During a phone conversation early this morning from my daughter in Baltimore it occured to me that our children may have never seen snow of any great depth. There are 24 inches of snow so far in Baltimore and that is the most my daughter has ever seen. A lover of snow, she was laughing at the fact she had to dig a path to walk the dog. UGH!
Alot of us that have children that have never witnessed the "great snow storm" probably have some fond memories inches upon inches of snow. I am sure someone out there has a memory or two left of life when snow storms were snow storms. Years ago there was no doppler radar, no weather man on every channel and certainly no up to the minute updates.
I can remember a time where there was no "modernization" with winter. Most folks years ago used the almanac or weather (slight at that) once, maybe twice a day. And if the winter storm came, it did just that! It came. And being children of that generation, we waited.
We waited at the window watching the snow fall and waited for the clearance from good old mom telling us we could go out and play. Twenty-four inches of snow years ago was no big deal. We needed the snow drifts because it made it that much more "explorable".
Since this is a snow day for most big people too I hope you will share some of your fondest memories of snow when you were a child. One of the things about snow that tickles me (and sledding) are the plastic sleds. Do you remember when they were all wood? And if your sled broke or you didn't have one you'd beg your mom for a cookie sheet?
What do you remember? Or if you want to just comment on this storm. Let us know what you have been doing.
Well I remember the bread bags and the red buckle boots. I also remember peeking out the window at the threat of snow, hoping school would be canceled in the morning. And I remember sitting in school, being so sleepy from staying up all night peeking out the window.
I also remember some of the boys got the idea to use an old car hood as a sled. They accidently ran over my wooden sled and crushed it. It was as traumatizing as when my crayons melted in the car one summer! The boys felt bad and all offered me the use of their sleds.
Now thinking back on that experience I learned a good lesson at 8 years old-the human male will melt when a female starts up with the tears.
And that teary-eyed method is still used today!
How about sitting in school when it started to snow and you couldn't wait to get home!
Oh yeah, I remember waiting to see if dismissal would be early. One thing I don't remember is having to make up the snow days in the 60's and 70's.
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