Sunday, February 19, 2012

Legislative Updates By Delegate Mike McDermott

Feb. 18th, 2012

Field Notes

Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities

By Delegate Mike McDermott

Week 6 February 13-17, 2012

Lincoln Day Speech, Monday Session
I was honored to be chosen by our leadership to give the
Lincoln Day Address to the House of Delegates. There were several special guests in the House that night including my wife, Laura, and also the governor of Iowa, Terry Branstad. I spoke on the re-adoption of the principles of the Declaration of Independence as the motivation behind the Lincoln presidency. The speech lasted 12-minutes and I enjoyed the opportunity to share with my colleagues the time honored challenges of securing freedom for the coming generations, and for the world.

Judiciary Hearings Tuesday, Feb.14

HB-199 Would modify the current makeup of the Judicial panels conducting Sentencing Reviews by setting the panel number at three. We heard from several judges who have been working with the committee to update current law in order to streamline the review process.
HB-235 Would allow for records of non-violent crimes to be shielded after 10-years from public view yet remain available for criminal justice agencies (need to know). This may have merit but  needs to be amended to insure that the 10-year time span begins following completed service of the original sentence. There was some opposition from Social Services, Nursing Board and various groups who need criminal history to protect their clients.
HB-237 Would require a court to provide people convicted with instructions on the process of expungment of records. It appears that this is already required by the law. There were other flaws pointed out by the State’s Attorney Association.
HB-398 Would expand the Wiretapping statute to include Theft Scheme as a crime to be included on the list of enumerated crimes allowing law enforcement to conduct this type of surveillance. This was requested by several states attorneys who have found it complicated to develop cases against major theft operations involving millions of dollars due to the limitations of the current statute.
HB-411 Would keep the Post Conviction Review by use of DNA evidence in place. It is due to sunset this year. This would allow the reviews to continue.This act has led to some innocent person to be released from prison based upon DNA review.
HB-251 Would allow Ocean City to conduct criminal background checks on taxi cab applicants. This is already allowed in many jurisdictions across the state. There was no opposition.
HB-349 This bill would extend the statute of limitations on misdemeanor Child Pornography charges.  Law enforcement can run into time crunches trying to secure digital evidence in these cases. The addition of two years would make sense in these types of cases.
HB-351 Would include the crime of Burglary as a factor in determining if  a sexual contact offense should be considered as being in the third degree. Currently, this type of contact within the context of a burglary would only be a fourth degree act.
HB-188 Seeks to create a law dealing with possession of synthetic cannabinoids. Worcester County recently took this action locally. This bill seeks to ban the synthetics statewide. Proponents stated that “K-2” or “Spice” is a gateway drug and can cause seizures and other reactions. One chief witness claimed that death has also been a result. The testimony indicated that the substances are already banned in 40-states. Many of the synthetics have already been listed as Schedule One drugs by the federal government making them illegal.
HB-338 Seeks pre trial release restrictions to eliminate Unsecured Bonds for any serious crimes. These are bonds where a person simply signs an assurance that they will appear for court or face forfeiture of a certain cash amount. Their only security is their signature.

Judiciary/HGO Joint Voting SessionTuesday
A joint voting session was conducted on Tuesday with the Judiciary and the Health and government Operations Committees meeting in the House Judiciary Meeting Room to address HB-438, the Same Sex marriage Bill. Several amendments were brought forward and debated. There was great reluctance to allow any changes to the bill on the part of the democrats. here are the amendments which were offered:
1-Would allow public school teachers the ability to opt out of teaching materials relating to sex education or non-traditional families if it were to be opposed to their values or religious teachings. This amendment was defeated following debate.
2. Would allow parents the opportunity to determine what portions of a sex education curriculum that their students will participate in at school. As opposed to opting out of the education, this would require parents to opt into the instruction. This amendment was defeated following debate.
3. Would prohibit a minor from marrying another individual of the same sex. It was fascinating to see all of the democrats agree that it would be alright for a 16 year old boy to marry a 48 year old man...incredible! Even this amendment, reasonable as it is, was defeated.
4. Would allow the effective date to be pushed back by several months to allow for a public referendum to be mounted. There was much debate on the process and whether the rights of the people would be protected should the Attorney General not certify the petition process.There is a lot of concern that shenanigans would follow this process and the people would have their Constitutional rights abridged. This amendment was also defeated on a very close vote.
5. Would protect the definition of marriage and create Civil Unions for same sex couples.It would give all the rights of married individuals to same sex couples, but it would not redefine marriage as being between a man and a woman. I consider this amendment a great compromise that bridges the gap. This was also defeated by the democrats.

Following the amendments, there were closing statements on HB-438 itself. Having made the final arguments, and lamenting that the people were not being allowed to vote for themselves. Several delegates raised concerns on many aspects of the bill, but in the end, both committees voted largely along party lines with a few democrats voting against the bill.  The bill was passed onto the floor by a vote of 25-18.

Judiciary Hearings Wednesday

HB-265 Would create a task force to study the implementation of a civil right to counsel in Maryland. This request was being put forward by members of the judiciary and civil rights advocates. While this is just a study request, no doubt the implementation of expanded rights to counsel would come with a huge price tag for Marylanders.
HB-557 Would provide certain protections to the estates of deceased persons whose names (famous personalities) may be used unscrupulously by persons for profit. This bill would provide protections that would not dissuade famous people from feeling like they needed to leave Maryland in order to protect their estate interests after they died. There was some debate over trade mark issues already in play and available. HB-353 Would require employers to make allowances for workers who must serve on jury duty from being required to work on the same day they have jury duty.  It particularly seeks to protect  employees who must work a night shift. Testimony would indicate that this is not a major problem, but we did here from an employee who had trouble with an employer when she was summoned for jury duty and was required to serve.
HB-318 Would alter the eligibility threshold for “small” estates. This allows for a streamlined process for estates of limited amounts. This bill would raise the threshold amounts to $50,000 and $100,000 respectively when dealing with these estates. The amounts have not been adjusted for many years and this would raise the amounts to a level commensurate with inflation and values. This makes sense and would help folks dealing with these small estates.
HB-527 Addresses amounts in bankruptcy cases which would add $2000.00 in exemptions of firearms which can be shielded from normal bankruptcy proceedings. This would help protect heritage firearms from being sold off as part of a bankruptcy settlement.
HB-524  This bill would allow sheriff’s deputies who are members of the bar in Maryland to practice law in Maryland.

Judiciary Hearings Conducted Thursday

HB-598 Would allow for Arrest Warrants to be issued for Juveniles. Currently, juveniles are often picked up by police and then Juvenile Justice is contacted. This bill would allow for a Juvenile Court Judge to issue a warrant for the arrest of a juvenile who is wanted by police.There was some question as to whether or not this right of the judiciary already exists.
HB-496 Would place criminal penalties against professionals who fail to report child abuse in accordance with proper procedures. The requirement is already in the law, but up till now, there is no fine or sentence attached to this statute. This bill is one of many that have been filed this year (including one of my own) and the primary difference may be found in the fines and sentencing applications.
HB-614 Would require the Department of Juvenile Services to provide address and other pertinent contact information to the victims of certain criminal acts so they can better protect themselves and their safety compromised.This bill would allow the release of juvenile information as to where a perpetrator lives, works, goes to school, etc.
HB-484 Would require a person found guilty of Animal Cruelty to pay the costs associated with the care and medical treatment of the animal. There are a few of these bills being circulated this year.
HB-420 Would continue a pilot program ongoing in Washington County which requires certain individuals to be monitored by GPS Tracking devices.

Friday Session
Friday was a blur of activity culminating in a historic vote on Gay marriage. The machinations to bring this vote about, the creation of “magic” Legislative Days which allowed this to occur, and the back room dealings I will attempt to address in a follow up response to this weeks release. The final vote count was close as the democrats, with the help of two flipped republicans, put up the minimum “71” votes needed to pass HB-438. Much more to follow on this bill.
The Same Sex marriage bill now moves on to the Senate whee it is expected to pass with few obstacles.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A 1905 Delicacy From The Eastern Shore

Its' chief source was from the waters around Crisfield but it wasn't crabs, and it was an expensive delicasy in demand from New York to the western U.S.

What was it? Details this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



1/2 Rack Ribs & 1/2 BBQ Chicken w/ 2 Sides


Two-Year Covert Taxi Probe Nets 91 Drug Charges

Written By
Shawn J. Soper
News Editor
OCEAN CITY -- The Ocean City Police Department’s narcotics unit, in collaboration with allied agencies, late last month concluded a two-year drug distribution investigation utilizing an undercover officer posing as a taxi cab driver and owner with the grand jury indictments of 34 local residents on 91 charges.

Last week, the OCPD announced cursory information about Operation Sand Dollar, a two-year undercover operation targeting drug trafficking in the resort area during which an undercover officer posed as a cab driver to infiltrate Ocean City’s shadowy social circles.

On Monday, OCPD Chief Bernadette DiPino, along with Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason, State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby and Mayor Rick Meehan laid out more of the details about the operation.

During the two-year operation, the officer turned cab driver made some drug buys and sales out of the taxi, but also established connections that led to further indictments. The operation was borne out of an idea to target known drug trafficking in the downtown area. After brainstorming, the OCPD came up with the idea of posing an undercover officer as the owner and operator of a legitimate cab company.

With the cooperation of the city, including former City Manager Dennis Dare, the cab, called the “Tipsy Taxi,” was completely legitimate including a taxi medallion.

“The undercover officer posing as a cab driver and owner was a good way to infiltrate the social circle,” said DiPino on Monday. “It’s often a primary mode of transportation for those involved in drug trafficking.”

After conducting Operation Sand Dollar for two years, the gathered information was turned over to the State’s Attorney’s Office and on Jan. 25, a Worcester County grand jury indicted 34 suspects on 91 counts of distribution of various controlled dangerous substances (CDS) and 28 charges of conspiracy to distribute CDS. DiPino said on Monday the operation targeted all forms of CDS distribution, but the primary focus was on the distribution of illegal prescription medication.

On Feb. 2, the OCPD narcotics unit, along with the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team, began rounding up the indicted suspects. Thus far, 22 have been apprehended and four more were already in custody on unrelated charges. Information on the remainder of the wanted suspects has been forwarded to the Maryland State Apprehension Team. The total amount of preset bonds for those already in custody totaled $4.55 million.

DiPino praised the success of the operation and hopes it sends a message to dealers and users in the resort.
“We hope this sends a clear message to drug dealers and users to keep the activity out of our community,” she said. “You never know who an undercover officer might be. It could be the maid in your hotel, a bartender or even a street performer on the Boardwalk.”

DiPino said those targeted included local residents engaged in drug use and distribution. DiPino said the operation did not include tourists.

“The list includes many locals,” she said. “At no time were tourists targeted.”  

For his part, Mason said the operation could be the tip of the iceberg and promised similar operations in the future.

“We will continue to go after drug users and dealers,” said Mason. “You’re going to see a lot more to come.”

Mason said he hoped Operation Sand Dollar sent a clear message to users and dealers in Worcester County.

“This is obvious proof there is an absolute commitment to target users and dealers in Worcester County,” he said. “If you’re a dealer, get a new job. If you’re a user, get a new hobby.”


All in all, the operation led to 34 indictments and 119 total counts including 91 distribution charges and 28 conspiracy to distribute charges. Sixteen of the 34 suspects list Ocean City as their address, while seven others call Worcester County home. Twenty-two suspects have been apprehended, while four were already in custody on unrelated charges. The remaining suspects were still at large as of mid-week.

Among those apprehended already were Ronald Alimo, 51, Ocean City; Jonathan Grubbs, 23, Willards; Troy Middleton, 41, Ocean City; Charlene Chester, 47, Ocean City; James Camper, 49, Trappe; Glynnis Sullivan, 54, Ocean City; Robert Hayes, Sr., 44, Ocean City; Orean Kennedy, 52, Ocean City; Dawn Ramaska, 34, Ocean City; James Hudson, 49, Showell; Robert Ray, Sr., 53, Ocean City; Donald Collins, 53, Ocean City; Mary Baker, 55, Ocean City; Stacy Baker, 38, Ocean City; Guy Erbe, 52, Ocean Pines; Cheryl Merendino, 49, Ocean City; Stanley Layton, Jr., 53, Ocean City; Vernon Spence, 46, Snow Hill; and Robin McCready, 50, Pocomoke.

Those already in custody on unrelated charges included Miranda Florio, 24, Jessup; Lorenzo Sears, 41, Oak Hall, Va.; and Brian Harmon, 39, Westover.

Those indicted but still at large included James Leech, 50, Berlin; John Leo Parker, 57, Bishopville; Darryl Lee Whaley, 55, Berlin; Geraldine Woodland, 49, Ocean City; Christopher Denike, 32, Ocean City; Michael Rose, 54, Ocean City; Paul Francis, 32, Glenwood, Md.; David Allen Brown, 44, Baltimore; Kathy Matthews, 40, Rivera Beach; and Robert Gross, Jr., 43, Kensington, Md.


Eastern Shore Rural Health Announces Addition Of New Physicians

One new physician, physician assistant join Eastern Shore Rural Health
Pamela Gray, M.D. and Physician Assistant Jessica Day have joined Eastern Shore Rural Health System, Inc. Dr. Gray, an internist, and Day are at Onley Community Health Center.

Dr. Gray has practiced internal medicine since 1985. She last practiced at University Health Systems in Greenville, N.C. She is a graduate of Eastern Virginia Medical School where she also completed her residency. Dr. Gray did a rheumatology internship at University of North Carolina Medical School. She is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and is a member of the American College of Rheumatology, Medical Society of Virginia and American College of Physicians.

Dr. Grays areas of special interest include osteoporosis and inflammatory arthritis (such as lupus, Lymes Disease and rheumatoid arthritis) and adult health care.

Day, also a National Health Service Corps scholar, trained as a physician assistant at Philadelphia University. She is a member of American Academy of Physician Assistants, Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants and Virginia Academy of Physician Assistants. Days areas of special interest include nephrology, ear/nose/throat, veterans health and fibromyalgia.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Shooting Update- YMCA

Feb. 17, 2012

On February 16, 2012 Pocomoke City Police Officers responded to Accomack County District Court to detain arrestee Roderic R. Savage, age 17 who waived his extradition rights and willingly returned to Worcester County Courts. Savage was seen by the Commissioner and subsequently held on one million dollar (1,000,000) bond at the Worcester County Detention Center pending trial. A 2nd suspect William H. Wilson, age 22 of Onancock, Virginia was arrested and charged with Accessory after the Statute, Handgun on person, and Handgun in vehicle; he was held pending an extradition hearing. A 3rd suspect Dontrell A. Scarborough, age 20 of Atlantic Virginia was arrested and charged with 2nd Degree Assault and released pending trial.

These arrest stem from a collaborative effort by local Law Enforcement agencies to include: Pocomoke City Police Department, Accomack County Sheriff’s Office, Worcester County Sheriff’s Department and Snow Hill Police Department. Police are still seeking the whereabouts of one additional suspect involved in this case. Additional information will be available at a later date.

Chief K D Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Department

February 17, 2012

Progress on the New Restaurant- Downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland

Friday, February 10, 2012
Pocomoke City, Maryland

At this point all windows have been installed....
you can tell that they have been covered.

SHORE BEEF and BBQ Friday Specials


Let SHORE BEEF & BBQ do the cooking for you!

Friday Lunch Special
Beef Brisket Sandwich w/ Side
and Drink ~ $7.50 

Friday Dinner Special
Full Rack Baby Back Ribs w/ 2 Sides

Accomack Board Takes No Action On Fire Tax

By Connie Morrison

Although many members of the public spoke about the agenda item, the Accomack County Board of Supervisors did not take up the Fire Commissions recommendation for an equalized (flat) fire tax.

Several Chincoteague residents and firefighters, along with Chincoteague Mayor Jack Tarr, spoke in opposition to the proposal, which would implement the same fire tax in all election districts, including instituting a fire tax in Chincoteague for the first time.

 Opponents to the proposal said the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Department is self-sustaining, due to on-going fundraising efforts, and does not need additional revenue.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... A 1905 Delicacy From The Eastern Shore

What was the delicacy from the waters around Crisfield that was much in demand from New York City to our nation's West? (This delicacy wasn't crabs.)
Details this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes - 1/9/12

January 9, 2012

The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, January 9, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.

Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Rob Clarke, Tracey Cottman,
Diane Downing, Donald L. Malloy
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:
In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed), to approve the minutes of December 5, 2011.

Review Bills:
In a motion (Clarke, Malloy passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Mayor to introduce Mr. Bill Badger, recently appointed Economic Development Director for Worcester County:
Mr. Badger said that he was very pleased to be in Pocomoke City and to meet the Mayor and Council. He stated that he has had 28 years’ of experience in economic development:, 17 years with DBED and 11 years with Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation. He first met City Manager Blake when they worked together on the Beretta project in 1990. Mr. Badger stated that economic development is his first love, and it is a great opportunity to be working with the City and the County to make Pocomoke City a better place economically.
Mr. C.D. Hall of Hall Realty Co., to discuss request for waiver of water and sewer hook-up fees at Drawbridge Villas Condos on Riverside Drive:
Mr. Hall introduced Mr. Fred Adams, a representative of the lender/owner of the Drawbridge Condo property.
Mr. Adams stated that he is with American Acquisition LLC., and that they would like to request that the water/sewer hook-up fees be reduced by half for each unit. The original plans showed only one hook up. With the fees being $63,000 it is not feasible for them to complete the units and pay the fee. They would like to get each unit ready to be rented or to be sold.
City Manager Blake explained that the total cost would be $58,500 rather than $63,000, in accordance with the City’s fee schedule for multi-family buildings.
Mr. Hall stated the original plans only showed one hook-up for the entire building.
Mayor Morrison asked how many units were completed.
Mr. Hall stated four (4) units with three (3) units occupied. There are three (3) more unfinished units, for a total of seven (7).
Councilman Malloy asked how much needed to be done for the other three units to be completed.
Mr. Hall stated that two units could be completed for around $25,000, and the third one would be around $35,000. The flooring and cabinets need to be installed.
Councilman Clarke stated that he had a problem with waiving the fees. He explained that rates were recently increased to cover expenses, and that the general fund had to subsidize the Water and Sewer fund in recent years.
City Manager Blake stated that another option would be to pay half now and the other half would be a lien on the property to be paid when the property is sold.
Mr. Adams stated that he would not like to have liens placed on the property, it would be more complicated once it went to settlement
Councilman Malloy stated that he agreed that they should not be exempt from paying the hook-up. They could pay half now and half when each unit went to settlement.
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to accept half of the hook-up fee now and the other half once each unit is sold, or when the entire property is transferred.
Second Reading of Ord. 408 to authorize a new franchise agreement with Comcast Cable, Inc. for Cable TV, Internet and other services:
Mayor Morrison postponed this reading until a later date.

Discuss proposal from Center for Research on Biotoxin Associated Illness which will result in a publication of a book concerning the ecology of the Cypress Park Nature Trail and up to $5,000 in grant funds toward completion of the board walk around Stevenson’s Pond:
Councilman Malloy stated that Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and his daughter Sally are asking for a non-binding expression of support for a study on the wetlands of the Pocomoke River. Completion of the project will include a recorded walking tour of the Nature Trail for use by people visiting the Trail. The City would bear no responsibility or liability for this project, but would receive at no cost a digital publication and walking tour for visitors.
In a motion (Clarke, Downing, passed) to offer Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker support on the publication of a book on the Nature Trail and the “walking tour” of the Trail.

First Reading of Res. A-12-01 to annex property at 1139 Ocean highway (Dr. Leroy Johnson, owner):
Mayor Morrison read for the record Res. A-12-01.

Discuss request from Worcester County Commissioners concerning possible appointment to Commission on Aging:
Mayor Morrison asked for any suggestion for appointment, he stated that the individual did not have to be an elected official. It was agreed that Councilmembers would call Mayor Morrison to recommend someone for this position.

City Manager to present six-month budget summary report:
City Manager Blake presented a six-month budget status report. Revenues are generally better than expected. Real Estate Taxes are at 75%; Room Taxes 58%; State Highway Taxes 67%; Ambulance Department paid memberships are at 102%;. Water and Sewer revenues: water charges received are at 50%, sewer charges are 51%; Sewage Hauler fees 77%. Total revenues are over 54%, while total expenses are at 41%. We will continue to be very careful as to what we spend in the next six months.
Councilman Clarke commended City Manager Blake and Department Heads for keeping expenses under control.

Appoint members of the City’s Board of Elections Supervisors for two-year term beginning February 2012:
Mayor Morrison stated that the five person Board of Elections Supervisors serve for two years, and their terms will expire later this month.
Councilman Cottman made a motion to reappoint for of the current members, ( Barbara Browning, John Haynie, Grace Holland, and Vanessa Jones), motion seconded by Councilwoman Downing, and carried unanimously.

Comments from Audience:

Adjourn to Executive Session:
Following a motion by Councilwoman Cottman and seconded by Councilman Clarke, the Council voted to meet in a closed session at 8:10 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Morrison, all council members, City Attorney William Hudson, City Manager Blake, and City Clerk Carol Justice. The Mayor and Council discussed real estate and legal issues as permitted under the provisions of Section 10-508 (a), (1), (7) and (8) of the State of Maryland Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Items discussed were Rico DiMattia regarding possible new industrial business on Pocomoke River; Discovery Center financial situation; MIST Building/Possible new industry; and Salvation Army Youth Club status.
With no further business, the Executive Session adjourned at 9:30 P.M.


Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

The Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Have You Seen Me??

7 year old family pet is still missing.

Missing in the Butler Village area
Pocomoke City, MD.

She is wearing a pink collar with a heart shaped tag that has her name and telephone on it.

PLEASE call 410-490-6579 if you have seen "Mittens"

Spaghetti Fundraiser

This is a fundraiser for a  trip to the Dominican Republic to help the people rebuild.

Author Event and Book Signing

Local authors *Kelvin Sewell and Stephen Janis will be at
Barnes and Noble
in White Marsh
Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 1:00 P.M.

Both authors will host a discussion and then sign copies of "Why Do We Kill?: The Pathology of Murder in Baltimore"

*Author Kelvin Sewell is currently the Chief of Police with the Pocomoke City Police Department.

For those local that would like to purchase a copy of "Why Do We Kill?" go to Barnes and Noble in Salisbury or you can purchase a copy through Amazon.  It IS a MUST READ!

White Marsh
The Avenue @ White Marsh, 8123 Honeygo Blvd. Suite E, Baltimore, MD 21236, 410-933-9670

Barnes & Noble


GET SET......
GO !!


Lunch Special

Pulled BBQ Chicken w/ Side
Drink ~ $7.50

1/2 Rack Ribs w/ Side ~ $9.95

LIKE Shore Beef and BBQ on FACEBOOK

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Request the following be released to local paper and news:
     Area citizens have reported an increase in scam attempts. These attempts include request for credit information, wire transfers and other pertinent billing information after stating that you have won various prizes or offers of large amounts of credit. These request have been made by email and telephone and though seemingly harmless, are a valid threat against your personal information and should be taken seriously. 

     The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office in its continuing efforts to prevent crime, remind you to do the following:
1. Do not give out personal information. Creditors of yours should already have this information.
2. Do not confirm creditor information, ask them to mail you the request for confirmation.
3. Protect your computer, use up to date virus protection.
4. Create hard to guess passwords and change them often, at least every 45 days is suggested.
5. Do not ever place your Social Security number on any identifying paperwork or checks.
6. Be aware of your surroundings at all ATM or other cash type machines.
7. Make a list of all credit cards and keep it in a safe.
8. Order your credit report and pay attention to discrepancies.
9. Always file your complaint with your local Police or Sheriff’s Office.
10. Check them out on the web at
11. Never respond to a unsolicited email.
12. The best practice is to delete unwanted emails prior to opening to prevent worms and other downloads.

     Recently; at all area Crime Watches the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has presented and discussed prevention methods for Identity Theft, the #1 reported crime to the Federal Trade Commission in 2010. We urge individuals to report suspicious activity and to refer the calls to the Better Business Bureau or local law enforcement. Also, we remind each citizen to take a stand and become a part of the local Community Crime Watch that they live in. For more information, please feel free to contact Deputy First Class Dale Trotter; 410-632-1112 for a Community Crime Watch near you.
     Most legitimate creditors will respect your privacy and be willing to go the additional distance to prove their worthiness.
     Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

Delmarva Discovery Center~ Reptile Festival

Crime Report Is Being Kept Updated.......

For some weeks now the Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell has been determined to keep the Pocomoke citizens in the know through a Press Release from his office each week. What you may or may not know is that since that time the Pocomoke City Police Crime Report is also being kept updated.

For some time now Tom and I have felt that the Crime Report was being missed or overlooked on the Pocomoke Public Eye by our readers. So that it can't be missed any longer Tom has placed the same icon used in the Press Release. (Thanks, Tom)

This icon can be found on the right side of the page. To see the current crimes in various areas of Pocomoke City click there and it will take you to the current crime reports.

Thank you again, Chief Sewell, Angel and Gayle for keeping the citizens informed. Also thank you to the Pocomoke City Police Officers for being out there at all times to protect the people of Pocomoke City.  Your presence is noticed.


GET SET.....



Still Missing........


Have you seen

MISSING from the Butler Villiage area.
Pocomoke City, Maryland

"Mittens" is wearing a pink collar with a tag that includes her names and telephone number.

Her family misses her very much.  If you see her OR find her