This response shows that Candidate Oglesby has a backbone and is not afraid to stand-up for himself. I'll explain why.
Over the course of the election campaign I have asked several candidates to send us a rebuttal to the lies, and liable hate speech that has been applied to them over the course of the campaign VIA; other blogs etc. Some have sent us letters saying that they do not read the other outlets and have no idea what I was talking about and others just simply ignored our request and never responded unlike Mr. Oglesby.
So with that in mind please take the time to read the letter below.
Thank You Mr. Oglesby for taking the time to write in to us.
Dear Neighbors and Friends,
As we approach Election Day with growing excitement, I am once again reminded why this County is in such desperate need of new ideas, fresh perspectives, and tempered patience from its State’s Attorney. This year the voters have been plagued with endless negative advertising, vicious attacks, and attempts at outright deception. While I have been deeply saddened and disappointed by the candidates and elected officials who have chosen to engage in this type of distasteful politics, I am delighted and proud of both our campaign and its supporters for remaining true to our commitment to raise the level of genuine discussion in Worcester County.
At a time when our County deserves effective, honest, and trustworthy leadership from its State’s Attorney, Joel Todd continues to focus his attention on why you should not vote for me instead of why you should vote for him. The sixteen year incumbent has gone to great lengths, and spent a lot of money to mischaracterize the truth; yet despite his actions to the contrary, I remain resolved to running a positive campaign because I believe the voters of Worcester County deserve honest discussion – not desperation. I refuse to participate in betrayals of public trust through the use of deceptive mailers, scare tactics, fraudulent endorsements, and shameless lies.
As Election Day draws nearer, some will resort to “gutter” politics. However, people can see beyond such transparent tactics. Tempered silence is the true measure of a person’s dignity. Let’s show Joel Todd and the “would be” leaders of this County that the days of broken promises, misdirection, and insincerity are over. Help bring the better angels of our consciences to the forefronts of our ballots. Show through your vote that the High Road is the ONLY road. On Nov. 2nd a vote for me is a vote for civility - one that loudly rejects the politics of yesterday.
Beau Oglesby
Please spread this message by forwarding to as many as possible.
By Authority of Citizens for Beau Oglesby, Anne Oglesby, Treasurer
PPE, Did you get the "letter" from the group calling themselves "Concerned Citizens for Joel Todd." I just wonder who this group is comprised of and why they didn't sign their names to this letter?
you lost me on this one 3:07
can you clarify your question please?
The letter is from Joel Todd. See fine print on the lower right corner of page 2. He paid for that letter with his campaign funds. It was mailed by Thom Gulyas. The postage on the envelope is marked by ACE P&M.
I don't know what letter you are referring to, sorry
It's I guess what they think is a campaign mailer sent on behalf of "Concerned Citizens for Joel Todd." These so called Concerned Citizens are even too ashamed to sign their names as it is the biggest piece of trash to ever arrive in my mailbox.
They have nerve to say "This race is about who has the most experience and integrity." Well you know what, you can take your experience and shove it! It's now all about trust, honesty and integrity, something these so called concerned citizens are lacking.
It's a letter type thing, PPE and whomever thought it was a good idea really really needs their heads examined. I received it yesterday, read it and was completely shocked by it. I'm trying to not let it influence me, but I'm heavily leaning toward Oglesby after reading the Todd letter and now Beau's response.
oh ok thanks, I have not seen the letter yet, I have been emailed about it but I still do not know what's in the letter.
If anyone has the means to scan it and send it to me I'd greatly appreciate it.
I did not receive a letter so I have no idea what you are talking about.
I do have one question, I've heard and read alot about a 'Jamie' (think that's the name).
Who is this person?
10:49, Don't know who that is? But I've been hearing alot about a "Susan" (think that's the name). Why don't you ask your candidate who that was? Better still why don't you ask him why he was a defendant in the county court?
Why don't we leave other people out if it and just focus on the candidates themselves. Does it make any difference who Jamie or Susan or Betty or Joan or etc is??
Yep, I agree 1:04 but in the old Spirit of Fairness and he who lives in a glass house have no business throwing stones.
I was just asking....geeeez. Is that a crime? Still land of the free isn't it?
Freedoms still exist in this country, right?
Oh just not where the good old boys are concerned.
That's a funny one 'Public Eye' even though candidates may say they don't read this they do!
cause I heard that Schoolfield ran right to his 'supporters' trying to lie and say "media was making more out of what happened".
Funny thing, media never stated 'what' happened, they only stated 'facts' and resources to prove it!
Yeah, who is the "Concerned Citizens for Joel Todd"?
That sounds like that group on Stockton Road who 'backed' Mike McDermott. Weren't the Burkes in that group for a while?
Is it the same one
or a different one?
Think if a group like that writes a letter they should all sign it or else they are 'cowards'.
I agree 10:34. If these citizens are so concerned about Joel Todd getting re-elected they should have signed their names. That being said though, anyone reading this letter would understand why these foul anonymous people would lack the courage to put a name to it. Someone elsewhere said the letter is from Coates Lawyers and I have heard that from others who are very offended by this.
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