Wednesday, September 5, 2012

High-Altitude Suborbital Rocket Launch Rescheduled

Due to required additional testing of the payload, the launch attempt for September 5, 2012 has been scrubbed.

The next attempt will be September 6.

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – NASA will conduct a test flight of a Talos-Terrier-Oriole suborbital sounding rocket between 7 and 10 a.m., September 5, from the agency’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

This will be the first flight of this launch vehicle which is being developed, using motors that currently exist in the sounding rocket fleet, to support high altitude space science research.

The backup launch day is September 6.

Chuck Brodell, project manager with the Wallops sounding rocket programs office, said, “One of the main objectives of this mission is to develop alternative high altitude vehicle three and four stage configurations that will augment the current NASA stable of suborbital research vehicles. In addition we will test several new hardware developments as well as flight support systems.”

This will be the first flight of the Oriole motor as a third stage for the NASA Sounding Rocket Program and the first flight of the Terrier as a second stage.

The 3-stage, 65-foot tall vehicle is projected to lift its 1,664 pound payload to approximately 176 miles above the Earth. After a 10 minute flight, the payload is expected land in the Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles off the Wallops Island coast. The payload will not be recovered.

The launch may be visible to observers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the three lower counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and southern Delaware.

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will open at 6 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 6 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at: and

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Change Maryland on O'Malley's Criticism of OH Gov. John Kasich

Change Maryland on O'Malley's Criticism of Gov. John KasichOhio Creates 3 Times More Jobs Than Maryland Under Kasich

Annapolis - Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley continued his series of attacks of other elected officials yesterday, saying Ohioans should have "buyers remorse" in electing Ohio Governor John Kasich in 2010.  The records between the two Governors could not be more stark - Ohio has produced three times the jobs Maryland has since Kasich took office.  In state rankings, the cost of doing business in Maryland is mired in the 40's whereas Ohio is now sixth in the nation.

"Martin O'Malley's serial attacks on Governors with better records than his, continues the pattern of deception that we're all too familiar with here at home," said Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan.  "John Kasich has done a tremendous job turning Ohio's economy around in a very short period of time. We can't say the same thing for Martin O'Malley who has been in office four years longer and who rightfully admitted that we're not better off before backtracking on his comments."

Under Governor Martin O'Malley's tenure since 2007, taxes and fees have been raised 24 times, removing an additional $2.4 billion from the economy annually.  The results speak for themselves where Maryland leads the region in lost jobs, businesses and taxpayers.

"Martin O'Malley is managing the decline of Maryland;  John Kasich is restoring Ohio's economic performance,"  said Hogan.


"(O'Malley) used his speech to the Ohio delegation Monday to link Romney and Kasich, blast them and praise former Gov. Ted Strickland, who may be running for the job again in two years."

“If there’s one place to find buyer’s remorse, it’s Ohio,” O’Malley said. "O’Malley: Ohioans Should Know Better Than Most What Romney Would Do"

Background / Economy:


Ohio has created three times more jobs than Maryland since January of 2011.

MD: 37,300

OH: 122,500

BLS: Data extracted on: September 4, 2012

Business climate:

Maryland is mired in the 40's but drastic improvement in Ohio.


MD: Cost of Doing Business: 42

OH: Cost of Doing Business: 6

CNBC "America's Top States for Business"


MD: Cost of Doing Business: 43

OH: Cost of Doing Business: 29

CNBC "America's Top States for Business"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heroin Distribution Investigation Leads To Arrest

In July 2012, members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team began a Heroin distribution investigation and identified Tony Lamont Mills, Age 32, of Berlin, Maryland who was distributing Heroin throughout Northern Worcester County. During the course of this investigation several purchases of Heroin were made from Mills. As this investigation progressed, an undercover Detective from the Criminal Enforcement Team was able to conduct two hand to hand purchases of Heroin directly from Mills on two separate occasions. It should be noted that during one of these hand to hand purchases of Heroin, Mills conducted this transaction while holding an infant child on his chest. It was also learned that Mills was also wanted on a Parole Retake Warrant from the Department of Corrections and a Violation of Probation Warrant from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. The Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit assisted the Criminal Enforcement Team throughout this investigation.

As a result of this investigation, Detectives authored a search and seizure warrant for a residence located on Elizabeth Street, Berlin, Maryland, where Mills was residing. On August 31, 2012, members of the Criminal Enforcement Team executed this search and seizure warrant utilizing the Berlin Police Department SWAT Team. Mills was subsequently apprehended while attempting to hide in a closet inside of the residence. A search of the residence revealed 6.8 grams of marijuana and additional six bags of Heroin along with a loaded .32 caliber revolver. A total of 28 bags of Heroin was recovered over the course of this investigation totaling approximately 2.8 grams. Mills is prohibited from owning and/or possessing a firearm as a result of a previous conviction of a disqualifying crime. This loaded .32 Caliber handgun was located in the closet where Mills was taken into custody. Additional items of evidentiary value was also seized from the residence. Mills was subsequently transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office where he was charged with the following offenses:

On View Charges:

·         Possession of Marijuana – 1Ct.
·         Possession of Heroin – 3 Cts.
·         Possession with intent to Distribute Heroin – 1 Ct.
·         Distribution of Heroin – 2 Cts.
·         CDS – Possession of a firearm – 1Ct.
·         Firearm – Possession with felony conviction – 1Ct.
·         Firearm in relation to drug trafficking crime – 1Ct.
·         Illegal possession of a firearm – 1 Ct.

     Committed to the Worcester Co. Jail - $55,000.00 Bond


·         Violation of Probation – $25,000.00 Bond
·         D.O.C. Parole Retake – Lodged as a detainer

     The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted during the execution of this search and seizure warrant by the Berlin Police Department SWAT Team, Berlin Police Department Canine Division, Ocean City Police Department Narcotics Unit, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division.

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Virginia Has New Pesticide Website

The state has launched a website to assist homeowners, gardeners and others on the safe use of pesticides.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services created the site after staff in its office of pesticide services concluded a lot of misinformation on pesticides needs correcting.

Commissioner Matt Lohr said the website will be useful to anyone who has applied a pesticide to their lawn to kill weeds or insects. Farmers and groundskeepers can also find value in the Virginia Pesticide Safety website.

To access the site, visit

" afternoon with the Mar-Va" ~ Get Your Tickets

"Good Neighbor Day" At Enchanted Florist Pocomoke



Wednesday  September 5, 2012

Receive a dozen flowers (while supplies last) when you bring in a minimum of 5 non-perishable food, paper or hygiene products.

You keep one flower for yourself and give the others away to 11 different people.

ALL donations go to the
Samaritan Shelter in Pocomoke City.

So, be a "Good Neighbor" and contribute to the community and make someone smile with a flower!!
Open at 6:30 a.m. until they are gone.

Just look for the balloons !!!

NASA Testing High-Altitude Suborbital Rocket ~ September 5

WALLOPS ISLAND, VA – NASA will conduct a test flight of a Talos-Terrier-Oriole suborbital sounding rocket between 7 and 10 a.m., September 5, from the agency’s launch range at the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.

This will be the first flight of this launch vehicle which is being developed, using motors that currently exist in the sounding rocket fleet, to support high altitude space science research.

The backup launch day is September 6.

Chuck Brodell, project manager with the Wallops sounding rocket programs office, said, “One of the main objectives of this mission is to develop alternative high altitude vehicle three and four stage configurations that will augment the current NASA stable of suborbital research vehicles. In addition we will test several new hardware developments as well as flight support systems.”

This will be the first flight of the Oriole motor as a third stage for the NASA Sounding Rocket Program and the first flight of the Terrier as a second stage.

The 3-stage, 65-foot tall vehicle is projected to lift its 1,664 pound payload to approximately 176 miles above the Earth. After a 10 minute flight, the payload is expected land in the Atlantic Ocean about 300 miles off the Wallops Island coast. The payload will not be recovered.

The launch may be visible to observers on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the three lower counties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and southern Delaware.

The NASA Visitor Center at the Wallops Flight Facility will open at 6 a.m. on launch day for public viewing.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 6 a.m. on launch day at:

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at: and

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.

Monday, September 3, 2012

State Police Investigate Golf Course Burglary

WESTOVER, Md. - Authorities are looking for information in a burglary. State Police say an undisclosed amount of money was taken from the Great Hope Golf Course between 7:30 Sunday night and 6 AM Monday.

 If you know anything regarding this incident call Maryland State Police at 443-260-3700.


Martin O'Malley Fact Check: Top 10 False Assertions

Martin O'Malley Fact Check: Top 10 False AssertionsMaryland Governor's Self-Described Economic Record Riddled with Errors, Falsehoods, Omissions For Immediate Release

Contact: Jim Pettit


Annapolis - The O'Malley Administration's top ten assertions this year about state finances, jobs and taxes contained 19 false or misleading statements according to Change Maryland. The grassroots citizen organization utilized federal government sources and other non-partisan information in making this determination.

"As Governor Martin O'Malley prepares to lecture the nation on the economy this week in Charlotte, and to criticize a Presidential nominee, the U.S. House of Representatives and other Governors, Change Maryland would like to call attention to some actual facts about O'Malley's record here at home," said Chairman Larry Hogan. "We are seeing a pattern of deception from the governor here that must be taken into account on the national stage."

This is the first among many Administration assertions Change Maryland will analyze in a periodic and much-needed fact-checking process.

Listed below are Martin O'Malley's Top 10 false and misleading assertions followed by Change Maryland's clarifications and corrections.

State Finances

1. Martin O'Malley: "In fact, to achieve balance over the last three years, we have relied almost entirely on cuts."Governor O'Malley State of the State Address, 2012

Change Maryland: From 2007 to 2012, O'Malley raised taxes and fees 24 times, removing an additional $2.4 billion annually from the Maryland economy.

Fact Sheet: Maryland Tax and Fee Increases, 2007-2011

2. Martin O'Malley: "Governor O'Malley has cut more state spending than any governor in Maryland's history - $8 billion."

Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: State spending increased nearly $7 billion from $28.8 billion in 2007 to $35.5 billion today.Maryland House GOP Caucus, 8.2.12

3. Martin O'Malley: "Under Governor O'Malley's leadership, the Administration has been successful in making the tough choices that have protected the State's long history of sound fiscal stewardship..."Office of the Governor, 1.18.12

Change Maryland: Maryland has the second highest debt burden in the region and 13th-highest nationally. As a percentage of state GDP, Maryland's unfunded pension liability combined with other debt is 9.6%. This compares to Virginia, 3.7%; Delaware 4.7% and Pennsylvania 6%.Barron's "State of the States," 8.27.12

4. Martin O'Malley: "According to a recent report by the National Association of State Budget Officers, general fund spending in Maryland decreased between FY2009 and FY2011."

Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: The Administration is citing an old report from 2010, attempting to cherry pick data.

Change Maryland: The most recent 2012 NASBO/NGA report shows Maryland's general fund spending has increased 15.5%, three times the national average, and the highest in the region, between fiscal years 2011 and 2013.Fiscal Survey of the States, Spring 2012


5. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland actually gained 1,700 jobs over the first 6 months of the year while many neighboring states continued to see a decline."Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: Most neighboring states are not seeing a decline. During the first six months of this year, Maryland's job loss compares to a gain of 40,800, Virginia; Pennsylvania, 8,300; the District of Columbia 7,800. Since January of 2007 to present, Maryland has lost three times as many jobs as Virginia and has the second-worst job performance in the region.

Change Maryland: Maryland has lost 6,600 jobs during the first six months of this year. The Administration back-dated BLS data one month to December of 2011, while omitting July, attempting to cherry pick data.

U.S. Dept. of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics:

6. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland is creating jobs at 2 ½ times the rate that Virginia.

Change Maryland: Politifact Virginia found O'Malley's claim to "only approach validity when he gets to cherry-pick the data" and rated his statement false.

Politifact 2.05.12


7. Martin O'Malley: "According to the conservative group Change Maryland, 30,000 taxpayers fled the state for Virginia after Governor O'Malley raised taxes on millionaires in 2007."

Change Maryland: We actually reported that 11,455 Marylanders fled to Virginia during the period in question, the 30,000 included taxpayers who fled Maryland for other states.Change Maryland: Nowhere in CM's tax report is the word "millionaire" mentioned. The Administration is attempting to deflect Maryland's tax flight problem into a class warfare issue where none exists.

Change Maryland Tax Migration Report:

8. Martin O'Malley: "Change Maryland used data that the IRS openly recognizes as incomplete to draw their erroneous conclusions." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: The IRS does not say the data is "incomplete," openly or otherwise. It includes tax returns filed by late September of the filing (calendar) year which covers 95% to 98% of all returns during the period IRS monitors.

9. Martin O'Malley: "Maryland saw the smallest tax filer change in the region from 2007 to 2010, losing 25% fewer tax filers than Virginia." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland: -The Administration is not citing a source

-According to the IRS, Maryland saw the largest taxpayer exodus of any state in the region, and seventh-highest nationally.

-Delaware, which is also in the region, but omitted from the Governor's statement, saw a net inflow of nearly 7500 residents, according to the IRS.

-The District of Columbia, which is also in the region, but omitted from the Governor's statement, saw a net outflow of just over 1100 residents, according to the IRS.

10. Martin O'Malley: " In Maryland, tax filers decreased only 5.3% from 2007 to 2010 compared to a 7.1% decrease in Virginia, an 8.5% decrease in Pennsylvania, and a 15.5% decrease in West Virginia." Office of the Governor, 8.28.12

Change Maryland:

-The Administration is not citing a source

-According to the IRS, Virginia's net inflow of residents was nearly 30,300.

-According to the IRS, Pennsylvania's net outflow of residents was just over 8200 residents.

-According to the IRS, West Virginia's net inflow of residents was just over 14,600 residents.

Tax Foundation:

IRS Statistics of Income Division:

Change Maryland Tax Study:

MORE Graffiti????

Recent graffiti in the Accomack County area of Jenkins Bridge.

THIS time on the bridge- more taxpayer's money to repaint and on the Verizon equipment that is located in the very same area as where the Jenkins Bridge post office was.

Have A Safe Labor Day.....

I'm going to be enjoying this last "unofficial" day of summer.
I will be back later with some mud bog photos from Saturday and some photos concerning some activities in Accomack County that truly bother alot of taxpaying citizens!

Enjoy your day.  Be safe.

MISSING From Eastern Shore Virginia

**Timothy VanHart HAS BEEN LOCATED**

Timothy VanHart, 15 year old runaway.  Last seen 8:30 PM  Sunday at Ocean Deli - Wallops Island, Virginia.

Thought to be headed to Virginia Beach with people from Exmore, Virginia.

If you have seen Timothy or know where he may be PLEASE contact the Accomack County Sheriff's Office OR  
757-894-3469 ~  757-894-5395 ~  757-8947-096.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... A Unique GIFT To The Eastern Shore!


(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)

May, 1923

(Oak Leaves- Oak Park, Illinois)



Mrs. Caroline Pitkin McCready Gives Magnificently Equipped Institution To Crisfield, Maryland, As Memorial.

An Oak Park woman has given to Crisfield, Md. one of the best equipped hospitals in the country.

Crisfield, Md., April 28.- About 14 years ago a mere handful of women, fighting against many odds, financed, equipped, and put into operation Crisfield's first hospital. During these years the little institution, known as the Crisfield General and Marine Hospital, has faithfully administered to the needs of a suffering humanity. It has served its purpose, even though in a small way, in a building which it has long since outgrown and which has become antiquated when compared with modern surgical and medical institutions.

Today a lone woman, realizing the needs of the Lower Eastern Shore peninsula, has come forward and presented to the people of Crisfield and Somerset county, a modern hospital ranking second to none in the state. This new institution, a gift from Mrs. Caroline McCready and costing more than $150,000, will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on May 6. The new hospital comes to the people of this community complete in every detail, equipped and furnished, ready to be opened to serve the public, and entirely free of debt.

On February 14, 1922, ground was broken and work commenced on the erection of this new hospital building. Today it stands completed, the new McCready Memorial Hospital, erected in memory of Edward McCready, husband of the doner; Miss Susanne McCready her daughter, and Miss Catherine Steinbach, a nurse.

This stretch of land was the scene of the boyhood days of Mr. McCready. Here also lived his mother, Mrs. Lovey McCready, and on this plot of ground, where once stood the old homestead, is erected this imposing monument in memory of Edward McCready, the father; Susanne, a little daughter; and a nurse, who were killed in an accident September 13, 1919, in Somerset County.

Mr McCready was born near Crisfield and resided here until he grew into young manhood. Then, craving for adventures, he started out to make his way in the world. He settled in Chicago, and there became one of the largest cork manufacturers in the country.

Mrs. Caroline McCready is in Crisfield this week making final arrangements for the dedication. Many invited guests from Chicago and other cities will be present, as well as thousands from all sections of the Eastern Shore.

Note: The full article details lots more information about the new 1923 McCready Memorial Hospital. Like to read more? Just email me at and I'll send you by return email a copy of the complete original article as it appeared in publication.


June, 1941

(The Salisbury Times)



Arrives Here After Pocomoke Bridge Is "Blown Up"

With the Pocomoke River Bridge at Pocomoke "blown up" by the enemy, a mechanized U.S. Army unit rolled into Salisbury today just in time for dinner in Municipal Park despite a detour through eastern Worcester County.

The army on wheels, moving in 33 trucks and cars, is composed of officer students in the motor transport school at Holibard Quartermasters depot, Baltimore.

On tour of the Eastern Shore, the group of 75 men were delayed this morning from Cape Charles when a bridge was theoretically blown to bits at Pocomoke City.

The "enemy" action forced a detour via Snow Hill.


June, 1892

(The Indiana Progress- Indiana, Indiana County, Pa.)

New England Andirons Are Rare.

Early New England andirons, or fire dogs, of brass and wrought iron were tall affairs ornamented with dogs' heads. They are seldom seen in New York, although they are imitated occasionally in modern wares. A great many excellent andirons and fire sets come from the eastern shore of Maryland and from Virginia. The stove drove out the fireplace in New England, but the milder climate in Maryland and Virginia made the fireplace a permanency there, and in many old homes in those states the fire irons of three generations are in use.

A New Yorker takes special pride in a fire set from Worcester County on the eastern shore of Maryland. It includes brass headed tongs and shovel, a fire block of oak on which they rest when not in use, and brass andirons twenty-one inches high and weighing nearly ten pounds each.- New York Sun.


October, 1880

(The Denton Journal)

"I want a spoke in my wheel" is the way to ask for a drink at a station on the line of the Eastern Shore railroad, between Salisbury and Crisfield, and if a red spoke is wanted he gets whiskey, and if a white one rum.


Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Legislative Undates By Mike McDermott

“Delegate Mike McDermott Receives 2012 Restore Integrity Award”

Annapolis) Delegate Mike McDermott is the recipient of the “Restore Integrity Award” presented by the national good government and legal reform advocate POPULAR (Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored). Delegate McDermott was recognized for his sponsorship of HB-1061 which proposed an amendment of Maryland’s Constitution and a corresponding shift of the state to more inclusive, balanced, and comprehensive judicial oversight according to the organizations Chairman, George Stokes, Sr.

“All of POPULAR’s award recipients have taken or otherwise pursued one or more specific acts or measures to eliminate significant inequity, waste, fraud, abuse, or other public and/or private sector corruption in America” according to Mr. Stokes. He adds, “POPULAR defines corruption as any illegal or unethical conduct contributing to the systemic malfunction of government, commerce, and/or democracy in America as contemplated by the U.S. Constitution.”

POPULAR has recognized a wide array of public and private sector heroes who help make the war on corruption real in America. This award recognizes Delegate McDermott’s determination and willingness to take on the tough challenges to address corruption within the high places of government.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Unique GIFT To The Eastern Shore!

In 1919 a Somerset County accident claimed the life of Mr. Edward McCready, his young daughter, and a nurse. From this tragedy blossomed a gift to the lower Eastern Shore four years later ... McCready Memorial Hospital, "a modern hospital ranking second to none in the state."

Read more about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Riverside Grill


OPEN all weekend but will be

CLOSED  Labor Day

Monday  September 3, 2012

22nd Annual Chincoteague Island Decoy & Art Festival

22nd Annual Chincoteague Island Decoy & Art Festival
6155 Community Drive

Saturday, September 1st (9:00am to 5:00 pm)
Sunday, September 2nd (10:00am to 4:00pm)
Admission $ 3
2- Day Pass $ 5
Under 12 Free
Sponsored by Chincoteague Decoy Carvers & Artists Association

There will be over 40 exhibitors displaying Decoy Carving, Wildlife Paintings, Fine Art, Photography, Jewelry and carving & arts supplies.
There is food and drink for sale.
 Supervised activites for children under 12.
Raffle proceeds go to the Chincoteague Decoy Carvers & Artists Assocation's College Scholarship Fund.
Art work by Jenny Somers
For more info please call Cinda Walls 410-546-1638

Friday, August 31, 2012


Saturday  September 1, 2012
4410 Crisfield Highway
Crisfield, Maryland
(behind the Elks Lodge)

Don't Miss the GAMBLER'S RACE !!
Winner of the Gambler's Race at the July 21st night race was Bryan Watson driving "Little Red Dakota".  Bryan made the run in 3.12 seconds !!

Racing begins @ 1:00
Admission: $7.00 - Children under 10 years of age FREE

Don't forget the Kid's Power Wheel Race"
(rules apply)

For more information go to:


**This will be the last race to be held in Crisfield for the season. Last race of the season will be held at Gumboro**

More Photos From the Back To School Event & A HUGE Thank You To Angel

Back To School Event
Hosted by the
Pocomoke City Police Department

Mrs. Cane stopped by with some very sweet young folks who seems a little shy but were all smiles for the camera.  All the children and parents who stopped by on Sunday were very appreciative...not too many students seemed excited to be going back to school so soon.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell, Councilwoman Tracey Cottman and Lt. Green

Angel Thornes/Pocomoke City Police Dept.
Police Dept. Open House Ceremonies
June 22, 2012
Another wonderfully planned and successful event for the community with many thanks given to Angel Thornes, who wears the title Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke City Police Department.
I'm going to bypass all the other "powers that be" for the moment and give "some love" to this dedicated person whose job at times could be for many, overwhelming.

For the past few years Angel has handled the police department community events that have taken place in Pocomoke doing a remarkable job every single time! This year, however, her duties included the moving the police department into their new building and organizing the nice Ribbon Cutting Ceremony/Open House held in June.

Some days you could find her in a closet organizing everything she could find to make the move to the new building run smoothly.......and planning ahead for the Open House yet still taking care of her normal everyday responsibilities. Keep in mind that while all this was taking place Angel was making plans for the annual National Night Out AND the Back To School event that took place on Sunday.

She was responsible for ordering the furniture that is now in place in the offices at the new police department. She has limitied funds to use, spent the money wisely and made some beautiful selections. But along with buying new furniture comes the disappointment of it sometimes being damaged in shipment. I happened to be in the new building that day in May when a desk was damaged and several men were struggling to move it. There was no air conditioning in the building at the time yet, as hot as it was in there and as disappointed as Angel was she carried on with a smile, got the job done, managed to proudly show me around. On the day of Open House the police department was in order and beautifully furnished.

And this is just a little of what she does.

I'm sure some of you are saying to yourselves that this is what she is paid to do. Probably so. But she doesn't have to pour her heart into these things like she does. I've seen her in action! And the one thing she is proud of is the support that comes from the local businesses and citizens. In her words the support is "phenomenal". ...and she's right!

Yet while managing all of these back to back events Angel remains focused, determined and dedicated to her job serving the community of Pocomoke City and those she works with.

And last but not least Angel makes a very serious effort to keep me informed so I can keep all of you informed.

So, many thanks Angel for all you do and continue to dofor the citizens of the community and surrounding areas and for me.

From Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell - SCAM ALERT

Scam Alert Press Release

Chief Kelvin Sewell of the Pocomke City Police Department is warning residents about a telephone scam in which callers try to obtain credit card information by telling people they are wanted for arrest or a family member has been arrested and needs bail money.

Police said Thursday they have received complaints about the calls, which come in displaying blocked numbers on caller ID.

The caller tells the resident there is a warrant for his/her arrest or their family member has been arrested and instructs them to pay a certain amount of money by credit card or bank accounty information to avoid arrest or for their family member to be released.

Police advise anyone receiving such a call not to respond to the request but contact local authorities and report the incident along with the phone number supplied by the caller.
Chief Sewell advises citizens to never give your personal information such as social security number, bank information, credit card information etc. over the phone to a suspicious caller

Chief Kelvin Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Department

Pocomoke Gets Money For Bridge Repair Work

Finally the funding Pocomoke City has been waiting for!! Thank you Senator Jim Mathias.

Written by
Brian Shane
POCOMOKE CITY -- Funding has been secured to pave the dualized Route 13 bridge over the Pocomoke River, a span that's been plagued by a serious pothole problem.

"I thought it wasn't going to happen until 2014, 2015, so hearing that we got it down (last week) was great news," said Mayor Bruce Morrison.

Fixing the dilapidated bridge has been one of Morrison's biggest priorities since he took office.

Morrison said he's been needling state and local officials to find the money, and the joint effort worked out.

"I tell them, 'Go over, take a ride, tell me what you think,' " he said. "There was quite a few holes on it, because last time I rode it, my trailer almost came off (my car)."

Maryland's State Highway Administration is putting $10 million toward the project, said Donnie Drewer, District 1 Engineer for SHA. Contractors will be solicited in summer 2013, and construction will begin in fall 2013.

The project will completely replace the bridge decking on the northbound bridge, which is the older span, built in 1959. The southbound span, built in 1966, will only receive a deck overlay with concrete.

Traffic will be rerouted to the opposite side of the road as each span of the bridge is fixed. It means SHA will have to build a temporary lane across the middle of the north and south lanes, so folks can switch from one side to the other.

Unofficially, Drewer estimated that construction should take about nine months. He said it will not affect boat traffic along the Pocomoke River.

Money for the project will come through mostly state and some federal funds, SHA officials said.

According to Drewer, some project funding was secured in part through the efforts of State Sen. Jim Mathias, D-38-Worcester.
Mathias said when he learned in May that the bridge was in need of serious repair, he reached out to state transportation department officials, with whom he has a good working relationship.

"Our job is constituency service," Mathias said.

"When I read in the paper that Mayor Morrison was having some challenges with that bridge, I quickly got on the phone. I asked if I could help my constituents out, and they went right to work."

Potholes on the dualized bridge span are dangerous and have been known to knock the hubcaps off moving cars. Some potholes are deep enough for debris to fall through to the Pocomoke River below, endangering boaters.

Bridge upkeep for these two spans is the responsibility of the State Highway Administration. There are about 5,000 bridges in Maryland, with half maintained by SHA and the rest by counties or municipalities.


The Ocean City Police Department is attempting to identify two subjects who have been involved in multiple thefts from vending machines.

On 8/28/12 the two subjects above were at the Hilton Hotel located at 3201 Baltimore Ave.  Surveillance cameras captured the male entering the vending machine room, while the female accomplice acted as a look out.   During the investigation, police obtained surveillance images of two suspects.  The male suspect is also believed to be the same unidentified perpetrator that was captured on video surveillance, who broke into several vending machines on previous occasions, however was not apprehended.     

Ocean City Police are asking anyone with information about the identity of these suspects or information about these crimes, to contact the Ocean City Police Departments Criminal Investigation Divisions Detective Carl Perry at 410-520-5439 or email at:  (You do not have to give your name)

Ocean City Police Dept. News Release.

100 Year Old Driver Plows Into Group Of Children, Injures 11

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The screams of women and children didn't cause a 100-year-old driver to stop as he backed his large powder blue Cadillac onto a sidewalk across from an elementary school and hit 11 people, including nine children. So people began pounding on his windows screaming for him to stop, a witness said. Alma Solache said she was buying her children an afterschool snack Wednesday just before the accident outside a South Los Angeles school. "He was not paying attention," said Solache, 24, adding that it was at least two or three seconds before the vehicle halted and people began pulling children out from beneath the car. Four of the children were in critical condition when firefighters arrived but they were stabilized and were in serious condition at a hospital, city fire Capt. Jaime Moore said. Everyone was expected to survive, he said. Children's backpacks, shoes, candy and loose change were strewn about the scene behind a discount grocery store across from Main Street Elementary. Police said the driver, Preston Carter, was being very cooperative and drugs or alcohol were not a factor in the crash. Carter talked to television reporters after the crash some five miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. He said he has a driver's license and will be 101 years old Sept. 5. "My brakes failed. It was out of control," Carter told KCAL-TV. Asked about hitting the children, Preston said: "You know I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't do that for nothing on earth. My sympathies for them."  Carter was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot, but instead of backing into the street, he backed onto the sidewalk, police Capt. George Rodriguez said. "I think it was a miscalculation on his part. The gentleman is elderly," Rodriguez said. "Obviously he is going to have some impairment on his decision making."  Elderly drivers have been involved in other tragedies. In 2003, an 86-year-old man mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal of his car instead of the brake and then panicked, plowing into an open-air market in Santa Monica. Ten people were killed and 63 injured. According to California's Department of Motor Vehicles, people over age 70 must renew their driver's license in person, rather than via the Internet or by mail. Older drivers can also be required to take a supplemental driving test if they fail a vision exam, or if a police officer, a physician, or a family member raises questions about their ability to drive. Rodriguez said the collision was being investigated as an accident, and Carter was not under arrest. He has a valid driver's license, Rodriguez said.  SOURCE;

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hardwire LLC Makes $1300.00 Donation To Youth Football Program

Pocomoke City-based Hardwire LLC., makes a donation to the new Pocomoke City Youth Football Program. Pictured are Hardwire LLC employee and Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison, left, presenting a check for $1,300 to Tim Richo of the youth football program for uniforms and equipment. 
The new football program has held a training camp and will soon begin practices on a city-owned field on Clarke Avenue at Maple Street. The Pocomoke City teams will be competing this fall in the Salvation Army Youth Football League based in Salisbury. For more information, contact Adrian Smith at 757-694-7142. / SUBMITTED IMAGE

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A Unique GIFT To The Eastern Shore!

In 1919 a Somerset County accident claimed the life of Mr. Edward McCready, his young daughter, and a nurse. From this tragedy blossomed a gift to the lower Eastern Shore four years later ... McCready Memorial Hospital, "a modern hospital ranking second to none in the state."

Read more this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Mar-Va Theater This Weekend ~ The Amazing Spider Man

Chincoteague Police Dept. ~ 8th Annual Ride For Kids

This event has NOT been canceled !