Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peru Approves First Step Toward Extradition of Joran van der Sloot

CNN) -- The process to extradite Joran van der Sloot from Peru to the United States to face criminal charges has begun, according to Maximo Altez, van der Sloot's Peruvian attorney.

Peruvian judges in January sentenced the Dutchman to 28 years in prison for the murder in 2010 of Stephany Flores. He is also the prime suspect in the disappearance of American Natalee Holloway. U.S. authorities want to try van der Sloot on charges of extortion and wire fraud in the Holloway case.

According to court documents obtained through Altez, a Peruvian judge has approved a U.S. request for provisional detention. This is the first step in the extradition process between Peru and the United States. The document says a formal extradition request has yet to be submitted, but will follow.

The document names the U.S. Embassy as a party in the proceedings. InSession reached out Monday for comment but did not receive a response. The Peruvian Justice Ministry also did not return a request for comment.

The only hold-up to the extradition is van der Sloot's appeal, which should be finished in about a month, Altez said.

"I think he will be extradited within the next three months," said Altez. "He will go to trial in the United States. Once he is sentenced, he will return to Peru to finish serving his 28 years, and then go back to the States to serve whatever sentence he gets there."

In June 2010, a federal grand jury in Alabama indicted him after allegations that he tried to extort $250,000 from Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway. Van der Sloot offered to provide what turned out to be bogus information about the whereabouts of Holloway's remains in exchange for the money, according to the indictment.

He was allegedly given $25,000, which authorities say he used to travel to Peru for a poker tournament.
If found guilty of extortion, he could be sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Monday, April 23, 2012



Ocean City Police are asking for the public’s assistance in locating a missing 22-year-old man.  Lance Corey Gaines, who was visiting Ocean City with his family from upstate New York, was last seen on April 21, 2012at approximately 1 a.m.at The Sandbar on33rd Street and Coastal Highway.

Gaines, who was reported missing by his family, has brown hair, blue eyes and was last seen wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt.  He is approximately 6’-4” and approximately 190 pounds.

Ocean City Police are asking anyone who has seen Gaines or who has had contact with him to notify Detective Carl Perry with the Ocean City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Division at 410.723.6604.

Beauchamp Construction Gets A High Five !!

If you remember....back in 2011 the Pocomoke City Mayor and Council tooks steps in purchasing the  former Delmarva Auto Collision building on Market Street for the purpose of moving the Pocomoke City Police Department.

I started on my journey with this rennovation by taking photos  in January and watched this building go from bare walls with hanging wires to the showcase it is today.  It's  taken 4 months, maybe longer, of steady hard work!  I've seen workers walking on stilts gracefully (but probably can't dance a lick), men hanging through the rafters pulling wires.  I've been locked in a cell.  I've questioned Darren of Beauchamp Construction and he has told me more than I can remember.  In these few months I've seen carpet laid, tiles put down and seen  those same tiles waxed a week later.  I've left my toe print in a corner of a room in the building.

But the photos I take and display and all the newsy things I write are nothing compared to the authority and decisions that Pocomoke City Hall  has and makes.

On Friday April 20th City Manager Russ Blake, Mayor Bruce Morrison and Pocomoke City Council took a tour and inspected the work  of the soon to be new home of the Pocomoke City Police Department. 

The rennovations of the building met their expectations and was approved! 

GREAT JOB  Beauchamp Construction!! 

 All work inside the building has been done by Beauchamp Construction crews with the exception of twice.  Those jobs were contracted out to other  very local businesses. 

So  CONGRATULATIONS Tom Beauchamp,  Darren (operations manager) and all of you that had a hand in turning this buiding  into a masterpiece and something not only the Pocomoke City Police Department will be proud of but the people of Pocomoke City as well.......for many years.

It's not moving in time just yet........There's wiring to run for the radio systems and phones, etc.  That takes time too....

Another chapter begins.

SPCA Eastern Shore Needs Everyones Help

Dear SPCA Eastern Shore Friends:

We know how many solicitations we all get, no matter what time of year. At the SPCA, since we can only count on your contributions and our fund raisers to help us care for our No-Kill shelter animals, we sometimes put off important projects until they are critical. We're facing one of those situations now.

We asked a roofer to try and help us identify why we were getting some leaks around the ventilation ducts. When he went up on the roof to check and repair these two leaks, he found the entire roof in bad shape. Nails are protruding through the shingles, the shingles are peeling and falling apart and some of the roofing plywood needs to be removed and replaced. In short, we need to spend approximately $18,000.00 to replace the roof, depending on the amount of substructure that need to be replaced. We have already received four bids.

Our question to our many supporters is, "Can you help us keep our shelter pets dry?"
Built in 1990, the SPCA Eastern Shore shelter is structurally sound but in need of some repairs and improvements. We have had some plumbing problems that have been fixed and we are working on fixing the heating and air conditioning which are all critical for our pets, staff and visitors. But we can't keep patching the roof beyond a certain point and that point has been reached.

We DON'T want to have to cut back on the number of pets we can shelter so we're asking for your help. We will replace the roof but we want to do it with the least interruption of services.

We ARE fortunate to have a matching funds donor that is offering us $5,000.00 if we can raise an additional $10,000.00 which would get us more than half way to our goal. If you can help, please do so by sending your donation to the SPCA Eastern Shore at:

26528 Lankford Hwy.
PO Box 164
Onley, VA 23418


Go to our web site:
http://www.shorespca.com/ and donate through our secure paypal account. Under your shipping information there is a place to make a note, just add ROOF and you can rest assured your donation will go directly to the roofing fund.


Call us @ 757-787-7385 for more information.

Thank you for helping us to keep our shelter pets dry!

**The SPCA Eastern Shore is a no-kill shelter located in Onley, Virginia. We provide food, shelter and medical care for cats and dogs on the Eastern Shore as we search for adoptive homes.**

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

The 4th National Prescription
Drug Take Back Day
Saturday, April 28, 2012
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day which will take place on Saturday, April 28, 2012, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity for those who missed the previous events, or who have subsequently accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications.

Americans that participated in the DEA’s third National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on October 29, 2011, turned in more than 377,086 pounds (188.5 tons) of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal at the 5,327 take-back sites that were available in all 50 states and U.S. territories. When the results of the three prior Take-Back Days are combined, the DEA, and its state, local, and tribal law-enforcement and community partners have removed 995,185 pounds (498.5 tons) of medication from circulation in the past 13 months.






Collection Site Locator:

Find a collection site near you. Check back frequently as collection sites are continuously being added.

Infected PCs May Lose Internet In July

WASHINGTON – For computer users, a few mouse clicks could mean the difference between staying online and losing Internet connections this summer.

Unknown to most of them, their problem began when international hackers ran an online advertising scam to take control of infected computers around the world. In a highly unusual response, the FBI set up a safety net months ago using government computers to prevent Internet disruptions for those infected users. But that system is to be shut down.

The FBI is encouraging users to visit a website run by its security partner, http://www.dcwg.org, that will inform them whether they're infected and explain how to fix the problem. After July 9, infected users won't be able to connect to the Internet.

Most victims don't even know their computers have been infected, although the malicious software probably has slowed their web surfing and disabled their antivirus software, making their machines more vulnerable to other problems.

Last November, the FBI and other authorities were preparing to take down a hacker ring that had been running an Internet ad scam on a massive network of infected computers.

"We started to realize that we might have a little bit of a problem on our hands because … if we just pulled the plug on their criminal infrastructure and threw everybody in jail, the victims of this were going to be without Internet service," said Tom Grasso, an FBI supervisory special agent. "The average user would open up Internet Explorer and get 'page not found' and think the Internet is broken."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Don't Miss The Relay For Life, Mother's Day Tea Party

Red Hills Fire ~ Sign Post, Virginia April 2012

My husband and I took a ride to Red Hills in the Sign Post area  on Saturday to see  the damage from recent fires in the area.  It always baffles me how these things happen and continue to happen. 

So many local people have great memories about being there in days  gone by. 

We should all be proud of those fireman  and the forestry division who,  for a few days in a  row,  fought those fires in the wooded areas of Red Hills.  Even the paved road is narrow and hardly accomodates a large car.  I can't imagine so many fire trucks equipped with men and women moving around.  They're just good at what they do.  Their job is not easy and we are so very fortunate that we have so many brave men and women willing to drop what they are doing, leave their meals, jump out of bed with the only thing on their minds is fire and getting the job done in the least amount of time.  It doesn't always work out that way and while we were snug in our beds or sitting back watching the television these brave souls were out.  Those fires very easily could have turned into the raging fires we  only see on televison. 

Please remember to thank them for what they do and for how much they give to not just one community but to all communities by being there when called to serve. 

 You are the greatest!

Photos don't tell the entire story of what it looks like in the wooded areas that sit there charred while the rest of the trees continue to blossom.  I counted 3 - or maybe 4- separate burned areas leading from the paved road on towards the water.  Here are just a few photos.......

TIME MACHINE ... "It exists only on paper and in the imagination of its founders."

(Reader-friendly viewing of newspaper archives material)


April, 1880

(The New York Times)



Ocean City, Md., March 31.- On the morning of Dec. 29, 1874, THE TIMES was sent the first letter ever written for publication from this place. The first paragraph of that letter read: "I write from where the Ocean House is to be, and not from where it is. Atlantic Ocean City is purely an American city. It exists only on paper and in the imagination of its founders. It is situated on the Synapuxant Beach, (newspaper spelling) about 20 miles below Lewes, and is intended by its founders to be a sea-side summer resort for Baltimorians, and a Winter resort for gunners from New York and Philadelphia." The dream of the originators of that sea-side city has been fully realized, and what then was a barren waste of sand is now covered by many hotels and private cottages. The Ocean House, the largest and best appointed hotel on the beach, had, last year sleeping accommodations for upwards of 500 guests, and dining arrangements for as many more. This season's preparations are being rapidly pushed to a conclusion, and when that house is opened this Summer it will have sleeping accommodations for upward of 800 guests, and will have dining-room and kitchen capacity for furnishing upward of 400 meals an hour. The Massey House, which stands just across the street from the Ocean House, can readily accommodate several hundred people, while the "Lynch" and the "Ayers" are also large and well kept houses. Besides, there are several other very good hotels in Ocean City, while the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railway Company owns a very large and pretty excursion house, or pavilion, built by that company for the accommodation of excursion parties brought by the company during the season to this city. During the past season excursions to Ocean City from all parts of this peninsula became very popular, and it was estimated that on some days last year not less than 20,000 people visited this place on these excursion trains. On one particular day, (a day made memorable by the death, by drowning, of Senator Fords, of Queen Anne's County, who at the cost of his own life, saved a young lady from that death,) excursion trains were made up to run directly to this point at Washington, at Baltimore, at Wilmington, at Philadelphia, and from off the Kent County Railroad, the Maryland and Delaware Railroad, and from the Maryland Extension Railroad.

(Many more details about Ocean City in 1880 coming up in Part 2 of this article next week!)


June, 1955

Numerous correspondents from surrounding communities near Pocomoke City contributed news of interest from their respective areas to Pocomoke's local newspaper, The Worcester Democrat, and were recognized in a 1955 seventy-fifth anniversary edition of the paper:

Mappsville area... Mrs. Anna Roberts

Cokesbury area... Mrs. Mildred Beauchamp

Snow Hill area... Mrs. Flossie H. Richardson

Beaverdam area... Mrs. Margaret Holland (contributing her column for 40 years)

Wattsville area... Mrs. Hazel Collins

Chincoteague area... Mrs. Kay Connor 


December, 1968

Pocomoke City residents were remembering Miss Mildred Schoolfield who passed away at age 65. Miss Schoolfield served as Pocomoke's town clerk for 30 years until her retirement six months earlier. 



May, 1893

Iowa Postal Card(Newspaper)- Fayette, Iowa

Miss Susan B. Anthony declares that we are on the eve of an era of unmarried women. The grounds for her opinion are that under modern social conditions young women are becoming more and more self-dependent.



Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



It is OUR responsibility to keep the Earth clean
for ALL generations.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden ~ Cypress Park

The Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden
Cypress Park ~ Pocomoke City, Maryland
April 5, 2012

If you venture into Cypress Park, just beyond the flag you will see what looks like to some nothing but weeds and overgrown brush.  Oh, how far from the reality of what this truly is.

The tidal garden was the idea of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker  some years ago. 

This selected area may look like an unkept or forgotten about area in the park but the grasses and dead looking twigs are quite essecential to the birds, insects and water life that share our space.

The photo below was taken from a Delmarva Discovery Center newsletter http://delmarvadiscoverycenter.org/documents/August09-Email.pdfin 2009.  Students and workers at the DDC helped clean in and around the garden.

More recently Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker and Don Malloy have been working to control/remove the invasive wetland grass known as phragmites from the area and replace it with other natural growth, such as the Marshmallow (althaea officinalis) which blooms in mid summer.
Which almost brings us up to speed....
This is the latest project for the tidal gardens. 

Encircling the tidal garden is a graveled path with reading stations along the way providing all the information you  need to understand what occurs in tidal areas like this, what lives there and how important they are.
The foot bridge (not completed in these photos) will provide the visitor a better look at the area.  The Delmarva Discovery Center uses this are quite often in their nature walks.  And as you can see in some of the photos the DDC is just a short walk to Cypress Park.

More photos of the foot bridge nearer completion will be posted soon.  Before going I think it's  very important to mention the lovely person for which this garden was named.

The Olive Lippoldt Tidal Wetland Garden is in honor of the wife of Curt Lippoldt, Mayor of Pocomoke City for many years.

She was an elementary school teacher  in Pocomoke City and well loved, not just by her students but by anyone that knew her.  In  July of 1995 Mrs. Lippoldt died and it only seems fitting that this tidal garden be nurtured and continued.

There is still plenty to do not just here in the tidal garden but on the nature trail at the back of Cypress Park also. 

And here's a parting thought.... If  Mrs. Olive Lippoldt was your teacher or the teacher for your children wouldn't you like to volunteer your time, in memory of her, to keep her memory alive and so that others may enjoy the great outdoors? 

TIME MACHINE Preview ... "It exists only on paper and in the imagination of its founders."

The above was written in 1874 but by just 1880 the New York Times was writing about Ocean City's rapid growth and many attractions.
Read about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!

Grand Opening TODAY!! ~ Welcome Them To Downtown Pocomoke City

Increase in Rabies Cases On The Shore

In the past week there have been four laboratory confirmed rabid animals collected from Accomack and Northampton Counties.

A rabid fox was collected from Seaside Road near Eastivlle (Simpkins) last week. This week a rabid raccoon was collected from Cardinal Acres near Parksley, another rabid raccoon was collected from Racetrack Road near Melfa. Another rabid raccoon was collected from the Deep Hole Rd. area of Chincoteague.

All of these animals had contact with pet dogs, except the Chincoteague Raccoon which was witnessed fighting with a stray gray cat that escaped.

Citizens are reminded to vaccinate their pets, and keep those vaccinations up to date.

Children should be instructed to avoid contact with all wild animals, and stray or unknown pets.

Animals at high risk of contracting rabies include bats, raccoons, foxes, skunks and cats.

All animal bites to people or pets should be reported within 24 hours to the Accomack County Sheriffs Dept. or the Health Department. The 24/7 Environmental Health Hotline can be reached at (757) 302-4300.


Friday, April 20, 2012

At The Mar-Va Theater This Weekend- With Something Special AFTER The Show!

For LOTS of reasons DON'T MISS the movie this weekend at the Mar-Va Theater!

I received special word from "Forester Rob"  today and here is what he had to say:
"The Worcester County Forest Conservancy District Board has partnered with the Maryland Forest Service and the Marva Theater to distribute loblolly pine seedlings after the showing of Dr. Suess' the "Lorax", this weekend.
Seedlings will be available as patrons exit the Marva Theater following each screening of the movie to the first one hundred families.  They will be individually wrapped and also contain a coupon good for a discount on the purchase of nursery stock trees at selected local garden centers.  Details will be printed on the coupon.
It is also rumored that Smokey Bear may make an appearance to remind citizens to protect our forests, especially in these times of drought, high winds and extreme fire danger!"
So there you go!  Don't miss The Lorax this weekend.  Get a seedling to grow your own tree, a coupon to buy another to plant and watch  as it grows - the birds will love you for it.
AND- Maybe the chance to meet Smokey the Bear!

(And thinking back, I don't think I have ever met Smokey)

Do You Have Some Things You Want To Sell?

Downtown Pocomoke Farmers & Flea Market

OPEN 7:00 AM

Friday & Saturday


Take A Cruise On the Scenic Pocomoke River

Pocomoke River Cruises!!!
Capt. John Riggi and the Bay Queen are all set for spring.

Tours are Thursday through Saturday at 1pm.
Except on 4/20, 4/27 and 5/10
when tours will be at 2pm

Adult: $ 20/ Child $ 10
Tickets can also be purchased individually rather than as a package.Enjoy the Discovery Center for the day and a scenic cruise down the Pocomoke River on the Bay Queen.

Cal Ripken Helping Tornado Victims

The Associated Press

A Baseball Hall of Fame member who set the record for consecutive games played is headed to Joplin to help with tornado recovery efforts.

Cal Ripken Jr. spent 21 years with the Baltimore Orioles and holds the Major League Baseball record with 2,632 consecutive games played.

He plans to help Habitat for Humanity volunteers rebuild two homes Wednesday morning in a Joplin neighborhood damaged by the deadly May 2011 tornado.

Ripken's visit to southwest Missouri is the first stop in a 13-city tour of Habitat volunteer projects. The trip is sponsored by Energizer Holdings Inc., a St. Louis-based battery manufacturer.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

TIME MACHINE Preview ... "It exists only on paper and in the imagination of its founders."

The above was written in 1874 but by just 1880 the New York Times was writing about Ocean City's rapid growth and many attractions.
Read about it this Sunday on The Pocomoke Public Eye!

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to tkforppe@yahoo.com and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!



Spend an evening reminiscing about the past and talking about what life in a small town was like when you, your parents, and your great grandparents were young. The Costen House Museum will hold an evening celebrating Pocomoke's history.

LOCATION: American Legion in Pocomoke, MD
DATE:  Saturday   April 21, 2012
TIME: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
COST:  $15.00 per person 
The net proceeds will benefit the Costen House Museum

 DINNER:  The ladies of the American Legion will have delicious food and beverage prepared.

 ENTERTAINMENT:  Music and a visit from Pocomoke's first mayor, Dr. Isaac Costen, played by Lance Wright.

Tickets are available at these Pocomoke City locations: First Shore Federal, City Hall, and Market Street Deli. For more information call

Rita Ullmann 443-783-5285, Kathleen Palmer 410-957-1255, Jackie Gordon 410-957-4966, or Diane Kerbin 410-957-4579.

Worcester County Honors Its Most Beautiful People

Tuesday, April 17, the Worcester County Commissioners and Volunteer Services Manager Cyndy Howell recognized the contributions of area volunteers during the 2012 Worcester County’s Most Beautiful People (WCMBP) Volunteer Awards Ceremony.

This celebration honored 21 individuals and two organizations recognized by Worcester County for their ongoing service to the community.

Individuals recognized by Worcester County included Mickey Ashby, Winette Dennis and Greg Frostrom of Pocomoke City, Ed Colbert, Stacy Schaffer, and Helen Rasmus and Mary W. Smith of Berlin, Jack “Graham” Caldwell, Mike Corcoran, William “Bill” Long, Diane McGraw and Mary M. Stevens of Ocean Pines, Phillip “Phil” I. Houck, and Jackie Disharoon and Jo Miller and Timothy Garett Roe of Ocean City, Christy O’Connell, and Mary and James Waters of Snow Hill, and Git R Done Cleaning Services of Newark

The two groups recognized included Instructional Volunteers for Outreach of the Veterans Memorial of Ocean Pines and the Community Church at Ocean Pines Choir

These outstanding individuals and organizations are among the 1.3 million Maryland volunteers whose combined volunteer hours represent a worth of $4 billion this past year.

"This collective group today serves countless hours throughout Worcester County providing needed services that enhance the lives of our residents,” said Howell. “Our human capital is our greatest resource here!”

Those in attendance during the county’s 2012 WCMBP ceremony represent only a small sample of the hundreds of volunteers whose efforts sustain vital programs that otherwise could not be made available in our area.

Worcester County Government is extremely grateful for each of the countless volunteers who dedicate their time, talent, and resources day in and day out to improve the lives of those around them. It is these individuals and groups, whose good works often go unnoticed by the general public, who make Worcester County such a wonderful place to call home.

For more information on volunteering in Worcester County, contact Cyndy Howell at (410) 632-0090.

Something About Dick Clark Locals My Not Remember

By this time the would knows of the passing of Dick Clark yesterday at the age of 82 from a massive heart attack.

Yesterday evening "tk"- the person responsible for all the interesting history from around our area- left a comment under the original Dick Clark post.  I was afraid alot of you would miss the comment so here it is:

tk for PPE has left a new comment on your post "Dick Clark Dies At 82":

"In the late 1940's the parents of Dick Clark's girlfriend, Babrara Mallery, moved to Salisbury from Syracuse, NY. She attended Salisbury State College for a couple of years before transferring to another college. Clark was working at WFIL in Philadelphia at the time and made frequent trips to Salisbury to visit Barbara. As referenced in the book American Bandstand "...which necessitated what Clark described as seventeen-hour 'sheer suicide' motor trips in his heaterless '34 Ford convertible in the dead of winter." They married in 1952; divorced in 1961.

Dick Clark made a guest appearance as MC at a fund raising teen record hop at the Salisbury armory along with WBOC's George Hack (who hosted a weekly live TV dance show on Saturday afternoons). Clark also participated in Salisbury's Christmas parade one year."


NEWS RELEASE: Downtown Pocomoke Revitalization - Grand Opening, Saturday 4/21

A 2nd Time Around Celebrates its Grand Opening

Pocomoke City – 18 April 2012 – Pocomoke City Mayor Bruce Morrison proudly announces the grand opening of “A 2nd Time Around,” a new retail establishment featuring repurposed items, collectibles, thrift, records, and other vintage jewels.  This shop offers a little bit of everything for everyone.

Both natives of the area, owners Terri Darby and Dana Blanchard have spent years scouring the Eastern Shore and collecting their treasures.  Now they are opening their doors to share them with the community.  A 2nd Time around will buy, sell and trade most vintage items.

Terri and Dana are a community-oriented couple and they are receiving a warm welcome from their downtown neighbors.  Some recognize Terri from her work leading coordination of the Annual Sarah Foxwell Memorial Scholarship Ride that benefits Salisbury University’s social work program.  Many auction-goers and pickers are friendly with Dana.  Others are simply getting to know the couple through friendly daily interactions at the newly opened store.  All seem impressed with the commitment they bring to downtown development, with a renewed emphasis on both cost-effective and “green” living. 

This Saturday’s grand opening is a community event.  Local business owners and public officials will be on hand and guests will be able to view a display of high school repurposing projects donated by Pocomoke High School.  It will all take place at A 2nd Time Around, at 125 Market Street (on the corner of Market & Second Streets, downtown), beginning at 2:00pm and ending at 4:00pm.  The event will include a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 2:15pm, and a door prize drawing at 3:45pm.  Refreshments will be served. 

The store’s opening marks a milestone in the city’s efforts to attract new businesses to Pocomoke’s downtown as it repositions itself as a tourist destination.  Members of the community who are interested in learning more about A 2nd Time Around are encouraged to stop by on Saturday.  Those interested in the city’s downtown efforts in general, should contact Angela Manos, at 410-603-1178, or downtownpocomoke@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dick Clark Dies At 82

Dick Clark, the music industry maverick, longtime TV host and powerhouse producer who changed the way we listened to pop music with "American Bandstand," and whose trademark "Rockin' Eve" became a fixture of New Year's celebrations, died today at the age of 82.

Clark's agent Paul Shefrin said in statement that the veteran host died this morning following a "massive heart attack."


Saturday, April 21, 2012

11:00 A.M.  until 3:00 P.M.
(or until gone)

Cost:  $9.00

Menu includes:
1/4 BBQ Chicken
2 Sides

Baked goods and beverages on sale too.

Come on out and join us for another BBQ Chicken Platter fundraiser!

From Delegate Mike McDermott

The Real "Doomsday" for Marylanders
by Delegate Mike McDermott

Historically, there is no frame of reference for what happened in the Maryland General
Assembly’s final day of the 2012 session. The budget that was passed is referred to by
democratic leaders as the “Doomsday Budget”, but only a big spender equates increases of
over a half a billion dollars to be the end of the world.

Fortunately, when democrats fail at their agenda, Marylander’s keep more money in their
own wallets. As it sits, our taxpayers are $700 million to the good if we do not go back for a
Special Session. They will lose all of that and more if we get the phone call to return. The
real “Doomsday” is what the democratic budget proposals and new regulations will bring to all
Marylanders in the coming year.

This year, local governments lost more of their autonomy through centralized building codes
and the O’Malley-Brown septic provisions. These actions will have a chilling effect on future
rural development as private property rights fall under the heel of Annapolis bureaucrats.

Thanks to a bill sponsored by democrats, counties like Wicomico which have citizen sponsored
Revenue/Tax Caps in place will be forced to ignore statutory limits when it comes to education
spending or face mandated confiscation of tax revenues subsequently diverted to the local
school board. Talk about a “Doomsday” scenario for local government!

Democratic legislators robbed the Bay Trust Fund of millions and then double the Flush Tax to
make up the difference. They double tolls and demand tax increases so we can “maintain our
infrastructure” while at the same time siphoning millions from the trust fund to cover other wants.
They swap today’s dollars for tomorrow’s debt.

The folly of not drilling for natural gas (4cents per kilowatt hour) coupled with the governor’s
demand for wind energy (24 cents per kilowatt hour) is tantamount to shooting ourselves in the
foot. Our energy policy makes no sense as we continue our reputation of being an unfriendly
state in which to conduct business. Cheap energy drives our economy and Maryland is the
Saudi Arabia of natural gas. The failure to move forward with production has cost us tens of
thousands of jobs.

New laws will burden farmers with additional regulations all done in the name of “preservation”.
I find it disingenuous to say we want to “preserve” something when our very actions will result
in its demise. It appears they will not be satisfied until rural Maryland is a distant memory and
farming is what grandpa did, “back in the day”. When farmers have an attorney on speed dial,
we must ask ourselves, “Why”?

Current policy and budgeting practices are what is leading us to “Doomsday”. Marylander’s,
take back your state.

NASA At Wallops Island: Antares Moves to Launch Pad

Orbital Science's Antares rocket has been moved to the launch pad at the NASA Wallops Mid Atlantic Spaceport facility at Wallops Island.
The first stage of Orbital Sciences Corporation’s Antares rocket stands in launch position during pathfinder operations at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport. Orbital’s Antares launch vehicle will be conducting missions for NASA under its Commercial Orbital Transportation Service Program and Cargo Resupply Services contract. (NASA Photo/P.Black)

For more information go to http://www.nasa.gov/ 

Chicken Salad Luncheon



Salem United Methodist Church 
Second Street
 Pocomoke, MD

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

COST: $7 per lunch (eat in or carry out) / $7 per pint / $2 per dozen biscuits

For more information: 410-957-0991

The best chicken salad you will ever eat!

NASA'S Discovery Shuttle Flies Over D.C.

Clear skies along the East Coast put NASA’s pilots 10 minutes ahead of schedule after an early-morning liftoff from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center, leaving some spectators scrambling for a view.

Before heading downtown, Discovery buzzed Runway 1R at Dulles, cruising above a well-placed flapping American flag.

Ten minutes later, the piggybacked pair winked into view against gray clouds above the Potomac River, zooming past Reagan National Airport before banking left, circling behind the Capitol, and making the first of three runs down the Mall.

“That is just so wow,” said Martha Taft of the District, wiping away tears as Discovery zoomed over Memorial Bridge with a barely audible “whoosh.”

When a red double-decker tourist bus stopped on the bridge, blocking the view, the crowd booed. The bus moved.

“It was very cool to see how it banked. When it turned, you were able to see the whole shuttle,” said Sam Kristy, 10, whose parents, Ben and Rachel, took him out of school for the show.

On the Mall, cheers, whoops and hollers went up as the tandem flew low.

The shuttle then crossed the Potomac and flew over Arlington National Cemetery and the graves of five astronauts killed in the two space shuttle tragedies. Richard Scobee and Michael J. Smith died aboard Challenger in 1986, and David M. Brown, Laurel Salton Clark and Michael P. Anderson perished when Columbia disintegrated during reentry in 2003.

The 2,000-car parking lot of the Udvar-Hazy Center was full by 9 a.m., and an overflow crowd camped out with blankets, coolers and folding chairs on an embankment along Route 28, cameras aimed skyward, 30 minutes before Discovery’s first appearance.

Discovery made its first pass over thousands of onlookers at the Udvar-Hazy Center as children shouted, “I see it!” and adults gasped.

Centreville resident Kyle Foster said Discovery has been his favorite shuttle since watching it launch in 1984, recalling lines of cars along the Florida coast, the night’s pitch blackness and the roar of the orbiter’s engines.
Foster took the morning off from work to witness Discovery’s arrival with his wife and 1-year-old daughter, calling it a “living piece of history.”

“It’s never gonna fly again,” said 78-year-old Edith Murray, visiting the Mall from Rhode Island.

Outside National Airport, Kristen Mitchell, 26, of Springfield, was simultaneously excited and sad, having come of age just as the shuttle program waned. “And now I’m seeing the end of it,” she said.

Just as Discovery transitions from trusty space truck to museum showpiece, NASA continues its transition phase. The 30-year space shuttle program ended last year, leaving America without the means to launch people into space for the first time since 1981. NASA now pays the Russian space agency to send American astronauts to the international space station. By 2017, NASA hopes American-built private spacecraft — financed by NASA — will take over the role of orbital taxi.

But for today, the embattled agency got to show off its space hero one last time, a 27-year-old flier whose scorched and dingy siding visually describe her duties.

“She’s old and venerable and has lots of quirks,” said former shuttle astronaut Piers Sellers, who flew on Discovery in 2006. “We had sheets of paper that said, ‘When this alarm goes off, ignore it.’ Or, ‘this fuel gauge doesn’t work.’ She just does that. She had a lot of little quirks, but her heart was solid.”

As Discovery banked around the west end of the Mall for a final pass, the battered white shuttle glowed in a shaft of sunlight, looking large and at ease — a bird with clipped wings just along for the ride.

Staff writers Rachel Karas, Jacqueline Trescott, Stefanie Dazio and Erin Williams contributed to this report.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Press Release ~ Worcester County Sheriff's Office

Worcester County Sheriff’s Office

On April 5, 2012 at approximately 1558 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Matthew Edward Severe of Ocean City, MD on a Circuit Court Bench Warrant for violation of probation-failure to report. Mr. Severe was held at the Worcester County Jail on $10,000 bond.

On April 11, 2012 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Antwan Deshay Freeman of Delaware on a fugitive warrant through Virginia on the charges of Conspiracy and Uttering. Mr. Freeman was held at the Worcester County Jail on no bond.

On April 11, 2012 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Latasha Renee Blake of Berlin, MD on a District Court warrant for failure to appear for court for the original charges of failure to obey a reasonable order. Ms. Blake was held at the Worcester County Jail on $2500 bond.

On April 12, 2012 at approximately 1037 hours a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy arrested Sean Travers Higgins of Ocean City, MD on a District Court warrant for failure to appear for court on the original charges of theft less than $1000 and unauthorized removal of property.  Mr. Higgins was released on personal recognizance.
On 04/15/2012 a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with an inoperable headlight in the area of Rt 50 and MD 90. K9 scan was conducted on the vehicle The K-9 alerted to a Controlled Dangerous substance in the vehicle. A juvenile male from Salisbury, MD was placed under arrest for possession of marihuana. The juvenile was under GPS monitoring for house arrest at the time of the arrest and was committed to the Lower Eastern Shore Children’s Center pending further action.

On 04/15/2012 a Worcester County Sheriff’s Office Deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for traveling 71 in a 55 mile per hour zone on RT 113 in the area of Lambertson Road. A search was conducted and the driver, identified as Kristine Baney 25 of Mendenhall PA. A Controlled Dangerous Substance was found and Ms. Baney was placed under arrest for possession of marihuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Ms. Baney was released on her own recognizance pending trial.

Lt. Edward C. Schreier
Worcester County Sheriff's Office