Thursday, July 5, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Mail Call!

Local routes for citizens interested in delivering the mail in the early 1840's are announced. What's the 1905 salary for Pocomoke City's postmaster?

These and more items about local mail service from days gone by...this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Snow Hill ~ First Friday

Delmarva Discovery Center~ Makes Learning Fun

Riverside Grill

Riverside Grill
Downtown Pocomoke City, Maryland

This photo, taken Sunday October 30, 2011, was the first photograph I took of what now has been named the Riverside Grill.

And this photo taken Wednesday July 4, 2012 shows a beautifully completed restaurant.
I haven't been inside since the furniture has been uncrated and put into place, the kitchen finished off with appliances and doors put on.  So I am in for a surprise just as much as the first to dine there are.  I can't wait.  And personally, I don't care if I get anything to eat or not.  I just want to sit back and take it all in.

The best of luck to everyone at the Riverside Grill.

There is no set word on it's opening yet but it won't be much longer.  I'll be sure to let everyone know.

DPSCS Announces Partnership With America’s Vet Dogs

ECI has been selected to receive puppies for inmates participate in  America's Vet Dogs. 
Incarcerated Veterans Will Raise Service Dogs for Wounded and Disabled Veterans

TOWSON, MD (July 2, 2012) --- The Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) today announced that incarcerated veterans at three of its largest prisons will soon begin raising service dogs for wounded and disabled U.S. military personnel. The partnership with America’s Vet Dogs will place puppies in Maryland Correctional Institution-Hagerstown, Western Correctional Institution in Cumberland, and Eastern Correctional Institution in Westover on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

DPSCS Secretary Gary Maynard, himself a former adjutant general with decades of military service in the National Guard, made the announcement at Maryland Correctional Institution-Hagerstown (MCI-H), surrounded by leaders from America’s Vet Dogs and two western Maryland prisons, incarcerated veterans and other inmates who will be puppy handlers, and wounded combat veteran Dan Lasko, who lost his leg in Afghanistan.

“This is one of the most significant restorative justice projects I have ever been involved with,” said Secretary Maynard. “To have inmates---including incarcerated veterans--- doing something this meaningful is beyond words.”

“More than forty-six thousand wounded veterans have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan,” noted Sheila O’Brien of America’s Vet Dogs. “They’re changing the face of the disabled in America, and we have to do something to help them.”

The unique program will feature specially selected inmates--- including many who are actively involved with incarcerated veterans’ groups—caring for the puppies for an extended period of time before the dogs receive more specific service dog training coordinated by America’s Vet Dogs.

The dogs will live in the cell or dorm housing with each inmate; all three prisons are constructing special fenced areas, mostly built by inmates. Maryland Correctional Enterprises has donated the cages and cage bedding, all of which were made by inmates. At MCI-H, inmates have moved 25 tons of crushed stones to construct a dog walking area behind the dorm in which the puppies will live.

Dan Lasko, a Marine corporal who lost his leg in an IED explosion in Khandahar in 2004, traveled from southeastern Pennsylvania with his service dog Wally. Lasko was moved by the compassion of the prison staff and inmates---as well as by the nearly wall-to-wall murals depicting veterans’ scenes that were painted by the MCI-H inmates in advance of the announcement.

All three prisons have secured significant private donations and pledges of veterinary care for the puppies. “The outpouring from our Cumberland area community has been remarkable,” says WCI Warden Frank Bishop.  Added Warden Wayne Webb of MCI-H: “Our staff and inmates and the greater Hagerstown community have come together for this worthy project and we can’t wait to get started.”

Tomorrow, Eastern Correctional Institution in Westover will kick-off its Vet Dog program with a check presentation from inmates to the organization, in a special ceremony there at 10:30 a.m.  Inmates have already raised a significant amount of money to get the program started, and prison staff have lined up essential community partners such as veterinarians and local veterans’ support groups.

At the Mar-Va Theater This Weekend

Friday   July 6th
Saturday   July 7th
7 PM 
Tickets  $5

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Fireworks Safety

From the Virginia Department of Forestry

While legal fireworks and sparklers are a popular part of July 4th celebrations, they are a danger to users, pets, and the environment. In many areas of Virginia, fireworks could become a cause of wildfires.

Fireworks that have finished burning are still extremely hot, and they can smolder in dry grass or leaves before a fire ignites. One spark is all it would take for a wildfire to start.

Keep a bucket of water; wet towel, and a fully-charged garden hose nearby. Children and pets should also be kept a safe distance away from igniting and spent fireworks.

Many types of fireworks (including firecrackers, sparklers, bottle rockets, skyrockets, torpedoes and other fireworks that explode, travel laterally, rise into the air, or fire projectiles into the air) are illegal in Virginia unless you are a licensed contractor. A good alternative to personal fireworks are the community displays. Check your local news source for information on times and locations, or go online.

Fireworks- Safety Tips
Contact your local county/city administration to be advised if fireworks have been banned or restricted, and a list of public displays available to attend. Follow these precautions when using fireworks:

Be Prepared!

  • Purchase only legal fireworks available at approved stands. Never make your own fireworks, and be on the lookout for teens experimenting with home made fireworks.
  • Know the laws for your area.
  • Keep a bucket of water nearby in which to place all used fireworks. Have a water hose or fire extinguisher nearby to put out stray sparks.
  • Clear a level area away from things that can burn.

Be Safe!

  • When lighting fireworks - Set family boundaries. Have a designated adult light all fireworks. Do not allow young children to light fireworks. Use eye protection, wear safety goggles. Light one at a time, move away quickly and keep at a safe distance until the display is finished. Use fireworks only outdoors and away from anything that can burn. To prevent injuries, never have any part of their body over a firework. Never throw fireworks and never hold fireworks in your hand.
  • Always read and follow the directions on the label. Never use fireworks indoors.
  • Light only one firework at a time—and never re-light a “dud” firework
  • Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass containers—and don’t even think about carrying them in your pocket!
  • do not use fireworks near woods or any combustible material, use fireworks outdoors and in a safe area away from fields, grassy areas, and buildings
  • Use fireworks in parking lots, driveways, and gravel or dirt areas
  • only use fireworks with adult supervision
  • follow the instructions provided
  • do not use under the influence of alcohol
  • have a rake or shovel as well as a bucket of water, wet towel, and a garden hose nearby.
  • monitor the area for several hours after using fireworks.

Be Responsible!

  • After you finish - Clean up all debris when finished. Duds can be dangerous; if a device does not light or fire, an adult should wait at least 15 minutes, approach it carefully, and place it in a bucket of water. Be sure all unused fireworks, matches and lighters are out of the sight and reach of children.
  • Dispose of fireworks properly. Soak them completely in water before putting them in the trash can.

4th of July ~ 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Change Maryland Releases County-by-County Analysis of Tax Base

County-by-County Analysis of Tax Base

Annapolis - Change Maryland released today an analysis of how the state's 24
jurisdictions are performing in a key metric of their ability to
provide essential government services, improve quality of life and
maintain fiscal responsibility - the rise or fall of the tax base.

The Internal Revenue Service maintains tax file data between tax years
on both the state and county levels.  With this data, it is possible
to determine which counties are increasing, decreasing or are
remaining stagnant when it comes to their tax base.

 "A growing tax base is the ultimate win/win situation in public policy," said
Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan. "It eases the pressure to raise revenues, 
and conversely, a shrinking tax base often leads to a troublesome 
tax-and-spend downward spiral as actual revenues fail to meet estimates."

Some of Maryland's most successful counties in terms of increasing its
tax base are those with smaller populations.  Eastern shore
counties Worcester, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot are increasing their
tax base in percentage terms relatively higher than other jurisdictions
throughout the state.  Garrett and St. Mary's are also performing
well.  On the other hand, the state's largest jurisdictions -
Baltimore City and County, Prince George's and Montgomery range from
sharply negative growth to stagnant.

"I'm very encouraged by how well we're doing in the rural and outlying
counties," said Hogan.  "These small economic engines are powering the
state forward by attracting new residents.   Clearly where we need to
see improvement is in our largest jurisdictions.  Baltimore City is
losing its tax base at unacceptable levels and Montgomery County's
stagnant tax base will further tarnish its business reputation as
elected officials seek more revenue to make up for budget shortfalls."

Change Maryland noted this Spring that the state overall has lost its
tax base more than any other state in the region - and seventh highest

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes ~ June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012
The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, June 18, 2012. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison
Council Members: Tracey Cottman,
Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Donald L. Malloy, George Tasker
City Attorney William Hudson
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice
Review Minutes:
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed), to approve the minutes of June 5, 2012.
Review Bills:
In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).
Second Reading of Res. 461 to adopt the City budget for fiscal year 2012-2013:

In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 2012-2013.
Second Reading of Res. 462 to adopt the tax rates for various categories of real and personal property for fiscal year 2012-2013:
Resolution No. 462
FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012-2013.

In a motion (Clarke, Cottman passed) to adopt Res. No. 462.

Second Reading of Res. 463 to adopt the schedule of fees and charges for fiscal year 2012-2013:
Resolution No. 463

In a motion (Downing, Clarke passed) to adopt Res. No. 463 establishing the Fee Schedule for fiscal year 2012-2013.

Presentation by representatives of Opto Traffic regarding speed cameras:

      Joshua Hathway, Account Manager, Opto Traffic, stated that they work with NASA with their parent company (Sigma Space which is a leader in laser technology). Mr. Hathway stated that they would provide the equipment for speed cameras for Pocomoke City. The speed cameras will provide two things: slows traffic down in a school zone and adds revenues to the City. There will be no cost to the City and the contract is very flexible with a lease agreement for 90 days. The cameras are portable on a four foot trailer. The laser sensors will work in dense traffic areas, multi-lane, lane specific, self-power supply and wireless connectivity, invisible infrared flash, small footprint and quick and easy deployment. Pocomoke City will keep 60% of the revenue and Opto Traffic will keep 40%.
      Councilman Malloy asked who the ticket will be issued to.
      Mr. Hathway stated the registered owner of the vehicle.
      Councilman Clarke asked the radius of school zone.
      Mr. Hathway stated ½ mile.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked what issues other municipalities have had with this.
      Mr. Hathway stated small number of complaints about speed cameras and the revenue can be addictive.
      Mayor Morrison thanked Mr. Hathway for attending the meeting and explaining the speed cameras to the Council and public.
      Councilman Tasker added that there would not be any points on driver’s licenses.

Representatives of Save the Youth Program to discuss future plans:
      Rev. Jenkins thanked the Mayor and Council for putting them on the agenda again. He stated that they will try to comply with the letter the Council sent them. The program is about thirty-three (33) years old now and he would like to see it continued.
      Mr. James Jones referred to the letter that they received concerning issues to be discussed. He stated that the maximum age requirement being 17 is a good requirement. He stated that they would like to have other areas available to use because it would be easier access to the gym from the front of the building and they would like to have an office area. He stated that the breakers could be turned off in areas that they are not using and they would like to use the building on Saturdays. He stated that the Pocomoke City zip code restriction is not a good idea because the programs that Mr. Davis had were allowed to use different zip codes.
      Mayor Morrison stated that the Council would review the material that they were given and will make a decision soon regarding the use of the building.
      Rev. Jenkins said he would like to compliment the new Chief of police. The crime seems to be down and the officers didn’t mind walking the streets late at night. "I thank God for sending us him."

Review report from consultant Ron Hamblin concerning condition of building at 124 Willow Street. (Lawson’s Bar):
      Mayor Morrison read excerpts from Mr. Hamblin’s letter, stating the problems observed with the roof, exterior walls, foundation and environmental concerns. Mayor Morrison stated that the building is in bad shape and one exterior wall is buckling and looks like it will collapse.
       Mr. Mike Dunn (owner) stated that he had not received a copy of the inspection and did not know what they were talking about. He wished that somebody had called to see what their intentions were before making plans for an inspection to have the building demolished.
      Mayor Morrison asked what the plans were.
      Mr. Dunn stated that they plan on marketing the building as a historic building and sell it to someone that would be interested in restoring it.
      Mayor Morrison asked about the safety issues that needed to be taken care of; what did they plan on doing about them.
      Mr. Dunn stated that they would look to see what they could do. He stated that at least one-third of the building is dangerous and should be demolished.
      Councilman Malloy stated that they liked what they have done to other properties that they own in town. Most of them look good and he will be willing to work with them on this property.
      Mayor Morrison asked the Duns to come back with a written plan within 30 days as to what they plan to do about the safety issues of the building at 124 Willow Street. If a satisfactory plan is not presented to correct the safety and other problems of the building, the City would have no choice but to have it demolished in six (6) months. Mayor Morrison stated that the City appreciates what they have done in Pocomoke City to other properties.

Second Reading of Ord. 409 to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other outside areas:
      City Attorney Hudson stated that there was a change in paragraph four which now requires that the property be posted and a letter sent to the owner of record.
      In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to pass Ordinance 409, as amended, to regulate the types of furniture that may be placed on open porches and other outside areas.

Review letter from Delmarva Discovery Center requesting loan funds:
      Mayor Morrison stated that this would be the last draw on the previously approved loan request for the Delmarva Discovery Center in the amount of $10,833.
      In a motion (Cottman, Malloy passed) to approve the request from Delmarva Discovery Center in the amount of $10,833.

Authorize bids for purchase of radio read water meters. (MDE Grant project):
      City Manager Blake stated that this is a grant funded project with a small loan. The MDE grant is in the amount of $123,813 with $17,688 loan. Engineers have completed their work and MDE agreed that the City would install the new meters. The City is ready to advertise for bids.
      Mayor Morrison asked how many meters would be replaced with this grant.
      City Manager Blake stated around 300 to 400 meters would be replaced; he suggested starting installing the meters in the older sections of town.
      In a motion (Downing, Malloy passed) to authorize City Manager Blake to purchase the radio read water meters.

Review bids for demolition of fire damaged house at 523 Young Street (Allen Blount, owner):
      Mayor Morrison stated that the City received two bids for demolishing 523 Young Street; one from Butch’s Tree and Lawn Care Service in the amount of $5,200 and the other from Beauchamp’s Construction in the amount of $6,300.
In a motion (Downing, Cottman passed) to accept the low bid of $5,200 from Butch’s Tree and Lawn Care.

Discuss vacancies on list of Boards and Commissions:
      Councilwoman Cottman stated that she would call City Clerk Justice with a name and which board the person is willing to serve on.

Review proposed mailer and application for ambulance department memberships:
      City Manager Blake stated that there were no changes to this year’s rate schedule, so he proposed to send out a flyer similar to last year’s flyer.
      Councilman Clarke suggested adding a place to include email addresses so that we can email for renewal instead of mailing the applications.

Comments from the audience:
      Mr. John Hutchinson, Maple Street, stated that he was not in favor of "Save the Youth" to be in the old police building. He stated that when functions were held soda cans and paper would be left on the streets. He felt like there was no supervision at that location. He also stated that there was old furniture at the back of the building that needed something to be removed.
      Mr. Walter Eskiewikz, Second Street, stated that he had a concern regarding "Save the Youth Program" being in the vacant building. He stated that there would be an increase of large groups of young people in the area, and peer pressure is greater when there are five or six kids in a group. He stated that after a function that they have had in the past there would be soda cans and paper left on the street. He continued to say that he doesn’t think that the old police building is the proper location for this group. Sometimes there could be a person waiting outside of the building for somebody that is in the building to come out to start a fight.

      Leona Hill asked to use the land on Willow and Clarke Ave for a science park in memory of her children. She stated that she has been working with someone from Salisbury State University in designing something that would go along with the Discovery Center. She doesn’t have land to place the park where it would be beneficial to children to visit. She also stated that she and her husband have set-up a foundation to take care of the park for many years to come and they also have a scholarship for students going into Science related fields.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked what she would need from the City.
      Ms. Hill stated that she would like to have the use of the lot at Willow Street and Clarke Ave. for the exhibit.
      Councilman Malloy stated that the City had agreed to use part of that lot as parking for the new restaurant.
      Mayor Morrison stated that the equipment would not cost the City any money.
      Councilwoman Cottman asked how close she is to having something ready to install.
      Ms. Hill stated that she could not ask for grants until she had land to put the equipment on.
      Councilwoman Cottman stated that she could complete grant applications with the intent of land use. Councilwoman Cottman offered to work with Ms. Hill to complete grant applications.
      Councilman Clarke asked to have the taxes abate for Salem Church since this year they did not have the parsonage house rented at 200 Walnut Street.
      In a motion (Tasker, Cottman passed) to abated taxes for Salem Church parsonage located at 200 Walnut Street. (Councilman Clarke abstained).
      Councilman Clarke stated that he would like to commend Bill East and the Public Works Department for a job well done before and after the Cypress Festival.
      City Manager Blake gave an update on the stormwater diversion project near Butler’s Village.

The next meeting will be July 2, 2012.

In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 P.M.

Approved: ______________________2012

Carol L. Justice
City Clerk

Andy Griffith Has Died

Former University North Carolina President Bill Friday says Andy Griffith died this morning in Dare County, according to WITN News.

Friday, who is a close friend of the actor, confirmed to the news station the 86-year-old actor died at his home around 7:00 a.m. today.

Deputy Chief Steve Hoggard of the Dare County sheriff's department said that emergency medical services had been called to Griffith's home earlier today.

Andrew Samuel Griffith was born in Mount Airy, N.C., on June 1, 1926. He was the only son of Carl Lee Griffith, a skilled carpenter and foreman in a chair factory, and Geneva Nunn Griffith.


America"s Vet Dogs: Md. Inmates To Train Service Dogs For Wounded Vets

HAGERSTOWN, Md. -- Maryland's prison agency is teaming up with a guide-dog group to have jailed veterans train service dogs for wounded and disabled military veterans.

Public Safety and Correctional Services Secretary Gary Maynard and leaders of America's Vet Dogs announced the program Monday at the Maryland Correctional Institution near Hagerstown.

Maynard called the project "one of the most significant restorative justice projects I have ever been involved with."

The prison agency says the trainers will include specially selected incarcerated veterans and other inmates at three institutions. They will care for the puppies, which will then get more specific service dog training.

America's Vet Dogs is a nonprofit organization based in Smithtown, N.Y. It provides guide dogs for blind or visually impaired veterans, and service dogs for those with other disabilities.


Some 4th of July Activities On Virginia Eastern Shore

The Eastern Shore will be celebrating the Fourth with various activities. The celebrations get underway with an Ice Cream Social tonight at the Onancock Town Pavillion. The Accomack Unity Band will perform and free ice cream will be provided by the Onancock Business and Civic Association.

Accomac will have its traditional non motorized parade at 10 AM. The parade will assemble at Wards Exxon and will move down the street to the Accomack Courthouse Square where free popsicles and music by the Accomack Band will entertain participants. Kids are encouraged to decorate their bikes and come to Accomac and participate.

The Fourth of July aways means that the folks at Calvary United Methodist Church at Hunting Creek will be having their annual dinner. This will be the 124th year that Calvary has had this famous meal which consists of such Eastern Shore favorites as clam fritters, crab cakes, fried chicken, baked ham, baked corn, mac and cheese, baked tomatoes and much more. You can eat at the church or order a take out. Take out orders can be called in 665-6445 after 11:00 am Wednesday morning.

There will be fireworks at the Chincoteague Firemans Carnival starting at 9:30 and there will be fireworks at Shuckers in Onancock starting at 9:00.

The Wachapreague Carnival will be running Wednesday night with food, rides, games and entertainment.

The Town of Cape Charles, along with the Cape Charles Volunteer Fire Company is planning an impressive, day-long July 4th celebration centered along the beachfront of Cape Charles.

Planned activities include a parade down Mason and Bay Avenues, horseshoes competition, beach volley ball, face paintings for children, a fishing competition at the pier with prizes for young adults 16 years of age and under, arts & crafts stands, sidewalk sales, food vendors and more. Beachfront fireworks will cap off the festivities after dark!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting ~TONIGHT



7:30 P.M., MONDAY, JULY 2, 2012


  1. 1. Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Review and approval of minutes from meeting of June 18, 2012.

3. Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4. Chief Kelvin Sewell to discuss recent grand opening of new police station building and National Night Out event (August 7).

5. Authorize Mayor to sign renewal agreement for monitoring and laboratory services for Water and Wastewater Treatment with Maryland Environmental Service (MES).

6. Discuss recommendation from Housing Coordinator Harvey Davis for repair or demolition of house at 724 Sixth Street (James Finey, owner).

7. Discuss proposal from building inspector Ron Hamblin for preliminary inspection services at Armory Building.

8. City Attorney to discuss proposed Ethics Ordinance as required by Maryland State Law.

9. City Attorney to discuss progress on right-of-way acquisition for Stormwater Drainage project near Butler’s Village.

Comments from the Audience

Mayor and Council Items.

Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal matters as permitted under the provisions of Sec. 10-508 (A), (1), (7), (8) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and perform executive actions.


Leave Your Dog At HOME

Virginia's New Laws That Began July 1st

The ideological division and pitched partisan battles that made the 2012 General Assembly session among the most tumultuous in recent memory have passed.

But the combative legislative legacy left by lawmakers is just now starting to be felt.

Hundreds of new laws take effect today that will affect nearly every aspect of life in the commonwealth, from voting to veterans, tax credits to crime and punishment, women's health to children's safety.

They include measures requiring women seeking abortions to have ultrasounds, and Virginians seeking to vote to present identification. There is no longer a one-gun-a-month limit on handgun purchases in the commonwealth, and drivers will face even stiffer sanctions for driving under the influence.

Nearly 3,000 bills and resolutions were introduced during the session. There were 849 measures approved — and all but eight of those were signed by Gov. Bob McDonnell.

Here's a look at some notable new legislation taking effect today in Virginia:


Arguably the most controversial legislation passed this year, House Bill 462 requires all women to undergo an ultrasound before receiving an abortion. The original version of the legislation would have required an invasive vaginal ultrasound, but was amended following massive protests to be a noninvasive imaging procedure. The ultrasound is not mandatory if the woman having the abortion has reported being the victim of rape or incest.


With the signing of House Bill 445, the law now eliminates the need for parental consent for an adoption in cases in which the birth parent has not visited or contacted the child for six months prior to a petition for adoption.

Child abuse

Inspired by the Penn State sex-abuse scandal, Senate Bill 239 broadens the list of people required to report suspected child abuse to include coaches, among others. It also reduces the time period for mandatory reporting of suspected abuse from 72 hours to 24 hours, and increases fines and criminal penalties for failing to make a report.

Drinking and driving

House Bill 279 and Senate Bill 378 bring a significant change to the state law governing driving under the influence. Now, first-time offenders convicted of driving under the influence must, as a condition of a restricted license, drive vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device. The device prevents a car from starting if the operator has been drinking. Previously, devices were required only upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense.

Employee retirement

Local government and school board employees will now contribute to their pensions in the Virginia Retirement System. Senate Bill 497 stipulates that they pay 5 percent of their salaries to VRS, but allows localities to phase in the employee contribution over five years, and requires them to provide a salary increase to offset the contribution.


Virginians may now purchase more than one handgun a month, following the signing of Senate Bill 323, which repealed a 1993 law restricting handgun purchases in the commonwealth.

School safety

Prompted by the allergic reaction death of Chesterfield County elementary school student Amarria Johnson in January, House Bill 1107 and Senate Bill 656 require schools to keep a supply of epinephrine on hand to administer to students in the event of a severe allergic reaction.


Senate Bill 54 keeps the minimum amount of wages needed to qualify for unemployment insurance at $2,700 for the two highest earnings quarters of an employee's base pay period. The level was scheduled to increase to $3,000 — now it will not go into effect until July 2014.


Veterans who are permanently disabled due to a service-related disability can receive a free lifetime hunting and freshwater fishing license under House Bill 719 and Senate Bill 528.

House Bill 938 requires state occupational regulatory boards to accept military experience, education and training as equivalent experience required for certification by the sate, with the exception of requirements by the Board of Medicine and the Board of Dentistry.


Virginia voters who arrive at the polls without any identification will no longer be able to cast an official ballot by signing a sworn statement. Under Senate Bill 1 and House Bill 9, such a voter will be given a provisional ballot subject to review by the local electoral board. The voter has three days following the election to submit proper identification to the board in order to have the vote counted.

The new law also expands the list of acceptable identification that may be presented at the polls, which includes student identification cards issued by a Virginia college or university, utility bills and concealed handgun permits.

To promote compliance and address critics who say the law is designed to suppress the vote of minorities, students and the elderly, McDonnell has also issued an executive order requiring new voter ID cards to be sent to all registered voters in the commonwealth in advance of this year's November elections.

Wrongful death

Senate Bill 674 creates a cause of civil action for the death of a fetus that is caused by a wrongful act, neglect or default of another. Only the natural mother, or, in the case of her disability or death, her guardian, representative or the administrator of her estate, may file the claim. The natural mother herself cannot be sued.

* * * * *

Additionally, a number of significant new laws passed by lawmakers in the 2012 General Assembly session do not take effect until 2013 or beyond.

Among them:

A law that provides tax credits to corporations or individuals who provide scholarships for low-income students to attend private schools, scheduled to take effect in 2013.

A law placing on the November 2012 ballot an amendment to the Virginia Constitution that would limit the government's power of eminent domain to take private property for public use, and define how property owners should be compensated.

The so-called "Amazon bill," which forces online, telephone and catalog merchants from out of state to collect sales tax from Virginia customers if the merchants maintain a "bricks and mortar" presence in the state. The law is set to take effect Jan. 1, 2014, or earlier if Congress passes similar legislation.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Some Verizon Customers Experiencing Outages

***The outages included some parts of Virginia only. Problems have been resolved as of late in the afternoon.***

Some of you may be experiencing problems with your texting and voicemail today.

If you're a Verizon Wireless customer, don't count on sending any text messages or retrieving voicemail from your phone today. That's because the company is experiencing an outage that is affecting both services.

"We’re aware of the issues affecting some customers and are working to define the scope at this time," Verizon spokeswoman Melanie Ortel said.

Verizon has not provided a timetable for the restoration of service.


TIME MACHINE ... Fourth Of July

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material) 


July, 1830

(The Hagerstown Mail- Hagerstown, Md) (Community's name spelled Hagers-Town in this era.)


The annual return of this memorable day is again at hand, and its arrival will be hailed by millions, with heartfelt joy and sincere gratitude;- gratitude to that all wise Providence, "who made and preserved a nation," and joy to think that this happy land is now in the enjoyment of every earthly blessing- of Civil and Religious liberty, of health, of peace and plenty.

We are like the children of Israel of old, a peculiar people; protected in our infancy, guided in our youth, led on to manhood so quickly, that even we ourselves are astonished at our own rapid growth and prosperity; it seems but yesterday when we took our place among nations, and we are already looked up to as a pattern by the people of every other nation, our march has been onward, and steady, in the cause of Liberty, and the day is at hand, from the least, we shall become the greatest among the nations of the earth; when none will dare to molest us, when all will be proud to call themselves our friends.

Our future prospects are bright, and promise to us a long and unclouded day of happiness, yet our destinies are in the hand of Heaven, which has hitherto been so visibly our friend, will continue to be so to the latest generations.

And our path is plain- our way is straight. To other nations, as well as to each other individually, we have only to follow the Golden Rule, as laid down to us by our great Master; "whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them"- and pursuing this course and adhering to this precept, as men, or as a nation, will ultimately secure to us the blessing and protection of Heaven. And even if the storms of War arise- should the pestilence devour, or Famine consume us- we will not be suffered to perish, but will be preserved through all dangers as our forefathers were.

And like them, let us be true to the principles of Liberty, let us like them resist oppression, and oppose tyranny in every shape and form, and like them, let us be firmly united in support of our country's rights and our country's laws. Be for our country through life, and be true to her even until death.

Fifty-four years have elapsed since that immortal band railed round the alter of Liberty, and proclaimed, "that these United States are, and of right, ought to be, Free, Sovereign, and Independent."- Of that illustrious band of brothers, one, only remains among us, Charles Carroll of Carrollton- he is the last, the only survivor; all the rest have departed from the world, but their memories, their dear memories, will live forever, will be cherished, affectionately cherished, whilst a freeman is to be found in any country, or in any clime.

On the Fourth of July, above all other days, we ought to lay aside party, and party politics; it is dishonoring the day to make it a party day, or through the medium of Toasts and Orations, to use it for the purpose of censure of declamation against those from whom we may differ politically in opinion, from whom we differ either as it regards Measures, or Men.- The Fourth of July is the Peoples day; the day when party ought to sleep or be quiet. The Fourth of July, 1776, the principles which brought about the American Revolution; the Statesmen; the Heroes; the Patriots; the Warriors; of "those times which tried men's soles," will always afford sufficient themes for the orator to dwell upon, and subjects enough for the indulgence of patriotic sentiments, without calling into view the men or the politics of the passing time; the theme of our National Independence, can never cease to be interesting, the subject can never cease to be pleasing, nor can it ever be exhausted.

The Worthies of the Revolution have left us a rich inheritance, nobly earned by their toil, their blood, and their treasure. Their lives, and their fortunes, were freely sacrificed for us, and for our children; shall we not then emulate their great examples? Shall we not then be ready to suffer, or even to die, in the same great glorious cause, in the cause of Liberty- in the cause of our Country? Yes, we will.

And this year, the Fourth of July comes on our day of rest, on our Sabbath day; let it be indeed a Sabbath day to us, let us on that day offer praise and thanksgiving to Him, to whom we owe our all, and let the prayer of every heart be, that what ever party may be in power, whoever may be chosen by the people to govern us that they may be actuated by the principles of Seventy Six; may walk in the path of Washington, and then the people, the whole people, from east to west, from north to south, will be able to unite, and in one loud voice proclaim ALL'S WELL.

July 2, 1830


June, 1887

(The Herald And Torchlight- Hagerstown, Md.)

Worcester County will celebrate the Fourth of July at Snow Hill with a morning parade of citizens on horseback, orations in the afternoon, fireworks in the evening and music all day.


July, 1890

(The Denton Journal)

The Crisfield Leader says: There were fifteen hundred people at the celebration in that town on the Fourth. Prof. George E. Sterling, and Prof. Stephens, of Denton, were the orators, and both efforts werre highly spoken of.




Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

High-Tech Jobs Coming To Pocomoke

Vorbeck Materials Corporation has just opened an engineering/manufacturing company in Pocomoke Industrial Park located on Broad Street.

Here are some other links that will give you even more information of what the business is all about.

Our View: High-tech jobs coming to Pocomoke is more good news for Shore

WORCESTER BIZ: High-tech company has big plans for Pocomoke City

Lin's Asian Cuisine ~ A Readers Review

Many of you have been waiting patiently for a review on the new restaurant located at Newtown Blvd. in the same area as the flower shop Country Blossoms. I will be the first to admit that I did "drop the ball" on this one. And I know that many of you have already eaten there. But thanks to a couple of readers on the facebook PPE here is a review for you along with photos. Enjoy!

Lin's Asian Cuisine Restaurant
Let me start by stating that I am an avid sushi eater I have eaten at many different sushi restaurants and I’m more than happy that I can finally eat at one close to home. Since I've heard about Lin’s Asian Cuisine I made sure to find the exact date it was opening and I was excited that Pocomoke was finally getting real sushi. No longer would I have to take a forty five minute drive in busy traffic just to satisfy my cravings. So the 28th finally got here and my fiancé and I decided to go for lunch since we didn’t know how busy it would be at dinner time. As soon as we walked in we were greeted by some of the friendliest staff I have ever seen in any Asian restaurant. The décor was very elegant and as you would expect in an Asian themed restaurant. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked in. I figured there would be several tables with a hibachi grill sort of like at Tokyo Steakhouse in Salisbury.
However that was not the case. In the front there was the sushi bar along with one lone hibachi grill. This kind of turned me off at first but I was still intrigued to try their sushi.

As we were seated and given our menus I browsed through the large variety of food that they had. Everything from the usual Chinese takeout menu we all know and love from a whole section dedicated to nothing but sushi and hibachi. The menu was very extensive so even a non-sushi lover could eat here and be happy.
As I turned to the lunch menu I saw that they had a pick three rolls for ten dollars, my eyes widened, if you eat sushi then you know that this is a deal that you cannot beat. Even the lunch hibachi was cheap 8.95 for steak and that includes the freshly fried rice, steak made to your liking, and vegetables with yum-yum sauce. After getting our drinks we were ready for our order, I ordered a spicy salmon roll, a shrimp tempura roll, a salmon avocado roll and an order of lunch hibachi steak. My fiancé ordered a spicy salmon, spicy yellowtail, shrimp avocado roll, and an order of hibachi chicken. We also ordered a specialty roll called a Black Dragon Roll that has eel and avocado on top with shrimp tempura in the middle.
After our order we were each given an order of miso soup free of charge. I can say trying various miso soups in my past this is the first one I finished for it had a generous amount of tofu and vegetables and was very tasty.

It didn’t take long at all for our food to come out: roughly fifteen minutes and when the plates hit the table my mouth was watering the vegetables looked fresh along with the fish with very lovely plating. The first rolls to come out were the lunch. As I bit in to the spicy salmon my taste buds thanked me the salmon tasted like it was just caught and spicy mayo infused in the roll had a very nice kick to it. The avocado in the salmon avocado roll was perfect it wasn’t mushy or too firm and of course the salmon was fresh as ever. The leaf lettuce in the shrimp tempura roll was very crisp and the shrimp was fried to perfection that in every bite there was a satisfying crunch. The sushi here was no gimmick at all this isn’t a Chinese restaurant that sold sushi on the side or on a buffet that tasted less then mediocre. This was the real deal, the presentation was fabulous and the taste was more than satisfying.

The staff was very attentive to us for they came by our table several times to make we were satisfied and kept our drinks full. The next item that came to our table was our beautifully plated specialty roll “The Black Dragon Roll”. This roll had avocado and eel cut on top of a shrimp tempura roll. The eel was of course some of the best tasting smoked eel in unagi sauce that I have ever tasted. This roll was to die for and just about ate the whole thing to myself. Last but not least the hibachi plates came to the table fresh off the grill. The hibachi steak was cooked medium-rare, just as I asked, and the fried rice was very delicious you could taste the fried onions, eggs, bean sprouts, and carrots distinctively. This wasn’t like a regular pre-made order of pork fried rice this was far better. The side of vegetables with yum-yum sauce was the icing on the cake; the sauce was sweet and tangy while the vegetables were flavorful and crisp making the ultimate combination.

Overall this was an excellent experience and there is so much good to say about this new establishment. The pricing was very generous along with the food portions for we still had sushi and hibachi to take home we later ate for dinner. The staff was very friendly, attentive, and made feel appreciated as a new customer. Rating wise I would give them five stars. Now I have to re-budget and figure how I can make it so I can eat here every day.

I hope Pocomoke sees the beauty in this new restaurant and doesn’t by-pass it due to the other Chinese establishments in Pocomoke that all taste the same. This is new, fresh, and different; exactly what the friendliest town on Eastern Shore needed.
A huge thanks to Pedro B. for writing the great descriptive review and Brooklyn H. for the wonderful photos.

Deputy Allison Herrman Awarded Top Academic Honors

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Graduates
NUMBER ONE Academically From the Academy

The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Deputy Allison Herrman was awarded top academic honors from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice academy June 13th 2012 Deputy Herrman graduated number one in her class. Deputy Herrman joins her brother Sgt. Nate Passwaters in serving the citizens of Worcester County.

Deputy Herrman is pictured in the center flanked by the Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason and Chief Deputy Dale Smack

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Fourth Of July

The year was 1830. It was but 54 years since the birth of our nation. A citizen writes to a Maryland newspaper expressing thoughts about the upcoming Fourth Of July observance. The words seem to come to life as they express an enthusiastic and patriotic sentiment reflecting the true spirit of this holiday.

Please take a few moments to read these words from 182 years go.. this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


Kevin had shingles.

Those of us who spend much time in a doctor's office should appreciate this! Doesn't it seem more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line?

Here's what happened to Kevin:

Kevin walked into a doctor's office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Kevin said: 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat.

Fifteen minutes later a nurse's aide came out and asked Kevin what he had...

Kevin said, 'Shingles.' So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Kevin to wait in the examining room.

A half  hour later a nurse came in and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, 'Shingles..' So the nurse gave Kevin a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Kevin to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor.

An hour later the doctor came in and found Kevin sitting patiently in the nude and asked Kevin what he had.

Kevin said, 'Shingles.' The doctor asked, 'Where?'

Kevin said, 'Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload 'em??'

Obama to Soldiers: Pay Up

The Obama administration on Friday threatened to veto a defense appropriations bill in part because it does not include higher health care fees for members of the military.

“The Administration is disappointed that the Congress did not incorporate the requested TRICARE fee initiatives into either the appropriation or authorization legislation,” the White House wrote in an official policy statement expressing opposition to the bill, which the House approved in May.

President Obama’s most recent budget proposal includes billions of dollars in higher fees for members of TRICARE, the military health care system, and is part of the administration’s plan to cut nearly $500 billion from the Pentagon’s budget.

Some fear the administration’s proposal is an effort to increase enrollment in the state-run insurance exchanges mandated under the president’s controversial health care law.

The administration urged the House to “reconsider” to fee increase, arguing they are “essential for DOD to successfully address rising personnel costs.”

The House bill has significant bipartisan support, and easily passed by a margin of 299 to 120.

source: The Wasington Free Beacon

Friday, June 29, 2012

High-Tech Company Moves To Pocomoke-Offers Jobs

Great news for Pocomoke. A new business is coming to Pocomoke City. Vorbeck Materials Corp., a high-tech manufacturing enterprise will be opening a facility in the Pocomoke-Worcester County Enterprise Zone - aka Industrial Park on Broad Street.

John Lettow, the 38-year old president of Vorbeck, met with Pocomoke officials and other dignitaries on Wednesday and told them the plans are to hire 20 to 30 people in the first year and make a total of 50 high tech jobs to the area in 3 years.

By Alyana Gomez

POCOMOKE CITY, Md. - A new high tech company is bringing their business and products to Delmarva. Vorbeck Materials is well on their way to manufacturing innovative products that could change everyday technology. President John Lettow unveiled his company's new expansion project housed in this Pocomoke City facility.

"We make a new material and then form of that material in a powder, but we convert that powder into a range of different products," said Lettow.

"They're hoping that this could be the new Silicon Valley of the east coast and so we're excited about the opportunity here," said City Manager, Russell Blake.

What's more important: job growth. Vorbeck expects to employ 25 to 30 people in the first year, and 50 others soon after.

More of the story and video here.

Welcome to Pocomoke City John Lettow and Vorbeck Materials Corporation !

Pocomoke Fire Co. Annual Chicken BBQ

Don't forget the Pocomoke City Fireman's Annual Chicken BBQ this weekend!

Sources tell me that some freshly cooked BBQ'd chicken is about ready to come off the pit!

YUMMY!Route 13 South of Pocomoke

Menu includes: 1/2 bbq chicken, potato salad, baked beans, roll

Advanced tickets: $7.00
$8.00 w/no ticket

****While supplies last...****

Supreme Court Heath Care Decision

U. S. Representative Scott Rigell Statement

on the
Supreme Court's Health Care Decision

Washington/Thursday -- Congressman Scott Rigell (VA-2) released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s health care ruling:

"Like the underlying legislation that it addresses, today’s 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is lengthy and complex. I will be reviewing the decision thoroughly so I can fully understand the practical implications of the ruling.

A cursory review, however, makes it clear that much of the PPACA has been ruled constitutional. This is deeply disappointing because it sets a legal precedent that greatly expands government’s ability to “mandate” other aspects of American life. For the first time in our history, Americans will be taxed not for what they purchase, but for what they have not purchased. That is wrong, and in my view, unconstitutional.

I have often said the PPACA is misnamed because it does not do what the name implies it will: protect patients and offer them affordable care. Instead, it:

• Hits hard-working Americans and job creators with a mandatory tax disguised as an individual mandate increasing costs and uncertainty for our families and small businesses;
• Imposes $800 billion in additional tax increases on Americans and small businesses;
• Cuts $500 billion from Medicare, putting senior care at risk, while adding to our nation’s $15 trillion debt;
• Creates an Independent Payment Advisory Board of 15 bureaucrats which will restrict health care choices for seniors;
• Infringes on Americans’ religious freedoms.

For these reasons and others, I have and will continue to vote to repeal the PPACA and replace it with legislation that protects the patient-doctor relationship and ultimately ensures that individuals – not the government – maintain control of their health care."