As we move from campaign to governing, I ask that you continue to pray for Maryland and our country. We will face many challenges, but we will face them together.
I affirm my commitment to communicate the actions being discussed and those acted upon by the General Assembly, and to always be a strong voice for the Eastern Shore.
Mike McDermott
Pocomoke City
Maryland House of Delegates -ELECT
District 38-B
Isn't this a 'bit premature?
Doesn't he 'take office' in January?
Isn't he still Pocomoke Mayor?
Does this mean he's already resigned and no longer Mayor?
Does this mean Monday night at town council meeting they will immediately pick a 'new' mayor?
Bet the votes someone 'got' him means there is going to be a certain person picked for Mayor and another certain person picked for to fill that person's council position. Whoever is picked as Mayor, depending upon what or rather 'who' they choose for their own District, will tell me whether they work for NAACP or for the 'People' of Pocomoke.
If they pick who I think they will, I'm gonna cry fowl to the highest land and know that the puppeteer behind it all is Lee!
And if so, our town's politics have really gone to the dogs!
by 'premature' the part of
Md House of Delegates
District 38-B
Yeah, dont they take office in January?
Isnt' he still Mayor?
Bet he's already resigned and cant wait to leave town.
as we move from campaigning to governing?
what has he already got his 'eyes' on being governor?
dawg what ego, thinks hes governor already.
ANON 9:24 I will admit that I omitted ONE important word in my post. But be advised that I have made that important correction not only because it was "politically" incorrect but so others like yourself won't be confused.
Your screaming and shouting and crying fowl to the "highest land" is something that Pocomoke is used to. Why don't you just relax and get those stupid ideas out of your head and wait to see what happens.
If they pick who you think they will and you are a Pocomoke resident then by all means you have reason to speak out.
The results just might surprise all of us.
Try to attend that meeting Monday night. And if you do let me know how it turns out.
"not stupid ideas"
"the dye has been cast"
deal made some time ago.
Got help with votes.
You watch and see!
Every candidate on council now there now thanks to Mr. Lee. Only one not is Hawkins.
If he's not chosen, guess what!
JMMB - did you write this or did McDermott?
So how can you take credit for the omission?
funny, heard he's already left town!
11:25PM I take credit for the omission because I am the one that dropped the one word. End of discussion. And please stop trying to put blame where blame doesn't apply.
He signed it.
no blame.
It is his writing right?
Then how do you feel responsible for the omission?
Truthfully, should still say 'Mayor'.
Unless you know something we don't.
12:48 - I am going to say this ONE more time. I made the error! I don't know WHO wrote it, don't care. All I care is that I have omitted to the error therefore making ME responsible for your confusion and unnesscary drilling on the subject and my intentions.
I have no idea why you might think that I would personally know something that you dont know. Certainly would not be to my advantage as I have nothing to gain.
Please be advised that I am human and I do make mistakes. When I do I own them. So, please allow me to apologize for causing so much confusion. No, you can't blame the mayor this time....you gotta blame little old me. Good night!
Oh Good Grief jmmb! Now you've gotten some all worked up trying to dream up some new conspiracy!
conspiracy you say? yeah, uh-huh. well, i betcha Hawkins doesn't end up being our Mayor.
And when he isn't, then I'm right!!!!!!!!!
How does it work in Pocomoke? In alot of cities and towns the council president takes over a vacated mayor's seat.
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