At 503 Laurel St it looks like every Pocomoke police officer are on the scene and sheriff deputies are everywhere.
I don't know any details except there has been a shooting.
I'll update if as/if any more info is available.
(up-date) 12:38am
The PCVFD has been called to 503 Laurel to assist Pocomoke police with lights.
WBOC on the scene

Lacee Griffith reports:
UPDATE! Police say the Pocomoke shooting victim was found here in front of 503 Laurel Street, right next to the red car where you see the blue and white sign.

Active crime scene in Pocomoke . A caller says it was a shooting, possibly a murder, but police WILL NOT confirm anything right now. Were you in the area? Have you heard anything? Let us know.
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