General Assembly Update #7
I hope that everyone is doing well. It's hard to believe that the 2012 General Assembly session only has two weeks left, especially because we have so many important matters left to address.
Perhaps the most important issue of all, our state budget, still needs to be voted on. With our public schools already underfunded, and our crumbling roadways needing attention, it is imperative that our budget allocates enough money to address the most crucial issues in the Commonwealth. I am happy to report that upon reviewing the Senate budget proposal, several of my proposed amendments made it into the draft. The budget includes a restoration of funding to the Virginia Saltwater Fishing Tournament, an increase in funding for oyster restoration and replenishment, continuation of the ghost pot removal program, and money to allow the Virginia Marine Resource Commission to study strategies for adaptation to the rise of relative sea level in Hampton Roads and on the Middle Peninsula. These are all very important issues that I believe will survive the budget process. As the second-half of the General Assembly session has progressed, my bills have continued to work their way through the legislative process. A few weeks ago I mentioned my bill regarding physical education requirements in public schools, SB 471. This bill requires that the Board of Education develop regulations regarding physical education in public schools, effective at the start of the 2015-2016 school year. It has now passed in both the Senate and the House of Delegates, and is on its way to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. I am hopeful that the Governor will sign this critical piece of legislation, as it addresses the gravely important issue of childhood obesity.
For several years, I have proposed legislation regarding the measures being considered by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to conserve the Atlantic menhaden stock, which continues to be a very important marine resource management issue in Virginia. Unfortunately, my bill was killed again this year in the Senate committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources. However, we have made some progress as the Chairman of the committee has agreed to send a letter to the Virginia Marine Resource Commission. The letter will request that VMRC provide the committee with the information necessary for us to be better equipped and prepared to handle this issue during the 2013 General Assembly session.
If you have opinions on the issue of menhaden management, I highly encourage you to give your input, as the Public Information Docket has been made available for comment and review at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's website, which can be located here. Public comment must be made by 5 p.m. on April 20, 2012 and can be sent to Michael Waine, Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, at 1050 N. Highland St, Suite A-N, Arlington, VA 22201. If you would prefer, you can fax your comments to 703-842-074 or send an email to with the subject line "Menhaden PID." If you would like more information on attending scheduled public hearings, feel free to call 703-842-0740.
If you have any needs or concerns that I can help you with, please contact my office in Richmond at any time. You can call at 804-698-7506, or email . My Legislative Assistant, Matt Strickler, is always available to assist you in any way that he possibly can. Please continue to stay safe and enjoy what is left of the winter season, and keep looking for General Assembly updates every week.

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