All the MSM is talking about is the Muslim shooter at Fort Hood, to hell with him... un-plug him and let Allah have him.
All I can think about is the American hero's and their families that he took out in a crazy shooting spree that took place because he couldn't have things 'his way'.
Hasan, was accepted, very well educated, and trained by our military only to turn that training against those that gave him the freedom to do so. Death is not good enough for him.
When will people wake-up to see that the muslim religion is not a "religion of peace" in-fact it's just the opposite. When a religion can and 'does' preach of killing those that will not convert to islam (even a family member) and they will be rewarded by taking this action (and they do) none of them can be trusted; And none should be 'trained' to make that task easier.
I just hope if he makes it, he will have a prompt meeting with the firing squad, his virgins await him.
Bless those he harmed and the families of those he murdered in cold blood that had the courage to fight for even his freedom.

May God have no mercy on Hasans soul.
On top of that, as I type this... The POS POTUS is on TV and he mentioned this mass murder for about 10 seconds and then went into to the "I" "me" what I have done BS.. he's one of them.
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