Sunday, March 17, 2024

Time Machine: 100 years ago this week in Pocomoke's newspaper; 1896, 2004, 1935, 1958.


September, 1896

The Morning Herald (Baltimore)

August, 2004

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One must keep in mind that Hall Highway didn't actually exist when these photos were taken, and would not be built until the early 1960s. J. Millard Tawes, a Crisfield resident, was elected Governor in 1958 and made some wholesale changes to the Maryland government, one of which was the establishment of the State Roads Commission. One of the first projects for the new commission was construction of Hall Highway, a four-lane highway that starts nowhere and goes nowhere. But the Governor's wife, Avalynne, wanted it so she could get to the grocery store without having to drive through mud so it got built.

You won't find that in any official history book, but I was there, knew Millard and Avalynne and know the unofficial (but real) story.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't recall when trains stopped running in Crisfield but I do remember the Railway Express Agency office and warehouse on the dock at the end of Hall Highway and I can further recall a steam locomotive running on the tracks in the middle of the street as late as 1956.


Salisbury Daily Times

July, 1935
Lewiston Daily Sun (Lewiston, Maine)

*May, 1958 

Worcester Democrat

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Oak Hall, Va. woman, thought to be a passenger in 2022 crash, still unaccounted for.


On September 13, 2022, 25-year-old Alyssa Taylor texted her mother that she would be riding with an acquaintance on his trucking run to North Carolina.  The truck crashed on I-95. Police said only the driver's body was in the wreckage. Some belongings identified as Taylor's were in the truck but she remains unaccounted for more than a year later.

(View Shore Daily News article:)

A year later, still no answers on missing Eastern Shore woman - Shore Daily News

When Pocomoke Was Young- A continuing weekly feature.


(Chapter flow:)




















Note:  In duplicating this material for publishing on The Pocomoke Public Eye we have made minor adjustments to correct some of the spelling, punctuation, etc. We believe the errors were not in Rev. Murray's original writing but occurred in the process of formatting the material to a digital format for viewing online.


Of the physicians of New Town (now Pocomoke City), 
Dr. John Stevenson was the first that we have any knowl- 
edge of. He settled in New Town about the year 1800, and 
practiced medicine until he died, which event occurred in 
in 1826. He was buried in the family burying ground on 
the farm, which now belongs to Thomas W. Hargis, he 
being at the time of his death 50 years of age. Dr. 
Stevenson had no competition in the practice of medicine 
until a few years before his death, consequently he had a 
large practice and made money. He had a genial spirit, 
was very popular both as a physician and citizen, and was 
highly cultured. (Previewed last week.)
He was a member of the Pitts Creek 
Presbyterian Church, and as has already been intimated, 
became independent, and when he died he left a fine 
estate to his widow and children. 

Dr. Morrison settled here for a short time and practiced 
medicine. Dr. Johnson also practiced medicine in New 
Town for a short time and then moved to Salisbury, where 
he died. The first name of these two gentlemen I have 
forgotten; they practiced in New Town in the latter part 
of Dr. Stevenson's life. 

Dr. John B. H. W. Clarvoe commenced the practice of 
medicine in New Town in the latter part of Dr. Steven- 
son's life. He built up an extensive practice; he was 
sociable, intelligent and one of the most popular physicians 
and citizens. The tidy little Doctor's image is before me 
in my memory while I write. Seated upon his Teaboy or 
Catahulean — for these were the names of his horses — hav- 
ing his saddlebags with him, he would ride away to visit 
his patients. The Doctor was a cousin to Bennett H. 
Clarvoe, and consequently a relative of the celebrated and 
well-known detective John Clarvoe, of Washington City, 
who has recently deceased. The Doctor died compara- 
tively a young man, and left a widow and three children, 
all of whom have since passed away. 

Dr. James B. Horsey settled in New Town in the prac- 
tice of medicine a while after Dr. Stevenson's death. He 
married the Doctor's youngest daughter, Elizabeth, and 
occupied the homestead while he lived. He died in 1838, 
aged 30 years. Dr. Horsey was a native of Snow Hill. 
His father died when he was quite small. The independ- 
ent and generous-hearted David Hopkins, of Snow Hill, 
who was a bachelor, took a liking to the sprightly lad and 
assumed his education. He gave him a thorough college 
course all at his own expense. After the doctor's gradua- 
tion Mr. Hopkins gave him a physician's outfit, consisting 
of horse, carriage, etc. Dr. Horsey had a bright intellect, 
was a good physician, and a ready off-handed speaker 
when the occasion called him out. 

Dr. George S. D. Shipley commenced the practice of 
medicine, in New Town, in 1839, and continued here ten 
or eleven years. He then moved to Salisbury and in a 
few years he died. He was a good physician and a gentle- 
man in the best sense of the word. 

Dr. Collyer was associated with Dr. Shipley in the 
practice of medicine in New Town, he afterwards moved 
to Accomac County, Va., where he soon died. Dr. Joseph 
L. Adreon commenced the practice of medicine in New 
Town, in 1839. He was a good physician, practiced about 
20 years, and in i860 he died. 

Dr. Adreon left an amiable widow and a fine family of 
children. In 1846 Dr. John L. Hearn commenced the 
practice of medicine in New Town, and continued the 
same until 1872, during which year he died, embracing a 
period of 26 years. Dr. Hearn was a native of New 
Town, he was born the 19th day of March, 1823. When 
in 1847 he received the hand of Miss Sallie E. Atkinson in 
marriage, a young lady every way worthy of him. Dr. 
Hearn had a bright intellect, beyond the common order 
of minds. He was a good physician and was very pop- 
ular both as a physician and citizen. His popularity in the 
old Whig party was so great that when there was a proba- 
bility of a hard struggle between them and the Democratic 
party, he would be selected as the most mailable candi- 
date to carry the election for the Whig party. He left a 
widow and four children that are an honor to his name 
and who possess minds of an intellectual order. 

Dr. John T. B. McMaster, physician and surgeon, was 
born in Worcester County, Md. near New Town, now 
Pocomoke City, on the 18th day of December, 1827. 
His parents were Samuel and Ann Baily (Merrill) 
McMaster. His mother was the daughter of William 
Merrill and grand daughter of Col. Clement Parker of 
Accomac County, Va. The McMaster family descended 
from the old Scotch Covenanters. They emigrated to 
America soon after the restoration of Charles II, and 
settled near Carlisle, Perm. (Pa.?) His grand father was a 
Presbyterian Minister. In his boyhood Dr. McMaster 
attended the country schools of the period, and was well 
drilled in the English branches and mastered the elementary 
classes. He possessed a quick and active mind and learned 
with great readiness. 

Soon after leaving school he engaged in mercantile 
pursuits, but finding them unsuited to his tastes, he com- 
menced in 1848 the study of medicine with G. S. D. 
Shipley, of New Town. The following year he matricu- 
lated at the University of Maryland, where he attended two 
full courses of lectures, and graduated in the spring of 1850. 
He at once commenced the practice of his profession in 
New Town in partnership with Dr. John L. Hearn, and 
soon succeeded in building up a large and lucrative prac- 
tice. The partnership was dissolved in 1857, since which 
time Dr. McMaster has continued alone in the same place, 
growing constantly in favor as a practitioner and citizen. 
Several young men trained by him for the profession are 
now practicing in the county. 

In 1862, he was appointed by President Lincoln Brigade 
Surgeon of Volunteers, but on account of the death of the 
oldest physician in the town, too many duties devolved 
upon him at home and he did not go into the army, but 
was employed during most of the war as contract physician, 
with headquarters at New Town. In 1862 he was 
appointed examining surgeon for the first draft of militia 
called for by President Lincoln, which duty he fulfilled to 
the general satisfaction of the people of the county. In 
1864 he was elected to the Senate of Maryland for two 
sessions, and taking an active and leading part in the 
debates, became an influential member of that body. In 
1866 he was appointed post master for New Town for 2 years. 
In 1868 he was appointed inspector and gauger of liquors 
and inspector of snuff and cigars, but only held these 
positions for a short time. The General Assembly of 
Maryland, through his efforts, granted a charter for New 
Town, and in 1867 he was elected town commissioner, 
which position he held for two years to the entire satisfac- 
tion of the community. During this period he was mainly 
instrumental in having the town well lighted, the streets 
widened and many other things accomplished that have 
greatly improved the place. In 1868 he was appointed 
by President Johnson Assistant Assessor of Internal 
Revenue, which position he held for nearly two years. In 
1869 a charter was obtained to construct a railroad from 
King's Creek to New Town, and Dr. McMaster was elected 
president of the company. Through his active exertions 
the road was soon completed and in running order. In 
1865 he procured a charter lor a company to build a 
bridge across the Pocomoke River. He subscribed to the 
stock, organized the company, and within the year the 
bridge was built, taking the place of the ferryboat which 
had done service for nearly two hundred years. On May 
May 15, 1851, Dr. McMaster was united in marriage with 
Elizabeth Grace, daughter of J. S. Stevenson, a well-known 
citizen of New Town. They have had seven children, 
five of whom are still living. The eldest son, John S., is 
preparing to enter the legal profession. In his religious 
views Dr. McMaster prefers the norms and practices of the 
Presbyterian Church, both as a matter of choice and of 
respect for the opinions of his forefathers. He is one of 
the leading physicians of the State. He has rendered large 
public services and is regarded as one of the most spirited 
citizens of Maryland. He is now in the meridian of his 
manhood, possessing more than an ordinary degree of 
brilliancy of intellect, and is always ready to take the lead 
in every public good. 

Dr. Alexander Powell practiced medicine in New Town 
in 1831. What time he commenced practicing and how long 
he continued I am not prepared to say, he, however, went 
to the South, settled there, and has since died. Dr. 
Edward White practiced medicine in New Town in 1845, 
he did not, however, continue long before he moved to the 
City of Baltimore where he is still engaged in the practice 
of his profession. Dr. Henry J. P. Dickinson was born 
near New Town, Maryland, on the twenty-sixth day of 
September, 1826. His parents were James T. and Nancy 
Dickinson; he was raised and educated in New Town, 
studied medicine under Dr. Joseph L. Adreon, and grad- 
uated at the University of Maryland, in 1850. He 
commenced practicing medicine at Barren Creek Springs, 
Somerset County, (now Wicomico,) Md. In 1852, he was 
united in marriage with Miss E. A. Waller, of that county, 
who died in a year or two after her marriage leaving one 
son in his infancy. After the death of his wife, Dr. Dick- 
inson moved to New Town and commenced the practice 
of medicine; in a few years he married Miss Emma F. 
Lambdon, of Worcester County, alter which he moved to 
the country, on his farm, and there continued the practice 
of medicine until he died, which event occurred in 1865. 
He left four children, one by his first wife and three by his 
last, one of whom has since died. Granville E. Dickinson, 
his oldest son, studied medicine and graduated at the 
University of Maryland, in 1874, at the age of twenty-one 
years, and commenced the practice of medicine in Fair- 
mount, Somerset County, Maryland, where he still con- 

Dr. David J. O. Truitt was born in New Town, Md., on 
the fifth day of November, 1836. His father, after being 
engaged in the mercantile business, in New Town, for 
several years, moved to the City of Baltimore, where the 
Doctor was educated at the Newton University, after grad- 
uating at that institution, he studied medicine, attended 
two full courses of lectures and graduated at the University 
of Maryland in I857, at the age of twenty-one years. He 
then, excepting - two intervals in which he practiced in the 
Southern Dispensary of Baltimore and Xasswadduso, (Nassawango?)
Worcester County, Maryland, settled in New Town, and 
has remained here ever since. Dr. Truitt is a good phy- 
sician, and is considered one of the best surgeons on the 
Eastern Shore, and is a worthy and useful citizen. He 
has been thrice married and has three children. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

"Final" school safety statement from Worcester Board of Ed.-



"In light of law enforcement’s video presentation last night, the Worcester County Board of Education is issuing the following final public statement on this matter."

(View Board of Ed. statement:)

Board of Education Issues New Statement on School Safety | WORCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS (

This weekend's traffic safety efforts-


(View news release:)

Maryland State Police To Bolster Patrol Over St. Patrick’s Day Weekend

In addition the Worcester County Sheriff's Office says that in conjunction with Zero Deaths Maryland this St. Patrick's Day weekend, 29 law enforcement agencies across Delmarva will team up for a border-to-border enforcement event to get impaired drivers off our roads.

"Fallen Heroes" legislation is on the move in Annapolis.


Senator Mary Beth Carozza's office reports that the full Maryland Senate passed her sponsored legislation Thursday that will relieve the tax liability of death benefits paid to families of law enforcement and firefighters who died in the line of duty.

She reports that the House version of her bill, sponsored by Delegate Wayne Hartman, is on track for passage in the House. 



The State Highway Administration will improve approximately four miles of MD 366 (Stockton Road) between US 13 Business (Ocean Highway) and MD 703 (Klej Grange Road) .. Pocomoke  to Stockton .. beginning on Monday, March 18. The work, including milling and paving, should be completed by May 1, weather permitting. Drivers can expect single-lane closures Mondays through Fridays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Time Machine Preview

This Sunday here at The Pocomoke Public Eye: 


1896  ..


1935  ..

1958  ..


Thursday, March 14, 2024

Ocean City's St. Patrick's Parade is Saturday!


        (2023 Town of Ocean City photo)

The resort will be aglow in green with Ocean City’s annual St. Patrick’s Parade and Festival on Saturday, March 16.

(View news article:)

Weather looks promising for Ocean City St. Patrick's Day parade and festival | Lifestyle |

Somerset man indicted in bridge-tunnel chase incident.


(from Shore Daily News information)

A 22-year-old Dames Quarter man has been indicted by a Northampton County Grand Jury in connection with a high-speed chase on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel in December.

The felony count charged Colby William Horner of eluding police after being clocked by radar going 101 mph on the Bridge Tunnel.  An officer said Horner continued going about 70 mph north while disregarding lights and sirens. The suspect eventually entered a construction area and crashed. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Hardwire expansion plans


Our online neighbor Pocomoke City Arrowhead has an informative posting regarding expansion plans for Pocomoke City's Hardwire company under this heading:


(View the posting:)

Here's why Pocomoke area cringes at proposed cigarette tax hike.



Smokers and convenience owners in Pocomoke City are steaming mad about a proposed hike to cigarette taxes in Maryland.

(View news story:)

Pocomoke City stores fear cigarette tax hike, loss of business to Virginia | Latest News |

AnonymousAnonymous said...

Tell me members of the Maryland Legislature aren't mentally challenged!

At least twice in the last 30 years Maryland has raised cigarette taxes. Each time has resulted in a substantial REDUCTION in taxes collected! They can't grasp the idea that 90% of Maryland is within a 30 minute drive of another state, and almost all of them have much lower cigarette taxes. Trust me, a smoker will think nothing of driving an hour just to save $1.00 on a pack of smokes. Think of how many locals drive to Delaware to shop or make major purchases because Delaware has no sales tax.

 Anonymous said...

I recently met a man from Nashville, Tennessee who had retired from ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. When he found out where I was from he related the following story,

"There was a place on the Eastern Shore of Virginia that was called "Dixieland". Dixieland was a legend among ATF agents all over the United States. Before we busted them they sold enough cigarettes to supply every man, woman and child on the Eastern Shore of Virginia a carton of cigarettes every week."

He didn't tell me what year ATF had "busted" Dixieland but he did say that it was now under different ownership.

One way to treat a community's eyesore-


After longtime concern and debate about what to do with the long-abandoned Tyson Poultry Processing Plant in Berlin a state grant has helped to kick off the start of demolition with area residents participating in ceremonial swings to get the job going.

(View news article:)

03.14.24-Bayside-Gazette.pdf (

 Anonymous said...

If they had a "3 swings for $5.00" deal I bet they could raise a boatload of money for charity or anything else! When I was on Student Council at PHS we got a junker car donated, parked it next to Bethany Methodist and charged people $1.00 a swing and raised over $200 and that was in 1965 dollars!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Samaritan Shelter's good news-



We are so excited to share that our recent fundraiser held last Saturday, March 9th at Don's Seafood & Chicken House, has brought in over $8,100.00!!! 

We are still expecting a few more donations but are just so thankful to everyone that participated, donated, assisted, told a friend, bought a raffle ticket, bought a meal, etc., etc., etc. 

Special thanks to Paul Hughes for his diligent efforts each year in putting this remarkable fundraiser together for the benefit of the Samaritan Shelter.

Special thanks to our sponsors: Don's Seafood & Chicken House, Sysco Eastern Maryland, Eastern Shore Lanes & Restaurant, and Hickman HVAC & Plumbing.

Our local community is so supportive of our efforts and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Package delivery scam-


Worcester County Sheriff's Office  

Scam Alert

Have you ever received a text message like the one shown? If so, Beware!!! Text message scams are real and try to steal your money or identity. Do not click on any suspicious links or provide any sensitive information. In this particular text message scam, the recipient knew they were not expecting a package and verified with their USPS carrier that a package was not waiting at a warehouse.