Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hurricane Gloria..

(excerpt from The Dispatch, Ocean City)

‘It Was A Real Disaster Area’: Hurricane Gloria Remembered 30 Years Later

OCEAN CITY — Thirty years ago this weekend, Ocean City Councilman Dennis Dare was a young city engineer for the town of Ocean City.
The year was 1985, and Dare and other town officials got word that a Cape Verde-hurricane called Gloria had taken a sharp turn in the Atlantic Ocean and was churning with increasing force toward the East Seaboard.
When the hurricane passed by on Sept, 27, it left behind significant damage including the destruction of the majority of the resort’s famous Boardwalk. Gloria quickly went into the record books as one of Ocean City’s benchmark storms.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Asking for your prayers

I'm going to ask everyone who would to please keep my father in prayer. My father, Tom, created The Pocomoke Public Eye and has poured himself into it over the past several years until a few months ago when his health started to decline. Monday morning he was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center and admitted to PCU due to some health complications. His blood pressure has been as high as 210/110. As of right now he is out of PCU and in a regular room and his blood pressure is more under control, but he faces many more obstacles with his kidneys and liver function. As a Pastor, a Christian, and his son, I'm believing that God can and will do a miracle in his life and will be restored better than he was before. I'm asking to those to please pray for him. My family and I greatly appreciate it!

Travis Ayres

City Manager addresses Pocomoke regarding Sewell Termination

An Open Response to Emails re the Termination of Pocomoke City Police Chief 
Please allow me to provide a general response to all those from across the State, as well as from Pocomoke City, who have sent the form email to our City Clerk regarding the termination of employment of our former Chief of Police. I will address the points raised by paragraph as presented in the emails.
1. The characterization of the “firing as “unlawful” is a matter of legal opinion, and has been expressed without knowledge of the facts; which facts the City is prohibited by law from providing. I will say this – no one has been fired, disciplined, etc. on the basis of race, or for filing an EEOC claim, or for assisting others in filing an EEOC claim. I am often surprised that folks want to jump to conclusions because someone else says it is so, rather than waiting for the process to play out. Believe me; if it were legal to tell you why Chief Sewell was fired, I would be first in line to do so. You might also ask yourself this question, if the City is so racially negative and motivated, how is it that Chief Sewell ever became the City’s first African-American chief? Also, the statistics do not support the claim that crime is down overall in Pocomoke City. Although acceptance in the community is a significant factor, being a Chief of Police requires more than just being popular in any community.
2. The only type of meeting where a discussion of an employee’s performance and action to be taken is at an administrative function or closed session. Although a technical violation of the Act may have occurred (not admitting same), the notice to be provided, again as provided by law, would and could not have named Chief Sewell. That is part of the protection offered all employees when it comes to personnel matters.
3. On a personnel matter, it was not necessarily so that a vote was required to be taken in public, only that it be reported. Everyone is aware that the vote was 4-1, with Councilwoman Downing the only vote opposed to the termination. The law does not permit the “explanation” referred to in the emails. To “explain” would be to “reveal.” We simply cannot join the public into the personnel matter process. Why there is the continuing doubt over this proposition is beyond me.
4. Regarding the issue of asking media to leave the room, the Mayor has many times, contritely, taken responsibility for his mistake. I note that the email notes that “hundreds” of citizens came to express concerns. If you heard the Mayor, he asked some media to leave to make room for the citizens. Not a legal excuse, but a well-intentioned motivation.
5. I, too, stand for transparency in the government process. I have provided many government clients over the years with open meetings, public information, and ethics training. My contract and resume will soon be posted on our web page. Although I was not employed by the City at the times these actions were taken, I am satisfied that the firing of Chief Sewell was warranted and legal, and was not done in violation of his, or anyone’s, rights. I trust that the public will give Chief Harden an opportunity to move us forward.
Ernie Crofoot.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1897, 1908.. Confederate reunions held in Parksley, Va.; 1899.. Monument honoring fallen Confederate soldiers from the Eastern Shore of Virginia is unveiled; 1990.. Proposed toll road through Delmarva draws mixed reaction; 1967.. Check out these new car prices at Miller-Massey in Pocomoke City and Princess Anne; 1943.. How housewives can aid in World War II effort against Hitler. 

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

View Eclipse Sunday Night From Wallops..

Total Lunar Eclipse

Join us at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center as we watch a total lunar eclipse! Telescope and binocular viewing will be available weather permitting. 

This total lunar eclipse will be visible from most of North America, South America, Europe, west Asia and parts of Africa will be able to see the eclipse. The eclipse will last for 3 hrs and 20 mins from beginning to end. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 1 hr and 12 mins.

Date: Sunday, 9/27/2015
Time: 8:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Location: NASA Wallops Flight Facility Visitor Center, Wallops Island, VA
The presentations will take place in the Visitor Center auditorium and the telescope viewing will take place on the Visitor Center grounds.
phone 757.824.2298

Sunday, September 20, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1888, 1892, 1959, Circa 1920's-1980's.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

December, 1888..

The Denton  Journal

January, 1888..

The Star Democrat, Easton 

1892 (Time Machine archive)

After President-elect Grover Cleveland made a visit to the Eastern Shore of Virginia's Hog Island for a duck hunting vacation an 1892 American Press Association article was published about the island. The following information is gleaned from that article:

Hog Island was still inhabited at that time, with twenty-one families living there. Workers were employees of the government and a sporting clubhouse named Broadwater Clubhouse, and oystermen.

"Every man and every half grown boy can sail a boat, and the people are as near amphibians as they can well be without having web feet."  

"The United States government has vainly essayed to give Hog Island the more euphonious name of Broadwater, but the name Hog Island sticks and the island figures thus upon the official election returns of Virginia.  Hog Island cast thirty-one votes for Mr. Cleveland and none for any other candidate.  That is the usual Democratic majority of the island, and the vote is so easily counted that although the ordinary method of reaching the mainland is by open sailboat the Hog Island returns are usually among the first to come in." 

"Oysters, diamond backed terrapin and water fowl of many sorts swarm about Hog Island, and its neighbors. --  There is some attempt on the part of Virginia to protect the diamond backs, but restrictions upon the pursuit of game are not popular among the islands, and terrapin are caught and eaten whenever they are fit to eat.  They are never cheap, even within a few miles of their feeding grounds, and  they easily fetch from fifteen dollars to twenty-five dollars a dozen at Chincoteague."

"All craft at Hog Island, as along the whole coast, are flat bottoms because of shoal water.. -- The mail is ordinarily brought over to Hog Island in an open sailboat unless the owners of the clubhouse happen to be down, when the steam yacht performs the task."

"The people of the Atlantic coast islands of Virginia are as simple and kindly as any on earth.  For the most part they live generation to generation upon the islands, and the only newcomers, save on populous Chincoteague, are the government employees and the sporting stranger."  

Footnote: (source: Wikipedia):  Hog Island.. "is a part of the Virginia Coast Reserve of The Nature Conservancy.  Starting in the mid-19th century the town of Broadwater, Virginia was located on the southern end of the island, but had to be abandoned in the 1930's when rapid beach erosion made its continued existence untenable.  However, many of the houses and other buildings were floated by barge to the mainland and can be found in Willis Wharf, Virginia and Oyster, Virginia."

May, 1959
The Salisbury Times

Yacht Club Picks Joan Taylor Queen

WISHART'S POINT- The re-opening of the Wishart's Point Yacht Club took place Sunday.  There was a large crowd to witness the boat parade and to see Miss Joan Taylor, Atlantic, Va., chosen "Wishart's Point Yacht Club Queen."

The runner's up were Gloria Sturgis, Pocomoke City, and Emily Rae Drummond, Hallwood. There were 15 contestants.

Many events are planned by the club for the year. The arragements committee for the colorful event yesterday were F. Reide Onley, Mrs. Rosa Conquest, Vincent Darby, LeRoy Davis, Bunny Ewell, Eddie Carroll Tull, Billy Hall and Adair Matthews.

Recalling the small tobacco shop in downtown Salisbury that, for many decades,  was the Eastern Shore's music headquarters for records... 

Watson's Smoke House opened in 1896 in Salisbury and remained a fixture of the downtown business district into the latter part of the 1900's.  As its name implied, its first offering was tobacco products. In later years it would become what was probably the best source on the Eastern Shore for music recordings of all kinds.  It also was a popular stop for its newspaper and magazine offerings and its soda fountain.





Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Photo Contest..

Amateur photographers..there's still time to submit photos in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Annual Pass Photo Contest.

Get the details here:

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Worcester House history?

From a Pocomoke Public Eye reader:

"Not a comment or an opinion but a question that some long time resident of Pocomoke may know. Just over the MD line in VA not far down from the Royal Farms (same side of the highway) is an antique store. I think it is called  the Worcester House. It is a long, low building. On one end is a large walk in fireplace. Does anyone know when this building was built and what was its original purpose?"

Thursday, September 17, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview

1888.. Fire sweeps Pocomoke City business district;  1892.. Virginia's Hog Island then and now; 1959.. Yacht Club queen is chosen;  Circa 1920's-1980's.. recalling the small tobacco shop that, for many decades, was the Eastern Shore's music headquarters for records.

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Beach Cleanup Day..

News Release Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge 


We invite you to join refuge staff and volunteers on Saturday, September 26 th for the Annual Beach Cleanup at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. Registration will begin at 8:00 am at the Hebert H. Bateman Educational and Administrative Center parking lot. 

The annual beach cleanup is part of the International Coastal Cleanup sponsored by The Ocean Conservancy and Clean Virginia Waterways. Marine debris is a persistent problem that threatens ocean and coastal health. We all depend on the oceans: for food, recreation, transportation, and even for much of the oxygen we breathe. And we all have a responsibility to care for our oceans and the life they hold. Participating in a beach cleanup is a positive, active way to show you value clean oceans and waterways. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in one day. You’ll be surprised at what you learn about yourself, your neighbors, and your environment. 

Save the date! September 26 th, 2015. We hope you’ll join us. Be sure to bring water, sunscreen, and wear comfortable footwear. Trash bags, gloves, and data sheets will be provided. The first 250 participants will receive a free T-shirt. In celebration of National Public Lands Day, the entrance fee for everyone will be waived.

This year’s beach cleanup is sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, The Ocean Conservancy, Clean Virginia Waterways, Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Chincoteague Natural History Association, Assateague Island National Seashore, Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce, Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company, Town of Chincoteague, and Accomack County. 

For more information contact the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge at 757-336- 6122 or email, or write to the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 62, Chincoteague, VA 23336.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Have an opinion or item of interest to share with Pocomoke Public Eye readers?

Click "comments" below..

Sunday, September 13, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1884, 1950, 1976, 1917, 1893.

 "Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

August, 1884..

The Denton Journal

Footnotes: The term "drummer" meant salesman.

When the case was being heard in court in October the sudden death of a juror resulted in postponement of proceedings until a new jury could be be seated.  The case was concluded in November with Mills being sentenced to eight years in prison.

(From a September, 2000 "Yesteryears" column in the Somerset Herald) 

1950 ... The formal opening of the new State road between Marion and Westover, completing a modern highway from Crisfield to Route 13 was scheduled for Saturday, September 2nd, when Governor William Preston Lane, accompanied by a number of newspapermen from the Eastern Shore, would cut the ribbon crossing the highway at the Marion end of the road. The Crisfield American Legion band was scheduled to appear at the opening, along with many citizens, representatives of local organizations and businessmen.

June, 1976 
(The Salisbury Times)

Father And Son To Head Clubs

SNOW HILL-  Father and son will become presidents of their Rotary Clubs at a joint meeting of the Snow Hill and Pocomoke City clubs Wednesday night.

The event will be at the Nassawango Country Club.

William G. Kirbin, Jr., Snow Hill attorney, will become president of that club succeeding Ninnian Beal.

His son, William H. Kirbin, editor of the Worcester County Messenger, will become president of the Pocomoke City club. He will succeed Thomas Ashby.  

July, 1917
Richmond Times-Dispatch

The Wallops Island Oyster Company is the name of a new concern chartered and organized at Chincoteague Island with $7,500 capital stock. The company will plant, grow and catch oysters for the markets.

September, 1893..

Peninsula Enterprise

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1884.. Real life soap opera: The murder of Pocomoke City's Captain Davis; 1950.. Modern highway opens between Marion and Westover; 1976.. Rotary in Snow Hill and Pocomoke City headed by father and son; 1893.. (Ad) Services of 15 fashionable dressmakers offered by an expanding  Pocomoke business; 1917.. Big news from the Wallops Island area. What's going on?

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye! 

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Police Chief Named..


Pocomoke City Officials Introduce New Police Chief

Posted: Sep 09, 2015 4:45 PM EDT


Pocomoketoberfest is Back! Saturday, September 26th in Cypress Park.

Early Bird Tickets are now availalbe for Pocomoketoberfest through September 18th.

Save $10 on admission! Stop by the Chamber office in Pocomoke or purchase them online:

 Visit for additional information!

Holiday Patrol Results..

Maryland State Police News Release

Troopers Labor Throughout State Yielded Positive Results

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – The Labor Day weekend efforts of the Maryland State Police had a positive effect on reducing crashes and keeping the public safe to enjoy the last holiday of summer.

Preliminary information indicates from September 4 through September 7, 2015, troopers made approximately 8,075 traffic stops.  They issued 5,493 citations and 4,720 warnings.  There were 126 drunk driving arrests and 866 repair orders issued for defective vehicle equipment.

In support of the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, S.P.I.D.R.E., a full-time drunk driving enforcement team, was out this weekend in areas of Prince George’s County where drunk drivers and drunk driving crashes are known to be prevalent. The team arrested 20 impaired drivers and issued over 120 citations.  Five of those drivers arrested were repeat offenders.

The traffic enforcement efforts of the Maryland State Police led to criminal violations as well.  Troopers made 65 arrests and an additional 75 wanted people were arrested on outstanding criminal warrants.

Troopers assigned to the Southern Maryland and Eastern Shore regions worked the Operation SHOWBOAT initiative and inundated the Route 50 corridor from the Chesapeake Bay to Ocean City.  Operation Millipede enforcement efforts placed troopers along the entire I-95/I-495 corridor from the Delaware to Virginia state lines.  Both operations successfully contributed to highway safety this weekend.  During these initiatives there were no fatal or serious crashes.

The Maryland State Police continue to support the Maryland Highway Safety Office’s ‘Move Toward Zero Deaths’ campaign. These high visibility enforcement efforts reduce the number of aggressive driving motor vehicle crashes in which speed, alcohol and other driving violations are contributing factors to crashes on Maryland roads.  Troopers will continue initiatives throughout the year.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Citizens Help Is Asked.

"If you See Something Say Something"

NRP Officer on patrol during sunset
Maryland's Natural Resources Police
are taking an active role in combating terrorism in the State of Maryland.

You too can help by reporting suspicious activity to law enforcement personnel.

The following could be indicators of potential terrorist activity:
  1. Suspicious attempts to buy or charter vessels using large cash payments.
  2. Vessels operating at night without running lights.
  3. Loading or unloading activity dockside at unusual hours.
  4. Immediate modifications or repairs to vessels demanded without regard to cost.
  5. Communications between a boat and shore by unusual means (lights, flags, etc.).
  6. Vessels riding excessively low in the water.
  7. Improper or false registration numbers.
  8. Suspicious activity around large commercial vessels (freighters, tankers, etc.) including off-loading of persons and packages on to small boats.
  9. Unusual diving activity around vessels, wharfs, bridges, dams, etc.
  10. Abandoned or unattended vessels or vehicles in or near unusual locations or near key facilities or public areas.
  11. Suspicious filming activity near public or key facilities.
  12. The throwing or recovering of items into/onto the waterways or shoreline.

Report Suspicious Activity
Contact Maryland Natural Resources Police
at 800-628-9944
VHF Channel 16
Hail Maryland Natural Resources Police

Sunday, September 6, 2015

TIME MACHINE ... 1993, 1915, 1886, 1936, 1943.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

September, 1993..

The Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, Pa.) 


Although Ocean City received 2.8 inches of rain from the storm, Emily remained offshore and weakened .


Emily was the fifth named storm, first hurricane, and only major hurricane of the 1993 Atlantic hurricane season. Emily formed on August 22 in the Atlantic Ocean well away from any land areas. Emily moved northwest, and was slow to attain tropical storm status, becoming a tropical storm on August 25. Emily briefly became a hurricane on August 26 as it moved to the southwest. Emily quickly weakened back to a tropical storm, later regained hurricane status, and moved generally west-northwest towards the coast of North Carolina. Emily attained Category 3 status just offshore the Outer Banks of North Carolina before turning east, southeast, and south where it weakened to a tropical storm once again. Emily then moved northeast and east, where it dissipated on September 6.

Emily caused $35,000,000 (1993 USD) in damage and killed 3 people, all directly.

January 1915 (Time Machine archive)

What may have started as a routine overnight boarding for passengers on the Chesapeake Bay steamer "Maryland" from departure points along the Pocomoke River and other lower Eastern Shore locations ended in a harrowing experience. After crossing the bay en route to Baltimore  the steamer caught fire.  Most of the passengers were in their berths at the time.  Some of the frightened passengers donned life belts and jumped into the icy bay waters attempting to swim ashore. Two night liners from Norfolk to Baltimore arrived promptly to offer assistance and other smaller boats soon were on the scene. The steamer carried 76 passengers and a crew of 32.  All were safely accounted for with apparently no serious injuries. The steamer was beached at the mouth of the Magothy River and burned to the water's edge.  In addition to $10,000 loss in cargo the value of passengers' personal possessions was expected to reach a high mark.  The steamer's value was placed at $120,000.

August, 1936
Cumberland Evening Times (Cumberland, Md.)



 Washington.  Aug 25. (AP)-  The bureau of foreign and domestic commerce reported today that the municipality of Pocomoke City had a per capita of retail sales of $699 in 1933, the highest in Maryland and triple that of the national average. 

The average per capita sales for the United States was $204, and for Maryland $236.

Towns over 2500 population in Maryland had per capita sales of $318, while the average per capita for the remainder of the state was $113.

In most of the cities and counties in Maryland the per capita retail sales were shown to be well above the national average of $204.

September, 1886..

Peninsula Enterprise (Accomac)

May, 1943..


Salisbury Times

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Holiday Traffic..

Maryland State Police News Release

Troopers Anticipate Higher Traffic Volume This Labor Day Weekend

(PIKESVILLE, MD) –With more economical gas prices this Labor Day weekend, troopers expect an increase in vehicle traffic on Maryland roads.

As Labor Day approaches, the Maryland State Police prepare statewide for an increase in traffic.  Troopers remind motorists the most important objective while traveling is to arrive safely. The best ways to accomplish this are to know before you go, remove distractions from the vehicle, and never drink and drive.

Troopers will also be conducting high visibility traffic enforcement.  Operations SHOWBOAT (SHOre-Wide Bullseye On Aggressive Traffic) and Millipede both will focus on aggressive driving, crash reduction, and impaired driving. Operation SHOWBOAT will concentrate its efforts on U.S. Route 50 from Anne Arundel County to Ocean City and U.S. Route 13 in Wicomico, Somerset, and Worcester counties. Operation Millipede will focus its efforts on I-95 from the Delaware Line to the Virginia Line.

These high visibility enforcement efforts are to reduce the number of aggressive driving motor vehicle crashes in which speed, alcohol and other driving violations are contributing factors to crashes on Maryland roads. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Your Comments..

Have an opinion? Leave a comment.

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

1993.. Lower Eastern Shore reacts as storm "Emily" approaches; 1915.. Passengers on bay steamer "Maryland" survive harrowing experience; 1886.. Earthquake shocks reported throughout Eastern Shore of Virginia; 1936.. Report says Pocomoke City led state in 1933 per capita retail sales. 1943.. Local ad for "Spur." What was it?

It's this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers or something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? Please send to .

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tribute From Fire Department.

Our Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Department's web page has a nice tribute to its longtime member Marion Butler, Sr., who passed away last weekend.  

Take a look:

  Marion Butler, Sr., (center)

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Pocomoke Burglary Arrests.

Two charged in burglary at Pocomoke Friendly's.

Info at:

Historic Parksley Building, Then And Now.

Parksley Hotel circa 1909

The Parksley Hotel was another place where the traveling public was always welcome. It was in easy walking distance to the railroad station, the business district, churches, post office and other sites. In years gone by traveling salesmen made it one of their stopovers on a trip through the Eastern Shore.

(Above picture and text courtesy Eastern Shore Public Library, Accomac)

On this past Sunday's Time Machine posting we noted: Several years ago there was on-going work at the Parksley Hotel structure to convert it into Virginia's first "green friendly" Bed and Breakfast, and it was to be called the Parksley Hotel General Store with the store occupying the lobby area.  Anyone know the current status?

A Pocomoke Public Eye reader sent in a comment that the building is for sale. Here it is as pictured on a real estate site:

                                                                             Former Parksley Hotel Today

When you're clicking around the Internet remember to check in with The Pocomoke Public Eye.  We strive to be a worthwhile supplement to your choices.

Pocomoke Man Weekend Crash Victim.


A 26-year-old Pocomoke City man died in a single-vehicle crash on Route 113 between Snow Hill and Pocomoke City, Maryland State Police said.
Kyle Barton Brittingham was driving south on Route 113 north of Betheden Church Road just before 8:48 p.m., police said.
A preliminary investigation shows his 2006 Jeep Wrangler traveled onto the shoulder for an unknown reason and continued southbound, police said. It then went across both travel lanes and into the median, then overturned several times with the driver being ejected, police said.
Police said Brittingham wasn’t wearing a seat belt and alcohol is believed to be a factor. He was pronounced dead at Peninsula Regional Medical Center.
The investigation is continuing.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Marion Butler Sr.'s Passing.

A pillar of the Pocomoke City community for decades, Marion Butler Sr., passed away on Saturday, 8/29.  He'll be remembered for his passion in serving with the Pocomoke City Volunteer Fire Company, as well as for his community leadership as a former mayor, city council member, and Worcester County Board Of Education member. He had recently celebrated his 90th birthday.

The Holloway Funeral Home of Pocomoke City is handling arrangements.

Interview Given On Pocomoke Council Meetings.

Interim City Manager for Pocomoke City, Ernie Crowfoot, spoke to a media reporter regarding alleged closed city council meetings that some say related to former police chief Kelvin Sewell's termination.

Video and transcript:

TIME MACHINE ... 1920, 1959, 1849, 1909, 1941, 1905.

"Friendliest Town On The Eastern Shore."  Our tradition runs deep.  Excerpt from a letter to the editor from a visitor to Newtown, (former name of Pocomoke City) published in the Baltimore Sun, April 28,1847.

This place (Newtown) is a pretty snug little village, containing about 500 clever and hospitable inhabitants; it has good wide streets, quite clear of that "eye sore," known mostly over the Peninsula by the name of "deep sand"; the houses, though built of frame, are generally built substantially and with some discretion and taste; there are two neat, new, and quite handsome frame churches in it; as for the merchants of the place, suffice it to state that they are very clever and hospitable.  F. Mezick, Esq., the landlord with whom I stopped, and his very obliging and jolly assistant, are richly deserving of a passing notice, for the good treatment and the extension of the many civilities to "the stranger."

(Reader-friendly viewing of news archives/historical archives material)

April, 1920..

                                                                  The Washington Times (Washington, D.C.)

March, 1959
The Crisfield Post


POCOMOKE CITY-  The new "Pocomoke Progress" newspaper made its appearance here last Thursday morning. The new publication has business and editorial offices here, with George N. McMath , President and Editor. He is also President and publisher of the "Eastern Shore News" at Onancock, in which the new Pocomoke periodical is being printed. 

October, 1849
The Baltimore Sun 
 Destructive Storm on the Eastern Shore:

October 12, 1849:
A hurricane swept over a part of Worcester county on Saturday last, the most disastrous that has visited that section within the memory of the oldest man. Houses , barns, fences, granaries, bridges, &c., were but playthings of the elements and the loss sustained by many of our citizens is serious indeed. John H. Allen and John S. Jones, of Sandy Hill, had their granaries, situated at the junction of Crockle Creek with the bay, containing more than 2000 bushels of corn, blown over into the creek where both will prove to be total loss. A man named Joseph Cherrix , in charge of the granary, is missing and is supposed to have been drowned by the disaster. A dwelling on the farm of George Bishop, Esq., near Sandy Hill , was greatly damaged by a large tree being blown against it, knocking the chimney down. The barn on the farm occupied by Thomas Reed, near Sandy Hill, was also destroyed by the storm. The kitchen shed of Mrs. Catherine Selby, occupied by her servants, was blown over. On the farm of Mrs. Jones, near Girdletree Hill, not only the dwelling, but all the out buildings were blown over. There are other particulars and other losses we have yet been unable to collect with certainty . The fences and bridges shared the common fate and the roads in the lower part of the county are impassable. 

The storm seemed to be most destructive in the neighborhood of Sandy Hill.  

Footnote: Sandy Hill was the former name of Stockton.

Circa 1909.. Parksley Hotel

The Parksley Hotel was another place where the traveling public was always welcome. It was in easy walking distance to the railroad station, the business district, churches, post office and other sites. In years gone by traveling salesmen made it one of their stopovers on a trip through the Eastern Shore.

                                                        (Picture and text: Eastern Shore Public Library, Accomac)

Footnote: Several years ago there was on-going work at the Parksley Hotel structure to convert it into Virginia's first "green friendly" Bed and Breakfast, and it was to be called the Parksley Hotel General Store with the store occupying the lobby area.  Anyone know the current status?

February, 1941(Time Machine archive)  

A "Blood Donors Club" was organized by 40 Pocomoke City residents.  Members would voluntarily donate blood when lives of those in need of blood were at stake. The club was one of the first of it's kind in the state.

September, 1905..  Amusements and other ads in The Washington Post.

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