Wednesday, June 13, 2012

2012 Yappy Hour Fundraiser



4:00pm – 8:00pm

PLEASE CALL HEATHER @ (c) 410.430.9405 (w) 410.632.1112

ADULTS (Food Only) - $15 ** ADULTS (Food & Beverages) - $20
KIDS (Food Only) - $8

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Pork BBQ, BBQ Chicken,
Corn on the Cob, Potato Salad & Watermelon


* K9 Water Tricks by Delmarva Dock Dogs * Pictures * BAND * Silent Auction *
Special Guest Mitch Fletcher from K9 Heeling - As Seen on Animal Planet * 50/50 *
K-9 Demonstration by Worcester County Sheriff’s Office * K-9 t-shirts for sale *
100% of all ticket & auction sales benefit
Worcester County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit!
All food & beverages donated by Sunset Grille.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Opening Night ~ Pocomoke Cypress Festival 2012

Wednesday June 13, 2012
6:00 PM
Flag Day Ceremony - with the Elks and Boy Scouts- will take place in Cypress Park during the opening ceremonies of the annual Cypress Festival.

Photo by Councilman Rob Clarke- View of the American flag from the new restaurant

~Wednesday Night Schedule~

June 13
Gates & Ride Open 6 – 10pm

6:00pm Flag Day Ceremony (Elks & Cub Scouts)
6:00pm Opening Ceremonies (Chamber & City Officials)
6:30pm Little Miss & Miss Cypress Festival Contest
8:00pm Feet of Fire Dance School Demo

Full Cypress Festival Schedule will be posted tomorrow.

National Flag Week ~ 2012

American flag in Cypress Park

Pocomoke City, Maryland

National Flag Week ~2012

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland / Larry Hogan

O'Malley Channels Elvis

The Washington Times 6.08.12

"Elvis Presley’s motto was 'Taking Care of Business.' But looking at Mr. O'Malley’s record, the evidence is clear that he has neglected Maryland’s business climate."

Maryland Residents Leaving for Virginia

Right Coast Conservative 6.07.12

Maryland Tax Base Flees to Virginia

Richmond Times-Dispatch 6.04.12

"The other day, Larry Hogan, chairman of a nonpartisan group called Change Maryland, penned a piece for Reason magazine...But Maryland's tax-happy governor doesn't seem to have gotten the hint."

Driving Jobs to Virginia 5.30.12

"An advertisement now running in Maryland's second-largest newspaper asks, 'relocating to Virginia?'"

Maryland's Tax Rates

Real Clear Politics 5.30.12

Change Maryland Releases Updated Tax List

SBY News 5.22.12

"The tax and fee list comes on the heels of a dire U.S. Department of Labor April report in which Maryland led the nation in job loss."

Taxes and Fees

WBAL Ch. 11 TV 5.22.12

"According to Change Maryland... the General Assembly has raised taxes and fees 24 times since 2007. Change Maryland amounts the annual impact on taxpayers at $2.4 billion."

Taxed to Death in Maryland? A new Study Supports That

WMAL 630 AM 5.21.12

"Larry Hogan of Change Maryland, says Maryland Needs to Change."

Melson Power Show ~ Sand Drag Event Winner

The winner of the $500 cash prize in the Sand Drag Event held at Melson Power Show on Saturday, June 9, 2012 was Barry Wise.

Driver/Owner Barry Wise ~ "Short and Sassy"

Thanks for your support - Lee, Chuck, Bart, Chuck,Jr., Wright Townsend, Jack Shockley (Snow Hill) @ Vertical Services, Inc., Roger Evans, 187 East Performance, Seaside Repair and Pit Crew for the evening Michelle and Aaron.

More to be posted soon.

Monday, June 11, 2012

National Flag Week 2012

This week is National Flag Week and all this week I have decided to post photos taken of the American flag that is located downtown Pocomoke City in Cypress Park.

These photos today were taken by Councilman Rob Clarke.


"Reflections on Pocomoke........
...reflections on a new day for Pocomoke City."

Image of the American flag in downtown Pocomoke Cypress Park as it reflects in the windows of the restaurant that is nearly completed across the street.

Many thanks Councilman Rob Clarke.

Pocomoke Budget Proposes 7-cent Property Tax Increase

Written by

Bill Kerbin

POCOMOKE CITY -- In presenting his proposed budget for fiscal year 2013, City Manager Russell W. Blake is calling for an increase of 7 cents to 82 cents per $100 valuation in the owner-occupied property tax rate.

However, he assured property owners they would not see an increase in their tax bills because the assessments have decreased.

He is also recommending a 10-cent increase in the tax rate for commercial properties, to 90 cents per $100. Other rates including those for business corporations, railroads, utilities and manufacturing equipment would remain the same.

Other rates impacting nearly all city residents, the water and sewer rates, will not be increased in the coming year. The rates are remaining stable even though the new upgrade to the sewer plant will be operational July 1, creating additional costs.

Costing $4 million to construct, the plant cost the town $102,078; the rest is being covered by grants. The half-million dollar ultraviolet project, a part of the new plant, will also be 90 percent funded by grants. That project will save the town $40,000 per year.

Some other major projects are the new police headquarters and the new restaurant on the Pocomoke River. The construction cost of the restaurant is 80 percent covered by grants. Plans call for covering the cost of a loan for the balance with rental income from the occupant.

A long-term low interest loan from the United States Department of Agriculture will cover most of the police building cost.

At $115,000, room taxes in town have grown to become a major source of revenue. Another major source is septic truck haulers. Coming mostly from Virginia, they are expected to pay the town about $330,000. The manager is planning on a $400,000 contribution from Worcester County in undesignated economic development funds.

With the county expected to contribute $415,500 toward funding the ambulance department, Blake expects it to be self-sustaining. The town is also planning to purchase a new ambulance, using a $50,000 USDA grant and a loan of about $150,000.

Another large capital purchase in the budget is a new trash truck at an estimated cost of $140,000. The present truck having been paid off three years ago, this one will be financed by a new loan.

Some other grants in the budget include: $140,000 for radio read water meters for the first phase of the town, $25,000 for a new police car and $57,500 for downtown improvements and for a new projector for the Mar-Va Theater.

Other economic ideas proposed by Blake include $20,000 budgeted for a part-time employee who is concentrating on downtown and other economic development issues (coming from a special downtown business account); and the suggestion that the city look into building a new shell building at the Industrial Park. However, this is not included in the budget.

Blake said the proposed budget is balanced at nearly $8.3 million, including water and sewer, ambulance and general funds.


Rides Wristbands for Cypress Festival On Sale

Rides wristbands for the 2012 Cypress Festival will be on sale at a discounted price at the Chamber office:

Monday ~ June 11, 2012

2:00 until 4:00

**Tuesday ~ June 12, 2012**

12:00 until 2:00

Tuesday will be the last day to purchase wristbands for a discounted price.
**NOTE that these hours have changed from what was posted previously**

Shore Beef & BBQ




MONDAY JUNE 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

TIME MACHINE ... An Eastern Shore Duel To The Finish

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


April, 1878

(The Liberal- LeMars, Iowa)

To The Death

Richmond, Va., March 30.- Intelligence has just been received here of the desperate and fatal rencontre on the eastern shore. It occurred at Eastville, the county seat of Northampton County, on the eastern shore of Virginia, and one well-known and respected citizen lost his life and another is expected hourly to die. The principles in the fatal rencounter were Major Sidney Pitts, second son of the late judge E.P. Pitts, and Mr. Alfred P. Thorn, a prominent young lawyer in the county. The former was killed outright and the latter lingers in an insensible condition. Some two weeks since Mr. Pitts announced his intention to going to St. Louis, and being indebted to the estate of Mr. Elijah Brittingham, the late Postmaster of Eastville, of which estate Mr. Thorn was curator, that gentleman took legal steps to hold him to bail as an absconding debtor. The County Sheriff being sick, the writ was placed in the hands of Mr. Colonna, the jailer, to serve. Mr. Colonna followed Maj. Pitts to the Baltimore steamer, at Hunter's Landing, and, aided by several parties, including Mr. Thorn, attempted to arrest him. He refused to be arrested, claiming that the jailer was not the properly authorized officer to serve the process. The Major then proceeded to Baltimore. A few days ago he returned to Eastville, and on yesterday demanded an explanation from Mr. Thorn, in the street, near Taylor's Hotel, for what he considered an insult in attempting to have him arrested as an absconding debtor, calling him a liar and a damned scoundrel.

Mr. Thorn then drew a navy Colt's revolver, and firing commenced with deadly earnestness. Each party fired two shots. Maj. Pitts fell to the ground, shot through the left breast, and died almost instantly, and at the same time Mr. Thorn fell, shot through the face and neck. The ball having passed through the right cheek, carried away a number of the teeth and a portion of the jawbone, and buried itself in the neck. A coroner's inquest was held a few hours after, and the verdict was delivered in accordance with the above facts. The sad affair has cast a gloom over the whole community around Eastville, where the young men were well known and respected. The body of Maj. Pitts arrived in Norfolk tonight for burial. It now turns out that both parties went armed, and that they expected that one must bite the dust. Thorn had a seven inch barrel Colts fluted navy revolver, and Pitts a five-shooter Hopkins & Allen make. On the evening previous to the shooting, Pitts went to the undertaker in Eastville and told him to take his measure for a burial case, as he expected it would be required for the next day.

At the first shot, Pitts was wounded in the right wrist, which disabled him from cocking his revolver, and he went up to the corner of a house and pried the trigger up, during which time Thorn coolly waited until his adversary was ready, when the two fired simultaneously, each falling at the same moment. Both principals were young. Pitts was in his twenty-second year, and was a nephew of Senator Dennis of Maryland. Thorn was aged twenty-four, a graduate of the University Of Virginia, and a final orator of the Jefferson Society two years ago. Here the romance in this sad affair comes in.

At the University Thorn met and won Miss Loulon Massie, the acknowledged belle of Virginia, who has had more suitors than any other belle in the State, and who has been called the peerless, by scores of students at Virginia's great institution of learning. They were to have been married this winter, when the beautiful girl was stricken down by a fearful malady. As a last resort, to save her life, the surgeon's knife was resorted to, and for three weeks she has been hovering between life and death in Richmond. Young Thorn, her affianced, has been here for months, anxiously awaiting the result.

He left the city a few days ago. While he was absent Miss Massie grew worse, and as he was kept hourly informed by telegraph of her condition, it is stated that upon receipt of the intelligence that she was sinking, he grew reckless and refused to avoid the fatal rencontre. Miss Massie's physicians say that if she hears of the rencontre she will die instantly, and it is kept from her. Mr. Thorn's only audible words since he was shot were, "Is she any better?"- Special Dispatch to the Globe Democrat.  


June, 1893

The Baltimore & Eastern Shore Railroad Company's regular summer schedule of express train service from Baltimore to the beach was to begin in mid June. In addition, special low rate tickets would be offered beginning in July. A $2 round-trip ticket between Baltimore and Ocean City would be available for use every Wednesday; or for $3: leave Wednesday and return Thursday, or leave Saturday and return Sunday or Monday.


August, 1902

Washington College in Chestertown was advertising to attract Eastern Shore students for three courses of study including a Normal Course of 3 years, with graduates of this course being eligible to teach in Maryland Public Schools without examination. "Buildings Furnished Throughout With Electric Light, Bathrooms, and Water-closets." Three free scholarships were being offered for each county on the Eastern Shore for total expenses of $140 to $150 per annum.


April, 1967

(Charlston Daily Mail- Charlston, W.Va.)


POCOMOKE CITY, Md. (AP)- A motel in this Eastern Shore city posted on its marquee Thursday night: Welcome Dean Martin.

Business was brisk.

Today Professor Martin checks out. He is a dean at Mars Hill College near Asheville, N.C.  



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Trying to Locate Driver and Vehicle

Police are looking for a maroon in color, 2007 - F350 truck
Maryland Tag - 23T629

Vehicle will have a logo similar to this one on the truck. Truck is driven by Kenneth Passwaters.

Passwaters failed to arrive at his destination this morning.

Per J. Shockley/Vertical Services

Wristbands For Rides On Sale Today



The Chamber Office will be open Saturday 12:00 until 2:00 if you want to buy wristbands for the upcoming Cypress Festival.

Monday & Tuesday the Chamber Office will be OPEN
2:00 until 4:00

TIME MACHINE Preview ... An Eastern Shore Duel To The Finish

The year is 1878 ...

"one well-known and respected citizen lost his life and another is expected hourly to die" ... "both parties went armed, and that they expected that one must bite the dust."
Read the full details this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Pocomoke Police Department Nearing Complete Move

Pocomoke City Police Department

Market Street Location

May 31, 2012

Just a little more time and the Pocomoke City Police Department will be opening in the new location on Market Street.

This building is quite different from the current police station on Second Street. From the first step inside the front door (or the back door if that seems to be your preference) the new facility is astounding! I've watched this building go from a body shop to the professional establisment that it is. I know how excited everyone is ..... including myself.

Photo above was taken in what will be the conference room. At the present time it is serving for the delivery of office furnitue.

The Pocomoke City Council alloted a certain amount of funds to be used to purchase new furniture and supplies. The monies have been used very wisely and Angel Thornes, the Executive Administrative Assistant for the Pocomoke City Police Dept., has done a grand job in her selection of office supplies, desks and chairs for the various offices. Angel has also been one of the many that have poured their heart and soul into this move. She deserves so much credit and on the day Councilman Malloy and I stopped by she took the time to give us the tour just to show us how much progress has been made.

I'm not going to tell everything I learned from Angel - I'm going to let the police department brag on their new facility. The most amazing room in the new station? The radio room. The department has bigger screens that produce larger images making it easier to see what cameras in various parts of town send. Because of the location of the new police department radio transmissions will be clearer. One of the images will be of the bay area located in the back of the station. The dispatcher will be able to view the officer as he approaches. With the touch of a button - just like a garage door opener- the doors open in the back of the building, freeing the time an officer would have to spend fumbling for keys to unlock the doork, get back in his patrol car and pull into the garage..... a feature the police department has never had before.

My venture would never be complete without stopping by the current police department.
It's always a pleasure to see Chief Sewell and on this day met Officer Perkins. What a great person and true asset to the department.

I also need to say this. I've watched the new station become a reality. I've met some of the most wonderful people in the past few months. These are good, hard working men. I've seen them hanging from metal beams, walking on stilts, crawling on their knees.....never complaining. I've been locked in a cell, tip toed around newly glued tiles and watched wax dry.

In the past months I've seen the changes in the Pocomoke City Police Department. Recently I had the occasion to meet more of the police officers. This IS a new and improved department! And based on what has been happening in Pocomoke City lately you can believe they "work well with others" .

Other agencies from Virginia, Worcester County Sheriff's Dept., Maryland State Police, Worcester County State's Attorney Beau Oglesby- (I've forgotten many) ALL fit into the equation of fighting crime together. And it shows!

My best to all of you. Keep up the good work!
And thankyou, Chief Sewell and Angel for all of you kindness in the past months.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Pocomoke Volunteer Fire Co. - Saturday Chicken BBQ

It's Bar-B-Que Chicken time
Saturday June 9th
At the Pocomoke City Fire Station - 1410 Market St.

1/2 of a chicken and a roll for only $6
Chicken will be ready at 9 a.m.

We'll be there until it's gone.



June 9, 2012


Admission: $5.oo children under 11 FREE

Bring your lawn chairs and sit in the shade. Refreshments available.

Registration is at 3:00 Events begin @ 5:00


9343 Guy Ward Road

Parsonsburg, Maryland

facebook ~ Melson's Tractor Pulling


~Spaghetti Dinner Tonight~

Blaine Hitchens Takes A Tumble With "Rare Species"


Sunday MAY 27, 2012

It always seems to happen at least a couple time during the mud bog season when the joy of a fast fun turn into a nightmare for everyone - especially for the drive.

Blaine Hitchens driving his truck "Rare Species" Blaine had just completed a 3.0 run through the mud when he excelerated causing his truck to swerve the hit the trees, wiped out the new digital timing board, turned over and finally came to a rest on its top.

In his introduction it was stated that the engine alone in this truck cost to the tune of at least $70,000.....maybe more. - That's not counting the body work.

Thankfully Blaine had no injuries- except pride and we all know how easily that gets damaged for some of these drivers. Goes with the sport.

Watch what happens when the truck finally comes to a stop. Be sure to play close attention to the first to arrive to Blaine's aid...... (no matter who the racer is he just arrives before anyone else)

(Thank you, Patrick)

And thank you to the Lower Shore Ambulance
(one of the nicest things about mud bogging in Crisfield)

Mud Bog Races will return to Crisfield in July for a night race.
That should be lots of fun - never been tried before.......don't miss it.



Thursday, June 7, 2012




Pit Beef w/ Side

Drink ~ $7.95

Full Rack w/ 2 Sides

Be sure to wish Dee a HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!

TIME MACHINE Preview ... An Eastern Shore Duel To The Finish

The year is 1878 ...

"one well-known and respected citizen lost his life and another is expected hourly to die" ... "both parties went armed, and that they expected that one must bite the dust."
Read the full details this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!
Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Maryland State Police Press Release

(Worcester County, MD): A Maryland State Police helicopter located four lost kayakers as darkness quickly descended upon the Pocomoke River.

On June 5, 2012 at approximately 8:20 p.m. SYSCOM, the statewide helicopter dispatch center, received a request from the Worcester County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) for the use of a helicopter to assist in the search for four lost kayakers on the Pocomoke river. MSP Trooper 4, based at the Salisbury Wicomico Airport was dispatched to assist and while enroute coordinated with the WCSO to obtain updated information. A sheriff's deputy in the area was able to communicate with the lost kayakers via cell phone and narrow the search area.

The flight crew onboard Trooper 4 was able to quickly locate the victims as they had built a campfire for warmth in the heavily forested area. With the utilization of the 30 million candle power Nightsun, Trooper 4 provided lighting and directed a deputy to the lost victims. Trooper 4 remained overhead and provided directional guidance and situational awareness as the victims were transported to the main road where a medical unit was available for evaluation. The rescued victims, only identified as two males and two females, were released by the EMS crew.

Agencies assisting with the search were the Worcester County Sheriff's Office and the Newark Volunteer Fire Department.

Pocomoke Cypress Festival Begins Next Week

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Search and Seizure Warrant Leads To Drug Arrest

It takes lots of team work and effort to perform duties as risky as this one. Great job by all the departments involved. Keep up the outstanding work!

Information also submitted on Pocomoke City Arrest Report

From the Worcester County Sheriff's Office

May 30, 2012 Members of the Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team executed a search and seizure warrant regarding to a marijuana distribution investigation that was being conducted in Pocomoke, Maryland. The target of this investigation was identified as Toan Chi Huynh 25 years of age, of Pocomoke, Maryland. A search and Seizure warrant was served at Mr. Huynh residence in Pocomoke Md. Entry into the home was made by the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Tactical Armed Response Team. Located inside of the residence was Mr. Huynh and he was taken into custody without incident. During the course of execution of the search and seizure warrant the following items were located and seized by investigators:

· 1,207 Grams of Marijuana

· 61 Grams of Powder MDMA

· 16 Tablets of Ecstasy / MDMA

· Various items of paraphernalia to include a commercial heat sealer and scale

· $1,075.00 in U.S. Currency

Mr. Huynh was transported to the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office and charged with the following offenses:

1. Possession of Marijuana

2. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana

3. Possession with intent to distribute Marijuana (School Zone)

4. Possession of powder MDMA

5. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA

6. Possession with intent to distribute powder MDMA (School Zone)

7. Possession of Ecstasy / MDMA

8. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA

9. Possession with intent to distribute Ecstasy / MDMA (School Zone)

10. Possession of Paraphernalia

Mr. Huynh was subsequently transported to the District Court Commissioner for initial appearance where he was committed to the Worcester County Jail on a $25,000.00 bond. The Worcester County Criminal Enforcement Team was assisted by the Worcester County State’s Attorney’s Office, Pocomoke Police Department, Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force, Eastern Shore Virginia Drug Task Force, and Drug Enforcement Administration during the execution of this search and seizure warrant.

Facebook “Privacy Notice” Warnings Debunked


Doris Taylor

According to Fox 4 News, Facebook users have been posting a “Privacy Notice,” on their profiles warning government agents that they do not have permission to use any of the private information on their profile. But, posting this notice or any other disclaimer on your Facebook profile won’t protect you from the consequences of illegal activity.

When you first sign up to join the social networking site, you agree to the terms of Facebook’s privacy policy and legal terms. This means anything you post becomes public information.

Click here to read the full story on


The New Pocomoke Restaurant - almost

Pocomoke City Restaurant

Pocomoke City, Maryland

May 31, 2012

I've lost count on which week we are on but I do remember I began taking photos in December 2011. The thought of this restaurant becoming a reality never seemed to phase me until about 2 weeks ago. Now, with every visit I get a little more nervous and anxious and find myself wanting to turn my camera over to the Councilman so I can pick up a broom.... just trying to tidy up hoping it would speed the process.

Doesn't work that way. But I can tell all of you that every visit now brings on bigger and better changes......and it won't be long now before something is being cooked in the kitchen and customers are seated either inside or out.

The walk in freezer has been installed and the kitchen has had the insulation tucked away, vents and all those odd looking things that I've seen hanging from the ceiling have all been put into their proper places and ceiled away with ceiling tiles. The kitchen walls have been finished.

Ceiling fans add a wonderful touch to the restaurant. Honestly you just can't imagine the beauty of the restaurant itself added to the beauty of the fact that it sits at the side of the Pocomoke River. Carpeting at one end of the restaurant and woodgrained flooring at the other. Some more hard workers and those who get the headaches from it all.......It has taken so many hands to bring this restaurant from an idea to a reality for Pocomoke City. Regardless of what the task was in the construction of the reastaurant each person played an important part in its beauty.
Kevin Sewell is a city employee as well. I have never seen this young man when he didn't have a smile on his face. (I'm sure he'd rather be on the dock with a fishing rod in his hand).

Supervisor of City Department Bill East and Pocomoke City Manager Russ Blake checking on the progress of the restaurant while the two young men below take a break from landscaping. Photos will never be able to actually show just what a masterpiece all of this area has become.

We simply can't forget that while history was being made for the restaurant in downtown Pocomoke the Skipjack Ida May was also making history also and was docked just outside the restaurant for a few days. This really gave the feeling (to those that didn't know) the restaurant must be open for business.
I leave you with these photos until the next time......

But I assure you it won't be long now..........

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Introducing ~ SWEET EVENTS

A New Small Graphic Design Business


Take a look at SWEET EVENTS !
If you're looking for party accessories for children's birthday parties, baby showers, bottle labels and other wonderful ideas go to:

These are the cutest party invitations I've ever seen!

~Scratch off birthday party invitations~

Be sure to like them on FACEBOOK