His goal when taking office will be removing regulations that keep industries and companies from settling in Maryland, with job creation his ultimate goal.
"We've been working on this campaign for two years," he said. "When I started, it wasn't necessarily a great time to be a Republican. Now, big government has fallen out of favor." Delmarvanow.com
I am so happy over Mike's victory and know he will do his best for our district. Thank you Mike, for taking on this hugh responsibility for us.
Congratulations and Best Wishes!
Best Wishes Mike! 38B merged slightly to the right last night thanks to a great candidate.
"How do you like me now?! Now that I'm on my way!"
Yes, You are on your way, Mayor! And alot of us have always liked you!
Never heard so many saying as I did yesterday, "vote for him so we can get him out of Pocomoke. Afterall, he will find out he's outsmarted up there in Annapolis. Then, in another few years, he'll be outed. But at least, we'll be rid of him."
Even heard ole' Butler said it. Dawg, hate to be known like that by even some.
Now come on! Toby Keith?
There is absolutely no comparison to Toby!
12:34- I don't believe you. And I certainly don't believe you heard Mr. Butler say anything like that. And I also believe that Mike will prove you wrong.
12:35 - No one can compare to Toby Keith!! We were going for some of the lyrics to the song....HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!! But then, somehow I think you knew that.......
Yes, Butler did say that. wish you were there, but you weren't.
Toby is an attractive man.
12:34, You are so full of it! I've been doing my own campaigning for the mayor. Everywhere I went for the past 3 months-dentist, doctors, grocery stores-I've put in a word about the mayor. Everyone had already decided they were voting for him.
Just telling what i heard butler say and wasn't the only one.
Yep,can't deny something when you weren't there!
Not everyone!
Job creation his ultimate goal??
His ultimate goal should be different than that.
Sounds like a democrat to me.
Hum, oh yeah, he already sold his soul to their greatest mouth piece.
No wonder he uses their words.
He didn't do this in Pocomoke, why start now?
9:32, as a member of the MD House the Mayor will be able to "approve laws, establish executive departments, levy taxes and propose state constituional amendments." The position is alot more powerful than being a mayor in a municipality that has a city manager.
"Job creation his ultimate goal??"
As a House memember alot can be done.....maybe like attempting to get the state unemployment tax business owners pay lowered?
The current rate is too damm high!
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