacing Fourth Street and other streets in eligible areas.

Another for $60,000 will fund a feasibility study of the possible re-use of the former fire house on Fifth Street and the former armory. The fire house has been vacant since the fire company moved to new quarters on Market Street. The police department will be moving out of the armory to new quarters also on Market Street in the near future.

The rest is earmarked for improvements to the downtown area -- $25,000 to replace dilapidated sidewalks and $50,000 to give assistance to buyers of vacant buildings for new business start-ups.

Police building

A resolution was passed to refinance about $1 million of the new police headquarters building with USDA funds and council approved an estimated expenditure of $17,854 for the purchase of new desks and other office furniture and supplies for the new building.

Councilman Robert Clarke was concerned about speeding on Cedar Street. He suggested the town locate three- and four-way stops along the street to help correct the problem. Suggestions were 10th Street, 11th Street, 14th Street and at Holiday Drive to stop traffic just before Pocomoke High School.

However, Mayor Bruce Morrison wanted the council to hear a presentation on radar along the street. The radar would have to be in a school zone of which there are two along the street, at Pocomoke Middle and Pocomoke High. The town would receive a large percentage of any fines imposed on speeders.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Melson's Power Show OPENS TODAY !


Fun for the whole family!
Bring a lawn chair and sit under the shade trees or use the picnic tables

Tractor Pulling, Lawn Tractor Pulling, Truck Pulling

And in the Sand Drag Event look for familiar names like
"Little Red Dakota", "Freak Nasty" or my favorite "Mud Pie"

Registration @ 3:00PLEASE BE SURE TO BE REGISTERED BY 5:00 !
Admission: $5.00 - Children under 11 years FREE!

Refreshments available

9343 Guy Ward Road
Parsonsburg, Maryland


facebook ~ Melson's Tractor Pulling


TIME MACHINE Preview ... Eastern Shore Strawberries, 1919 & 1920!

Did the "dry" period of Prohibition play a part in producing some banner years for the Eastern Shore Strawberry crop?

From 1936... "The trouble started when 74-year-old Mrs. Ida Altman Barton read a newspaper account of her husband's wedding. His wedding, that is, to someone else." (a Pocomoke City woman)
Read more about these and other items this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



Saturday May 12, 2012
7:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 a.m.

Salem United Methodist Church
Second Street
Pocomoke City, Maryland


OPEN Friday and Saturday


7 AM  ~  2 PM

Dolly's Greenhouses
kb Photo

If you have something to sell or want to buy shop downtown Pocomoke

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pocomoke City Police Department

Notice any changes?

Second Street
Pocomoke City, Maryland

Save The Date....

In Honor of Trooper First Class Shaft S. Hunter.


MD. State Trooper
1st Class Shaft S. Hunter

(Jessup, MD) – Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Marcus L. Brown will be joined by State Senator Allan H. Kittleman, Delegate Kevin Kelly, other elected officials, family members, fellow troopers and friends to unveil a memorial highway sign in honor of Trooper First Class Shaft S. Hunter.

Trooper First Class Hunter was assigned to the Waterloo Barracks and was working night patrol on May 21, 2011 when he was killed. While pursuing a speeding motorcycle, his patrol car collided with the back of a tractor trailer that was parked on the shoulder of I-95, near the Maryland Welcome Center, south of Route 32 in Howard County. At age 39, Trooper First Class Hunter, was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and had served the Maryland State Police for eleven years. He left behind his wife and six children.

The State Highway Administration will be placing a memorial sign along Interstate 95, on both the northbound and southbound sides, near the location of the crash.


WHEN: FRIDAY, MAY 11, 2012, 1:00 P.M.

JESSUP, MD 20794
(410) 799-2101


On May 9, 2012, at approximately 4 p.m., Ocean City Police and Paramedics responded to the Holiday Inn hotel, located at 1701 Atlantic Avenue, regarding a person that had fallen onto the pool deck.

Emergency personnel located an unresponsive individual who appeared to have fallen from a hotel balcony.  The individual was transported to Atlantic General Hospital where he was pronounced dead.  The deceased has been identified as Eric Austin Allen, 26, of Dayton, Maryland.

Allen’s remains were taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland in Baltimore for autopsy.  Ocean City detectives continue to investigate the manner and cause of death in this case.

~Maryland Votes For Animals ~

The legislature continues to support us!
They are telling us to keep the pressure on!

From: Stocksdale, Nancy Delegate [mailto:Nancy.Stocksdale@house.state.md.us]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Pit Bull dogs
Thank you for contacting me regarding the very disturbing Maryland Court of Appeals decision designating pit bull or pit-bull type dogs as dangerous. I agree with you that the ramifications from this decision will be far reaching and devastating to the pets, pet owners, landlords, tenants, shelters, veterinarians, etc., and this law needs to be overturned.

I have heard, and you may have as well, that when the Maryland General Assembly convenes next week it is only for the purpose of raising taxes and shifting the cost of the teachers’ pensions to the local jurisdictions. At this point, it is my understanding that nothing else will be heard.

That said, and knowing the dire situation that this court ruling imposes on certain citizens of this state, I strongly urge you to contact the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the Senate President as soon as possible and ask that they include this issue to be heard during next week’s Special Session in an effort to have the court decision overturned. I believe that nothing but public pressure will get this topic included in the Special Session agenda.

Contact information:

Governor Martin O’Malley
Call his office at 410-974-3336. You can also e-mail him at http://www.governor.maryland.gov/mail. However, the call is more immediate, but the e-mail is another source to express your concerns.

Speaker of the House, Michael Busch
Call his office at 410-841-3800 or e-mail him at michael.busch@house.state.md.us

President of the Senate, Mike Miller
Call his office at 410-841-3700 or e-mail him at thomas.v.mike.miller@senate.state.md.us

Feel free to pass this on to anyone anywhere in the State to ask for them to also contact these people.

I am as concerned as you and will do what I can here.


Nancy R. Stocksdale

322 Lowe House Office Building
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-841-3077 (phone)
410-841-3241 (fax)

Downtown Pocomoke City Farmers & Flea Market Is OPEN





Maybe there will be strawberries.....


7:00 AM – 2:00PM

Now Fridays AND Saturdays!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Melson's Power Show Opens Saturday

SATURDAY  MAY 12, 2012


From Change Maryland 5/10/12

State's Own Budget Analysts Warns Maryland's Reliance on Income Tax Already High

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Eastern Shore Strawberries, 1919 & 1920!

Did the "dry" period of Prohibition play a part in producing some banner years for the Eastern Shore Strawberry crop during that era?

Read more about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

EPA Promotes Safer Alternatives to Nonylphenol Ethoxylates

This explains why my clothes haven't been coming clean for a looooong time now!  In fact, most things that once "cleaned" don't clean anymore!  I don't dare list them........you know what they are.

May 9, 2012

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has released the final report on alternatives to nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) through the Design for the Environment (DfE) Alternatives Assessment Program. NPEs are widely used surfactants with a range of industrial applications and are commonly found in consumer products, such as laundry detergents.

When released into the environment, they can be persistent and highly toxic to aquatic organisms. The report identifies eight safer alternatives to NPE that meet EPA’s criteria for safer surfactants.

“I applaud the product manufacturers who have stopped using NPEs and switched to safer alternatives and the chemical manufacturers who have made the safer alternatives available,” said Jim Jones, acting assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP). “This report shows the important strides that have been made to identify safer alternatives and the progress being made to phase out NPEs in detergents and reduce its use in other applications. By developing rigorous technical assessments through public participation, EPA can help successfully encourage the transition to safer chemicals.”

The report provides information on the availability of safer alternatives, DfE’s hazard evaluation method for surfactants, and the progress being made in adopting safer surfactants.  Using rigorous hazard-based criteria, EPA evaluated hundreds of chemicals for their biodegradability and their potential effects to aquatic organisms.

DfE’s Alternatives Assessment Program helps industries choose safer chemicals and offers a basis for informed decision-making by providing a detailed comparison of the potential human health and environmental effects of chemical alternatives. To date, the DfE program has labeled more than 2,700 safer products, including detergents that contain only safer surfactants and other chemicals.

All companies participating in the DfE Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative have eliminated NPE from their product lines to meet DfE criteria.

More information on the DfE Alternatives Assessment Program and the NPEs Report:



The New Pocomoke City Mini Park

This eyesore of a corner lot in downtown Pocomoke City has had a true makeover!  Angela Manos, Downtown Coordinator for Pocomoke City has done an amazing job with sprucing up downtown Pocomoke in the short time she has been there. 

In fact, I'd say, Pocomoke City has had a makeover!

Great job, Angela and everyone involved.

Written by
Angela Manos
Pocomoke City Downtown Coordinator

Are you watching our NEW MINI-PARK -- at Second & Market -- start to take shape?

Many thanks go to our WINTER QUARTERS MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE Superintendent, Douglas Guns AND to Pocomoke High School Media Relations Specialist, Patricia Tomasovic & PHS freshman STUDENTS, (left to right) Brandi Lemaster and Carolinda Fear.

Brandi and Carolinda worked with Ms.Tomasovic to plant our seasonal flower beds  as part of PHS' After-School Academy; also completing their Service Learning Requirements.

Brandi Lemaster (left) Carolinda Fear (right)
kb Photo

The students’ work is just one downtown beautification project that PHS administration, faculty and students have been involved with. Youth involvement with our downtown revitalization effort has been championed by PHS' newly appointed Principal, Annette Wallace.

MANY THANKS to all!!!


— with Douglas Guns, Brandi Lemaster, Annette Wallace, Patricia Tomasovic and Carolinda Fear at Pocomoke City, Maryland.

~You can find City of Pocomoke and kb photo on facebook ~

Chincoteague's "Mother Earth Festival"

The 4th Annual
Saturday May 12, 2012
10:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m.
Robert Reed Park
on the waterfront downtown
CHINCOTEAGUE --Chincoteague's 4th annual Mother Earth Day Festival features family fun plus a chance to keep toxics out of our landfills by recycling old electronics.

County residents can bring computers, printers, radios, TVs -- just about anything with a plug -- plus cellphones and batteries to a collection trailer behind Sundial Books on Main Street anytime from May 6 to 12. (Large appliances, such as refrigerators, washers and dryers, are not included; please call the Town of Chincoteague to arrange pickup.)

On Saturday, May 12, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., the Robert Reed Downtown Park will again be transformed into an environmental and artistic jamboree, featuring live music, arts and crafts sales, nature and environment exhibits, food, and a kids' play area. Entry to the festival is free.

Live music includes Island favorite Ruth Wyand from North Carolina, local musician Greg Shupe & Men with Issues, The Eclecticians, and the Bombay Garden Jive Club.

Families will love the educational exhibits from Wallops Island Flight Facility, the Virginia Marine Science Consor-tium's touch tank, advice from the Eastern Shore Native Plant Council, eastern shore reptiles with Master Naturalist Ruta Vaskys and Waste Watchers of the Eastern Shore.

You'll want to check out the Chincoteague Garden Club's annual plant sale and our yearly Mother Earth Day Auction.

This year the auction includes four artfully redesigned carousel ponies from the carnival and benefits the Chincoteague Island Fire Company's Building Fund.

In addition to electronics recycling, on the day of the festival, bring any "gently used" items you can no longer use to the Hospice Truck (also located behind Sundial Books).

Hospice requests clothing, kitchen and household wares, furniture and knick-knacks.

Mother Earth Day is a program of the Chincoteague Cultural Alliance (CCA), and is supported by the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Davis Disposal, the Kiwanis Club of Chincoteague, Refuge Motor Inn, and WCTG.

CCA is a nonprofit and is supported by grants from the Town of Chincoteague, the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.


For more information:  http://www.chincoteagueculturalalliance.org/ 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On Sunday: Five-Hour -Standoff Closes Belle Haven Road

In case you have been wondering -

NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) - After five hours, law enforcement officials took a 62-year-old man into custody Sunday.

According to Northampton County Sheriff David L. Doughty, deputies attempted to serve a warrant on Bell Haven Road in Northampton County.

“When deputies arrived on scene, the subject was unwilling to surrender to law enforcement, therefore we took the necessary precautions to protect the community as well as the suspect and the law enforcement officers on scene,” Doughty said.

The precautions included closing Belle Haven Road to all traffic.
James Allen Powell, 62, of Belle Haven, was taken into custody and charged with possession of a firearm by a felon.

Exmore Police Department, Accomack Sheriff's Office, Virginia Marine Resource Commission, Cape Charles Police Department and Virginia State Police responded to this incident.


Yard Sale & Flea Market


Saturday  May 12, 2012
7:00 a.m.  ~  1:00 a.m.

Salem United  Methodist Church
Second Street
Pocomoke City, Maryland


To donate items or reserve a table call:   410-957-0991