Sunday, July 15, 2012

Riverside Grill Review

I have been lumbering around waiting to hear or read what everyone thinks about the new restaurant the Riverside Grill before I gave my review or pass judgement about the restaurant.

I'm not getting any local feedback so hopefully this article will bring about those that have had the opportunity to eat there and are willing to review The Riverside Grill be it positive or the critics in the comment section.

The restaurant opened last Monday and by the looks of the parking lot(s) it has been quite busy especially during dinner hours.

I personally visited the restaurant the second day that they opened (Tuesday) for dinner. Let me start by stating that the restaurant looks magnificent, both outside and inside but sadly that's where anything positive about it stops for me.

 As I stated I went in for "dinner", well, much to my surprise, and disappointment there are no dinner platters available, they have appetizers and sides, but for meals they serve sandwiches only. The menu in my opinion made me feel like I was ordering food in a hospital because they give you a short (lottery type) pencil and for a menu you get a long narrow paper that itemizes all the different foods, sandwiches and condiments, each item had a check box to the right side of it that is used check-off what item(s) you want to order and you check it off with the short pencil.

When I entered the restaurant my wife and I were seated in the bar area, I have no problem with having been seated there but let me just say this, the way that the building is designed with the hardwood floor and lighthouse style open ceiling the acoustics are terrible. There happened to be several people at the bar in which one was a fairly boisterous woman and that section of the building actually amplified her screeching to a very annoying level. I then went to the (tiny) restroom and while gone the wife ordered us each a soda, when I returned to the table to order I find out that there was no menu other than the check-list, no dinner food or platters I was just ready to leave. When the waiter came by to take our check-list order I told him that I was looking for a dinner/meal and I did not want a sandwich and that I was sorry and to please put our drinks in to-go cups and let me have the check for the sodas, I paid the $4.22 ($5.00) for the two sodas and the wife and I left.

We did not leave mad by any means, we were however disappointed. This disappointment was probably my own fault because I had a vision in my mind that the restaurant would be a steak/seafood restaurant maybe like The Upper Deck, Suicide Bridge etc. and not a sandwich shop/bar.

As much as I want to give this place a 100% positive review I have to be honest and I can only give the details of my own personal experience.

No Injuries In Eastern Shore Tornado

Photo/Kate Evans
Jennifer Jiggetts
Sarah Hutchins
The Virginian-Pilot
No one was injured when a tornado touched down in Accomack County on Saturday afternoon.

The twister was sighted near Custis Neck Road and Drummondtown Road on the Eastern Shore, east of Onley, according to a National Weather Service news release.

Sgt. Michelle Anaya, a spokeswoman for the Virginia State Police, said the tornado touched down in Locustville at 1:02 p.m.
Anaya said no injuries were reported.

Lyle Alexander, a meteorologist with the service, said the tornado's path was about half a mile long. He said trees were uprooted and fell on some homes, damaged buildings and fell onto a car.

"It was not a strong tornado," he said. "It was a relatively weak tornado."

Rescue services were dispatched to the scene.

TIME MACHINE ... Pocomoke's "Birdseye."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


December, 1956.

(The Salisbury Times)

Pocomoke City holds ties to products that are known all over the world. Birdseye, division of General Foods Corporation, makes its productive facilities known wherever food is eaten.

When you see the product names Maxwell House Coffee, Baker's Chocolate, Baker's Cocoanut, Swans Down, Jello, Post's Cereals, Kool-Aid, Gaines Dog Food, Calumet, you can relate them to Birdseye products coming out of Pocomoke City, Maryland. These products are ready-to-cook frozen chicken, frozen beef, chicken and turkey pies, and frozen fruit pies. Such is the product background of a company founded in Pocomoke City as recently as 1942.

While the United States gets most of the 200,000 to 250,000 broilers processed and frozen each week at Birdseye in Pocomoke City, many of them are shipped to markets throughout the world. Shore broiler growers can well be proud of the hearty acceptance of their birds in this worldwide market. This helps partly to explain the reason Birdseye Frozen Chicken is so popular with the modern and efficient homemaker.

In addition, many of the 300,000 chicken pies shipped from the plant each week contain chicken raised by Delmarva growers.

Among the 650 co-workers, there are 75 of them who have been with Birdseye for ten to fifteen years of happy service. Many others working with Birdseye have also given long years of service.

In this modern plant, designed to create ideal working conditions, (this) top quality can be assured. Poultry Division Manager T.H. Ramsay, a Nebraskan transplanted to the Eastern Shore, numbers among his duties the responsibility for the maintenance of the quality of the products processed by Birdseye in Pocomoke City.

Charles G. Mortimer, president of General Foods, and Frederick G. Otterbien, Birdseye General Mgr., assigned Robert E. Breedlove, age 36, to Pocomoke City as Manager of Local Operations, and John T. Smullen, age 31, as his Assistant. This youth accent on management helps explain the outstanding record this company has made. Behind the forward thinking of management, and its energetic work, stand such successful benefits as a retirement plan, group life and hospital insurance, paid vacations, paid sick leaves, plus a stock purchase plan through which added benefits accrue for immediate dividends and retirement payments.

This management thoughtfulness is fully reciprocated: The co-workers give unstintedly of their abilities, time, and energy. This is the kind of effort that made America an industrial giant.

(Excerpts of ad text on Eastern Shore industry, sponsored by a Salisbury electrical supply firm.)

Footnote: With an increasing popularity of TV Dinners the demand for frozen chicken declined and Birdseye closed it's Pocomoke City plant in 1965. The local plant was purchased by Campbell Soup, providing employment initially for about 300. A worldwide restructuring program by Campbell brought a close to its' Pocomoke City operation in 1990.

December, 1937

(Daily News Record- Harrisonburg, Va.)

Warm Water Is Unused By Town

POCOMOKE CITY, Md., Dec.2. (AP)- An underground stream of water- 85 degrees winter and summer- has been flowing under the business district here for 25 years. And nothing has been done to utilize it.

The spring was discovered several hundred feet underground when a test well was drilled. At that time the city was thinking of using artesian water for its city supply. The warm water kept on flowing and was diverted through a 3-inch pipe to the Pocomoke River.

Residents attempted to form a company to operate the "Pocomoke baths," but nothing came of the venture because of lack of capital. The water contains chloride of sodium, sulphur and magnesium compounds, engineers said.


August, 1895

(The Daily News- Frederick, Md.)


From The LaPlata Crescent

A spark from a cigar dropped in a stable in Berlin, Worcester County, last Sunday evening, reduced to ashes the business portion of the town and destroyed over $250,000 worth of property. Though the losers by the fire may not be able to look at it in that light, the conflagration, so far as the town is concerned, may not be an unmixed evil. Many of the now flourishing towns on the "Shore" date their present era of prosperity from some more or less disastrous fire. Salisbury, Snow Hill, and Pocomoke City have in recent years all sprang Phoenix-like from their own ashes, and the new town has in each case far out classed the old. There is no reason to suppose that Berlin cannot or will not do likewise.


July, 1938)

(Cumberland Evening Times- Cumberland, Md.)

Pocomoke City- A potato growing record is claimed by Ray Redden, farmer living near here, after he took 146.6 barrels of prime white potatoes from each acre of one plot. The crop included only five barrels of culls. Seventy to eighty barrels is considered average, a hundred-barrel yield unusual.  



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

A & N Electric Co-op Warns Members

Beware of Scammers!

A & N Electric Cooperative is warning members to be aware of a bill-paying scam that asks them to disclose Social Security and bank routing numbers.

Scammers claim electric consumers can have their utility bills paid under an Obama Administration program. No such program exists.

The solicitations have been made door-to-door, online and by phone. Members are asked for personal information and then given fake bank account numbers to use for making a payment on their utility bill. Due to this scam, A & N has currently suspended the use of E-checks on their website. All other features of the website are working as usual. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Members are urged to alert police if they're contacted about the scam.


When I was about 9 years old I remember asking my dad about Castro. I asked, "Is Castro a good guy or bad?"
Dad said he couldn't tell!! This was about 1955. We were living in Louisiana at the time. Dad was in the Army and stationed there.

Cuba was fairly close and in the news a lot. The Cubans were asking the same question! Ike was president.

This past July 4th, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a refugee from Cuba. Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.

This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960's. His family was more fortunate than most, as they were able to bring a suitcase and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary paradise.

Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, fresh ears of sweet corn and watermelon. This is a menu shared with family and friends nationwide...while celebrating the birth of our beloved America...on the Fourth of July.

We began with a simple discussion about our country, and the direction it has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington.

But then he said it. The sentence flowed naturally from our refugee guest. I assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train.

"You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist".

We sat stunned. He continued, "Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a nationalist. Before the revolution he didn't sound like a radical."

The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean just like Barack Obama?"

He responded; "Yes, just like Barack Obama." He continued, "We were all shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied."

I also remember my uncle saying; “Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries. He will never come and take our family hardware store!!” But that is exactly what happened. Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that four-bedroom home you is now our property too. You have to move yourself and the five children into those two rooms of the house, because others are moving in here with you."

The lesson learned from this discussion, is a lesson most Americans refuse to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office, they can take totally unexpected turns.

If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors or Chrysler would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a justice society...would be evaporating, just like it did in Castro's Cuba in the early 1960's.

But the news of injustice keeps increasing;

Black Panthers are not charged with wrong doing by the U.S. Department of Justice...because their crimes are against whites;

The bond holders of GM are stripped of their assets...without being given due process by the government;

Car Dealerships are closed with out due process;

Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight...only to have all investigation of the crimes the Attorney General;

The U.S. borders are over run with crime and illegal activity, and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the lawbreakers...while the innocent are killed and over run;

When local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed...and threatened as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration entrusted with enforcing the law.

Without the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution is a sham!! Without the rule of law, our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well connected and politically powerful will be safe. As an author recently and so eloquently explained in her most recent book..."a culture of corruption has replaced honest government" (Michelle Malkin).

The only way this problem will be fixed, is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally, must come together...and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law...end now!! And yes, it can happen if we all pull together.


_*Congressional Reform Act of 2013*_

1. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into

the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/31/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.

Congressmen/women made all these contracts for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tornado Touches Down On Virginia Eastern Shore

A tornado touched down on the Eastern Shore, in Accomack County near Logan Road in Onley on Saturday.

A strong series of storms began moving down the seaside of the Eastern Shore Saturday morning. Heavy rain, thunder and lightening were also reported.

As much as 6 inches of rain fell in the Gargatha area. Several reports of heavy rain were also reported as the storms moved south by southwest along the Eastern Shore.

Pictured: A confirmed tornado hit the Eastern Shore early Saturday afternoon. The top photo is courtesy of Linda Ross and was taken near Logan Road in Onley. The bottom photo is courtesy of Kate Evans and was taken at 1:25 this afternoon behind Melfa just off of Phillips Drive/Mapp rd, just off of Main Street.


A Private Wedding At the Mar-Va Today

What a wonderful idea!  
 A wedding at the Mar-Va Theater in downtown Pocomoke City.

Congratulations  and best of luck to the couple:  Tanya Bridell of Westover, Md. and Eric Butler of Salisbury, Md.

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Pocomoke's "Birdseye".

In a 1956 view of the Eastern Shore's top industries... "Pocomoke City holds ties to products that are known all over the world."

A 1937 news item tells of an underground warm water stream that was flowing under Pocomoke City's business district.

An 1895 fire destroys Berlin's business district.
It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Saturday ~ Downtown Pocomoke City

**Due to inclement weather, there will be no guided walk of the Cypress Park nature trail. Instead, meet a naturalist inside for a getting-to-know-you with one of our native reptiles!**

Stop by the Farmers & Flea Market
Downtown Pocomoke City
NO FEE for vendors

Saturday at the Delmarva Discovery Center:  Nature Walk - 2:00 - 2:30 ~ Join us for a walk along the Pocomoke River as we spot wildlife and discuss incredible natural environment of the Delmarva Peninsula.  Great for all ages.
For more info on the Delmarva Discovery Center go to:
Don't forget to check out the Museum Store!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Melson's Power Show- From June 9, 2012

Many of you were at the Crisfield Mudbog back in May when it was announced that on June 9, Melson's Power Show/Tractor Pull would be having a "Fastest Sand Drag Event".  The payout for the winner in the event would be $500!

News like that travels fast if you race mudtrucks.......

Saturday- June 9, 2012
Only a handfull of mudtrucks were on hand for the event... plenty of mudbog friends but they didn't bring their trucks.  And it wasn't long before we learned that the rules had been changed for racing in the event.  At some point during the evening we learned the rules had been changed to "bracket style racing".  In bracket style racing there is NO guarantee that the FASTEST truck would win.  Hmmm.....

So, here goes.  All trucks made two passes with the "Short and Sassy" having the fastest pass. BUT, according to the new rules set the "Short and Sassy" still had to race the second fastest.  Well, it just so happened that the second fastest vehicle is owned by the sponsor and owner of the property, Dave Humphreys.  We had learned earlier in the evening that Dave had HIRED a "seasoned" drag strip racer to drive his car.  Hmm.....

When hearing of the rule changes - and they seemed to be changing frequently by the time it grew dark- tempers began to flair, words said, etc.  My view?  The driver,  of the "Short and Sassy", my husband Barry Wise was not getting a fair deal and everyone in the pits seemed to agree.

This was a situation that you really needed to be present for in order to believe.  The nights events regarding the rules- and how they seemed to change during the course of the evening seemed to go on forever.

Probably the icing on the cake was when another participant rolled in around 10:30 that evening- right in the middle of the disagreements between Staff Member, Dave and the racers. 

I questioned Dave about this- so did everyone else.  The story some got was that Dave called him.  The story I got from Dave was that the driver had a flat tire and called saying he would be late.  Well, it wasn't until some weeks later that I would  find out the driver did NOT have a flat tire and really hadn't planned on being there at all. 

If there is one thing I cannot tolerate is a lie.  Truth would have been a whole better!  A little more respect torwards the racers, including MY husband,  would have been a whole lot better!  Not changing the rules to suit YOUR agenda, Dave, would have been a whole lot better and I NEVER intend to watch what I witnessed that night ever again.  We all know that the so called "hired" driver practiced on Saturday.  If you wanted the keep the $500 for your win why have the event at all?  You should have disqualified your car.

Here's food for thought:  More times than not those guys that race their mud trucks together are going to rally around each other.  They may beat each other up in racing but in the pits they stick like glue.  What you experienced with the "in your face attitudes" is what friendship is all about. 

The "Short and Sassy" with driver Barry Wise won the $500 that evening..... at some point during midnight.
Here's the video.
A huge thank you needs to go out to Lee Serman, Chuck West, Chuck Jr. and  Bart Parker.  You guys are the greatest.  Thank you for rallying about and trying to get your point across.  Also a thank you to the others in the pits that recognized the fact that the event was not being handled fairly.

That particular  evening is over.....I'm going to put it to rest.  Melson's is a nice place.  Barry and I  always enjoyed going there.  But I'm afraid that there will be no more least not for a very long time.   I begged Barry to give it another try after words a few years ago.  He did give it another........but after this particular race we have called it least for a while.  Enough is enough.

The great sponsors for the "Short and Sassy" are:
Bowden's Racing - Donald Bowden
Odie's Garage- Roger Evans
Seaside Repair- Gerald Matthews
 Vertical Services, Inc.- Jack Shockley

In Case You Missed It: Change Maryland / Larry Hogan

Profile of Change Maryland:
Easton Star Democrat 6.20.12

Group Targets Spending and Tax Hikes

Change Maryland Tax Migration Report:

State and Local

Washington Times 7.03.12
Many Marylanders who leave go to Virginia, study finds

The Daily Record 7.04.12
Maryland’s biggest jurisdictions are losing tax filers

Annapolis Capital 7.05.12
Tax analysis

St. Mary's County Times 7.05.12
Local Tax Base Growth Among Best in State 

Washington Examiner 7.05.12
Examiner Local Editorial: Maryland taxpayers head for the hills -- and the shore

Monoblogue 7.06.12
Shocker: capital leaves a high-tax state
Ocean City Dispatch 7.06.12
Worcester Leads Md. In Incoming Taxpayer Migration

Washington Examiner 7.07.12
Wealthy leave Md. suburbs, IRS data show

WFMD 7.08.12
Alex Mooney Show

Washington Times 7.10.12
EDITORIAL: Escape from Maryland

WTOP 7.10.12
Report: Higher taxes may drive out rich Marylanders

Cross Purposes 7.10.12
Somebody Got Somebody's Attention

WBAL TV 7.11.12
Change Maryland finds 31K residents moved

Frederick News-Post 7.11.12
Population shift swells county tax dollars

Washington Times 7.11.12
O’Malley blog rebutting exodus report causes stir

Patch: SPEAK OUT:   7.11.12
Are Taxes Driving Out Maryland's Millionaires?

Pocomoke Public Eye 7.11.12
Change Maryland Responds to Gov. Martin O'Malley's Political Attack

Worcester County Times 7.12.12
Worcester's tax base sees most new residents

The Tentacle 7.12.12
A Sorry State of Affairs

Global Rhetoric 7.12.12
O'Malley's Meltdown
SBY News 7.12.12
Change Maryland Responds To Gov. Martin O'Malley's Political Attack

Gazette 7.12.12
O'Malley, Hogan Square off about Data 

CNBC 7.09.12
In Maryland, Higher Taxes Chase Out Rich: Study

Hot Air 7.09.12
Surprise: Higher taxes in Maryland chasing out the wealthy

Daily Caller  7.10.12
Study: Marylanders moving to Virginia because of high taxes

CNBC 7.10.12
Hogan: Tax & Regulatory Policies Key to Attracting Business

Fox Business News 7.12.12
Higher Taxes Cost Maryland $1.7 Billion in Tax Reven

Other States

West Virginia
Charleston Daily Mail 7.11.12
Maryland shows folly of overtaxing people 

New York
Diary of a Republican Hater 7.09.12
Don't Worry the Right Just Wants to Increase the Tax Base

New Mexico
News New Mexico 7.10.12
Taxes Backfire in Maryland

North Dakota
Say Anything Blog 7.09.12
Maryland Learns If You Tax Rich People You Get Fewer Rich People

Jefferson Policy Journal 7.12.12
Overtaxed Marylanders Flee to Virginia
Washington D.C.
Washington Free Beacon 7.09.12

Dennis Tubbergen blog 7.12.12

Drones: An Inexpensive Way To Accomplish Expensive Surveillance

By Alex Bridges
Gilbert, ACLU join to seek rights protections from drones

A conservative state legislator and a civil rights group want rights protections in place if and when unmanned aerial drones start patrolling from the skies over Virginia.

Del. C. Todd Gilbert, R-Woodstock, and the American Civil Liberties Union have teamed up to craft legislation which aims to regulate the use of drones across the state. Gilbert said by phone Thursday he plans to introduce the legislation in the 2013 session of the General Assembly. As drone technology becomes less expensive and law enforcement agencies show more interest in the technology, Gilbert and the ACLU urge the state needs rules in place in advance.

"Some people are going to scoff at it because they never have thought of the notion that these types of vehicles are going to be used domestically," Gilbert said. "But I'm here to tell you that the technology is here and the domestic uses are coming and we simply wanted to try and get ahead of it and make sure that we're not reacting to already existing policies, that we are setting the policies."

Legislation would need to address what cameras on drones can view and record and how this relates to constitutionally protected activities such as rallies or speeches, or if the devices peer into the windows of private residents without a warrant, Gilbert explained.
The concern by the ACLU comes in part after Gov. Bob McDonnell expressed an openness to the domestic use of unmanned drones in Virginia, according Claire Gastañaga, executive director of the Virginia ACLU. McDonnell noted then that drones could help cut down on needed manpower.
"Obviously part of the reason why we're interested in making sure that everybody understands that they should only be used if they're carefully regulated and police officers have a warrant is in part triggered by the fact that [the] governor seemed to be giving a green light signal," Gastañaga said by phone. "One of the things that is a hallmark of new technologies is that they make possible what might previously have been too expensive or difficult."

"Drones [are] a very inexpensive way to accomplish pretty expensive surveillance at a pretty low cost and that means that people might be tempted to use them without thinking about what the policies ought to be," Gastañaga added.

The proposed legislation would prohibit the use of drones by law enforcement agencies without a warrant; require policies and procedures for the use of the devices be adopted by legislative bodies in open meetings; provide for public monitoring and accountability and mandate the pictures of people taken by drones be destroyed unless part of an authorized investigation, according to the release.

Gilbert and Gastañaga say they expect the coalition of support to grow. They acknowledged the organization and the legislator don't always see eye to eye.

"Of course the ACLU and I are at odds on issues from time to time and this represented a good chance for us to work on an issue on which we wholeheartedly agree, which is constitutionally protected rights," Gilbert said.

Neither local nor state law enforcement agencies use drones yet. But Gilbert expressed concern that some federal agencies do use drones and such practice could spread.

"This is not some unfounded theoretical concern that this may happen in the future," Gilbert said, adding that some law enforcement agencies in Virginia have looked into using drones.

Second Annual Diaper Change Diaper Drive Event

The Diaper Change Diaper Drive event will be on Saturday, July 14 from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Wal-Mart on Lankford Highway in Onley, Virginia.

Wal-Mart is teaming with the Eastern Shore Rural Health Centers and more than 20 local organizations and agencies to help raise diapers for local babies and adults in need during the second annual Diaper Change diaper drive led by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield affiliate HealthKeepers, Inc. Last year, the diaper drive was successful in helping to raise over 34,000 diapers for the Hampton Roads area and the Eastern Shore and event organizers are hoping to surpass last years numbers.

On average, infants use 12 diapers per day -- the cost for which can reach upwards of $100 a month and, in todays economy, some local families are struggling to have an adequate supply of diapers on hand. Oftentimes, this can lead to infants and toddlers spending long hours in a soiled diapers which can increase the risk of many health problems ranging from skin diseases to hepatitis. Adding to the challenges faced by low-income families, the cost of diapers is not covered by social services programs.

This year, the diaper drive will also collect adult diapers to help area adults who suffer from some form ofurinary incontinence. Like many young families, adults also face the added struggle of making sure they have an adequate supply of diapers on hand to ensure they are helping to avoid additional health risks.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

25th Annual Chincoteague Island Blueberry Festival

TIME MACHINE Preview ... Pocomoke's "Birdseye"

In a 1956 view of the Eastern Shore's top industries... "Pocomoke City holds ties to products that are known all over the world."

A 1937 news item tells of an underground warm water stream that was flowing under Pocomoke City's business district.

An 1895 fire destroys Berlin's business district.
It's this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

.....Decision Regarding Dogs Is Not Yet in Effect

Maryland Attorney General Confirms that Tracey v. Solesky Decision Regarding Dogs Is Not Yet in Effect

The Humane Society of the United States urges landlords to cease restrictions on pet owners pending new ruling from Court of Appeals

In a turn of events welcomed by The Humane Society of the United States, the Maryland Office of the Attorney General has issued an opinion stating that the controversial Maryland Court of Appeals decision holding that all pit bull and pit bull type dogs are “inherently dangerous” is not yet in effect. The Court of Appeals decision in Tracey v. Solesky, issued two months ago, holds that not just owners of pit bull-type dogs but anyone with the power to control the presence of these dogs is strictly liable for any damages they cause. The Office of the Attorney General issued its statement in response to a request submitted by Maryland Delegate Heather Mizeur, D-Montgomery

Reports have increased in recent weeks from Maryland residents being forced to choose between their family pets and their homes, as landlords have worried about liability imposed by Tracey. The imposition of strict liability on parties other than the dog owner is unprecedented, as is the Court’s singling out of one particular type of dogs for this stricter standard.

“With this latest news, we urge landlords and property owners across the state to adhere to their existing leases with dog owning tenants,” said Tami Santelli, Maryland senior state director for The HSUS. “With the ruling suspended for the time being, landlords have no legal basis to evict their tenants who may own ‘pit bull type dogs’. This is fantastic news.”

The Attorney General’s opinion hinges on a Maryland Rule of Procedure (8-605) which provides that any mandate from the Court of Appeals will be stayed pending the Court’s decision on a motion for reconsideration. On May 26, State Farm Insurance Company, a party in the Tracey case, filed a motion asking the Court of Appeals to reconsider its decision in Tracey. Because the Court has not yet ruled on that motion for reconsideration, the ruling in Tracey is stayed.

“After the initial court ruling, confusion reigned. Landlords, fearing new liability concerns, began readying eviction notices to their renters with pit bulls,” said Del. Mizeur. “This opinion is welcomed relief for thousands of Maryland families that should never have to choose between their beloved family pet and their home.It gives us time to pass a legislative remedy to permanently fix this problem,” she concluded.

The Maryland General Assembly may consider this issue this summer if Gov. Martin O’Malley calls a special session. The joint legislative task force appointed to study this issue held a work session on June 26 to discuss the details of potential legislation. If there is no special session, a legislative fix will have to wait until January, making this potential reprieve even more critical.

Humane Society press release.

~BINGO Coming SOON ! ~


On July 9, 2012, at approximately 10:15 p.m., Ocean City Police were in the area of 28th Street and Coastal Highway when they witnessed a truck driving on its rims.  At the same time, Ocean City Police communications received numerous calls regarding a vehicle matching the description of the truck involved in several traffic collisions from 20th Street to 28th Street.

The driver of the vehicle, who was stopped by police on Robin Drive, was identified as Michael Keith Hall, 43, of Greenwood, DE.  Hall, who exited the vehicle at the time of the stop, admitted to police he was under the influence of alcohol.

While speaking with Hall, officers learned that he had an outstanding warrant for his arrest through the state of Delaware. In addition, during the conversation, Hall made several threats, stating that he would “kill” and “snipe” police.  Police searched Hall’s vehicle and located a rifle, a pistol holster with blanks, binoculars, a spotting scope and several knives.

Hall was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol and negligent driving.  In addition, over 60 traffic citations were issued to Hall in reference to failing to stop after an accident, failure to return to and remain at the scene of accident, reckless driving and speeding.

At the time of this release, Hall was being held on a $25,000 bond after an initial appearance in front of an Ocean City District Court Commissioner.

Coming Soon.......The Great Pocomoke Fair

Sponsored by Aurora Agronomy
Pocomoke City, Maryland
Seaford, Delaware

Ocean City Police Seeking Public’s Assistance

Ocean City Police Seeking Public’s Assistance in Identifying Assault Suspect

The Ocean City Police Department is requesting the public’s assistance in locating the suspect of an attempted sexual assault that occurred at approximately 2:45 a.m., on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. On that date, Ocean City Police Department responded to the area of 4200 Coastal Highway in reference to an attempted assault that had already occurred.

OCPD officers met with a female victim who told police that she was walking home when an unknown male initiated a conversation with her.  A short time after, the male suspect pushed the victim into the bushes and attempted to sexually assault her.  During the attack, the victim was able to fight the attacker causing significant injury the suspect’s ear.

The suspect, who is a white male, is described as being approximately 5’10”, approximately 170 pounds and in his mid-20’s to early-30’s. In addition, it is believed that the suspect would have a visible injury to his ear.

Ocean City Police are asking anyone with information about this incident, or the suspect involved, to please contact Detective N. Simpson Ocean City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division, at 410-520-5349.  Those providing information may remain anonymous.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Change Maryland Responds to Gov. Martin O'Malley's Political Attack

Change Maryland Responds to Gov. Martin O'Malley's Political Attack

Change Maryland Chairman Larry Hogan appeared on WBAL's "C-4" show this afternoon to discuss the organization's study on tax flight and the Governor's response yesterday.
C-4: The Governor said Change Maryland is a partisan political organization led by a failed Congressional candidate,  Ehrlich appointee and would-be candidate for Governor.   Is that the preferred way for a Governor to handle something like this?

Larry Hogan: It was a childish lashing out.  Once again, Governor O'Malley chose to attack the messenger, rather than address the facts.

We are not going to lower ourselves to his level and resort to name calling. But, it was surprising that he used a state website, using tax payer funds, to make this kind of a petty, personal, partisan attack.

He can call me names if he wants to, but Change Maryland is the largest grassroots organization in the state with 14,000 members and they insulted our members.

These are not our numbers, these are the IRS numbers in our study. CNBC wrote the story, not us. If he wants to lash out, maybe he should lash out at NBC and the IRS.

C-4: This thing is big national news. You have opened up the debate. They are talking about this across the country. They've been able to control the spin, here in Maryland, but they can't control the national media.

Larry Hogan: The Governor has had a bad week on an NBC network. This tax exodus story broke, then CNBC came out with it's annual business climate report, in which Maryland slid again in the rankings.  And they also ran our opinion piece yesterday in CNBC.  So I think the national media focusing on what is really happening in Maryland just frustrated the Governor because it may effect his presidential aspirations.



Larry Hogan Op Ed: 

Gov. O'Malley blog:

~Cole's Cakes Plans Grand Opening~

Grand Opening Block Party

Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison proudly announces the grand opening of
"Coles Cakes"
a bakery featuring custom cakes, cupcakes and sculpted creations. Cole’s Cakes is a family run business.
photo from

The store is owned by baker, Nicole Ayres, of Virginia, and her tight-knit family is always there to lend a hand. The bakery sits at 205 Clarke Avenue, in beautiful Downtown Pocomoke.
Saturday, July 21
Ayres will host a grand opening and open house, along with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The city is blocking off a portion of Clarke Avenue, between Market and Willow Streets, for the event. Ayres is inviting the public to sample her confections by creating a festive block-party-like atmosphere. There will be free refreshments, music, and plenty of activities for children, including face-painting, cupcake-decorating, sidewalk chalk art, and a cupcake-eating contest.

 Local business owners and public officials will be on hand and a number of exciting door prizes – provided by at least fourteen local downtown businesses – will be distributed.

 Event begins at 12:00pm
and will wrap-up by 2:00pm, with the ribbon-cutting scheduled for 12:15pm.

Cole’s Cakes specializes in custom-ordered cakes for all special occasions, and they offer a variety of cupcakes flavors, cookies and "cake-pops," baked fresh daily. They will work with any budget and they will attempt any flavor. "We love a challenge," says owner, Nicole Ayres.

Cole’s Cakes grand opening marks another milestone in the city’s efforts to attract new businesses to Pocomoke’s downtown as it repositions itself as a tourist destination. Members of the community who are interested in learning more about Cole’s Cakes, or other downtown businesses, are encouraged to stop by on Saturday.

Cole's Cakes has already been awarded "Honorable Mention"/3rd Best Bakery on Delmarva on DelmarvaLife's Best of 2012 list!
For more information visit:

Those interested in the city’s downtown efforts in general, should contact Angela Manos, at 410-603-1178, or

From The Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester County Sheriff's Office
Arrest Report

 Thursday, July 5th,2012, the Worcester County Sheriff's office responded to a Bishopville address for a reported 911 hang-up. Upon arrival, deputies met with a victim who had reported that a suspect, later identified as William Randall Lewis, white male, age 54 of Berlin, had assaulted her and attempted to steal her purse which contained money. Mr. Lewis had left the scene prior to the deputies arrival. Mr. Lewis was located a short time later in Berlin, Maryland and arrested by deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office. Mr. Lewis was charged with Robbery, and second degree assault. He was subsequently held on a $10,000.00 bond. He awaits trial on those charges.

Friday, 07-06-12, deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff's Office responded to an address in Berlin, Maryland for a civil complaint investigation. Upon arrival, deputies observed Joseph Daryl Webster, white male, age 50, of Ocean City, enter the property. Deputies were aware of a protective order in place that prohibited Mr. Webster from being on the property. Mr. Webster was then arrested by deputies from the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office for violation of a protective order. Webster was released on his own recognizance by a judicial officer until a trial date.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Wednesday At the Delmarva Discovery Center

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