Monday, August 20, 2012

Veteran's Outpatient Clinic Has Moved To New Location In Pocomoke City

A ribbon cutting ceremony and open house were held Saturday at the Outpatient Clinic for Veterans once located in downtown Pocomoke. The facility has moved from its downtown location to 112 Pocomoke Marketplace in Pocomoke- which would be Market Steet Extended behind Eastern Shore Lanes and in the same shopping center as Dunkin Donuts!

Below is a nice article about the facility but it gave no reference as to where the new clinic is located. But I found it!  Photos also.

Outpatient veterans clinic opens in Pocomoke City
By Earl Holland
Staff Writer
POCOMOKE CITY -- Leo Cherry knows how tough it can be for veterans trying to make it to their medical appointments.
As a driver for the Department of Motor Vehicles, Cherry would get up as early as 4 a.m. to transport veterans to locations like Cambridge and Baltimore so they could get their required treatment. Now the Hebron resident, who is also a veteran, can get his treatment closer to home with the opening of a new VA outpatient clinic.

"This is a very nice facility for the Lower Shore and it's amazing to see it and I really enjoy it," he said. "It's a lot of help to the veterans."

The facility, which opened two weeks ago, serves more than 1,500 veterans in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. The increasing number of veterans being served necessitated the move from its downtown location that it started with one doctor, one nurse and one clerical staff member working once a week 12 years ago.

To celebrate the opening of the center, a ribbon cutting and open house were held Saturday, which allowed the public to take a tour of the facility while allowing veterans to register for care. As part of the ribbon cutting, several dignitaries were on hand, including U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md.; Delegate Mike McDermott, R-38B-Worcester; and a representative for U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.

Dr. Martin Garcia-Bunuel, the deputy director for managed care for the VA Maryland Health Care System, said being able to have a location that can reach both veterans in the tri-county area as well as the Eastern Shore of Virginia is a benefit to the veterans.

"This is a distant site from our main medical center in Baltimore and ... one of the things that is so important to us as a health care system is to provide primary care, mental health care and other preventative services," he said. "In order to do that, we have to be present, and this is a fantastic way to do that."

While the services are available to veterans, there is a concern that many of them are not utilizing the benefits. Kenya Griffin, program director for public relations and community outreach for the health care system, said educating them about it is very important.

"Some veterans don't believe they qualify or they get misinformation," she said. "So we want to let them know that there are experts here who can answer their questions about VA health care services, help them complete forms to enroll for care and that the services are here for them to take advantage of."

Cherry said the new technology that the Pocomoke City center possesses will be on par with the other facilities in the state, meaning he and his fellow veterans can get the same treatment close to home.

"You'll be able to get the veterans in and get their service while having to drive or travel that far," he said. "I know a lot of veterans who are older than me who don't feel like getting up four or six o'clock in the morning who have to take the shuttle to Cambridge or Baltimore on Green Street."

Originial Picasso Round in Storage in Indiana Museum

Pablo Picasso once said, “Everything you can imagine is real.” So imagine, for a second, that a piece of art which sat in storage collecting dust for half a century turned out to be an original Picasso.

The staff at the Evansville Museum in Evansville, Ind. didn’t exactly foresee that scenario — but it’s most definitely real. The piece, now identified as Picasso’s “Seated Woman with Red Hat”, had been erroneously cataloged as one inspired by Picasso and instead credited to an artist named Gemmaux, the Evansville Courier & Press reports. Gemmaux, it turns out, is simply the plural of “gemmail,” which refers to the fired-glass technique used in creating the piece.

In 1963, industrial designer Raymond Loewy donated the piece to the museum, where it sat in storage until New York auction house Guernsey’s decided to inquire. The museum voted on Tuesday to authorize the auction house to sell “Seated Woman with Red Hat” privately, citing concerns about maintenance and insurance costs.

“Now that we have a full understanding of the requirements and additional expenses to display, secure, preserve and insure the piece, it is clear those additional costs would place a prohibitive financial burden on the museum,” R. Steven Krohn, president of the museum’s board of trustees, told the Courier & Press.

Guernsey’s has refrained from public speculation about how much the 1950s-era fired glass piece will fetch, but NewsFeed suspects the number will land somewhere in the ballpark of “ridiculously, mind-bogglingly high.” In 2010 another Picasso work, “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust” sold at auction for a then-record $106.5 million.

Delmarva Discovery Wish List

**If you have any items that you would like to donate, please call Aquarist Sarah Rubin at 410-957-9933 x 104.   Or email her at: **

'Tonight Show' Lays Off 20 Staffers, Jay Leno Takes Pay Cut

"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno," NBC's flagship late night program, has laid off 20 staffers, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Deadline reports that Leno himself took a "tremendous" pay cut as well.

Details of the departments that will be affected by the downsizing are currently unknown, nor is it known why the layoffs took place.

The news of the layoffs is particularly surprising, as "The Tonight Show" usually comes in first place in both ratings and important demographics. Since Leno reclaimed the show after the 2010 Conan O'Brien debacle, the ratings have steadily declined, and is occasionally beaten by "Late Show with David Letterman" in the ratings and Comedy Central's Stewart/Colbert pairing in the 18-49 demographic.

Still, the show remains one of the most valuable on the troubled network.

Leno is speculated to make around $30 million annually from "The Tonight Show" prior to this pay cut. However, as recently as an episode of Jay Mohr's podcast this month, Leno has often boasted that he hasn't touched his "Tonight Show" money since taking the job, instead living off the income he makes from public appearances.

Deadline's Nikki Finke was first to report the story.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What Happens At Friday Night Football Practice When Chief Sewell Shows Up!

Football Season Begins.....
Salvation Army football teams practiced  their skills Friday night on the corner of Clarke and Willow.  These little guys were really into the game.

This is what happens when Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell walks up to show his support for football season and all  the teams! 

He reallied this team around and on the count of three.....
#25- Ready to get the game going.......

Note: In case you football lovers didn't know.... Chief Sewell is very much a Ravens fan! 


TIME MACHINE ... Traveling Back To 1903 On Tangier Island

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


July, 1903

(Alton Evening Telegraph- Alton, Illinois)




The Tangier Islander is in an almost ideal position to get the most in a simple material way out of life. He draws his living from the sea, and the shore affords him only an occasional standing room and a place to sleep. So precious is the small available land than an acre high and dry is worth $2,000. Taxes are light, for although the islanders maintain good schools and have a large and comfortable schoolhouse, they have few of the ordinary civil expenses. Crime is almost unknown, there are no paupers, and in effect there are no roads or streets to maintain, for there are no horses on the island, and few wheeled vehicles save wheelbarrows.

The islanders are regular and faithful attendants at church, and liberal givers to religious objects. They have one costly church with an organ that would be regarded as notable in a much larger community. Profanity is punished by fines administered by justices of the peace, and it is a favorite joke that those who do not dare to relieve their minds by hard words on the island, go out to the wharf to do their swearing. The Tangier Islander in fact is a well conducted person at home, though it is said that the temptations of Crisfield sometimes proves too much for him.

Tangier has shops of its own, which minister to the needs of the community, but the inhabitants do not suffer from the high prices usual in isolated places for the trusty bugeye enables the Tangiersmen to defy the extorsions of local shopkeepers. If prices are high at home he soon discovers the fact and sails away in his bugeye to Crisfield or Onancock to make purchases. As not only the men, but even the women and children of Tangier can manage a bugeye in half a gale of wind, the mere fact that the husbands and fathers are busy fishing does not cut off a family from from the benefits of more distant markets. A Tangier woman will leap into her bugeye and sail away fifteen or twenty miles across the sound to the mainland just as a farmer's wife will drive to town for goods. Then, too, four or five times a week the steamers going to and from Baltimore touch at the island wharf (farther out from the island in deeper water and reached by bugeye), and fetch whatever the local shopkeepers or those of the neighboring mainland do not afford. - New York Times.


June, 1974

(The Salisbury Times)


Pocomoke Girl, 16, Is Crowned Miss Delmarva (Poultry Princess)

Declaring she really likes chicken, Terri Lynn Butler, 16, was crowned Delmarva Poultry Princess Friday at the 27th annual Delmarva Chicken Festival in Seaford.

Miss Butler, who is from Pocomoke City, and holds the Miss Pocomoke City title, said she really enjoys chicken, "barbecued or fried, it doesn't make any difference to me."

The 5-foot 1, 112 pound, princess performed a vocal medley from Cinderella during the talent portion of the contest. She told judges she wants to be an elementary school teacher.

She received a $1,000 scholarship, a $300 wardrobe, and a $500 college scholarship. She wore a pale blue dotted Swiss gown with a white lace band at the waistline.

She was crowned by Sue Anne Rogers, 1973 Delmarva Poultry Princess. She was also presented with a trophy, flowers, robe and ribbon.

Miss Pocomoke City was sponsored by the Junior Women's Club of Pocomoke City. She plans to become a history teacher. Her hobbies include roller skating, swimming, tennis, piano, and cheerleading.


November, 1901

(Trenton Times- Trenton, N.J.)


Will Visit John S. Wise's Game Preserve Near Pocomoke City

Dover, Del,. Nov 8.- Probably the most conspicuous hunter who will visit ths peninsula in search of the partridge, plover, and ruffled grouse this season will be former President Cleveland who will go down to Kleptopeak, just below Pocomoke City, early next week to be the guest of Hon. John S. Wise on his game preserve there. 



December, 1899

(The Racine Daily Journal- Racine, Wis.)

Women who have been going into athletics for the good of their figures will not like the latest edict from Paris, that their shoulders must droop. No more square, well set-up shoulders if you please. Just imagine it. The style of 1830, with that slope you always hated whenever you looked at grandmother's portrait, must be adopted by hook or crook.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Another First: Third Friday Art Stroll ~ Downtown Pocomoke City

What a wonderful evening to stroll downtown Pocomoke!  Clear skies, nice breeze, plenty to see and lots of people!  Most of us have always been aware that there are many talented people in and around Pocomoke but Friday night gave so many  the chance to see who these people actually are and how gifted they are at what they do. Whether it's painting, singing,  photography or baking each individual person is greatly talented!

Finally got a chance to visit  "Second Time Around".  Well, they have just about everything you can think of for sale and lots to look at. I saw a few things I would love to have but just have no place to put them.

 Jenny Somers had her art work on display and she has always made painting look so easy and so much fun.  Learning to paint is on my 'bucket list', Jenny.  Oh, and I did order a handpainted Christmas tree ornament with the Riverside Grill on it for my tree this year.  Can't wait to see it!

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and a night this always gives you the opportunity to see people you haven't seen in a long time.  We enjoyed immensely.  Stores were filled with people and each one had their share of refreshments! 
A team of police officers Pocomoke City can be proud of.
Officer Perkins, Lee Brumley ( once a  wonderful Pocomoke City officer for many years and is now with Somerset County), Lt. Craven, Officer Tucker and Officer Zina Means.  They made their rounds up and down the street Friday evening chatting, getting acquainted with those they did not know. 

Everytime I've been to Pocomoke I've always missed the chance to go into Cole's Cakes.  I like cake- especially cupcakes and Friday night, with my husband with me,  this was my chance to get him to buy me some of those delicious treats everyone raves about.  My photo that I took of her new painted store front turned out cummy- so I'm borrowing hers that was taken during the block party a few weeks ago.
Cole's Cakes Photo
If you haven't had any of these cupcakes please take time to drop by and purchase one.  The itty bitty ones were yummy but you really do need to go for the larger ones.......Husband ate his that night.  I saved mine for breakfast the next morning....yes, I did.  Well, that chocolate cupcake is history and I am ready for MORE!  The first thing I noticed about the cupcake, aside from being delicious, was how light it was.  I'm not telling any more- just try them.  Now, I did take a photo of the dinosaur cake being made but that photo came out looking like something hideous so I'll just opt to post a photo of it when the cake is decorated.
Thanks again Cole's Cakes for being so kind and helpful.  Thanks for the pastry bag...will use it when I stuff strawberries!
Mar-Va Theater was filled and Riverside Grill was doing a fantastic business!  Keep in mind that there were many more displays of talent  by the artists besides the ones I have posted. 
Friday evening was fun!  Angela Manos, Downtown Coordinator for Pocomoke City, deserves an applause as do all the merchants, Pocomoke Chamber of Commerce and everyone that displayed their talents. 

FYI- I received a phone call late Friday night to tell me that downtown Pocomoke was still abuzz well after 9:00 with people strolling....
This is  good and many of us can't wait until the next time!

Great job, Angela!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pocomoke Community Giving Garden

Community Giving Garden
Corner of Willow Street
Clarke Avenue
Pocomoke City, Maryland

This photo of the garden was taken Friday night during the Art Stroll downtown.  A large amount of string beans have already been picked this year and more vegetables will need to be picked soon! Vegetables go to the Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City.

for planting, weeding, watering and harvesting.

If you are interested contact:
Neelam Strom -  443-437-7203
Norma Howard - 410726-0066

 ~Help to serve, strength, give back and grow the community ~

Concert In Byrd Park - Snow Hill- Tomorrow

Last concert for the season

U.S. Army's Field Band "The Volunteers"
Sunday   August 19, 2012
3:30 pm

Bring your families, blankets, and lawn chairs to the park and enjoy a wide variety of music.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Traveling Back To 1903 On Tangier Island

The headline reads "Happy Tangier Island- A Chesapeake Colony Where Poverty And Crime Are Unknown," and the article from more than a century ago describes life as it existed then on Tangier.

Read more about it this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye. Plus from 1974.. the new Delmarva Poultry Princess is a 16-year-old from Pocomoke City!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Rocket Mission Carrying University Student Experiments

WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. -- University students will put their academic skills to the test when atmospheric and technology experiments they developed fly on a NASA suborbital sounding rocket. The launch will take place between 6:30 and 10 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 23, from the agency's Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Va.
Four university experiments will be flown as part of an educational project called RockSat-X, which is designed to provide students hands-on experience in designing, fabricating, testing and conducting experiments for space flight. The project is a joint effort between NASA and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The selected experiments for this year's RockSat launch are from Baylor University in Waco, Texas; University of Colorado at Boulder; the University of Puerto Rico; and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) in Blacksburg, Va.

"RockSat-X is part of a series of student flight programs designed to enhance students' skills and prepare them for careers at NASA and in the aerospace industry," said Chris Koehler, director of the Colorado Space Grant Consortium.

The program begins with a hands-on workshop called RockOn and then proceeds to the RockSat-C and RockSat-X programs. At each level, the experiments become more complex, which provides students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the requirements for developing space-based experiments.

The experiments will fly on a two-stage Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket to a projected altitude of 98 miles. After the 15-minute flight, the payload carrying the experiments will splash down via parachute in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 66 miles off the coast of Virginia. The 875-pound payload will be recovered for re-use and experiment analysis.

The University of Puerto Rico will use a mass spectrometer to conduct an analysis of atmospheric particles and pressure. Virginia Tech and Baylor universities have teamed up to measure nitric oxide and atmospheric dust. The University of Colorado will be testing a device to assist in de-orbiting small spacecraft and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium will fly seven cameras to capture all the action in high-definition, which will be made available to the public shortly after recovery.

The RockSat-X concept provides students with a payload structure with pre-defined mechanical, power and data interfaces and volume and mass limits. This is the second RockSat-X mission, with the first having been flown July 11, 2011.

The project will be the ninth suborbital rocket mission this year from NASA's launch facility on Wallops Island and the first of four launches scheduled through mid-September.

RockSat-X program information is available at:

The launch will be available live on Ustream at:

For more about NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, visit:

Special Session Reaps Dividends for Lower Shore - by Delegate Michael McDermott

"Infusing Republican Principles into a Democratic Bill"

The recent Special Session centered on the business of gaming in Maryland. As the governor sought support for the legislation, I was provided an open opportunity to help craft a bill which will do more to support our local interests. This dialogue resulted in significant changes to the bill which will have a tremendous impact across the state, on the lower shore, and, specifically, for Worcester County.

When the original bill was passed in 2007 authorizing casinos in Maryland, a significant portion of our local impact money was sent to Baltimore City (18%) and Prince George’s County ($1 million). This was hardly appropriate as neither entity was being impacted by Ocean Downs. This was found out, after the fact, when somebody decided to read the bill.

My discussions focussed on these kickbacks to the western shore. We also reviewed the restrictions placed on Ocean Downs which are not applied to any other site in the state (they included: no hotel, no convention center, no free food or drinks, and limited entertainment to a single piano player). My discussions with Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan indicated a strong desire to keep the restrictions in place, but an understanding that some flexibility on the entertainment issue may be reasonable. I expressed this in my negotiations and the mayor also lobbied Senate President Miller and House Speaker Busch.

The result was a bill which addressed the restrictions while relaxing the entertainment provisions. Further, it provided an additional $200,000.00 annual grant to Worcester County and a 5% return of local impact money achieved from table games in Prince George’s County to Worcester County. It also provided relief for the owner/operators by reducing their tax rate from 67% to 57%, a recognition by the Lottery Commission that Ocean Downs has been posting losses over $2 million since opening. It was a good start, but it did not address the 18% transfer to Baltimore City.

With the bill in the House of Delegates, I worked toward the goal of making the bill better. Two amendments were offered which made a significant difference. As a member of the Veteran’s Caucus, I was pleased that we were able to secure support for an amendment allowing American Legion and Veterans of Foreign War Posts in the state to have a few slot machines just as those on the Eastern Shore have had for years. Proceeds will be directed to our veterans through established funds while also supporting the local posts and lodges. This provision had been sought for years and I was happy that the opportunity had finally arrived.

The issue of Baltimore City’s cut of our local impact dollars was also addressed by way of a House amendment. That change will return 100% of the money to us which had previously been given to Baltimore City, and it will happen for all three rural casinos. This was a big win.

It is interesting that the democrats have confessed by this legislation that cutting taxes and reducing regulations are good for business and job growth in Maryland. As many of our businesses are hurting and jobs are on the line, perhaps they will be willing to do for all Maryland business and industry what they have seen as needed for gaming. I will be reminding them on a regular basis.

This legislation will result in thousands of jobs (permanent and temporary) created in Maryland and billions in economic investment. Now the matter will go to the voters in November.

If you believe there is a "war on rural Maryland", this marks the beginning of reparations.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Maryland's Unemployment Rate Edges up to 7%

Maryland's unemployment rate inched up to 7% today in the latest state employment picture released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. From June to July, the state netted a gain of 800 jobs, while June's numbers were revised sightly upwards. The June unemployment rate was 6.9%, while January was 6.5%.

This is not nearly enough job growth to say we're competitive in the region," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "And a spike of half a point in the unemployment rate since the beginning of the year is a disturbing trend to say the least."

Virginia saw a gain of 21,300 new jobs, the third-highest in the country between June and July, and its unemployment rate is 5.9%

"Maryland has a formidable competitor south of the Potomac and Virginia once again is showing the way forward in job growth," added Hogan.

Bishopville, MD. Man Arrested For Growing Pot

On August 10, 2012, the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team executed a search and seizure warrant at a residence in Bishopville, Maryland relating to a marijuana cultivation investigation being conducted jointly by the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team and the Delaware State Police Sussex Drug Unit. As a result of this search and seizure warrant a total of sixty-seven (67) marijuana plants were located in a wooded area adjacent to the residence. These marijuana plants ranged from one foot to eight feet in height.

Evidence was also recovered in this search and seizure warrant linking the suspect, Jason Vermillion, age 32, of Bishopville Md. to these marijuana plants. A search Vermillion’s residence also revealed thirty eight (38) grams of marijuana, numerous items of paraphernalia along with multiple firearms. Vermillion was placed under arrest and charged with the following offenses:

Possession of Marijuana
Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana
Manufacturing Marijuana
Possession of paraphernalia

Vermillion was subsequently committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $7,000.00 bond. The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division, Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit, and the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office during the execution of this search and seizure warrant.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release.

Matthew Burton - Held Without Bond-

From the Office of the State's Attorney For Worcester County, Beau Oglesby

SNOW HILL/Friday – Matthew Burton, 28, of Dagsboro, Delaware, whom is accused of murdering Nicole Bennett on June 14th, was held without bond today pending his next court appearance. Burton appeared before the Honorable Gerald Purnell in the District Court of Maryland located in Snow Hill represented by the Office of the Public Defender.
The State’s Attorney for Worcester County, Beau Oglesby requested that Burton be held without bond given his out of state address, attempts to fight extradition and "very real danger" that he poses to the community if allowed pre-trial release.

Don't Miss The 3rd Friday Art Stroll !!

.....This and lots more............

Riverside Grill ~ Specials For Friday


Seafood Chowder (cream base, crab, shrimp, clams) with half ham sandwich or side salad 6.99

Fried Shrimp Basket with fries 8.99

Pesto Pasta Sald with grilled chicken 7.99 or blackened shrimp 9.99

Tropical Salad with chilled shrimp 8.99

Crab Cake Caesar 16.99
~We will also have dinner entrees on special
tonight  starting at  5PM~

Starting at 8 PM every Friday night:$3.50 Sailor Jerry and Captain Morgan drinks
$1.50 domestic drafts

Happy Hour 4-7 PM: $1 off all appetizers and most drinks

Pocomoke High School Class of 1982 To Hold 30th Reunion




Home of the Warriors

~30th Class Reunion~

Friday Evening- Classmates and guests will gather at the Upper Deck for cocktails and an evening of socializing.

Saturday Evening- Official gathering of classmates and guests at the Riverside Grill downtown Pocomoke.

Tammy says: "Some familiar faces should be trekking back to Pocomoke City for this event!"


Submitted to us by Tammy

Happy Ending For Family Pet Missing Since June

Most of us have seen the Lost Dog flyer for Dozer that has been circulating around facebook for months. Most of us have shared it with others many times. Hallwood is just a small town not far at all from where I live so naturally I've kept an eye out for the poor guy. Here's Doser's story.
Photo Samantha Pioli
Accomack County Dog Found in Texas
HALLWOOD, Va.- Samantha Pioli says she came home to find her dog, Dozer missing when she was moving to Hallwood from Bloxom in May.  She said she did not know what to do.

"On one of the trips back to get another load we realized that he wasn't barking or anything so we went back there and he was gone....The chain was laying on the ground. His collar, I'm assuming, was still on him because we didn't find it anywhere."

Pioli said she began to use social media sites like and that helped her get to Lost and Found Dog's VA's Facebook page.  She even created a page for herself.

As it turns out, Pioli's dog ended up more than 1,400 miles away in Garland, Texas.  A woman named Michelle Ferrer called Samantha on Sunday, Aug. 12, with some good news.

"Saturday evening we were having dinner and our doorbell rang and our neighbor said a big dog had come out of nowhere and ran straight in their garage and they didn't know what to do with it," Ferrer said.

After confirming markings on the dog and a response to the name Dozer, Samantha said she was not sure until a certain behavior was confirmed. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Virginia Bakery Refuses To Serve Biden, Angry Over Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” Comment

Asked why he was turning down the opportunity: “Very simply, ‘you didn’t build that’ speaking of small businesses and entrepreneurs all across this country and actually last night my wife was up all night long. Did not sleep, she’s worked a full 24 hours.”

SOURCE: Breitbart>>

Matthew Burton Detained At Worcester County Jail

From the office of the State's Attorney For Worcester County, Beau Oglesby

SNOW HILL – On August 16, 2012 an extradition hearing was held in the Superior Court for Delaware located in Georgetown, where Matthew Burton, 28, of Dagsboro, Delaware, whom is accused of murdering Nicole Bennett on June 14th, was ordered to be extradited to Maryland by Judge T. Henley Graves.

Following the extradition hearing, Burton was transported by members of the Maryland State... Police to Snow Hill where he appeared before a District Court Commissioner for an initial appearance. Beau Oglesby, The State’s Attorney for Worcester County was present at the appearance where Burton was denied bail. Burton is currently being detained at the Worcester County Jail.

Mr. Oglesby expressed sincere gratitude to the Office of The Attorney General for Delaware, the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation, the Maryland State Police Forensic Sciences Division and The Delaware State Police for their hard work, dedication and tireless resolve. He further stated, "The cooperation and collaboration between the two jurisdictions has been seamless."

Burton is scheduled to appear before a District Court Judge on Friday, August 17th, for a bail review hearing. No other trial dates are currently scheduled in this matter.

Pet Adoption Day and Bake Sale !!

Somerset County Animal Control

will hold a


in front of

Tractor Supply


Pocomoke City, MD.

Friday August 17, 2012
10:00 am until 1:00 pm

* Some pets will be there available for adoption*

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Traveling Back To 1903 On Tangier Island

The headline reads "Happy Tangier Island- A Chesapeake Colony Where Poverty And Crime Are Unknown," and the article from more than a century ago describes life as it then existed on Tangier.

Read more about it, plus other items also, this Sunday on the Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Events Coming To The Pocomoke Fairgrounds




ATV Registration @ 9:00 AM/ Events @ 10:00 AM


Admission - $7:00 for ALL DAY

Fair Consession Stand will be open!

At the Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday  August 17th
Saturday  August 18th
Show  7 PM
Tickets   $5.00

Indy Comedy "Ping Pong Summer" To Shoot in Maryland This Fall

Another movie to be filmed in Ocean City!
Baltimore, MD (August 13, 2012) –  Governor Martin O’Malley today announced that independent film “Ping Pong Summer” will begin six weeks of filming in Ocean City in September. The coming-of-age comedy,  which is written and will be directed by Maryland native Michael Tully, is set in Ocean City during the 1980’s and is based on Tully’s annual vacations to the beach.

The film’s cast includes Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon (“Dead Man Walking”, “Thelma and Louise”, “Bull Durham”); Amy Sedaris (“Strangers with Candy”, “The Good Wife”); and John Hannah (“The Mummy”, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”). The Maryland Film Office estimates that this production could result in the hiring 90 local crew, actors and extras, and the purchase or renting goods and services from over 140 Maryland businesses. The direct, indirect and induced economic impact for the State of Maryland will be approximately $2 million.

“We look forward to welcoming Marylander Michael Tully and the ‘Ping Pong Summer’ production team,” said Governor O’Malley. “Working together with our partners from Worcester County and Ocean City, we were able to secure this film that will strengthen our State’s economy, create jobs and highlight one of Maryland’s most family-friendly vacation destinations.”

“For 20 years I have fantasized about making “Ping Pong Summer “in Ocean City,” said writer and director Tully. “Now, thanks to the efforts of the State of Maryland, Worcester County, Ocean City and many enthusiastic people in Maryland, the time has come.  I am grateful and excited to be able to recreate the summer vacation of my dreams on film in Ocean City.”

“A huge goal with this film was always to give it an authentic sense of place, specifically Ocean City,” said producer George Rush “The State of Maryland, Worcester County and Ocean City have been extremely supportive towards our production. To say we are pleased to be here is an understatement.”

The Netflix series House of Card continues production in Maryland and the Emmy-nominated HBO series VEEP will be returning to Maryland to shoot their second season in the fall.

Maryland’s newly enacted Film Production Employment Act of 2011 helped to secure this production. The fund offers a partial tax credit for local production expenditures and encourages producers to use local film crews.

The Maryland Film Office, located in Baltimore and part of the Division of Tourism, Film and the Arts, is an agency of the state's Department of Business and Economic Development. It provides location scouting and pre-production research, in addition to acting as a government and community liaison throughout film production. For more information, visit
Press Release provided by Karen Glenn Hood of PressRoom Maryland of Opportunity. 410.767.6318

Discovery Center Welcomes "Lady G"

These are fascinating to watch!

Photo/Brian Garrett
 The Discovery Center welcomes "Lady G", otherwise known as Gagita, the black and gold orbweaver.

Photo/Brian Garrett
Come say Hi or watch her as she catches her prey in her stunning web. 

OPEN TONIGHT (Thursday) Until 7 PM


Jason Paul Mackulin
On August 12, 2012, at approximately 10 a.m. Ocean City Police responded to the area of
120th Street in reference to a disturbance.  After arriving on scene, officers were confronted by a group of persons who advised that a male who was staying with the group in unit, had been involved in either a fight or an argument with several persons in that unit.

During the incident the male suspect, who was later identified as Jason Paul Mackulin, 31, of Littlestown, PA, displayed a TASER.  While officers were speaking to citizens in the parking lot, Mackulin came out of the unit and was detained by police.

While at the scene, officers learned that Mackulin assaulted his girlfriend and her 14-year-old son. Police further learned that the original disturbance involving Mackulin, may have been as a result of Mackulin being involved with a sexual assault of a 15-year-old female, not related to Mackulin, who was also staying in the same unit.

As a result of the investigation, which detectives responded to the scene and determined that MacKulin had sexually assaulted the 15-year-old female, OCPD Detectives charged Mackulin with: 2nd degree rape, 3rd and 4th degree sex offense and 2nd degree assault involving the 15-year-old female. Mackulin was also charged with 2nd degree domestic assault of his girlfriend and 2nd degree assault of her 14-year-old son.

Mackulin was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and has been held without bond.  During a bond review, Mackulin was held on $250,000 and was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.

Ocean City Police Department News Release

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

The National Weather Service has placed the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland and the adjacent waters of the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean on a severe thunderstorm watch until 9:30 Wednesday evening.

A severe thunderstorm watch means conditions are favorable for storm development.

One LUCKY Thief!

Antonio Eduardo Lacaffine

Victim of Burglary Escorts Suspect Out of Home After Burglary

On August 12, 2012 at approximately 12:43 a.m., Ocean City Police responded to the area of 4401 Atlantic Ave, in reference to suspicious activity, possibly a burglary in progress.

Police arrived at the scene and met with the victim who related he had heard noise on the lower floors of his unit.  When the victim went downstairs to investigate he observed a male suspect attempting to steal various items.  The victim, who confronted the suspect in the residence and stopped him from stealing the items, escorted the suspect out of the residence.

Officers obtained a detailed description of the suspect, who was last seen walking towards the 10 bock of 45th Street, and broadcast it to other police personnel.  Shortly after, officers located a person matching the description of the suspect in the area of 45th Street and Coastal Highway and identified him as Antonio Eduardo Lacaffine, 29, of Uniontown, PA.

After the victim positively identified Lacaffine as being the person in his home, police placed him under arrest for 1st degree burglary, 3rd degree burglary, 4th degree burglary, and for theft under $100.00.

Lacaffine was seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner and was held on $25,000 bond.  Lacaffine was transferred to the Worcester County Jail.

Ocean City Police Department News Release