The annual change over from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time takes place tonight.
Officially at 2 AM clocks the change takes place although most change their clocks back before going to bed.
Eastern Standard Time will remain until next March.
Beginning on Sunday the sun will rise and set one hour earlier.
I think the sun will rise and set at approximately the same time tomorrow regardless of what artificial measures mere humans try to impose on it in a feeble attempt to convince themselves that they can "save" an hour of daylight here and there and return it later without an interest charge. (My apologies to Louella Tatem for such a crass example of a run-on sentence.)
"Louella Tatem"
ah-hem.... you're telling your age with that one,
I remember Mr Tatem when he was my Principal at the elementary school that burned down where Hartley Hall sits now but I do not remember Mrs. Tatem
I also remember Mrs Liester as she was my 1st grade (I think) teacher in that same school.
I also had some grade school classes (2nd grade I think) in the school on 4th and Walnut, the building that the clinic now occupies
She'd give you the dickens about it! First she would cross her arms and tap her foot.
What a great person and teacher.
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