Friday, August 14, 2009


PETA's response to Philadelphia signing Vick

In regards to the Philadelphia Eagles signing Michael Vick, PETA's official statement is as follows:

PETA and millions of decent football fans around the world are disappointed that the Philadelphia Eagles have chosen to sign a man who hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned in his swimming pool, and even threw his own family dogs into the fighting pit to be torn to shreds while he laughed. What sort of message does this send to young fans who care about animals and don't want to see them be harmed? PETA certainly hopes that Vick has learned his lesson and feels truly remorseful for his crimes--but since he's given no public indication that that's the case, only time will tell. At this point, all Eagles fans can do is cross their fingers and hope that they won't ever have to explain to their sons and daughters what a "rape rack" is and why their favorite player was using one, as Falcons fans once had to.

I don't usually agree with PETA on most of what they do. However, in the case of Michael Vick they do have some good thoughts. Is he remourseful? I don't think so. Vick, apparently had witnessed this type of thing since he was a young boy. Thinking that this was the "norm" even after becomming a man is inexcusable! But I suppose it's easier to pass the blame onto someone else instead of being a man and taking the blame himself. Here's a person that knows everything there is to know about football and knows nothing about life. He has to play football. If he grew up thinking that dog fighting was the "norm" then it's hard to tell what other "stupid" he has in his head.

I won't even try to explain what a "rape-rack" is. I can tell you it's probably close to what you imagine it to be.

Golf Balls Get Recycled

By Sandra J. Pennecke


Craig Stewart spends hours on the golf course, but he's too busy and too tired to play. He's often unnoticed by other golfers.

The owner of Your Golf Ball Shop at 6229 Indian River Road, Stewart dives into the ponds at about 45 golf courses throughout Hampton Roads and the Eastern Shore of Maryland to harvest balls hit astray.

"It's like an archeological dig down there," said Stewart, whose diving season starts in early spring and operates through the end of November.

"It's a way to recycle golf balls," said Mike Waugh, PGA professional who works at the Battlefield Golf Club in Chesapeake and has Stewart come out several times each year.

A competitive swimmer as a child and former Navy diver who was conscripted for two years, Stewart later spent 3 1/2 years diving for diamonds off the African coast before he came to the United States in 1986.

After a friend started a business diving for golf balls, Stewart decided he'd plunge in, too, and began diving in 1988.

"I just hop in the water and spend all day down there. It's not a highly technical skill, but very physical work," Stewart said. He arrives as the sun comes up, explores as many ponds as he can and works his way from the back of the golf course to the front.

"I keep a low profile so I don't interfere with the golfers."

On a recent one-week diving trip, the Southern Woods resident said he found close to 40,000 balls. "I normally find approximately 25,000."

Other surprises often await Stewart in the depths - golf clubs, broken glass, catfish, thorns, trash, snapping turtles, crabs and, once, an alligator at a course in North Carolina.

Armed with a mask and gloves, Stewart basically feels his way through the silt.

"Once you start working the mud, it gets kicked up and you can't see anything. It's almost better that you can't see." Stewart happily wiggles 10 fingers.

The recovered balls are hauled back to Your Golf Ball Shop, soaked in a mild acid solution, washed, soaked in bleach, dried and then sorted.

"That's the tedious engine that drives everything," he said.

The balls are given to the golf courses as range or jar balls, packaged up for the store and resold, while others that have bubbles, discoloration or the coating missing are sent to be refurbished.

Your Golf Ball Shop, which had been on London Bridge Road and moved to its current building 1 1/2 years ago, also carries anything and everything - at reasonable prices - associated with the game of golf.

Stewart said he enjoys providing the service he does and doesn't foresee it ending any time soon.

"Not as long as they keep getting them in the water."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Try A Little Kindness Tommorrow

My daughter has lived in Baltimore for many years now and works for a large medical facility

there that sees hundreds of patients per week I am sure. She finds it amazing when patients

come in and recognize that she is from the Eastern Shore. How? The accent. And we

don't even realise it. The ones that recognize it are the patients from the good old Eastern

Shore. Talking to them about things "down home" makes her not miss home so much and I am

sure puts the patients' worries about themselves at ease for a while.

In a world like today, when things seem to be spinning out of control, people

don't seem to care about each other, except with criticism, and there is no kindness

from anyone somedays, there is the exception.

My daughter called me today to tell me that a patient from the Eastern Shore

had been in and asked her, "when was the last time you read one of these?".

She looked at it and responded, "Not since I last saw my mom." He had

handed her a simple thing as the Daily Times. Something from the good old

Eastern Shore! Though this person is ill, traveled

hours away, he thought enough about someone else and did a simple act of


Simple as that! Kindness. Nice word and the results of its actions are

rewarding. Try it tommorrow. Then try it the next day. You might be

surprised if in return someone is nice to you.

The world isn't a bad place all the time. And the world isn't filled with rainbows and

pleasant sunshine everyday. But if everyone practiced kindness at least once a

day, every day, it might seem like it...........if only for a little while.

Kindness, like a boomerang, always returns. ~Author Unknown

Missing Christine Sheddy (update) continued on

Christine Sheddy Case: Farmhouse Party November 12, 2007

Pocomoke City, MD– In chapter 2, we learned the people Christine Sheddy spent her last days with. Specifically, the last time Christine was seen was at a party at the Byrd Rd. farmhouse on the evening of November 12, 2007.

Consider this your cheat sheet for future reference. The song track was written and produced by Jimmy Quail, Christine’s BFF, “Q”.

It is titled “Missing Christine”, you can hear her actual voice in the beginning.


Obama has accomplished 3 things

Obama School Lunch

Missing Mother Christine Sheddy (update) from

Devil Went Down To Georgia Maryland Lookin For A Soul To Steal

Christine thought everybody was cool. She would say that all the time, So and So is cool. Q, their cool. Even if they weren’t, she did not really see it. I begged her not to go to Pocomoke. I think she was just tired and thought, she resigned herself sometimes that she would never get away from Levi. She was my best friend, I loved, love her.

– Jimmy Quail, “Q” Christines BFF

Cultivating a Criminal Enterprise; now that is a feat. A family affair, you might say. Grab a Pen. Grab a moist towlette. Grab an adult beverage, I may need 2 chapters just for these introductions. In this one however, I am outlining the primary players in Christine’s case.

< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Tia Theresa Lyn Johnson Weisenburg, daughter of Teresa Johnson and Stephen Johnson. Former wife of Shawn Weisenburg. Born of that marriage: son, Austin. Shortly after their separation, Tia files a paternity suit against Jerry Davison. She wins. Austin Weisenburg is in the custody of non babydaddy Shawn, currently. By all accounts, Shawn is a decent guy and Father. He had the sense to get a restraining order against “JR” for weed in his house. Born later, father unknown, daughter Cierra, or CC. Tia is pictured 2nd from the left.

Read the rest of the update HERE @

Sign Holder Detained

'Death To Obama' Sign Holder In Md. Detained

The Secret Service is investigating a man who authorities said held a sign reading "Death to Obama" outside a town hall meeting on health-care reform in western Maryland.

The sign also read, "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids," referring to the first name of President Barack Obama's wife, said Washington County Sheriff's Capt. Peter Lazich.

Lazich said deputies detained the unidentified, 51-year-old man near the entrance to Hagerstown Community College about 1 p.m. Wednesday after getting calls from a number of people attending the meeting held by Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md. Obama was not at the meeting.

The sheriff's office turned the man over to the Secret Service, Lazich said.

Barbara Golden, special agent in charge of the agency's Baltimore field office, said Thursday that an investigation is ongoing but declined further comment. A spokesman at the agency's Washington headquarters also declined to discuss the investigation.

Police said there were no other arrests among the nearly 1,000 people, some carrying protest signs, who came to the college for the meeting or demonstrated off-campus.

Cardin's national communications director, Sue Walitsky, called the incident "unfortunate." She said she was unaware of it until Thursday morning.

Les Paul Dies Today

Guitar legend-inventor Les Paul dies at age 94

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. – Les Paul, who invented the solid-body electric guitar later wielded by a legion of rock 'n' roll greats, died Thursday of complications from pneumonia. He was 94.

According to Gibson Guitar, Paul died at White Plains Hospital. His family and friends were by his side.

As an inventor, Paul also helped bring about the rise of rock 'n' roll with multitrack recording, which enables artists to record different instruments at different times, sing harmony with themselves, and then carefully balance the tracks in the finished recording.

The use of electric guitar gained popularity in the mid-to-late 1940s, and then exploded with the advent of rock in the mid-'50s.

"Suddenly, it was recognized that power was a very important part of music," Paul once said. "To have the dynamics, to have the way of expressing yourself beyond the normal limits of an unamplified instrument, was incredible. Today a guy wouldn't think of singing a song on a stage without a microphone and a sound system."

A tinkerer and musician since childhood, he experimented with guitar amplification for years before coming up in 1941 with what he called "The Log," a four-by-four piece of wood strung with steel strings.

"I went into a nightclub and played it. Of course, everybody had me labeled as a nut." He later put the wooden wings onto the body to give it a tradition guitar shape.

In 1952, Gibson Guitars began production on the Les Paul guitar.

Pete Townsend of the Who, Steve Howe of Yes, jazz great Al DiMeola and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page all made the Gibson Les Paul their trademark six-string.

Over the years, the Les Paul series has become one of the most widely used guitars in the music industry. In 2005, Christie's auction house sold a 1955 Gibson Les Paul for $45,600.

In the late 1960s, Paul retired from music to concentrate on his inventions. His interest in country music was rekindled in the mid-'70s and he teamed up with Chet Atkins for two albums. The duo were awarded a Grammy for best country instrumental performance of 1976 for their "Chester and Lester" album.

With Mary Ford, his wife from 1949 to 1962, he earned 36 gold records for hits including "Vaya Con Dios" and "How High the Moon," which both hit No. 1. Many of their songs used overdubbing techniques that Paul had helped develop.

"I could take my Mary and make her three, six, nine, 12, as many voices as I wished," he recalled. "This is quite an asset." The overdubbing technique was highly influential on later recording artists such as the Carpenters.

Released in 2005, "Les Paul & Friends: American Made, World Played" was his first album of new material since those 1970s recordings. Among those playing with him: Peter Frampton, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and Richie Sambora.

"They're not only my friends, but they're great players," Paul told The Associated Press. "I never stop being amazed by all the different ways of playing the guitar and making it deliver a message."

Two cuts from the album won Grammys, "Caravan" for best pop instrumental performance and "69 Freedom Special" for best rock instrumental performance. (He had also been awarded a technical Grammy in 2001.)

Paul was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2005.

Paul was born Lester William Polfus, in Waukseha, Wis., on June 9, 1915. He began his career as a musician, billing himself as Red Hot Red or Rhubarb Red. He toured with the popular Chicago band Rube Tronson and His Texas Cowboys and led the house band on WJJD radio in Chicago.

In the mid-1930s he joined Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians and soon moved to New York to form the Les Paul Trio, with Jim Atkins and bassist Ernie Newton.

Meanwhile, he had made his first attempt at audio amplification at age 13. Unhappy with the amount of volume produced by his acoustic guitar, Paul tried placing a telephone receiver under the strings. Although this worked to some extent, only two strings were amplified and the volume level was still too low.

By placing a phonograph needle in the guitar, all six strings were amplified, which proved to be much louder. Paul was playing a working prototype of the electric guitar in 1929.

His work on taping techniques began in the years after World War II, when Bing Crosby gave him a tape recorder. Drawing on his earlier experimentation with his homemade record-cutting machines, Paul added an additional playback head to the recorder. The result was a delayed effect that became known as tape echo.

Tape echo gave the recording a more "live" feel and enabled the user to simulate different playing environments.

Paul's next "crazy idea" was to stack together eight mono tape machines and send their outputs to one piece of tape, stacking the recording heads on top of each other. The resulting machine served as the forerunner to today's multitrack recorders.

In 1954, Paul commissioned Ampex to build the first eight-track tape recorder, later known as "Sel-Sync," in which a recording head could simultaneously record a new track and play back previous ones.

He had met Ford, then known as Colleen Summers, in the 1940s while working as a studio musician in Los Angeles. For seven years in the 1950s, Paul and Ford broadcast a TV show from their home in Mahwah, N.J. Ford died in 1977, 15 years after they divorced.

In recent years, even after his illness in early 2006, Paul played Monday nights at New York night spots. Such stars as Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page, Dire Straits' Mark Knopfler, Bruce Springsteen and Eddie Van Halen came to pay tribute and sit in with him.

"It's where we were the happiest, in a `joint,'" he said in a 2000 interview with the AP. "It was not being on top. The fun was getting there, not staying there — that's hard work.

American capitalism gone with a whimper

Take note that the date this was published in Russia was April, 27, 2009!!!!!

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American descent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America .

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America 's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?

These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions..

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.

So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.

The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Stanislav Mishin© 1999-2009.. «PRAVDA.Ru». When reproducing our materials in whole or in part, hyperlink to PRAVDA.Ru should be made. The opinions and views of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view of PRAVDA.Ru's editors.

Source: Pravda.Ru

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More Bad Polling News For Obama, Town Hall Protests are Winning over Sympathies of Independents

How many politicians are going to side with a plan that both seniors and Independents are strongly against? Do so at your own peril.

The smear campaign by Democratic Senators, Congressman and the White House against those attending and voicing their opinions at town hall meetings is not working. It would appear that politicians calling “We the People” and angry mob, Nazis, brown shirts, political terrorists, crazies and un-American is accomplishing just the opposite from their intended purpose.

According to a USA/Gallup poll, Independents are sympathetic to the cause of the town hall protesters. This is yet another arrow in the side of Obamacare and the Democratic politicians who have done little to listen to the will of the people. By a two to one margin, the all important Independent vote side with and are sympathetic to the Obamacare protesters.

In a survey of 1,000 adults taken Tuesday, 34% say demonstrations at the hometown sessions have made them more sympathetic to the protesters’ views; 21% say they are less sympathetic.

Independents by 2-to-1, 35%-16%, say they are more sympathetic to the protesters now.

The findings are unwelcome news for President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders, who have scrambled to respond to the protests and in some cases even to be heard. From Pennsylvania to Texas, those who oppose plans to overhaul the health care system have asked aggressive questions and staged noisy demonstrations.

As stated by Stop the ACLU, it has become a Democratic Healthcare Backfire Bonanza

More bad news for Obama is that the town hall forums have grabbed public attention: Seven in 10 respondents are following the news closely. What is the response of the Obama Administration? They question the polling methodology of course. Rome is burning all around them and Team Obama finds every excuse other than looking at the facts … America hates government run Obamacare. Obama and his minions blame the cable media, they blame the polls, they blame insurance and organized opposition. They just cannot accept the fact that they are on the wrong side of the will of the American people.

White House adviser David Axelrod questioned the USA TODAY survey’s methodology, saying those who report being more sympathetic to the protesters now were likely to have been on that side from the start. “There is a media fetish about these things,” Axelrod said of the protests, “but I don’t think this has changed much” when it comes to public opinion.

No one gets the outrage of “We the People” but we the people. Not the politicians or the so-called political pundits no matter what network they are on. The fact of the matter is “We the People” are pissed off and are not going to take it any more. The President, the Senate and the Congress are so out of touch with the American people that they are all about to learn a lesson in “Representative” Democracy. Represent “We the People” or be thrown out of office.

Why would it be such a shock to understand that challenging politicians who are so out of touch with the American people would be looked upon as a positive. If the Democrats keep this up, this foolish game of insulting the very people who voted them into office, the House and Senate may actually change in the midterm elections.

A note to Republicans … You clowns wanted to pass a few Amendments to the health care bill and pass it. It was the people who said no, HELL NO!!!. You too are on notice. Listen to the people or you will be voted out as well.


Victim Beats Serial Attacker, Police Say

JACKSON, Miss. (Aug. 12) - Police had been watching Vincent Goff for years, convinced he was the masked man who sexually assaulted couples at gunpoint on the Mississippi coast. But before investigators closed in, they say Goff picked the wrong victim and was beaten nearly to death with his own rifle.
Goff, a 37-year-old unemployed Biloxi man with a wife and two stepsons, was being held Wednesday in the Harrison County Jail after spending five days in a hospital recovering from severe head wounds.
Little is known about Goff's background or the unidentified man who beat him so hard that the wood stock of the rifle broke. But authorities say Goff's arrest caps a terrorizing series of attacks that began on the sandy banks of the Biloxi River in 2006.
Goff allegedly approached a man and woman last Thursday afternoon on an isolated logging road in Harrison County and forced them into the woods with a rifle, Sheriff's Maj. Ron Pullen said Wednesday.
They were forced to strip off their clothes and told to perform sexual acts when the male victim, described as a physically fit member of the military in his mid-30s, wrestled the gun away.
"He beat him until the stock broke over his head and then continued to beat him until he thought he had him incapacitated," Pullen said.
As the victims were getting dressed and calling police, the attacker staggered to his car and sped away.
A deputy pulled Goff over based on a description of the car and tag number. The officer called for medical assistance and Goff ended up in an intensive care unit, Pullen said. He needed numerous staples to close the gashes in his head.
Goff was charged with six counts of kidnapping, five counts of sexual assault, two counts of aggravated assault and one count of molesting an underage girl for crimes dating back to 2006. He does not have an extensive previous criminal record.
Pullen said he doesn't think Goff has a lawyer and would likely be appointed a public defender. Goff's home phone number was disconnected Wednesday.
Pullen said investigators were awaiting the results of DNA tests on previous victims when the latest attacks occurred. The results came back Friday while Goff was still hospitalized and allegedly linked him to the 2006 crimes.
The first suspected assault was on construction workers who came to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to find jobs in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Pullen said. The man and woman had not been able to find a place to stay and were camping on the banks of the Biloxi River. A masked attacker approached early that morning, pointed a rifle and made the couple disrobe.
"He forced them to do sexual acts on each other and then he participated in it," Pullen said.
A man and underage teenage girl were assaulted in a nearly identical attack only a few months later. The attacks become increasingly violent, though the victims were not badly hurt, Pullen said.
Over the next few years, there were other attempted assaults in the area by a masked man with a rifle — one couple escaped by jumping into the river and swimming to the other side, Pullen said.
While Goff was under surveillance earlier this year as a suspect in an indecent exposure incident, investigators said they saw him steal a purse from a woman at the beach. That, along with the indecent exposure charges and other evidence, persuaded a judge to issue a warrant for a DNA test two weeks ago. Pullen said Goff's DNA matched that found at some of the crime scenes.
Harrison County Assistant District Attorney Charles Wood said the case would be presented to a grand jury.

Sheila Jackson Lee on her Cell Phone

Oh yeah! They are listening.... NOT!

Father of Cerebral Palsy Sufferer Tells Fox News He is Being Harrassed by "Thugs" of Pelosi, Hoyer, and Reid

Obama, sends out thugs to family with a handicapped son to threaten them Chi Town style.

Here is video of a Father, who confronted Democrat Rep. John Dingell last week at a Health Care Town Hall Event, talking about his experience with Fox News' Megyn Kelly.

The father, who has a son who suffers from Cerebral Palsy, said he and his family are being harassed now by what he called "thugs" of Government Health Care proponents:

"I want to address something to Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Hoyer - whatever his name is - and Mr. Reid. If you call my son "un-American" - your thugs already know where we live. We've had a visit from them - in the middle of the night. They can't come to us in the middle of the day, but they came to us in the middle of the night. You know where we live. I suggest you take that plane that you have and fly it to Michigan and say it directly to my son's face if you've got the guts."

He said he had reported the harassment to police, and is prepared to defend himself and his family if threatened.

He also cited a New York Post article from July 24 entitled, "Deadly Doctors," as one of the primary reasons for his great concern about how ObamaCare will impact his son and the nation.


Obama's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick

When I saw this video interview of Bill Burton, White House Deputy Press Secretary, I could not help but be reminded of one of old Saul Alinsky's favorite fake-em-out tricks of the revolutionary trade. Burton is reinforcing Pelosi's earlier claim that people were carrying Swastikas at townhalls, but goes even further and claims that folks are actually "dressing up like Hitler."

You got to give ole Saul a little credit. He was one wily deceiver, right after his hero, Deceiver in Spades, Lucifer.

Saul Alinsky, crusader for the downtrodden, darling of the Auxiliary Archbishop of Chicago, was just an underachieving nobody with neither guts nor moral code, who flummoxed a whole lot of willing-to-be-deceived power seekers. Saul Alinsky didn't invent a single new thing. His whole methodology, so widely-hailed by whole generations of leftists, could have been devised by any 12 year-old gang-style bully with half a brain and an ounce of charisma.

It's quite disheartening, now, to see the top echelons of the Democratic Party using Alinsky tactics in an attempt to freeze political dialogue, most especially when that dialogue is about the most intimate service we Americans procure for ourselves and our families: our medical care.

Nevertheless, they've decided to go at this whole hog, even if it means stripping off their dignity and parading their political bloomers right out in the public square.

When Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and now the president's own deputy press secretary conjure up images of Nazis at healthcare townhalls, they are engaging in one of the oldest tricks in anyone's book, but an especial favorite of their mentor, Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky himself employed this method, quite deviously. Alinsky biographer, Sanford D. Horwitt provides an anecdote using precisely this same diabolical tactic to deceive the people. From Horwitt's Let Them Call Me Rebel:

" the spring of 1972, at Tulane University...students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration's Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.' And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results."

Planting major falsehoods has been a favorite Alinsky strategy from the start. His acolyte, Barack Obama, learned his Industrial Areas Foundation lessons on deceiving for power while on a side trip during his Harvard years, then taught the Alinsky power tactics at the University of Chicago.

Hardly qualifies as ‘Constitutional Law' if you ask me.

Covering for oneself by accusing the other fellow has been the left's most successful deception for decades now. It took on its best traction lately, as leftists within and others have used this Nazi smear tactic for the past eight years against George W. Bush. They've seen how well it's worked and just can't stop themselves now.

Here's a little hint from me on the Nazi card. If a few folks actually do start showing up at townhalls, opposing the MediCoup*, even dressed like Hitler and carrying a Swastika poster, I'll lay good hard cash on a bet that they've been sent by this Alinskyite President or his minions to deceive, just as Saul did with getting students to dress like the KKK at that rally back in the 70s.

And any newsman worth an ounce of table salt ought to be able to pin the tail right on that Alinsky donkey.


Can you find the smart car?

This is what the global warming libs want us to ride around in while they ride in armored caddy's

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama caught in another lie by the AARP

It looks as if the blue haired "mobs" have at least been heard by the very liberal group the AARP. This is exactly why the liberal demwits don't get it, they just do not understand that things must be cut to provide for others. IE: "spread the wealth"

AARP to Obama: No Health Plan Endorsement Yet

A group usually seen as one of Barack Obama's allies in the health care debate — AARP — says the president went too far Tuesday when he said the seniors lobby had endorsed the legislation pending in Congress.

AARP is sensitive to the issue because polls show that Medicare beneficiaries are worried their healthcare program will be cut to subsidize coverage for the uninsured.

At the town hall in Portsmouth, N.H., Obama said, "We have the AARP onboard because they know this is a good deal for our seniors." He added, "AARP would not be endorsing a bill if it was undermining Medicare."

But Tom Nelson, AARP's chief operating officer, said, "Indications that we have endorsed any of the major healthcare reform bills currently under consideration in Congress are inaccurate."

Like Obama, AARP wants action this year to cover the uninsured and restrain healthcare costs, but the organization has refrained from endorsing legislation. Nelson said AARP would not endorse a bill that reduces Medicare benefits.

A spokesman said the Medicare cuts that have been proposed so far would not affect benefits.


Comcast VS Verizon internet service ISP

I'll try to type fast before I get disconnected AGAIN.

Not long ago I switched from verizon broadband to comcast cable for my ISP. Boy was that a big mistake.

Verison couldn't keep my bill straight so I just got tired of dealing with their billing department and I told them to cut it off.

I then switched over to comcast, it's a little-bit more expensive but I thought it would be faster from the turtle commercials... NOT.

Comcast is about twice as slow as verizon was and that's only if I can stay connected.

From day one I get disconnected from 5 to 10 times a day, it will be down for hours at times.

I replaced all my in-house wiring (thinking it may be old) with up to date splitters and cable that is made for a digital signal, I even bought a amplifier made for digital cable and nothing has helped.

My son and I are tired of calling the trouble center at comcast, they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about there, that is if we are lucky enough to get someone on the phone that we can understand and that speaks English.

Simply put, my comcast cable ISP SUCKS.

Well I made it this far without being disconnected after being disconnected 3 times in the last hour for about 15 minuets each time. (this may be a new record) I look froward to tomorrow and the several hours of waiting for service to return.

I'm going back to Verizon as soon as I can.

Peter Schiff Tries To Talk on The Nazi News Network MSNBC

Why would anyone as smart as Peter Schiff volunteer to be badgered and bulldozed by obnoxious Marxist morons like Lawrence O'Donnell?

This is exactly why liberals can't learn anything, the moonbat Lawrence O'Donnell wont let the poor man answer one question without rudely interrupting just as any moonbat is so much acustom too when they don't hear the answer that they want to hear.

The Old German Shepard

One day the old German Shepherd starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.

The old German Shepherd thinks, 'Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!' Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, 'Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?'

Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. 'Whew!' says the panther, 'That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!'

Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes, but the old German Shepherd sees him heading after the panther with great speed, and figures that something must be up.

The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther.

The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says, 'Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!

Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, 'What am I going to do now?', but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says...
'Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!

Moral of this story...

Don't mess with the old dogs... age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery!
BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.

Incredible Pictures Formed by Thousands of US Soldiers

Astounding photographs taken by photographers Arthur S. Mole and John D. Thomas. These photos display tens of thousands of American soldiers posing as symbols of American history.

The 2 pictures below are a sample of thousands soldiers positioning themselves to create a form of a living picture.

To view more of this amazing work CLICK HERE

Hussein Obama tells seniors "Take a pain killer"

obama says take a pill,
obama is treating the seniors like a worn-out used car.

in short obama says to patch it up until it dies.
what a POS we have for a POTUS.

If this obamacare farce passes (which I think it will) our elder loved-ones are in a heap of trouble. It's clear as coal-oil what obama is saying here.

Are the liberal democrats listening, but more importantly... do they even care?

Their 'messiah' has spoken so my guess is that they don't care, most neo-libs are of the younger generation and/or Jane Fonda baby boomers that don't like seniors to begin with.

Obama "Disinformation" on healthcare Lies all Lies

Here’s some more healthcare disinformation to forward to Comrade Obama’s snoops at

Christine Sheddy Case: Murder in Maryland Chapter I

To Love a Malignant Narcissist

In 2002 Christine secretly began dating Levi. At the time, Christine was dealing with the demands of being a single Mother to her two year old daughter Haylie, and living under the same roof as her Mom, after she had become a mom. Tough Stuff. Christines romantic relationship ended with Haylies dad Jim a few months earlier but they remained close friends.
When Christine became pregnant with the couples first son her family was floored. They had been told by Christine she and Levi were just friends; not the benefit kind. Isaac Hall was born May 1, 2003.

Levi, Isaac and Christine moved into Levis’ Mother, Joyce Halls’ home in Delaware. At the time, Haylies father was now battling cancer which did not have a good prognosis. The decision was made for Haylie to remain with the Dodenhoffs, Christine’s parents, to both stay close to her ailing Dad, and to keep her continuity.

Life at Hall House for the new family was anything but bliss. Joyce, or Mother Hall as Christine never called her, was a bit of a miser. She charged them most of what Levi made at his minimum wage job for rent and when that did not quite put her in the black, she took side jobs like charging Levi $10 a trip to take her to Walmart, which was one mile from her home. Lynn and Steve Dodenhoff opened their home to Christine, their new grandson, and Levi.

West Nile found in Pocomoke

Mosquitoes in Pocomoke City have tested positive for the West Nile virus, marking Maryland's first confirmed case of the disease in an insect pool this year.

And while the Lower Shore has seen an increase in the pests this year -- the most in the past decade -- the appearance of the virus seems to be on schedule.

"This is right in line with when we normally start to see it," said Julie Olberg, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Department of Agriculture.

In 2008, the first annual case was confirmed Aug. 8 in Montgomery County.

West Nile is transmitted through mosquitoes that have bitten birds that carry the virus. The disease, which originated in North Africa, was first found in North America in New York City in 1999. Since then, the virus has spread across the United States, and has become a seasonal epidemic in the late summer and fall. While it can cause serious illness in humans, Katherine Feldman, the Maryland state public health veterinarian, said that about 80 percent of people who are infected will not have any symptoms.

"The remaining 20 percent will develop a relatively mild illness called West Nile fever; fever, headache and fatigue are the most common symptoms," Feldman said.

Only about one in 150 people infected will develop a severe illness that affects the nervous system -- either West Nile encephalitis or West Nile meningitis. People older than 50 tend to be more susceptible to the virus. There is no cure or vaccine presently available.

Cases in Maryland peaked in 2003, when 73 people became ill with the disease. Eight were fatal. Last year there were only 14 West Nile infections in the state, and all recovered. There is no way to know how many cases there will be this year, Feldman said.

"We can't gauge it yet," she said. "Any of these diseases that have an ecological component -- that involve nature and the environment, ticks, mosquitoes -- we pay particular attention to. But we can't actually predict what will happen, so we will wait and see."

While the state does spray some Lower Shore communities to reduce the mosquito population, there are certain things people can do to protect themselves from being bitten by the pests, Olberg said. The MDA recommends staying inside at dusk and dawn, the times of day when the insects are most active; wear bug repellent when outside; cover up when in mosquito-infested areas; maintain window and door screens to prevent holes; and prevent standing water from building up.

"Mosquitoes need water to breed," Feldman said. "So if you can ensure there is no standing water, that will go a long way."


Check Out Your Neighbor's Yard Sale

Yard sale a shock for woman

Neighbor was selling her stolen goods, police say

By Andrea F. Siegel Baltimore Sun reporter

August 12, 2009

A woman whose home was burglarized as she stayed with her daughter was shocked to spot her belongings offered at a neighbor's yard sale, Anne Arundel County police say.

The woman recognized an array of her items - including Christmas decorations, Beanie Babies, an Oriental rug and a dresser - being sold by a man who was wearing one of her T-shirts, charging documents say.

Police said they found $25,000 worth of her clothes, furnishings and other possessions - even a fur coat - on the property.

The victim, who has been living with her daughter for several months while her home is in foreclosure, discovered Thursday that her house had been burglarized. On Saturday, she and her daughter were on the way to the house in the 800 block of Reece Road in Severn to inventory the missing items before calling police.

When they spotted the yard sale nearby, they "were shocked to realize that every item" came from the victim's house, according to charging documents.

Stunned, the women stopped and told the seller he was peddling the woman's stolen goods. He admitted that the merchandise was hers, not his, and she called police, court papers say.

The officer who responded saw a front yard, and later a porch, with towels, kitchen knives, a ceiling fan, shelving, telephones, in-line skates, dishes, an exercise bike and more - all of which the woman said came from her home.

The seller told police that he bought the woman's belongings for $100 from a man who came by a few times, most recently about three weeks ago, in an aqua-colored pickup truck, according to charging documents.

The officer, however, suspected that the seller had looted what he thought was an abandoned home. Asked if he had more of the woman's belongings than what was offered for sale, he pointed to a blue tarp on the porch that covered more of her possessions, including heaters, silverware and the fur coat, police allege. Detectives searched the home and found more, police said.

The woman's belongings were returned to her.

Police charged David Anthony Perticone, 46, of the 800 block of Reece Road, with burglary and theft. He was out of jail in lieu of $80,000 bail, according to court records. Attempts to reach him Tuesday were unsuccessful.

Presidential Medal of Freedom

Obama to award highest
civilian honor

16 to receive the Presidential Medal
of Freedom

Updated: Wednesday, 12 Aug 2009, 7:06 AM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 12 Aug 2009, 7:00 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama will recognize the accomplishments of actors, activists and athletes on Wednesday when he awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 16 people.

Film star Sidney Poitier, civil rights icon the Rev. Joseph Lowery and tennis legend Billie Jean King are among those set to receive the medal, the nation's highest civilian honor.

Other recipients include Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., who has been battling brain cancer, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.

Obama, awarding his first presidential medals, also will make posthumous awards to former Republican Rep. Jack Kemp of New York, the quarterback-turned-politician who died in May, and gay rights activist Harvey Milk, who was assassinated in 1978.

The recipients have diverse backgrounds and achievements in fields ranging from sports and art to science and medicine to politics and public policy. The White House has said the individuals were selected for their work as "agents of change."

President Harry S. Truman established the Medal of Freedom in 1945 to recognize civilians for their efforts during World War II. President John F. Kennedy reinstated the medal in 1963 to honor distinguished service.

The other recipients are:

— Nancy Brinker, founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, a leading breast cancer grass-roots organization.

— Dr. Pedro Jose Greer Jr., assistant dean of academic affairs at Florida International University School of Medicine.

— Stephen Hawking, the Cambridge University physicist and mathematician known for his work on black holes and his best-selling 1988 book "A Brief History of Time." He has been almost completely paralyzed for years and communicates through an electronic voice synthesizer.

— Joe Medicine Crow, the last living Plains Indian war chief, who fought in World War II wearing war paint beneath his uniform.

— Chita Rivera, actor, singer, dancer and winner of two Tony Awards.

— Mary Robinson, Ireland's first female president and one-time U.N. high commissioner for human rights.

— Dr. Janet Davison Rowley, professor of medicine at the University of Chicago.

— Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate for his global, pioneering work extending "micro loans" to poor people who don't have collateral.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama's Seven Deadly Political Sins

In the early days of Barack Obama's presidency, his approval rating soared to dizzying heights as many Americans thought we had entered a new era of hope, change, unity, bipartisanship and uplifting speeches. Then, Obama moved on to actual governance and suddenly, for the first time in his political career, he had to primarily rely on his unproven leadership skills instead of his soaring oratory. That hasn't worked out so well for him because he has engaged in seven deadly political sins:

Partisanship: After 16 years of ugly political battles during the Clinton and Bush presidencies, Americans were ready for a President who'd actually be able to get Republicans and Democrats to work together. Like McCain, who, love him or hate him, is a true bipartisan reformer, Obama constantly talked about unity during the campaign. However, once Obama was elected, the idea of cooperating with the other side went right out the window. Republicans were locked out of having any significant input on legislation as Obama decided to rely completely on his own party to get his agenda passed.

Typical of that attitude is this statement from Obama:

But I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking." -- Barack Obama

There's nothing new about hamfisted partisanship in American politics, but if you practice it after running a campaign where you repeat the word "unity" so often that you sound like a parrot with a one word vocabulary, don't expect people to be happy with you.

Racialism: Many Americans believed Barack Obama's election would lead the country into a post-racial world. After all, Obama's rhetoric during the campaign was very different from previous "black leaders" like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Besides, if a black man could become President, how racist could the country really be?

However, that wonderful dream has turned into a nightmare since Obama was elected. His supporters are frivolously crying "racism" about everything from Obama Joker posters to Obamacare. Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, referred to America as "a nation of cowards" on matters of race. Even the man himself waded into controversy by suggesting race might be involved in the arrest of Henry Louis Gates despite admitting that he didn't know "all the facts." The last thing most Americans thought they were doing when they voted for Obama was increasing how often the word "racist" was going to be errantly tossed around.

Lying: Bill Clinton was a shameless liar, but he was smooth about it. There's a reason so many people refer to the man as "Slick Willie." Obama, on the other hand, is so confident that the media will stick by him that he will blatantly contradict his earlier statements and just expect the press to simply cover for him. While that's exactly what happens most of the time, all it seems to be doing over the long run is destroying the credibility of Obama and the mainstream press at the same time. That's because eventually, when Obama's lies come to light, they're so flagrant that they're almost impossible to ignore or explain away.

Radicalism: In America, distrust of government is as American as apple pie and as sensible as locking your door at night. So, when the government runs up unsustainable deficits, takes over GM and Chrysler, and attempts to swallow our entire health care system, people naturally get frightened and angry. That has a lot to do with the outrage that we're seeing at these Townhall meetings and it's definitely hurting Obama's popularity.

Liberalism: Most Americans thought Obama had much more in common ideologically with Bill Clinton than Jimmy Carter. However, instead of a President steering the ship of state a bit to the left-of-center, Americans got a President who seems determined to take the country as far to the Left as he can, as fast as he can, preferably without any debate about the subject. Contrary to liberal opinion, this is a center-right country. Most Americans don't share the ideological views of Ted Kennedy and they don't want to see the United States turned into Venezuela or the Soviet Union, circa 1975. That bodes ill for a man who has already proven to be the most liberal President we've ever had in the White House.

Greed: In all fairness to Barack Obama, given that the Left has what may be once in a lifetime margins in the House and Senate, it makes a certain kind of sense to try to ram as much of their agenda through as possible while the Right doesn't have the numbers to try and stop them.

However, when you try to sledgehammer through an enormous number of radical, extremely liberal bills in a center right country that dislikes radicalism and rapid change, you're going to pay a steep price in popularity. It's like the old saying goes, "Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered." Barack Obama is being a hog about his agenda and he's started to get slaughtered at the polls as a result.

Arrogance: Whether it's Obama smugly saying "I won" to a Republican who had concerns about handing out a "tax credit for people who don't pay income taxes" or his administration's willingness to openly admit that they were exploiting the economic crisis to get Obama's agenda through -- "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" -- Obama's presidency has been marked by a stunning pomposity. As Kathryn Jean Lopez noted, "For Barack Obama, democracy appears to be a distraction. He really does seem to view himself as a Caesar." The American people want a President who views himself as their servant, not a king who wants to lecture the peasants about what he views as "teachable moments."

Hillary Loses Her Cool

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's temper flared on Monday when a Congolese university student asked her for her husband's thinking on an international financial matter.

A week after former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea to secure the release of two detained American journalists and stole the limelight from the start of his wife's first trip to Africa, Clinton was clearly displeased by the question at town hall forum in Kinshasa.

"You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?" she replied incredulously when the male student asked her what "Mr. Clinton" thought of World Bank concerns about a multi-billion-dollar Chinese loan offer to the Congo.

"My husband is not secretary of state, I am," an obviously annoyed Clinton said sharply. "If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion. I am not going to be channeling my husband." Full story >>

Poll on Healthcare, obamacare

A very popular poll clearly shows that over 70% of the 'people' do not want obamacare. When will they realize they work for us?

Are you satisfied with the health insurance system in the U.S.?
Total Votes: 71,170

Do you support President Barack Obama's health plan?
I'm undecided
Total Votes: 77,456

Virginia Blogger Arrested for Posting Public Documents

A persistent blogger annoys police -- and winds up in jail
A 34-YEAR-OLD woman, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, has been locked up in a Virginia jail for three weeks and could remain there for at least another month. Her crime? Blogging about the police

Elisha Strom, who appears unable to make the $750 bail, was arrested outside Charlottesville on July 16 when police raided her house, confiscating notebooks, computers and camera equipment. Although the Charlottesville police chief, Timothy J. Longo Sr., had previously written to Ms. Strom warning her that her blog posts were interfering with the work of a local drug enforcement task force, she was not charged with obstruction of justice or any similar offense. Rather, she was indicted on a single count of identifying a police officer with intent to harass, a felony under state law.

It's fair to say that Ms. Strom was unusually focused on the Jefferson Area Drug Enforcement task force, a 14-year-old unit drawn mainly from the police departments of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and the University of Virginia. (Her blog at, expresses the view that the task force is "nothing more than a group of arrogant thugs.") In a nearly year-long barrage of blog posts, she published snapshots she took in public of many or most of the task force's officers; detailed their comings and goings by following them in her car; mused about their habits and looks; hinted that she may have had a personal relationship with one of them; and, in one instance, reported that she had tipped off a local newspaper about their movements.

Predictably, this annoyed law enforcement officials, who, it's fair to guess, comprised much of her readership before her arrest. But what seems to have sent them over the edge -- and skewed their judgment -- is Ms. Strom's decision to post the name and address of one of the officers with a street-view photo of his house.

All this information was publicly available, including the photograph, which Ms. Strom gleaned from municipal records. The task force's officers may have worked undercover on occasion, but one wonders about their undercover abilities, given that Ms. Strom was able to out them so consistently. Chief Longo warned Ms. Strom that her blog posts were scaring off informants and endangering the officers and their families, but he provided no evidence. At no point did Ms. Strom's blog express a threat, explicit or otherwise, to police or their sources.

Ms. Strom is not the most sympathetic symbol of free-speech rights. She has previously advocated creating a separate, all-white nation, and her blog veers from the whimsical to the self-righteous to the bizarre. But the real problem here is the Virginia statute, in which an overly broad, ill-defined ban on harassment-by-identification, specifically in regard to police officers, seems to criminalize just about anything that might irritate targets.

It should not be a crime to annoy the cops, whose raid on Ms. Strom's house looks more like a fit of pique than an act of law enforcement. Some of her postings may have consisted of obnoxious speech, but they were nonetheless speech and constitutionally protected. That would hold true right up through her last blog post, written as the police raid on her home began at 7 a.m.: "Uh-Oh They're Here."


Why did Bill Clinton Go to Korea and not Hillary?

If you watch this video the answer is simple. They did not want her there.

Pentagon: Congressional Jets Hurt Defense

The Pentagon is criticizing the House of Representative's request to upgrade Congress' air fleet -- and charge the cost to the Defense Department.

"It forces us to take money from things we do need to fund and redirect it for things we don't need," Geoff Morrell, a spokesman for Defense Secretary Robert Gates, told the Wall Street Journal. "And in a time of war, we just can't afford that. The bottom line is, for everything that they appropriate for us above and beyond what we've asked for, it will, at some point require us to find money from programs we do need."

Lawmakers slipped the request into the Pentagon's proposed budget for 2010, insisting that Congress' current fleet of executive jets is old and more expensive to operate that newer, more efficient planes. They also say lawmakers use the jets only 14.5 percent of the time, compared to 44 percent usage by military members.

President Barack Obama sent Congress a Pentagon budget of $640.1 billion, which the House adjusted and scaled back to $636.3 billion. During that process, members requested $550 million to purchase eight passenger jets. Obama originally sought only $220 million to buy four planes.

Sen Ben Cardin on the Health Care Issue

They began arriving four hours early, ignoring triple-digit heat-index levels for a chance to hoot and holler at Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin's health-care town hall meeting Monday night.

Outspoken opponents of the Democratic overhaul plan, which Cardin supports, vented their hostility at the first-term senator. In an echo of similar events around the country, most of those in the capacity crowd at Towson University were clearly hostile to the reform proposal and dismissive of Cardin's attempts to defend it.

"I know some of you don't want me to mention the facts, but listen to the facts," the senator said early on, drawing an angry response from opponents in the room and applause from supporters - who were both outshouted and outnumbered.
Rest of the

But wait!! You haven't read the best part! Cardin had organized "backup".

Cardin staff working with SEIU/ACORN to generate pro-reform turnout tonight?

Erick Erickson

Below is an email chain forwarded to me. It originated with a Ben Cardin staffer. The Cardin staff is desperate to make his Senate townhall tonight look like a rally for Obamacare.

Isn’t this astroturfing, Senator? You, a United States Senator, using a network of liberals to gin up support for Obamacare?

And let’s put this in perspective: This means Senator Ben Cardin supports Obamacare and knows he can’t vote for it without an astrotruf campaign of his own.

Note that the original message at the bottom was sent by Rev. Jerome Stephens,
Statewide Field Representative for Senator Ben Cardin to Denise Riley at the AFL-CIO. Riley’s assistant Kim Tucker then blasted it out.

If you are in Maryland, show up tonight.

Note that SEIU and ACORN are sponsors.

The email chain:

—– Original Message —–
From: Penny McCrimmon
To: Penny McCrimmon
Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 9:56 AM
Subject: FW: More Info: Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting- Tea Baggers

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR RESPONSE!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew I could count on my fabulous Obama volunteers. Here is the information you requested. Also, from the most influential Political Club in the State, the Central Baltimore County Democratic Club (CBCDC), they’ve stepped up to the challenge and are sponsoring a pre-meeting rally.

A Republican Friend (who says the Republicans just don’t get it) told me that the few Republican Legislators that we have in the State are sponsoring the “Tea-Baggers” by paying for their transportation to this event. I’m resending my initial email. Click the link below to RSVP to Senator Cardin’s Office. They need to know how many will attend. Also, first come, first seated.

Senator Benjamin Cardin’s Town Hall Meeting on Health Care
Monday, August 10, 2009, 7 pm
Harold Kaplan Concert Hall
Cross Campus and Osler Drives
Towson, MD

The Central Baltimore County Democratic Club will hold a pre meeting Rally at 5:30 pm
Harold Kaplan Concert Hall
Co-sponsors are the following Unions: SEIU, AFL-CIO, MSTA, UFCW. Progressive Maryland and ACORN are also sponsors.

Penny McCrimmon


From: Penny McCrimmon ?Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 12:16 PM?To: Penny McCrimmon ?Subject: FW: Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting- Tea Baggers

We need to get the Obama volunteers to attend Senator Cardin’s Health Care Town Hall Meeting. If you’ve been watching the news, you’re aware that the “Tea Baggers” have been sabotaging Democratic Congressional Town Hall Meetings on President Obama’s Health Care reform meetings. We need to be a visible presence at this event to support the President’s agenda in the same manner that we worked to get him elected. All of the necessary contact info is provided herein.

Penny McCrimmon

From: Ward?Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:27 AM?To: Penny McCrimmon?Subject: Fwd: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben Cardin

I would not miss this! How about you? The YD’s might want to be there too??Ward
??—–Original Message—–?From: Kim Tucker, AFL-CIO?To: Kim Tucker, AFL-CIO?Sent: Wed, Aug 5, 2009 2:53 pm?Subject: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben Cardin

Below is the information for Sen. Ben Cardin’s Town Hall Meeting on Health Care,
this Monday, August 10th in Towson.

Sen. Cardin’s office has been notified that the “teabaggers” and “birthers” will
be holding a rally outside the concert hall at 5:30 PM. They will then file
into the Town Hall Meeting.

They have asked us to send people that support health care reform to counter the
ones who will try to disrupt the meeting. Please let your staff, members,
friends, family all know and encourage them to attend. They can RSVP to:


Thank you!


Denise Riley
Political Director
Maryland State and District of Columbia AFL-CIO


To: Denise Riley
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 12:30:48 -0400
Subject: Health Care Town Hall Meeting with U S Senator Ben Cardin

Please share with your network

As Congress considers health care reform, Senator Cardin has been traveling
around the state speaking to Marylanders about the legislation. In August, he
will hold town hall meetings in Towson. If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Space is limited at the venue. In accordance with fire regulations, when the
venue is full, there will be no standing room available.

Monday, August 10th – 7 p.m.
Towson University Center for the Arts
Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall
Corner of Cross Campus and Osler Drives
Towson, MD 21204

Parking is available across the street from the Center for the Arts
on Auburn Drive off Osler Drive on Lot 13.


Rev. Jerome Stephens
Statewide Field Representative
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin


Message Sent By:
Kim Tucker, Administrative Assistant
Maryland State & D.C. AFL-CIO

Here's Your Chance--Better Hurry!!!

Price Is Right Contestant Search


You watch "The Price Is Right" on WJZ. Now, here's your opportunity to be a contestant on the popular CBS game show.

Join the "Price Is Right" Contestant Search in Baltimore. It takes place Thursday, August 13th 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Maryland Baltimore.

The Maryland S.P.C.A. is located at 3300 Falls Road in Baltimore, MD.
*Please see parking instructions below...

You will appear on camera and have ONLY thirty seconds to tell us why you should be a contestant on "The Price Is Right."

You will need a photo ID.

The Contestant Search takes place between 10AM and 1PM. We will try our best to get to as many people as possible, but turnout could be significant.
Arrive early – and be prepared.

It's strongly recommended that you complete an application before you arrive at the event.

The application and eligibility requirements can be found here.

If you have any questions, please email K.C. Robertson at

WHERE: The Maryland S.P.C.A. - 3300 Falls Road Baltimore, MD 21211

WHEN: Thursday, August 13th 10 a.m. - 1 p.m

DIRECTIONS: to Maryland S.P.C.A

We are located at 3300 Falls Road, Baltimore, MD 21211 in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore.

From North of Baltimore -- Take the Beltway (695) to the Jones Falls Expressway (83) South. Take the Cold Spring Lane exit east. Turn right at the third light onto Falls Road. After you pass 36th Street, the Maryland SPCA is the first driveway on the right.

From the South -- Take the Jones Falls Expressway (83) North. Take the Falls Road exit; this will put you north bound on Falls Road. Find a convenient spot to turn around, and head south on Falls Road. After you pass 36th Street, the Maryland SPCA is the first driveway on the right.

*PARKING NOTICE: Parking is limited. Please DO NOT enter the S.P.C.A. Property or Parking Lot until directed to do so. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING ON S.P.C.A. PROPERTY.

The Obama Obamacare Logo

was this really an oversight?

This is the new Obama Obamacare logo.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Missing Eastern Shore
woman found

Updated: Monday, 10 Aug 2009, 3:01 PM EDT
Published : Sunday, 09 Aug 2009, 2:30 PM EDT

ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va - A missing Accomack County woman was found one day after she disappeared. The Sheriff's office says she is safe.

Emily Dix, 75, was last seen at 7:56 a.m. at her home on Mini Road in Tasley.

Dix suffers from diabetes, vertigo and middle stages of Alzheimers.

According to Sheriff Larry Giddens, Dix was found in a nearby wooded area after noon.

Virginia State Police, South Hampton Police, Newport News Police, Maryland State Police and multiple other local law enforcement agencies all assisted in the search.