Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Field Notes
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
Feb. 24th, 2013

Week 7  Feb.18-Feb. 22, 2013
Tuesday Meeting-Special Work Group on Gun Bill:
Today, we heard from many psychiatric professionals regarding their thoughts on addressing the mental health aspects of the governor’s gun bill. They shared many concerns regarding folks who may choose to forgo treatment if it has a direct impact on their right to possess a firearm. We also spoke about where effective lines could be drawn as to when a restriction should come into play. There was not a lot of give with these folks and I could hear some frustration with my colleagues on this unwillingness to address the concerns expressed about finding this measuring line.
Tuesday Judiciary Hearing:HB-476 seeks to correct technical challenges to the legislation that was passed last year regarding bail bonds written for alien defendants. It would not hold bondsmen responsible for alien defendants who are deported by US authorities while under bond.HB-489 would provide that a State’s Attorney or Asst. State’s Attorney should be covered by laws covering threats against public officials. This is a result of a recent homicide of an Asst. State’s Attorney on the western shore after she had received many threats from an individual.HB-531 would create a new theft charge relating to mail which is taken from any location. This would provide state sanctions that replicate federal law.HB-540 would require a foreign entity to honor a Search Warrant which is served on a person representing the entity in Maryland. This can often pose a problem for law enforcement to access court ordered records from larger corporations who do not hold their records or headquarters in Maryland.HB-544 deals with transfers of Registered Sex Offenders and would make it a requirement for local law enforcement to be notified when a registrant moves into their area. It was argued that current provisions within existing law already provide for this type of notification.HB-651 would create a specific charge for an inmate using a contraband cell phone while incarcerated. This bill has been modified each of the last two years and I believe it is very necessary given the current smuggling and use of cellular phones within our correctional facilities.HB-652 addresses the identity of a minor being disclosed when they are acting as an informant for law enforcement. The shielding would remain until the trial begins.HB-709 would expand the penalties for the crime of Accessory to Commit Murder: in 1st Degree cases to a 20-year maximum; and in 2nd Degree cases to a 10-year maximum. This bill attempts to address some recent problems associated with significant support provided by accomplices to homicides. Many of these are grievous situations that a 5-year sentence simply does not provide adequate punishment.HB-713 would allow for the forfeiture of property utilized in human trafficking. Much like we confiscate and move for forfeiture in drug cases and other smuggling acts, we do not do so when it relates to human trafficking. We heard many speak passionately about the great need of the victims of this crime.HB-719 would allow a person who makes a false statement regarding a destructive device (a bomb threat) to be prosecuted in the jurisdiction where the alleged device is to have been planted. Often it is difficult to know where a call was made or to prove jurisdiction during prosecution and this would simplify the matter considerably. There was no opposition.HB-727 makes the crime of Theft over $100 and less than $1000 able to be charged via Criminal Citation. This charge was inadvertently taken out of last year’s Citation Bill and this bill simply restores this as a crime which can be charged with a citation. There was no opposition.HB-737 seeks to create a separate charge for defacing property with graffiti instead of simply charging the individuals with Malicious Destruction of Property.HB-1109 would require a comprehensive risk assessment be performed on defendants held under No Bond to determine if they truly represent a risk to the public if they are released. This would require quite a bit of personnel infrastructure in many areas of the state.
  would require a member of the Chief’s Association of Prince Georges County to be appointed to the Maryland Police Training Commission. I believe we would see other metro counties seek similar representation if this is approved.
Wednesday Meeting-Special Work Group on Gun Bill:Today we heard from the Baltimore County Chief of Police. He is an advocate for the governor’s gun bill. There was no new information exchanged. The chief believes reducing magazine capacity creates an opportunity for unarmed people to attack a shooter when he is forced to reload. I asked him that if he advocated an attack, why not allow the people to be armed in the first place so they could truly defend themselves. He rejected that notion out of hand. As a police officer, he made it clear that he never goes anywhere without being armed, but he does not see this as desirable for the law abiding public. He also believes that gun registration and fingerprinting would stop straw purchases of firearms. It is tough for liberals to give up on their policies even when they have limited success.
Wednesday Judiciary Hearing:HB-629 seeks to provide some protections for bank customers when a garnishment is attempted against a joint account held by married couples. The bill would notify an individual of their entitled exemption of $3000 by the holders of the account.HB-509 this would create a Maryland False Claims Act of 2013. This is designed to cover the Whistle Blowers who detect fraud being performed within business or government entities. It would establish in Maryland what already exists within the federal government. Currently we allow for this type of action within our Medicaid system and health care, and this would expand the law to cover all manner of fraud.HB-599 would require employers to pay the wages of an employee to attend to the requirements of Jury Duty. This bill would have a significant impact on Maryland businesses by forcing them to pay for a traditional civic duty.HB-732 seeks to include “unmarked” police vehicles under the statute governing Fleeing and Eluding from a Law Enforcement Officer. It was pointed out the changing nature of police vehicles over the years and the lights and sirens employed which further identify them as police vehicles. There was no opposition.HB-765 would qualify the testimony of a Drug Recognition Expert and their opinion as acceptable as evidence in Maryland courts. It would accept the protocols which have been scientifically accepted.HB-821 would allow certain disclosures of otherwise privileged communication between a psychiatrist and their patient. In particular where criminal activity is discussed or a threat is made directly against the psychiatrist and the disclosure is being utilized in court to prove a case. The psychologists testified of the need to protect their doctors from threats, but I found it interesting that they do not feel the same obligation for disclosing directly to police on other threats made during their treatment sessions.HB-987 would create another level of crime for those convicted of multiple DWI’s or for operating with a blood alcohol level beyond a certain level and allow for punitive damages to be awarded to victims of these acts.HB-1271 would create protections for the use of a name or likeness (usually someone with celebrity status) in the state. This is similar to copyright or trademark laws.
Thursday Morning Session:HB-226
, the governor’s offshore wind bill, was on 2nd Reader. A couple of amendments were offered to try and make the bill better. I offered one which would have required that suppliers purchase their green energy from the least expensive provider. This would greatly reduce the cost for energy being passed onto consumers. This was rejected by the democrats. Another amendment was offered by Del. McDonough which would have required that the production of the wind turbines would need to be performed in America. This was also rejected by the democrats. So a chance to give consumers a break and to make sure any jobs would actually be in the United States were summarily rejected.
Thursday Judiciary Hearings:HB-442 seeks to codify current procedures already in place with Child Care Providers across the state.HB-282 addresses the expungement of Juvenile Records. This would allow for greater expungement of juvenile records when certain criteria are met. Some actions would preclude someone from qualifying as would an established period of time which needed to elapse before a person would qualify.HB-245 would require that a health practitioner report any infant that is deemed to be “substance exposed” if certain factors exist. Ironically, the bill only addresses a child that is outside of the womb. There was quite a bit of discussion concerning whether the bill could address pre-natal issues. It was clear from the testimony that the reporting requirement is not applicable under the proposed law unless the child is outside of the womb.HB-264 would allow for the sharing of certain Juvenile Records to other states and their respective juvenile authorities. This bill has been refined since it was presented last year.HB-539 would require the reporting of the death or disappearance of a minor.HB-428 would require a college or university to disclose and report allegations of abuse. It is designed to prevent something like what occurred in Pennsylvania (the Sandusky case) where reporting requirements were unclear as to sexual assaults committed by faculty and staff members.HB-588 would allow the Baltimore City Health Department to access certain criminal  records for juveniles involved in specified activities and criminal activity. The bill is a continuation of a current practice that sunset in September of 2012.HB-876
would create a civil penalty for failing to report acts of Child Abuse and mandate reporting by certain individuals. It would also create a task for to look at other options going forward. The fines levied would be used to further prevention and detection of child abuse.
Friday Morning Session:
We had a special Joint Session recognition service to honor the 100th anniversary of the Woman’s Suffrage March which began the legislative movement to give women the right to vote. We began with only the men occupying the Chamber (there are 86) and the women members came in together. It was a good history lesson for everyone.
Voting on Third Reader Bills:
The only debated bill was the governor’s Offshore Wind Bill,
HB-226. I have written more extensively on the many problems with this legislation. I believe the bill is a true boondoggle and I highlighted the issues before the assembly. Sadly, this bill is a “leadership vote” and most of the democrat’s line up and vote for these with little thought. Such was the case today as well…a bad day for consumers.
HB 1
Third Reading Passed (132-0)HB 70
Third Reading Passed (135-0)HB 99
Third Reading Passed (135-0)HB 103
Third Reading Passed (131-4)HB 206
Third Reading Passed (133-0)HB 226
Third Reading Passed (86-48)HB 262
Third Reading Passed (133-2)HB 312
Third Reading Passed (134-0)HB 346
Third Reading Passed (135-0)HB 359
Third Reading Passed (133-0)HB 425
Third Reading Passed (134-0)HB 494
Third Reading Passed (134-0)
Friday Voting Session of Judiciary Committee:
Bills which were voted “favorable” by the Committee which will move to 2nd Reader
HB-83-Adds to the number of judge positions across the state.HB-153-Addresses Public Defender representation at certain Bail HearingsHB-197-Adds 5 points to a person’s Driver’s License if convicted of Illegal DumpingHB-244-Grants subpoena power to certain individuals within Dept. of Corrections Adm.HB-254-Allows Allegany County Jail to hold prisoners pending Initial Appearance.HB-309
-Allows for discovery proceedings to aid enforcement in monetary settlements.
Senate Action-Gun Bill
The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee passed
SB-281, the governor’s gun bill, out of committee with amendments. It will be introduced to the full Senate on Monday and the debate will begin on Tuesday. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Traffic Stop Turns Into Foot Chase By Police in Worcester County

More fantastic work from the Worcester County departments!

On February 20, 2013, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team along with the Snow Hill Police Department and the Pocomoke City Police Department concluded a joint cocaine distribution investigation of Laron J. Collick, Age 32, of Pocomoke, Maryland.

 On this date, officers of the Snow Hill Police Department attempted to conduct a traffic stop of Collick at which time he exited his vehicle and fled on foot. Collick was apprehended in a wooded area near the intersection of Snow Hill Road and U.S. Route 113, Snow Hill, Maryland.

Investigators located a small quantity of marijuana and approximately 11 grams of powder cocaine and crack cocaine packaged in 27 individual clear plastic bags which was found in the area that Collick fled.

 Once Collick was taken into custody, members of the Pocomoke City Police Department and the Criminal Enforcement Team executed a search and seizure warrant at Collick’s residence in Pocomoke, Maryland.

 No additional contraband was located at Collick’s residence.

Collick was charged with the following offenses:
  Possession with the intent to Distribute Crack Cocaine
·         Possession with the intent to Distribute Cocaine
·         Possession of Crack Cocaine
·         Possession of Cocaine
·         Possession of Marijuana
Collick was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $50,000.00 bond. The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was also assisted by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division.
Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Pocomoke Man Arrested for Attempted 2nd Degree Murder

Pocomoke Police Department
1500 Market Street
Pocomoke, Maryland 21851
On February 23, 2013 at approximately 1358 hrs Pocomoke City Police responded to a call for Domestic Assault. Upon arrival Police observed the suspect holding the victim against her will in the stairwell of the home. Police ordered the suspect to allow the victim to come down the stairs in which he refused. At that time police observed the suspect throw a knife down the hallway. As the Police were attempting to arrest the suspect he began resisting, after a short struggle the suspect was apprehended and placed in the Police vehicle.
Upon interviewing the victim, police learned she and the suspect ensued in a verbal argument which became physical as he put her in a rear neck choke several times during the struggle. The victim states she attempted to leave the home several times but; was not able to as the suspect was holding her upstairs against her will. At one point during the struggle the victim stated the suspect pulled out a knife, grabbed her by her jacket and attempted to stab her in the chest area with the knife. The victim was able to move to avoid being stabbed.

Police then interviewed all of the witnesses at the scene.

Arrested was Andrew R. Miller, age 23 of Pocomoke City. Miller was charged with the following:

 Attempted 2nd Degree Murder

Assault 1st Degree

Assault 2nd Degree

Reckless Endangerment

False Imprisonment

Resist/Interfere with Arrest

Fail to Obey a Lawful Order

Miller was held at the Worcester County Detention Center on $500,000 bond pending trial.

Chief Kelvin Sewell
February 25, 2013

Abandoned Structure Fire- Accomack County/Monday Night

Abandoned Structure Fire
Monday, February 25, 2013
9:05 PM 
Saxis Road &Wessells Farm Road
Temperanceville, Va.

Units arrived at the scene at 9:14 to report a single structure fully involved. Firemen were able to quickly control the fire.  While fighting the fire power lines went down.  NO traffic has been allowed to pass through the intersection so please take an alternate route or wait patiently.

Units from Bloxom, Saxis, Atlantic and New Church responded to the blaze.

Below is a photo taken in Sept. 2012 just a few days after it was spray painted.  Ironically, IF this is the house that has burned tonight, it sits across from the empty lot where a landmark house/business once stood.  That building was also torched by an arsonist a little over a year ago.

More information and photos tomorrow.

Tonights Full Moon Is Called "Snow Moon"

The full moon in February is called the "Snow Moon"


LUCY - 4 year old 13 inch Beagle.
Last seen Monday, February 18, 2013 near the Jenkins Bridge area of Saxis Road in Temperanceville, Virginia
Contact 757-894-0580

Have You Seen Harley??

Please call the numbers below if you have any information on this family's pet!

Chicken Jerky Dog Treats Recalled

Nutri-Vet Recalls Chicken Jerky Dog Treats

February 20, 2013 – According to an FDA bulletin, Nutri-Vet, LLC. of Boise, Idaho, is voluntarily recalling its Nutri-Vet and NutriPet Chicken Jerky treats products because they may be contaminated with Salmonella.

Salmonella can sicken animals that eat these products.

Humans are at risk for Salmonella poisoning from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not washed their hands thoroughly enough after having contact with affected items.

Or any surfaces exposed to these products.

Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Fever
Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms.

Consumers exhibiting these symptoms after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain.

Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has any of these signs, please contact your veterinarian.

What’s Being Recalled?

Nutri-Vet is recalling the lot numbers below because the producer of an ingredient used in the products below informed the company of the possibility of the presence of Salmonella at the manufacturing facility.

According to the report, no positive test results have been found on Nutri-Vet or NutriPet products to date.

The recalled Chicken Jerky Treats were distributed nationwide through online sales and in retail stores from April 2012 through February 2013 with Best By Dates ranging from April 20, 2014, through October 3, 2014.

The product comes in a clear plastic bag containing Chicken Jerky Treats as described below:
Nutri-Vet Chicken Jerky Dog Treats Recall
The U.S. based supplier has ceased the production and distribution of the ingredient supplied to Nutri-Vet. The FDA and the manufacturer continue their investigation into the source of the contamination.

No other products made by Nutri-Vet are included in the recall.

What to Do?

Consumers who have purchased Nutri-Vet and NutriPet Chicken Jerky Products are urged to stop feeding them to pets and return the product to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact Nutri-Vet at (877) 729-8668 Monday thru Friday from 7am to 5pm MDT.

You can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food products by calling the consumer complaint coordinator in your area.


PIzza ! For A Good Cause

Looking for a fun time and an easy way to support the
 Delmarva Discovery Center?
Come to Uno's next to Fruitland Walmart on March 4 or March 5.
Print out this flyer and bring it in anytime from 11 AM to 11 PM for take out or dine in and Uno's will donate up to 20% of your receipt to the center!
Also join us at Uno's on March 6 8 PM to 10 PM as
Duke Marshall guest bartends!

Afghanistan Demands U.S. Special Forces Leave Province

(CNN) – The Afghan government says a group of armed people who may be U.S. special forces is carrying out acts of torture and murder.

The U.S. military says it is investigating.

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force must stop all special force operations out of Wardak province, where such horrors have been taking place, and all U.S. special forces must be gone from the province within two weeks, Afghanistan’s National Security Council demanded.

At a meeting of the council, chaired by President Hamid Karzai, “it became clear that armed individuals named as U.S. special force stationed in Wardak province engage in harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people,” Karzai’s office said in a statement. It did not indicate who “named” the group a U.S. special force.

Nine people “disappeared in an operation by this suspicious force,” the statement said. And in another incident, a student was taken from his home at night, and his “tortured body with throat cut was found two days later under a bridge,” the statement said.

It added that the United States rejects any suggestion that its special forces carried out any such operation.

Afghan forces must protect people in the province “by effectively stopping and bringing to justice any groups that enter peoples’ homes in the name of special force and who engage in annoying, harassing and murdering innocent people,” the statement said.

“We take all allegations of misconduct seriously and go to great lengths to determine the facts surrounding them,” U.S. Forces-Afghanistan and the International Security Assistance Force said in a statement. Until military officials speak with Afghan officials about the issue, “we are not in a position to comment further,” the statement added.

“This is an important issue that we intend to fully discuss with our Afghan counterparts.”


Sunday Night Structure Fire- Accomack County

Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 9:30 PM
Beacon Hill Road (past fire training center/near Accomack County Animal Control and airport)

Structure 90% involved when reported.

No injuries reported.  Onancock, Tasley, Onley and Melfa units responded.

The fire is still under investigation to determine if this is another arson and to link it to the previous 50 arsons that have been set in Accomack County since November 12, 2012.

A reward of $25,000 is being offered.

Anyone with information about the arsons and/or individual(s) responsible is encouraged to contact law enforcement via a new Tip Line dedicated to these investigations.

Text, call or email at 757-655-1437

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Accomack County Arson Investigation~ Saturday Evening Fire

 Investigators say a two-story unoccupied structure fire happened on February 23, 2013 just after 10 PM;  Fire departments were called to the  30700 block of Drummondtown Road in Wachapreague, Va. The rear of the building was on fire and  reportedly sustained major fire damage.

The fire is still under investigation to determine if this is another arson and to link it to the previous 50 arsons that have been set in Accomack County since November 12, 2012.

A reward of $25,000 is being offered. Anyone with information about the arsons and/or individual(s) responsible is encouraged to contact law enforcement via a new Tip Line dedicated to these investigations.

Text, call or email at 757-655-1437

TIME MACHINE ... 1941..1975..1877..1961..1944..1890

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


November, 1941
(Salisbury Times)


Woodland owners and forestry men today looked to a soaking rain as the only method of quenching deep burning fires still traveling uncontrolled through 10,000 acres in lower Eastern Shore of Maryland.

Hundreds of blackened fire fighters gave up hope last night for stopping fire sweeping the Cyprus swamp and timberland in Sussex County, called by Delaware State Forester W.S. Taber the state's worst fire in a decade. 

The Delaware danger increased when a fire four miles north of Whaleysville, Md., crossed the state line into the same swamp.

Taber said about 3,000 acres have already been burned over in the swamp.

Meanwhile in Maryland, crewman rushed back to a forrested area north of Snow Hill near the "Taylor's Gate" section which broke out again yesterday morning after it had once been controlled.

In Dorchester County, fires which have been burning in marshes and forest lands this week were still being fought today.
Twenty-four days with less than a half inch of rain, and previous drought this summer makes timber and turf in the swamp burn like timber.

The burning area in Sussex lies in that part of the county bounded by roads leading from Selbyville to Whaleysville, Md., to Gumboro, to Dagsboro, to Frankford and back to Selbyville. 

May, 1975
(The Daily Times- Salisbury)

Harmonizers To Present Program

POCOMOKE CITY- The Fruitland Harmonizers will present a program Sunday at 8 P.M. here at the Macedonia Baptist Church. The program is open to the public and a silver offering will be taken. Proceeds will go toward payment of new pews for the church.

Footnote: The original Harmonizers group was formed in the early 1930's and throughout the years they became, perhaps, the most popular gospel group on the Eastern Shore. In addition to their performance appearances they broadcast a live Sunday morning radio program. 

February, 1877
(Forest and Stream)

OLD SUBSCRIBER, Baltimore. — 1. Can you tell me of some place on the eastern shore of Maryland or Virginia where I can go about the 1st of March and spend a month goose and duck shooting? I mean the coast of Sinepuxent bay or Chincoteague sound. 

Ans. Take rail from Wilmington, Del., to Berlin, and wagon six miles to Ocean City. 

2. Do you know of any place where I could get cheap board, and the use of a boat and decoys? 

Ans. At Chincoteague Island, Accomac Courthouse, Horn Town, Onancock, Pungoteague, and Belle Haven — all in Accomac county, and at Eastville in Northampton county. Capt. Ayres will board you cheap at Ocean City. Capt. Coffins's is a favorite resort also. 

3. What do you think it would cost me for a month's stay? 

Ans. Prices would vary from one to two dollars a day.

June, 1961
(Beckley Post Herald- Beckley, W.VA.)

Charles W. Bragg, band director at Trap Hills High School for the past three years, will leave the Raleigh County school system to accept a similar position in Maryland.

Bragg will leave this weekend for Pocomoke City, Md.

He will take over as band director of Snow Hill and Pocomoke High Schools on July 6.

He is a 1958 graduate of West Virginia Institute Of Technology where he received his bachelor of science degree in music. He played four years in the United States Air Force Band and is a graduate of Collins High School.

July, 1944 (Time Machine Archive)
(Eastern Shore Public Service newspaper ad)

The question most frequently asked about extending electric service to the farm is "How much will it cost to have a line extended to me?" 

Our new rural line plan offers an easy solution to this problem because most farms can be connected without any expenditure on the part of the farmer for the electric lines. This plan includes not only the electric line along the county road, but also the line running into the farm.

Temporary wartime restrictions may delay the construction of some lines, but we are ready now to estimate your needs and contract for your requirements. If you are interested in having electric service on your farm, we shall be happy to talk with you. Just give us a call or drop a penny postcard to Ready Kilowatt, Box 391, Salisbury, Md., and say "I am interested in getting electricity to my farm."
April, 1890
(Centralia Enterprise And Tribune- Centralia, Wis.)

The Letter That Came In Time

Henry Lercallette and Victoria Wright were being married in a country church near Salisbury, Md., and the clergyman was about to declare them man and wife when an aunt of the young woman appeared with a letter from the wife of Lercallette. She asked the minister to read it aloud. When the minister finished the would-be bride fell in a swoon, and Lercallette in the excitement left the church and disappeared.

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

SBA Disaster Assistance Extended to Worcester County Residents

SBA disaster assistance extended to
Worcester County residents through March 4

The Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Disaster Assistance (ODA) has extended the deadline to March 4, 2013 for Worcester County residents to submit disaster loan applications for damages caused by Hurricane Sandy.

  Disaster loans are available to homeowners, renters and businesses. Worcester County residents can call the SBA-ODA customer service hotline at 800-659-2955 or visit www.sba.gov to receive answers to questions regarding disaster assistance.

Pinterest Warns Users Its Service Was Hacked

(CNN) – Pinterest said Friday in an e-mail to its users that the pinboard-style photosharing social network site was breached via its vendor Zendesk.

“We recently learned that the vendor we use to answer support requests and other emails (Zendesk) experienced a security breach,” said the content-sharing service. Users “pin” images and videos to their pinboards.

“We’re sending you this e-mail because we received or answered a message from you using Zendesk. Unfortunately your name, email address and subject line of your message were improperly accessed during their security breach.”

It urged users to take measures to keep their accounts secure by not sharing their passwords and using strong passwords.


Historic Transportation Bill Approved By VA. General Assembly

In a 25-15 vote, the Virginia Senate has approved a landmark transportation bill that eliminates the state gas tax, but raises the state sales tax.

The bill now heads to the governor’s office where Governor Bob McDonnell is expected to give final approval.

The bill, which sets a framework for how the state will fund future transportation projects, does not add tolls to Interstate 95 and eliminates the state gas tax.

The legislation also creates a new 3.5 percent wholesale gas tax, increases the state sales tax from 5 percent to 5.3 percent and imposes a $100 alternative fuel fee for hybrid vehicle owners.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spring Concert ~ "Be The Samaritan"

 "Be The Samaritan" Spring Concert
Saturday, March 2nd:  7:00pm
Sunday, March 3rd:  2:30pm
Performance at:
 Pocomoke High School
Admission is $10.00 per person at the door or at Taylor Bank in Pocomoke, T's Corner, and First Shore Federal of Pocomoke.
Performing ~
 Blue Crab Crossing
Holly Grove Christian School Honors Choir
The Eastern Shore Madrigal
Bring a household item (cleaner, paper product, etc.) donation for entry in door prize drawings.

MISSING .....Have You Seen Lucy OR Harley ???



 Lucy is a four year old 13 inch beagle last seen on Monday, February 18 near the Jenkins Bridge area of Saxis Road! TEMPERANCEVILLE!!!! Contact 757 894 0580

$250 Reward is being offered for getting our pet, Harley, returned home. If you can get him please call 710-1066 or 710-2020. When last seen he was wearing a black collar with the Harley Davidson logo repeated around it, but that could have been replaced by now. He is a friendly dog and we miss him. If you know where he is, then please get him home. No questions asked! Please help us bring him home.

Millions Caught Abusing Federal Phone Program

WOW!  All these folks have FREE phones and I don't even have texting on my phone!

Next time you pay your cell phone bill, you may want to take a closer look at a charge called a universal access or service fee. The charge is money you pay so that people can have free cell phones. Now, a new report says that money may have been wasted.

The phones are obtained through a federal program called Lifeline funded by a charged on your cell phone bill that has handed out free phones to nearly 18 million people already receiving federal assistance.
Annual spending of Lifeline has nearly tripled since 2008 from $800 million to $2.2 billion last year.

But new details reveal the program is even more troubled.

A story published last week by the Wall Street Journal revealed that roughly two million people who already receive free phones could not prove they were eligible.

Since the report, federal agents stepped up efforts to reign in abuse by sending out notices to people who had received more than one phone.

The FCC is expected to issue citations to people who abuse the program next week.Millions Caught Abusing Federal Phone Program


Saturday Specials ~ Riverside Grill Pocomoke

Saturday, February 23, 2013

 -Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 deli sandwich or side salad 6.99
 -Cobb Salad- (iceberg, tomatoes, red onions, bacon, egg, chicken, bleu cheese) 7.99
 -NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich w/ cole slaw and hush puppies 6.99
 -Ale-Batter Fried Shrimp Basket w/ fries 8.99*
 -Fried Oyster Basket w/ fries 10.99

 *Take an extra $1 off shrimp baskets all day
Riverside Grill Photo
NC Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich
 $2.50 Bloody Mary's & Mimosas
 @ 5 pm: $4 burgers till close
 @ 8 pm: $3.50 Stoli drinks
$3 Corona
 Corona lights
 and Red stripes
 till close

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

  1941.. Fire rages in Shore forests;  1975..Recalling one of the most popular local gospel groups; 1877..Magazine reader gets advise for Eastern Shore duck and goose hunting trip; 1961..New band director for Pocomoke and Snow Hill high schools; 1944.. New plan can bring electricity in future to Eastern Shore farms; 1890- The letter that came in time.  
Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Engine Test A Success

If you thought you heard thunder and your windows rattled.  Or if your house shook and you thought it was an earthquake be advised you are safe. 

The engine of the Antare's rocket was tested for 30 seconds last night, just shortly after 6:00 PM,  from NASA's Wallops Flight Center.  I can't imagine what our friends- who live within sight of NASA and see every launch and testing that goes on from there- may have witnessed. 

And I don't want to think about what the sight and sound will be like when the Antare's rocket is  finally launched later this year.

NASA commercial partner Orbital Sciences of Dulles, Va., successfully conducted an engine test of its Antares rocket Friday, Feb. 22, from Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport Pad-0A at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, Va. The company fired dual AJ26 rocket engines for approximately 30 seconds while the rocket was bolted down on the pad. Known as a "hot fire" test, it demonstrated the readiness of the rocket's first stage and launch pad fueling systems to support upcoming test flights. Credit: NASA
WALLOPS ISLAND, Va. -- NASA commercial partner Orbital Sciences of Dulles, Va., successfully conducted an engine test of its Antares rocket Friday, February 22, at the nation's newest launch pad.

The company fired dual AJ26 rocket engines for approximately 30 seconds while the first stage of Orbital's Antares rocket was held down on the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) Pad-0A at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Va. The test demonstrated the readiness of the rocket's first stage and launch pad fueling systems to support upcoming test flights.
"This pad test is an important reminder of how strong and diverse the commercial space industry is in our nation,” said Phil McAlister, director of Commercial Spaceflight Development at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “A little more than one year after the retirement of the space shuttle, we had a U.S company resupplying the space station, and another is now taking the next critical steps to launch from America’s newest gateway to low-Earth Orbit. Today marks significant progress for Orbital, MARS and the NASA team."

Orbital is building and testing its new rocket and Cygnus cargo spacecraft under NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program. A demonstration flight of Antares and Cygnus to the space station is planned for later this year. Following the successful completion of the COTS demonstration mission to the station, Orbital will begin conducting eight planed cargo resupply flights to the orbiting laboratory through NASA's $1.9 billion Commercial Resupply Services contract with the company.

Wallops, which has launched more than 16,000 rockets in its 67-year history, provided launch range support for the hot fire test, including communications, data collection, range safety and area clearance.

NASA initiatives like COTS are helping develop a robust U.S. commercial space transportation industry with the goal of achieving safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation to and from the space station and low-Earth orbit. In parallel, NASA's Commercial Crew Program is working with commercial space partners developing capabilities to launch U.S. astronauts from U.S. soil in the next few years.

**For more information about upcoming Orbital test flights, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/orbital**

Legislative Updates From Delegate Mike McDermott

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
Feb. 22nd, 2013

Taxing Winds Blowing Offshore
There is a lot of hot air blowing around Annapolis these days regarding the viability of  Offshore Wind.  The governor and   his acolytes would have you believe that the cost will be limited to less than two bucks a month for ratepayers, and we should be thrilled with the prospect.

It would be bad enough if this was the only electricity tax we had to pay over the next 25-years, but it is just the beginning. While Businesses in Maryland will be charged the lion’s share of the taxes and fees associated with this boondoggle, it is the consumer who will actually be footing the bill. As a result, you will be paying much higher prices for every quart of milk and every piece of clothing you buy from a store as a result of the wind tax.

It was interesting to see the paper defend (and even call it straight up) “crony capitalism”  when it comes to wind development. The billions spent building these 50-story behemoths would only provide enough energy on a windy day to power 60,000 homes. Given that just one reactor at Calvert Cliffs provides enough clean energy for over half a million homes (with no surcharges or taxes), it is quite clear that offshore wind power is just not a good investment.

We refuse to develop our vast natural gas reserves or even include them in our “green” portfolio. Having a politically correct approach when crafting your energy policy has served to provide our people with rates which are 500% greater than we can purchase from other green sources.

I offered an amendment to this bill which would have required our energy providers purchase their green energy mandates from the cheapest source available so our families could be spared the high costs. This was rejected by those who are under their own mandate from the governor to advance this bill no matter the cost.

Instead of focusing on real energy policies that could move Maryland forward and make our region energy independent, those in charge will strap our future to a horse that can’t win, place, or show. These folks would not even allow us to pass an amendment that would require the equipment be manufactured in America, and they tell us this is a “jobs bill” for Maryland.

There is green energy that makes sense, and it is being produced without the need for subsidies which only serve to stymie innovation and limit our resource development.
Marylanders, don’t get “blown away” by the rhetoric…take back your state!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Delmarva Discovery Center ~ CREATING COMICS

Delmarva Discovery Center

Don't forget to visit the DDC tomorrow at 10a.m. sharp.
You won't want to miss a minute of our exciting event teaching children how to draw their own comics.
Maybe we will see a few environmental superheroes.

2013 Pocomoke Little League

2013 Pocomoke Little League Sign-ups start
 THIS Saturday, 23 February!!

Here is the Sign-up Schedule:

Saturday, Feb 23rd at the YMCA, 10AM-12PM
 Thursday, Feb 28th at the YMCA, 6PM-8PM
 Saturday, March 2nd at the YMCA, 10AM-12PM
 Saturday, March 9th at Eastern Shore Lanes, 9AM-12PM

Sign-up Fee: $50 ($45 for each addtional child)
Please bring with you:  1. Your child's birth certificate
 2. 3 proofs of residency/identification (or copies of these proofs). These can include, but are not limited to, Drivers Liscense, Utility Bill, Vehicle Registration, Check and/or Bank Statement. A link will be posted later today, which will show all acceptable forms of identification and proofs of residency.
 3. Cash or Check for form of payment. Please make checks out to Pocomoke Little League.
 Note: The uniforms will be provided by the same company as last year, so please be sure to take note if you will need a size adjustment for your child. A sizing chart will be listed on the application as well.
For more info go to POCOMOKE LITTLE LEAGUE  on Facebook.


Antares Rocket Engine Test Scheduled ~ Wallops Flight Facility

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility has scheduled
a Rocket Engine Test

The test of the Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket engine is scheduled between 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, February 22, 2013 and should last approximately half a minute.

 The test will be visible and audible for those in and around Wallops Island.

A demonstration flight of Antares to the International Space Station is planned for later in 2013.

Riverside Grill - Pocomoke

Friday Specials
February 22, 2013
-Seafood Gumbo w/ 1/2 turkey sandwich or side salad 6.99
 -Shrimp, Spinach & Mandarin Salad (Spinach, diced tomatoes, red onion, mandarin oranges, and grilled shrimp)
 -Buffalo Chicken Sandwich w/ fries 7.99
 -Crab Melt w/ fries (Grilled rye w/ cheddar and crab dip) 10.99
 Happy Hour 3-7
w/ $1 off appetizers
 @ 8 pm:
$3.50 Captain Morgan or Sailor Jerry drinks
 $1.50 Yuengling, Coors light, and Bud light drafts

TIME MACHINE ... This Sunday's Preview.

  1941.. Fire rages in Shore forests; 1975..Recalling one of the most popular local gospel groups; 1877..Magazine reader asks advise for Eastern Shore duck and goose hunting trip; 1961..New band director for Pocomoke and Snow Hill high schools; 1944- New plan can bring electricity in future to Eastern Shore farms; 1890- The letter that came in time.

Although you may not find these items in a history book, they are a part of our local history and you can read more about it this Sunday right here at The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two, or more if you wish. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Don's Seafood ~ Pocomoke

Try Our Homemade Smith Island Cake
Fridays & Saturdays N.Y. Strip Special $12.99

 Sunday BUFFET $12.99 includes :

 Baked and Fried Chicken, Dumplings, Steam Shrimp, Fried Flounder, Meatloaf, Chicken Salad
 Bake Corn, Green Beans, Mash Potatoes, Cucumber Salad , Coleslaw and Yeast Rolls.

Guest Bartender Night

Guest Bartender Night at Don's Chicken
and Seafood House
Friday, March 1, 2013

5:00pm until 9:00pm.
An evening of fun and fundraising
20% of proceeds go to the Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce.

***Chamber President Josh Nordstrom and Chamber board members will serve your drinks!***
The Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce is considering holding a plastic boat regatta made of homemade crafts.

This event would be held during the Pocomoke Cypress Festival 2013 (June 12-15).  The Pocomoke Area Chamber of Commerce is trying to determine if there would be enough interested in participating.

 Would your company, civic organization, or group of friends be interesting in entering a craft to race on the Pocomoke River?

 If you may be interested in entering a team click here.   This is not an entry form, it is only to indicate your interest.
Photo BW
Cypress Park 2012